Releasing Rage Featured On Allie Ritch’s Blog
Releasing Rage has been featured on Allie Ritch’s blog. 25 other writers have also been spotlighted.
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Provoking Odium
A Beautiful Cyborg
While accompanying his leader on a mission, Odium, an E Model cyborg, hears a distress call over the communication lines. The voice on that message makes his circuits surge with energy and all his systems light up. He has to respond to the mysterious female, would risk his lifespan and the lifespans of everyone on board their ship to protect her.
A Human Female Others Call Beast
Briella gained her nickname due to her flying abilities, her fearlessness, and her scarred countenance. Her verbal-only relationship with the sexy cyborg who answers her distress call is a steamy yet short-lived fantasy. His kind is physically perfect, and she is…not. He will uncover that truth when…if they survive the attack upon her freighter.
Provoking Odium is a STANDALONE Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.
It features a human female intent on remaining mysterious, a cyborg warrior determined to uncover her identity, and an enemy seeking to destroy them both before they have the opportunity to meet.
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Interview With Allie Ritch
I sat down (virtually) with Allie Ritch for a short interview. Allie Ritch’s latest release is Vampire Territory 1: Drinking Partners, a Paranormal featuring sexy vampires.
Cynthia Sax: What makes Lucas so deliciously lickable?
Allie Ritch: Lucas Thane is a master vampire who wears power like a second skin. He’s ruthless and cunning, but not without honor, and he has picked up some serious skills in the bedroom over the decades. Lucas is also devilishly handsome with raven hair and midnight-blue eyes. The woman in Alex appreciates when he’s tender or protective, while the vampire in her is attracted to his strength and cunning.
Cynthia Sax: What excites you about Drinking Partners?
Allie Ritch: I had so much fun writing this book. For starters, I’ve been a fan of vampire romance for as long as I can remember, so I was super excited to write a novel in this genre. I made sure each of the characters is his/her own individual, there’s a ton of action (sword fights, gun play, explosions), and the love scenes are scorching hot. I feel like the urban setting gives this book an edge, while creating an alternative history gave me room to play. There was no part of this book I didn’t enjoy writing, and I hope readers love it as much as I do.
Cynthia Sax: What is your favorite line from Drinking Partners?
Allie Ritch: “I love you enough to kill for you, to lay waste to armies, and yes, to die for you. Well, after I take out your enemies, of course.” This line is just so Lucas. He’s fierce, loving, and lethal, and he has a dark sense of humor.
Cynthia Sax: Where is Drinking Partners set?
Allie Ritch: This story is set in the eastern United States, but with an alternate history. Vampires have been in the New World for centuries, and many have been terrorizing the humans all that time. Travel is strictly controlled so that the humans can’t all flee the area, and there are only a few vampire-free states in the country. Within this setting, areas like the Atlanta Underground and other recognizable locations take on a whole new significance. Because Lucas and Alex are each in charge of large territories, I was able to take them to multiple cities, including Raleigh, Asheville, Charlotte, and Columbia, to name only a few. I think having a range instead of a single, static location makes the book more exciting.
Thank you, Allie Ritch, for joining us today!
Allie Ritch’s Website:
Being the master vampire for the Mid-Atlantic Territory is a tough job. Between the Human Rebellion trying to kill him with poisonous suicide donors and snobby born vampires bucking his authority, Lucas Thane has his hands full. What he needs is a regular drinking partner to feed from and a bigger power block. He finds both in the form of Alexandra Gage, the master of the territory south of his.
Alex could use a little help herself, but she has no intention of letting Lucas take over. Turned into a vampire against her will, she has had enough control taken from her. She’ll never let Lucas usurp her right to rule, but will she let him steal her heart? Passion ignites between them, and it’s amazing what vampire bodies can do
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Interview With Douglas Black
I sat down (virtually) with Douglas Black for a short interview. Today, we’re talking about Douglas Black’s latest release Port In A Storm, a contemporary MM erotic romance.
Cynthia Sax: What makes Jake and Alex right for each other?
Douglas Black: Jake and Alex, the main characters in Port In A Storm, at first seem an unlikely couple – at least as far as Alex’s thinking goes. Sure, they experience an overwhelming lust at first sight, but Jake is about as different a person from Alex as Alex can imagine.
