Warlord’s Mercy Featured On USA Today Blog

Tolui, a clone of a powerful Warlord, is a male without a homeland or a future. Doomed to never mate, he ruthlessly wages war, seeking to give his clone brothers a planet system to call their own, a place where they can live without persecution.
When Tolui crashes on a deserted planet and meets a small human female, he discovers everything he knows about clones is a lie. Lea, his destined mate, frees the passion he’s suppressed over his lifetime. He wants her. He needs her. He’ll do anything to bond with her.
But he won’t share her. Tolui’s greatest battle will be the fight for Lea’s heart. To win her love, he’ll face hundreds of his clone brothers, men who look exactly like him.
Buy Now From: http://www.ellorascave.com/warlord-s-mercy.html
Buy Now From Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Warlords-Mercy-Barbarian-Claims-ebook/dp/B00ELJQ8NY
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Their Missing Lynx Releases
Their Missing Lynx, a sexy lynx shifter/bear shifter/human menage written for my good buddy Bad Barb, releases today from Changeling!
By Cynthia Sax
Now Available From Changeling Press

Ben and Lorcan want more than one wild night with Rue. The big bear shifter and the savage lynx shifter know she’s their mate. They’ll try anything — flowers, sweet words, an all night erotic frenzy — to claim Rue permanently.
Because if they don’t claim Rue, death will.
Buy It Now: http://www.changelingpress.com/product.php?&upt=book&ubid=2102
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Interview With Anne Kane
I sat down (virtually) with Anne Kane for a short interview. Anne Kane writes hot erotic romances (I LOVE her Imperial Were-panthers) and her latest release is Mercenaries 2: Running Scared, a sexy Futuristic Romance.
Cynthia Sax: What makes Jackson, the hero in Running Scared, sexy?
Anne Kane: Jackson may be a mercenary, but he has a heart of gold. He’s the only survivor of a government raid that wiped out his entire family, and he swore he’d never be that defenceless again. He’s spent the last few years of his life learning every weapon and hand-to –hand technique he can find. He joined the Kaeden’s mercenaries because he believes in what they stand for. The group had its own agenda and only take on contracts that they feel are worth fighting for. They make enough to survive on, and not much else. Not the most lucrative way to run a company, but then, money doesn’t mean a lot to people who’ve seen everything they love blown to bits. One of the things that attracted him to Saralyn is her dedication to finding her brother – he wishes he had someone left to find.
Cynthia Sax: Does a character in Running Scared have a secret?
Anne Kane: Well of course they do, but if I told you then it wouldn’t be a secret, now would it! I’ll tell you this much – it’s Saralyn’s secret and Jackson guesses it almost right from the beginning. He just can’t get her to admit that he’s right. Women can be so stubborn at times!
Cynthia Sax: Is Running Scared a series and will you be writing more stories in this series?
Anne Kane: This is book two of my Mercenaries series, and yes I will definitely be writing more in it. I love a man in uniform, I love guys who are loyal to each other and to their own code of honor, and I love it when I can give them the love that they deserve.
Cynthia Sax: What one piece of advice would you give new writers?
Anne Kane: Don’t give up! Believe in yourself! (That’s two pieces of advice, isn’t it) Everyone will give you advice, and often it is conflicting but just take what you like and leave the rest. I had my first story entered into two contests at the same time. It was ripped to shreds by a contest judge who had absolutely nothing good to say about it or my writing abilities, but then it won the other contest – first place with a publishing contest and a hefty advance. Remember that writing is an art and appreciation of art is subjective. What one person likes, another may hate. You certainly can’t please everyone. So long as you believe in yourself, and don’t give up you will eventually get to see your name on a published manuscript.
Thank you, Anne Kane, for joining us today!
Anne Kane’s Website: http://www.annekane.com/
She was a genetic experiment that was never supposed to get out of the lab. If the government finds her they will kill her without hesitation. Her memories of her early life are sketchy but the one clear image she has is of a brother who saved her life, and then disappeared.
Jackson knows what it’s like to lose your entire family in one bloody instant, and he vows to help Saralyn find hers. It doesn’t hurt that he finds her irresistibly sexy or that the attraction is mutual. They enlist the rest of the mercenary team in a search operation that takes them into the heart of the corrupt government.
