
By on November 5, 2020

November is NAtional NOvel WRiting MOnth (i.e. NaNoWriMo), a month in which many writers challenge themselves to write 50,000 words in 30 days.

(If your favorite writers disappear, they are likely participating in NaNoWriMo.)

It is often a lot of fun. Writers don’t have very many group events. This is one of them and many of us embrace NaNoWriMo.

I NEVER win NaNoWriMo. November is a huge revisions and edits month as editors prepare for the holiday season. That takes time away from writing fresh words.

November is also a very busy month in other areas. There is holiday shopping and charity work and the Dear Wonderful Hubby and I like to participate in US Thanksgiving (meeting with family and friends will be done over videochats this year).

If you’re participating in NaNoWriMo and you don’t win, that’s fine! The 50,000 word official goal is just a number someone made up. The true goals are to give the writing a little more focus and hopefully write a few more words and have fun.

This month, I plan to do very little fresh writing. I’m currently revising Containing Malice (releasing in February). After that has been completed, my goal is to revise three more short stories for the next C.S. Sax collection.

So I won’t be officially part of NaNoWriMo this year but I WILL be cheering for my writing buddies! Have a blast with it and celebrate the writing!


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Warlord’s Return

Ariq is a barbarian warrior seeking a war.

He locates that battle when he meets Xareni.

* * *

Ariq is one of Chamele’s top warriors. A genetic predisposition to fighting, paired with intensive training and experience, has honed the scarred male into an effective killing machine. He loves war, can’t live without combat.

The Succession Wars, however, have finally ended and the Chamele sector is now at peace. Seeking excitement and purpose, the barbarian warrior accompanies his Second to the Refuge, an outlaw settlement on Carinae E. He hopes to locate the battle he’s been craving there.

Ariq finds that conflict and more when he meets his fated mate.

Xareni owes the Ruler of the Refuge a favor. That’s the only reason she has returned to the settlement. She doesn’t like crowds or structures or a certain barbarian warrior who insists on following her everywhere. It doesn’t matter that there’s a connection between them, that he makes her burn with desire, that he looks at her with heat in his dark eyes.

She’s a monster and monsters don’t need anyone.

* * *

Warlord’s Return is a STANDALONE Alien Barbarian SciFi Romance featuring a determined barbarian warrior, an equally resolute human female, and an eyeball-eating mini dragon.

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