Alex is a recent university graduate stuck working in a coffee shop while he works out what he wants to do with his life. Jake is older, more worldly and seems to have spent his entire adulthood travelling. But as they get to know each other – their physical attraction and emotional connection making it impossible for them to stay apart for long – Alex comes to realise what Jake has suspected from the start. That he is a lot more like Jake than he initially thought, and if he opens up and accepts Jake’s offer of help, Jake just might be able to give Alex the answers he’s been looking for.
Cynthia Sax: What creates problems between Jake and Alex?
Douglas Black: As Alex tells Jake frequently throughout the course of the novel, his life is complicated. Alex has a bad relationship with his father and stepmum and that’s preventing him taking the job in the family law firm that should by rights be his. On top of that, Alex has an “ex-boyfriend” who hasn’t quite got the memo that it’s time to move on and he has an unhelpful desire to please people, often at the expense of his own happiness.
As much as Alex wants Jake, he’s frightened of walking away from everything he knows to be with a relative stranger who doesn’t seem particularly capable of standing still for very long. Being torn between wanting to make his dad proud and wanting to be happy in himself is what fuels Alex’s indecision for much of the novel, until finally it threatens to destroy both Alex’s chance at a future relationship with his parents, and with Jake.
Cynthia Sax: Does a character in Port In A Storm have a secret?
Douglas Black: Jake has a secret. Of course, I’m not going to tell you what it is. You’ll have to read the book to find out, but what I will say is it’s a secret that explains why Jake has spent so much of his adult life travelling, never settling down, never stopping to think. Jake’s running from his past and the last thing he wants to do is talk about it, no matter how often Alex asks him to.
Cynthia Sax: Is Port In A Storm a series and will you be writing more stories in this series?
Douglas Black: Now, don’t tell my editor this, but I am toying with the idea of writing more about Alex and Jake. Jake is my favourite out of all the characters I’ve ever written and although he gets his happy ending in Port In A Storm – eventually! – I think there’s still life in the old dog yet. I’m certain Jake would agree with me, so we’ll just have to wait and see where this perpetual traveller takes me next!
Thank you, Douglas Black, for joining us today!
Douglas Black’s Website:
Alex’s world changes forever the day he meets Jake. It should be simple. Jake wants Alex. Alex wants Jake, but for Alex there’s this little thing called life that seems determined to get in the way.
Alex is stuck in a rut. He’s facing a big decision about his future, namely, what to do with it and so far he hasn’t managed to come up with an answer.
Until he meets Jake.
Jake blows through Alex’s world like a hurricane and Alex falls hard and fast for the perpetual traveller with a penchant for secrets and a perfect smile. Jake wants Alex, but life isn’t as simple as that.
Jake never settles in one place for long and already their long-distance relationship is driving a wedge between Alex and his family. With no compromises on offer, Alex’s decision about his future becomes a decision about Jake.
For Alex, the idea of losing Jake doesn’t bear thinking about, but choosing him looks like it will mean throwing away everything Alex knows, including his relationship with his parents. And so, Alex finds himself with another question to answer.
How much would you be willing to give up, to be happy?
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Interview With Whitley Gray
I sat down (virtually) with Whitley Gray for a short interview. Whitley Gray’s latest release is Crash Pad, a MM Contemporary.
Cynthia Sax: What is your favorite line from Crash Pad?
Whitley Gray: “Okay. I’m back. The boys are trying to murder each other. Superman and Batman are not friends, no matter what they tell you.”
“It’s that superpower-envy thing.” Jamie chuckled.
This is from a telephone conversation Jamie has with his sister. I like the visual of Jamie’s two nephews racing around in capes, Bat powers versus Spidey senses. No cooperation of superheroes in a household with two young boys, who compete with each other about everything.
One of the things I like the most about writing is layering in little details like this, especially things the typical reader may be able to relate to.
Cynthia Sax: Where did you get the idea for Crash Pad?
Whitley Gray: I set out to create a story set in the summer. Lots of people run in the park year-round, and I wanted to add an activity more confined to nicer weather—like rollerblading. This activity also lent itself to an accidental meeting, as rollerblading isn’t easy, especially for beginners.
Remy is an Emergency Medicine doctor and has seen a lot of sports injuries due to accidents. Naturally he wants to help. Jamie is suspicious of doctors due to his background. The opposing viewpoints makes for some nice conflict.