Buy From Changeling Press: http://www.changelingpress.com/product.php?&upt=book&ubid=2097
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Warlord’s Mercy Releases

Tolui, a clone of a powerful Warlord, is a male without a homeland or a future. Doomed to never mate, he ruthlessly wages war, seeking to give his clone brothers a planet system to call their own, a place where they can live without persecution.
When Tolui crashes on a deserted planet and meets a small human female, he discovers everything he knows about clones is a lie. Lea, his destined mate, frees the passion he’s suppressed over his lifetime. He wants her. He needs her. He’ll do anything to bond with her.
But he won’t share her. Tolui’s greatest battle will be the fight for Lea’s heart. To win her love, he’ll face hundreds of his clone brothers, men who look exactly like him.
Buy Now From: http://www.ellorascave.com/warlord-s-mercy.html
Buy Now From Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Warlords-Mercy-Barbarian-Claims-ebook/dp/B00ELJQ8NY
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Interview With B.J. McCall
I sat down (virtually) with B.J. McCall for a short interview. B.J. McCall’s latest release is Kela’s Guardian, a very sexy Paranormal Romance.
Cynthia Sax: What makes Ansara, your hero, so super sexy?
B.J. McCall: Ansara is the quintessential hero. He’s handsome, brave and fights against evil. He enters the story as a hero, saving Kela from a pack of vampires. She’s in the thick of battle using pointed stakes for weapons and exhibiting rudimentary skills at best. It’s obvious she’s in way over her head, but she stands her ground and earns Ansara’s respect.
Ansara is a soldier for the warrior angels. Coming to Earth to destroy a demon is just another day on the job, but the moment he sees the cross Kela is wearing his quest changes. Guarding Kela is the mission.
Some missions come with perks and this would-be warrior is Ansara’s kind of woman.
Cynthia Sax: What excites you about Kela’s Guardian?
B.J. McCall: I enjoy the challenge of putting a new twist on a vampire tale and I love interweaving a vampire story with fantasy and sci-fi. Kela’s fiance has become a vampire. No one else knows or understands what is happening and the cops think she’s crazy.
Kela is thrown into a paranormal world and doubts her sanity, but she’s determined to stop the man she once loved. Instead of running away from the situation, she takes on the danger. Then Ansara, a guardian from the mystical planet of Thasia, appears. Kela’s life takes another decidedly paranormal turn as she joins forces with the guardian and enters the age old battle against evil.
Writing Kela’s journey from an ordinary citizen to vampire hunter captivated me from the first chapter. I love telling her story.
Cynthia Sax: Where did you get the idea for Kela’s Guardian?
B.J. McCall: I’ve always liked stories about an ordinary person confronting and overcoming an extraordinary situation. My ‘What If ‘ plot bunnie perked up its ears at the idea of an ordinary woman living in suburbia being confronted with a situation beyond her wildest dreams. She must deal with a problem beyond her skill set. She must stop a vampire.
The odds are against her until she finds help from an unexpected source and has to deal with another out-of-this-world situation, a hunky, sword-wielding, demon-slaying guardian.
Cynthia Sax: Where does Kela’s Guardian start?
B.J. McCall: The first scene takes place in a club called the Devil’s Warehouse. It’s the reader’s introduction to Chabeau. The vampire has chosen his victim, plucking the young healthy woman off the dance floor for nourishment and pleasure.
The reader knows what is happening and must join Kela as she discovers that vampires do exist and her fiance, Roland Chabeau has joined dark side.
Thank you, B.J. McCall, for joining us today!
B.J. McCall’s Website: http://www.bjmccall.com/
Vampires don’t exist. That’s what Kela believed before her fiancé joined the dark side. The cops think she’s crazy, but there’s a job to be done and someone’s got to do it.
Ansara has been ordered to destroy Vakkar, a demon bent on raising a vampire army. A celestial jump lands him in the middle of a fight between a feisty female and a group of vampires. Ansara soon realizes protecting this sexy warrior is as important as his mission. Their lust is as strong as the danger surrounding them.
Vampires, demons and a sexy hunk from a mystical galaxy? Kela’s carnal guardian quickly becomes an anchor in a world that has taken a decidedly supernatural turn.
