Interview With Regine Abel
I sat down (virtually) with Regine Abel for a short interview. Regine Abel’s most recent release is Escaping Fate, a MFM Sci-Fi Paranormal Romance!
Cynthia Sax: What makes Lhor and Khel so freakin’ sexy?
Regine Abel: The only way for an unmated male to slow down the Taint plaguing him is through physical exertion. Xelixians therefore train on average four times a day, giving them insanely hot bodies. But the best part? Their fangs. No, they aren’t vampires. Their fangs are mainly used as weapons to paralyze or poison their prey. However, in the right dose, their venom acts as a recreational drug that brings a woman’s climax to a whole other level. On the other hand, Amalia’s Veredian markings darken when she’s aroused, making them erogenous. Wandering fingers or a teasing tongue brushing over them will make her writhe and squirm. But beware. When she enters her season, woe onto anyone who stands between Amalia and her mate.
Cynthia Sax: Ohhh… VERY sexy. What do you find especially exciting about Escaping Fate?
Regine Abel: Escaping Fate has a lot of flirting, sexual tension and steamy scenes. But that’s not what the book is about. There is a strong story with tons of action, suspense, and unexpected twists and turns. Amalia and her boys each have a unique personality that create some interesting situations from pretty funny to insanely intense. They’re all strong in their own way, often mischievous and badass when needed. I’m in love with those characters. If only I could meet them in real life and hang out!
Cynthia Sax: Where did you get the idea for Escaping Fate?
Regine Abel: I’m a junky for any romance with the Mars Needs Women trope. There was no question in my mind I would write something in the genre, but what? I’m a huge fan of Nalini Singh’s Psy-Changelings series, Tracy St. John’s Clans of Kalquor and M.K. Eidem’s Tornians. The idea of a species where individuals could each have a unique psychic ability excited me. I loved the world building in the Clan’s series with all the political intrigues and how the Kalquorians revisited what constituted a family unit to delay the slow extinction of their species. Grim inspired me with the social impact of their own crisis due to the scarcity of women; how it reshaped their society, redefined a woman’s role, a man’s worth, and the importance of social status. Escaping Fate was an attempt to combine these concepts in a fresh new way.
Cynthia Sax: I LOVE that trope also. Yum! Is Escaping Fate part of a series and will you be writing more stories in this series?
Regine Abel: Yes, this is a series, although each book is intended to work as standalone. I’m currently halfway through writing the second book. There is an overarching story which should incentivize people to read the novels in order. Most main characters from the previous books will reappear in the sequels. However, each book explores the romance of a different Veredian female. While Escaping Fate is MFM, the rest of the series will be MF only. That said, I do plan two spin-off series set in the same universe, one of which is shaping up to be MFM. My new book, Anton’s Grace, part of my Dark Tales series, is actually set in this world though it takes place on the other side of the galaxy. I’m curious to see how many readers will catch the Easter egg there.
Cynthia Sax: My readers usually catch the Easter Eggs. (grins) Thank you for joining us today, Regine Abel!
Regine Abel’s Website:
Born and raised on a slaver’s ship, Amalia plans to escape before she’s forced to participate in her master’s psi breeding program. She finds refuge on a foreign planet where she meets the cousins Lhor and Khel. Together, they fight against those hunting her down, while attempting to rescue the other victims of her master’s blood and sex slave ring.
Between her master’s dogged pursuit, deadly rivalries, assassins and corrupted nobles, can the cousins keep Amalia safe or will their respective feelings for her tear them apart?
This MFM novel is a constant toe-curling, action-packed thriller, and the first book in the Veredian Chronicles series. It is standalone with no cliffhanger.
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Interview With Ashley Ladd
I sat down (virtually) with Ashley Ladd for a short interview. Today is the release day for Ashley Ladd’s Her Men, a Contemporary Erotic MFM menage.
Cynthia Sax: What makes Tim and James so sexy?
Ashley Ladd: They’re strong—physically, mentally, spiritually. Mainly, they deeply love their woman and would do anything to win her and keep her safe and happy.
Cynthia Sax: What do you find exciting about Her Men?