Cynthia Sax: How does Crash Pad start?
Whitley Gray: As they say, always start in the action. Each of the guys has a backstory that contributes to the story, but initially it’s not necessary to know that history in order to understand what’s happening. I like to start with a brief orientation of location and what each character is doing, and then throw them right into the action. The story starts when Remy and Jamie “crash.”
Cynthia Sax: What one piece of advice would you give new writers?
Whitley Gray: Voracious readers make the best writers. If you don’t like to read, writing is the wrong career choice.
In the beginning, I think it’s vital to ground yourself in the fundamentals of writing. I don’t have a background in English Composition or Creative Writing—I’m a hard science person. For me, the best way to learn about writing was with a combination of online workshops and devouring a lot of books on craft. Since romance adds another complex layer to any story, it was important to move on to workshops about writing romance in particular. Finally, because I write M/M romance, I did a lot of reading in the genre itself, then workshops and books to help me get a good handle on what I wanted to do.
Thank you, Whitley Gray, for joining us today!
Whitley Gray’s Website:
Physician Remy Marshall has two loves: Emergency Medicine and running. Work doesn’t leave much time to meet guys, and most seem more interested in his bank account than him. With a week off to train for a marathon, Remy plans to make the most of his precious vacation. The last thing he needs is a distraction.
Jamie Sutton is new to the area. He hopes to make a fresh start after leaving an abusive relationship with an orthopedic surgeon. He’s got a new job as a massage therapist and wants to meet some nice guys. Against his better judgment, Jamie decides the best way to meet a cute rollerblader he’s seen in the park is on wheels.
With attention on his watch and not where he’s going, Remy crashes into Jamie and fractures the first-time rollerblader’s ankle. Jamie has no one to help him after the injury; Remy proposes Jamie stay with him. Jamie is reluctant, but it’s a better option than staying with the odd guy in the neighboring motel room. As the two get acquainted, Jamie’s past comes calling. Remy discovers the prize he really wants isn’t a medal in a marathon, but the man right in front of him.
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Wayback Wednesday – Love, Hope And Electricity
Love, Hope And Electricity is the second story in my post apocalyptic series from Loose Id (the first story is Assassin’s Haiku).
Chac, an assassin for the rebellion, has electrically charged fingers. He’s named after the Mayan god of rain. And boy, is he sexy! I LOVE Chac.
Both Chac and Hope believe they’re monsters – Chac because of his mutations and Hope because of the evil things her scientific insights have been used for. Together, they realize that even monsters deserve love.
Now Available From Loose Id

Doctor Hope Keller believes she’s bettering the world with her experiments. She’s horrified to discover her research is being used for evil. To stop the atrocities, she must die, and her choice of death is by the electric hands of the Federation’s top assassin, model 953702. She seeks out the sexy vengeful assassin, expecting a quick, painless demise.
Chac’s plans for Doctor Hope Keller aren’t quick or painless. He has been stalking the infamous monster maker for years, and he will kill her. He has to. But not before he sates his sexual hunger, showing her over and over again how pleasurable his electricity can be. Chac takes Hope to his underground bunker and restrains her, slowly stripping away her clothes, her inhibitions, and her deepest, darkest secrets.
When the enemy sends soldiers to retrieve their number one scientist, Chac realizes that while Hope may be a monster, she is his monster. He’ll do anything to keep her…even sacrifice his genetically enhanced heart.
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Wayback Wednesday: Assassin’s Haiku

Twice a week, every week, Haiku sits beside Diego in the dimly-lit underground poetry-sex bar. As they listen to the poets read, she basks in the warmth of her genetically-enhanced assassin’s body, and longs for the smack of large, leather-clad hands against bare skin. No other male, human or otherwise, makes her thighs tremble like Diego can with one dark look. Her heart, body and soul are his, if only he’d ask.
Diego won’t ask, because he knows a killer doesn’t deserve love. Instead he sits in silent torment, watching Haiku, wanting Haiku, yet unable to touch her. She is poetry and light, embodying all that he fights for, and when Agency operatives attack the bar, putting Haiku in danger, he must protect her. He takes her to the safest place on the planet, his underground bunker, and then realizes he has made a deadly mistake. Haiku may now be safe, but Diego’s heart has been put in jeopardy.
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