Buy From Ellora’s Cave: http://www.ellorascave.com/kela-s-guardian.html
Buy From Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Kelas-Guardian-ebook/dp/B00DJ725GS
Buy From Barnes and Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/kelas-guardian-bj-mccall/1115864279
Buy From ARe: https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-kela039sguardian-1225042-340.html
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Interview With Carla Swafford
I sat down (virtually) with Carla Swafford for a short interview. Carla Swafford crafted The Circle Series, a wonderful Romantic Suspense Trilogy from Avon.
Cynthia Sax: What is your favorite line from The Circle Series?
Carla Swafford: My favorite is in CIRCLE OF DANGER and from the hero’s point of view. “When had his life turned into a porn version of a James Bond movie?”
Ryker has led a hard and dangerous life, especially after his parents were killed in a car bomb when he was twelve. From the same blast, he suffered burn scars on one side of his face and lost the vision in that eye. The following years were spent training to become the best operative in The Circle organization. The man in-charge of Ryker’s life abused him and used the only person he loved against him. With all that drama, he rarely found anything humorous. So when he had that thought, you knew he’d been caught off guard by the woman and her libidinous actions. The sarcasm showed how much of a regular guy he was deep inside.
Cynthia Sax: Where does The Circle Series start?
Carla Swafford: I like this question. No one has ever asked me that.
Let me refer to the first book, CIRCLE OF DESIRE. I adore that scene for I love taking something that is common for a male role and then twisting it by placing a female in the same situation. So the opening scene has Olivia St. Vincent on ready with a sniper rifle, waiting for her mark to come into sight. She caresses her weapon, loving the feel of it in her hands. Could it be that this is the only part of her life she feels in control? To her, killing people is a job and something she does to stay alive. Thankfully, she’s very good at it. The man she works for expects her obedience, and failure will only bring her a death sentence. But with all that deadly confidence comes at a cost. For no matter how cold she appears, she’s a human being struggling to hide a tiny crack in her protective shell.
Cynthia Sax: What is one aspect that makes your couples right for each other?
Carla Swafford: Let me refer to the third book, CIRCLE OF DECEPTION. Abby and Rex are polar opposites, but they need each other. Rex is a big man (oh, yes, six-five and well built) and doesn’t really believe in himself or his ability to do the job he needs to do. Abby is confident in her work but is more apt to be found hanging back and watching others make fools of themselves. Rex is loud and loves to talk, especially during sex. Abby is quiet and isn’t sure if being with Rex again is a good move. When Rex is with Abby, he realizes she makes him a better, confident man, and Abby begins to believe that Rex is man enough to forgive her for her mistakes. Oh, yeah, and they’re explosive on paper. (Pun intended, if you’ve read my book, you’ll get it. HA!)
Cynthia Sax: Does someone in The Circle Series have a secret?
Carla Swafford: Oh, all of the characters in all three books have secrets. Since some would be spoilers, I’ll give you hint about each of the heroes’ secrets. It’s like this: each fellow has a different hang up about sex that gets them off. You’ll have to read them to figure it out. HA! HA! I’m such a tease. LOL!
Cynthia Sax: Tell us a bit more about The Circle Series.
Carla Swafford: The three books are part of a series, but I wrote each to be read alone. BUT to get the full enjoyment of the series, I suggest reading them all. In order, CIRCLE OF DESIRE, CIRCLE OF DANGER, and CIRCLE OF DECEPTION.
Though Avon has passed on further installments, I plan to self-publish another one next year. It will be Jack’s story. He’s in all three of the books and needs his story told. Bless his heart, he’s needs someone to love him, and I have the perfect girl to teach him about love.
Thank you, Carla Swafford, for joining us today!
Carla Swafford’s Website: http://www.carlaswafford.com/
She knew how to fight but not to love …
As the top assassin at The Circle, a shadowy group of mercenaries, Olivia St. Vincent can hunt down anyone. She’s been trained since she was a teenager to kill without feeling, to interact with men without love. But when she’s kidnapped by the enigmatic leader of a rival organization, she learns she’s been lied to for years. She never worked for the good guys.
Collin Ryker believes the sultry woman he’s abducted knows more than she’s telling about The Circle and its plans for complete domination. Over time, as they work together, Olivia’s tenacity and vulnerability captivate him. But if he isn’t careful, Collin will fall into the biggest trap of all: caring for a woman who can betray him to his greatest enemy.
Buy From Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Circle-of-Desire-ebook/dp/B005JWU8QU
In a follow-up to Carla Swafford’s sexy Circle of Desire, the agents of The Circle-a top secret group of assassins-are back and on the hunt for a dangerous druglord capable of bringing women to the brink of pleasure . . . and devastation.