Ashley Ladd: In “Her Men” Julie has dreamed about and longed for Timmy and James for twenty years. She finally gets her chance to be with them not just for a one-night stand, but possibly forever.
Cynthia Sax: What is your favorite line from Her Men?
Ashley Ladd: “You too. Is that a sign?”
She couldn’t help but chuckle. Since when did Tim believe in signs? “A sign?”…
“Your nipples are puckering through your suit. I’d call that a sign.”
I think this is cute and funny in a sexy sort of way. Julie and Timmy are engaging in a bantering verbal foreplay when they first meet after twenty years of being apart. Julie has been sunbathing on the Biloxi Beach, and he finds her in her dream. She’s wet and sandy and half-dressed during their reunion and so she’s feeling very insecure, then he mentions her physical reaction to him. She wants to die inside all the while she’s (obviously) turned on.
Cynthia Sax: Where did you get the idea for Her Men?
Ashley Ladd: This is the marriage of a couple ideas.
First I can never decide who I like better—Captain Jack Sparrow or Will Turner in ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’—so it’d be awesome if I could have both. This is fantasy, so why not?
Secondly, there is a man I’ve never forgotten, that I dream and daydream about often. I keep wondering what if I were to meet him again. What would happen? Does he remember me? If he remembers me, does he think of me fondly? Often? Does he miss me? Does he dream about me like I dream about him? Erotically? Romantically? If we both found ourselves single at the same time, could we, would we get back together?
Thank you, Ashley Ladd, for joining us today!
Ashley Ladd’s Website:
Forty-four year old Julie Weston has loved Timmy and James since her college days twenty something years ago. She’s fantasized about both all these long years, never able to choose between them.
Hoping Tim and James will attend, she attends their college marching band reunion. When both men show up her dreams are answered. They’re sexier than she imagined and she hopes they won’t be disappointed by her older self.
It turns out both men came just to see her again and neither is happy about the other’s presence. They fight over her, confusing her more than ever. It takes a hot ménage…or two…for her heart to decide which one she’s in love with.
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Interview With Jennifer Kacey
I sat down (virtually) with Jennifer Kacey for a short interview. Jennifer Kacey writes hot erotic romances for Ellora’s Cave and her latest release is Together in Cyn. Yeah. BEST TITLE EVER!
Cynthia Sax: Where is Together in Cyn set?
Jennifer Kacey: This story, and the entire series, is set in The Library. A members only BDSM club owned by Chris and Jared Kennedy, who are the heroes of Together in Cyn. The Library is a four story building filled with everything your naughty heart could possibly desire. Each of the owners/members/employees have a story. A secret desire…a confession they must unearth the strength to reveal. Each must accept themselves for what is truly inside, and embrace the fact that vanilla will never be their flavor of choice. I love the staid and snooty name for the club. Who’s going to question you when you say, “I’m going to The Library”? It’s unexpected and I LOVE that! (Minor confession – I’ve always wanted to own a club in a college town named The Library. This way I could “own” it and not have any overhead. Best of both worlds!)
Cynthia Sax: What creates conflict between Cyn, Jared and Chris?
Jennifer Kacey: Cyn has been in love with her best friends for…forever. But she can’t pick just one of the brothers, and she needs more than just missionary in the dark. But she’s convinced it can’t work out, so what does she do? She writes it all down in her diary. Locked away, never to see the light of day. Until Jared accidentally grabs it from her nightstand, and he and Chris read every…last…word. What she wants, she tried with another man and it left her shaken and scared. The guys know something happened, because there are pages missing in her diary. They want her to trust them completely with the truth of what keeps her up at night, but Chris has a back full of scars he never talks about. They each have darkness in their past they have to come to terms with, and make a full time ménage relationship work as well. Yes Please!
Cynthia Sax: Is Together in Cyn part of a series and will you be writing more stories in this series?
