North Bound – Second Scene Of The First Chapter

By on March 30, 2020

North Bound, the fifth standalone story in the Cyborg Space Exploration series, is releasing on April 21st.

Last week, I shared the first scene from the first chapter.

You can read that scene here:

This week I’m sharing the second scene of that first chapter.


There wasn’t much of a choice. Doc preferred to stay on the ship, performing unauthorized tests on the crew. Chuckles had a damaged knee. That would slow the completion of the mission. “I choose Dissent.”

That male nodded. His expression was blank.

Dissent’s female was less reserved in her response. She grinned and linked her fingers with her warrior’s, appearing happy on Dissent’s behalf.

North’s gaze moved to the third member of the team. “And I choose Truth.”

“Yes.” The D Model grinned and pumped the air. “My kill rate will increase.”

“There will be no killing…unless those beings attempt to kill you.” Captain frowned at the frivolous warrior.

All of them had been designed for two things –to breed and to end lifespans. Many cyborgs would never find their females, would never experience breeding. But they all relished killing. North was no exception to that reality. His kill rate was extremely high.

Killing beings wasn’t their current mission. They were to catalog the planet for Power and the cyborg council.

North had his projections about why that action was required. The cyborg Homeland was crowded. There was a 74.0973 probability the council would choose one of the planets to claim as their own.

Evaluating prospective sites was an important task. His chin lifted. He wouldn’t fail his brethren.

Dissent’s female nudged her warrior with one of her elbows.

“My female wishes to join the team, Captain.” Dissent forwarded that absurd request. “She can be outfitted with sensors on her fingertips.” He looked at Doc.

The medic nodded. “The sensors are functional with humans.”

North’s lips flattened. A human female on his team would also slow the completion of the mission. In the past, cyborgs would have died due to that delay, and he couldn’t process with 100.0000 accuracy the dangers they would now face.

“Three warriors are sufficient.” Minimizing the size of the team held less risk.

All of the females, with the exception of Captain’s, glared at him.

His jaw jutted. It wasn’t the first time he had dealt with the disapproval of others, as the right decisions weren’t always the most popular decisions. Their responses wouldn’t sway him.

“Four beings would complete the mission faster.” Dissent’s female gazed at Captain, not at him.

Four cyborgs would complete the mission faster. The addition of a human female to the team would delay them. Dissent would move at his human female’s slower pace. All of them would allocate part of their processors to protecting her.

That was unacceptable.

“Dissent, can you confirm that statement?” North transferred that task to the J Model.

Truth, that foolish warrior, laughed.

Dissent levelled a hard glance at North.

Cyborgs couldn’t lie. That was a specification of their programming. The male couldn’t confirm the statement.

“There is a 68.9846 probability there are female humanoids on the planet.” The J Model’s calculation was correct. Most humanoids…and cyborgs…required females to reproduce naturally. “Female humanoids might feel more comfortable if we have a female on our team.”

The females on the bridge, with the exception of Captain’s female, nodded, approving of that non-answer. Dissent’s female patted her warrior’s arm.

They then turned their heads and gazed at North.

All of them were aligned against him. Captain didn’t voice his opinion, remaining neutral. Captain’s female was also silent.

North was alone. There was no one supporting his stance.

But he processed it was the right decision and he wouldn’t deviate from it. “The comfort of the local population isn’t a parameter of this mission.” That output wasn’t important to him. “Our primary objective is to explore the planet, document it, employ force only when force is utilized against us.”

“That’s no fun.” Truth expressed his unhappiness about that last restriction.

“I can help you achieve your primary objective.” Dissent’s female wasn’t deviating from her position.

“My secondary objective is to ensure all our team members return to the Reckless alive.” That was North’s responsibility as the leader of the team.

“That should be your primary objective.” Captain frowned at him.

If it was his primary objective, the team wouldn’t leave the safety of the ship.

North said nothing.

“Dissent is part of your team.” Dissent’s female, in contrast, didn’t remain silent. “I would never put him or any other cyborg in danger.”

Merely by fighting his orders, she could put them in danger. A moment’s delay in battle caused deaths. “You would be part of that team.”

Being a human, she was slower and weaker and more fragile than a cyborg. She would have been the first being the Humanoid Alliance decommissioned if his team hadn’t achieved their objective.

A failure could cost them a precious female.

North inwardly shuddered. He wouldn’t be responsible for such a huge loss to his kind.


Read the next scene (available April 6th) here:


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North Bound

A mission-focused cyborg battles a captivating and dramatic distraction.


North, the second-in-command of a cyborg crew, has two priorities—he has to explore and collect data on Balazoid Minor, a small planet in their sector, and he must bring his three-being team back to the ship alive and fully functional.

When he encounters his brash, bravado-wielding female, the one being genetically designed for him, he recognizes her for what she is—a distraction that might get him and his brethren killed. He WILL claim her, but only on his terms, when his mission is complete and everyone he is responsible for protecting is safe.

Myrina the Magnificent is the best warrior on her planet and possibly the universe. She has captured an unparalleled fourteen males for her all-female tribe. Once she has secured the fifteenth male, she will be a legend. Her name will live forever. She’ll earn the undying adoration of her sisters. Glory will be hers.

The male in her sights—and in her snare—is a huge, gray-skinned, blue-eyed cyborg with a skill for war and lips designed for kissing. One emotionally charged battle is all it takes for Myrina to realize she wants North for herself. She won’t share his caresses with anyone.

Their forbidden love might be destined to be, but it won’t be easy to maintain. Myrina will have to fight her sisters, an all-powerful male-eating plant, and her cyborg’s unbending will to make North hers and hers alone.


North Bound is a STANDALONE Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.

It is the fifth of six core stories in the Cyborg Space Exploration Series.

Book 1: Choosing Chuckles

Book 2: Doc’s Orders

Book 3: Dominance And Dissent

Book 4: Passion Surge

Book 5: North Bound

Book 6: Testing Truth

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