Marie Beltane, a lowly records-keeper for the Circle resents being treated like a little girl and wants to help by proving she’s worthy of being a Circle operative. Disobeying Arthur Ryker’s orders to stay out of the way, she accepts a simple fact finding assignment-only to have everything go horribly wrong. Now she’s been injected with the drug responsible for the death of four local women, a drug that puts her sex drive into over-drive.
Ryker wants nothing more than to keep Marie safe from the world. He’s already killed to protect her from one madman and he may have to do it again. While on a search for an antidote to her mysterious drug, he falls into a trap and must fight a new evil. Now he must become the monster he always feared to save the woman he always loved.
Buy From Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Circle-Danger-Avon-Red-ebook/dp/B007MAU2UO
Carla Swafford’s erotic Circle series comes to an exhilarating finale as the team of sexy spies and assassins goes undercover-under the covers.
After disappearing days before her wedding to fellow Circle agent Rex Drago, Abby’s discovered that trying to reclaim a life-and a love-lost is a whole lot harder than she thought. When her family’s safety is threatened by an arms dealer, Abby must go undercover with the one man who sees right through her and play the scariest role yet: husband and wife.
Mission or no mission, Rex Drago wants answers from his ex-fiancé. Forced to play along as a rival arms dealer and the husband he once wanted to be, Rex is finding it tough to stay professional-especially when Abby is just as hot as ever. And when they find themselves in a very intimate position, Abby and Rex must act the part-or risk blowing their cover entirely.
Buy From Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Circle-of-Deception-ebook/dp/B007UPDF96
Topics: Author Interviews | 4 Comments »
Interview With Genevieve Scholl
How about some Christmas in August? I sat down (virtually) with Genevieve Scholl for a short interview. Genevieve Scholl’s latest release is Love Claus- Book 1 in The Naughty North Pole Novels.
Cynthia Sax: What makes Trent sexy?
Genevieve Scholl: He’s Santa Claus’s son, loves the Christmas holiday, and loves animals; what’s NOT sexy about that?
Cynthia Sax: Where did you get the idea for Love Claus?
Genevieve Scholl: I love Christmas and everything having to do with it- except the religion part of it- and I wanted to share my love of the holiday and my belief in Santa Claus and the North Pole with everyone. My ultimate fantasy is to meet and fall in love with Santa Claus’s son; in this book, I and my readers were able to.
Cynthia Sax: What makes Trent and Cindy right for each other?
Genevieve Scholl: My characters, Trent and Cindy, are perfect for each other, because Cindy loves Christmas, but none of the people in her life do; her parents don’t celebrate it and her best friend hates cold and snow. Being with Trent makes Cindy feel safe and at home, because she doesn’t have to be ashamed of her love of the holiday.
Cynthia Sax: Does a character in Love Claus have a secret?
Genevieve Scholl: Yes, Trent keeps the secret of him being Santa Claus’s son at first until he knows Cindy is ready for the truth.
Cynthia Sax: Is Love Claus a series and will you be writing more stories in this series?
Genevieve Scholl: Books 2 and 3 will be out in November and December of 2013.
Thank you, Genevieve Scholl, for joining us today!
Cindy Gingerman loves the Christmas holiday, but sometimes she feels like she’s the only one. Her parents don’t celebrate, her best friend would rather be in Tahiti than watch the snow fall, and Cindy’s been single for a while. What a depressing Christmas.
Until, Trent shows up at her door dressed like Santa and holding a tree. Something draws her to him and she lets him into her home and her head…
Now, the only question is, will she let him into her heart as well?
Trent Claus knew that Cindy was his destined bride. From the moment he saw her, there was no denying it. The only challenge he had to face was getting her to believe it as well. Can he do it?
“Sweet Cindy…”
He believes he can, until his father falls ill and he has to move his plans along a lot faster than expected. What will Cindy think of his little town and the truth of who he is?
Will she run like his ex-girlfriend had? Or will she stay and make him the luckiest, and happiest, man on Earth?
“Please don’t go…”
Buy From Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Claus-Naughty-North-Novels-ebook/dp/B00APKJM5Y
Buy From Barnes and Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/love-claus-genevieve-scholl/1114302425
Buy From Smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/268577
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