Jennifer Kacey: This is a series! Yea!! The series is called Members Only. Yummy, huh? I’ve got my editor to thank for that one! Together in Cyn is the first of 10…yeah I really did say 10!! Seriously, cloud nine and I are very well acquainted! Book Two is Haleigh’s Ink and is between Kyle, Scott and Haleigh. This one is an MMF. Book Three is a Christmas Quickie titled A Very Ménage Christmas and involves Skye, Jackson and Nick. These will both be published later this year. Thankfully both are fully written and I’m in edits for them as I type. Book Four is what I’m currently working on and that one is Jenna’s Consent. This will be between Jenna, Nick and Ian and I’m SOOO excited to write their story! I say that about every book, but this one seriously speaks to me. Then six more after that. One MM, one New Adult which may actually turn out to be the harshest of all the books, funny how those things work out. Ooh ooh ooh and Book Six is Dawning Skye, which is between Skye, Jackson and Bradford, who won’t be introduced until Book Four. The series is all mapped out. In my head and on paper thank heavens!
Cynthia Sax: What do you love about writing erotic romance?
Jennifer Kacey: The Sex. I love that I can write as much sex as I want into my stories. It doesn’t have to all be sugary and sweet. It can be no-holds-barred crazy monkey sex and someone out there is going to think, “Damn, now I need crazy monkey sex!” That is awesome!!!!! Ooh! And I don’t have to write just about one couple either. In Together in Cyn, Chris and Jared hook up with Cyn A LOT. Jenna gets to play with Cyn. Plus, I introduce everyone to Scott and Kyle, which are the two hero’s in Book Two – Haleigh’s Ink. And by “introduce” I mean have smokin hot, bend him over the side of the couch, kind of hi-how-are-ya. Anything goes, and that is unbelievably wonderful to write.
Cynthia Sax: What is your favorite line from Together in Cyn?
Jennifer Kacey: Okay don’t hate me I had to answer this one too, but I’ll keep it short (ish)! My favorite line. My first line. “So Cyn why aren’t you fucking anybody?” It sets the tone of the entire series not just this one. It’s harsh, and inquisitive and I totally got to write fuck into the first line. How cool is that?!? And it’s the first. The first sentence anyone will know me for. Know my stories, hopefully love my characters as much as I do. It’s humbling, and exciting, and I’m absolutely thrilled to be doing what I’m doing!
Thank you, Jennifer Kacey, for joining us today!
Jennifer Kacey’s Website:
She knows it’s wrong. Cyn shouldn’t have feelings for fraternal twins Jared and Chris, her best friends. She shouldn’t want them to tie her up or strap her down, to take her one at a time—or together. The only way to control her taboo desires is to write them down and lock them away in her diary. Guys like Jared and Chris could never be interested in someone like her, or in the kind of sex she craves.
But Jared and Chris have read her diary, and sweet little Cyn is in for the shock of her life. The brothers not only own a members-only BDSM club, they want her. Need her. And now, with their unlimited funds and an entire establishment devoted to fulfilling her darkest pleasures, they’re going to claim Cyn for their own.
Inside Scoop: If you have a kink, this book probably has it too. If you like your ménage romances extra hot with a side of male-male romance, spanking, voyeurism and girl-on-girl action, come and get it.
A Romantica® BDSM erotic romance from Ellora’s Cave
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Wayback Wednesday: Her Dragon Lords
As you likely know, I LOVE dragons (I also love Nutella). That’s why so many of my heroes are dragon shifters. And, of course, I couldn’t resist writing about a two-headed dragon. Come on! How could I? They’re so super cool!
This two-headed dragon shifts into twin warrior brothers. One warrior is clearly left-brained and the other warrior is clearly right-brained. I had so much fun with this. This story is also a nod to the King Arthur, Lancelot, Guinevere love triangle, fitting as Her Dragon Lords is a medieval fantasy erotic romance.
Her Dragon Lords was the first menage story I wrote and it will always have a special place in my heart.
By Cynthia Sax
Available Now From Changeling Press

knows these dreams cannot come true, and she must choose only one
warrior to wed. She selects the stoic elder brother, bidding a
regret-filled farewell to her other laughing lord.
Except her wedding night isn’t the end of their relationship, but a
new beginning. The brothers share everything, and Guinevere is about to
live out her deepest, darkest fantasies. Will she be woman enough to
tame her two wild dragon lords?
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