Interviewed At Amazing Stories
The always awesome Veronica Scott has interviewed me at Amazing Stories!
Here is a snippet…
VS for ASM.: What was the first SFR book you ever read and what did you like about it?
CS:: The first SciFi Romance I ever read was Warrior’s Woman by Johanna Lindsey. I loved her historical romances and had read everything she published. Warrior’s Woman was different but I loved it. The hero was a barbarian in space, which really appealed to me. I loved the intrepid warrior heroine. And her guidance system made me laugh. I was completely captured.
You can read the full interview here –
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Raw Desires
His human female is attempting to kill him.
This cyborg finds that adorable.
Raw, a K model cyborg, is one of the lucky warriors who has located his genetic match. He hears his human female’s voice over the communication lines and immediately processes she is his.
Winning her affections will be a greater challenge. Battle has always been Raw’s focus. The rough-and-tough warrior has no idea how to engage anyone’s tender emotions.
Fortunately, he isn’t alone in the universe. His unmatched male friends help him craft a plan.
All Raw has to do is relay a few unsettlingly sweet words to his female and give her the thoroughly unfunctional wall decoration he has obtained. He projects she will then jump into his big, strong arms and beg him to claim her.
Taytu isn’t jumping anywhere. She has one mission—kill every cyborg in existence.
The huge, handsome male traveling to meet with her is her first target. His rough hands, firm lips, and sparkling, energy-infused eyes won’t save him from her vengeance. She has trained vigorously for this moment, and she won’t fail at her assigned task.
The cyborg will die.
Raw Desires is an enemies-to-lovers Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.
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Cynthia Sax Interviewed By Helle Gade
Woot! I was interviewed by Helle Gade, was asked some super fun questions.
Here is a snippet…
“Do you have any advice for new authors about the publishing world?
All we can really control about this wonderful career is our happiness levels. Write stories that feed your soul, that make you feel good about yourself.
Those stories can be marketable. That’s often best. We can feed our stomachs as well as our souls. If you have a list of 10 story ideas and 1 of those ideas involve, say, a vampire, and vampires are all the rage in Romancelandia, consider writing that vampire story next.”
You can read the full answer and the entire interview here
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Under Strain
A damaged cyborg warrior is hunted by a peace-loving human female.
Strain is severely malfunctioning. The D Model cyborg was the sole survivor after a horrific decision was made by his cruel manufacturers. He hates all humans, and when he attacks one who is under his cyborg leader’s protection, he is reprimanded, stripped of his weapons, and told to watch and not actively participate in the next mission.
That mission takes place on a small remote planet. Its lush terrain should only be inhabited by the cyborgs they were sent to rescue, but Strain senses another presence on the surface. She is watching him, tracking him, hunting him.
A fully operational cyborg would end her lifespan.
Strain wants to claim her. Forever.
Kamyelle is the only one left of her kind. Warriors have killed the other nonviolent human inhabitants of her planet. She survived…barely…by hiding in the trees, observing her enemies, and covering herself with lifeform scan-concealing mud.
When a handsome, gray-skinned, brilliant-blue-eyed male arrives, surrounded by weapon-carrying warriors, she has to save him. Warriors harm and they kill. That is what they do.
She won’t allow them to hurt Strain.
Under Strain is a STANDALONE Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.
It features a broken warrior, a human female who thinks he’s perfect, and velociraptor-like dinosaurs who view them both as light, tasty snacks.
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Interviewed By Dragon’s Book Hoarde

I’ve been interviewed on Dragon’s Book Hoarde!
I talk about writing during a pandemic, why I love cyborg romance and other things.
Here is a snippet…
” There were weeks where I couldn’t write. I was too worried, too stressed. I couldn’t concentrate. The Dear Wonderful Hubby’s youngest brother is a COVID Long Hauler, has been one since March 2020, and that is taking much of our focus.
The writing, once I have some mental bandwidth left, is an escape. I can venture into a world I can semi-control, a story where I know everything will eventually turn out okay. That is such a gift.”
Read the entire interview here –
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Containing Malice
This tormented cyborg craves vengeance…and her.
Malice, a C Model cyborg, has spent his long lifespan enslaved by the Humanoid Alliance. His cruel manufacturers have hurt him in all the ways a male could be hurt.
His enemy has now added a new weapon to their arsenal—a tiny human medic with soft hands and a delectable scent. She experiments on him multiple times a shift, delivering pain…and frustration.
He wants her. He also seeks retribution.
Once Malice frees himself, he plans to achieve both of his goals, taking Medic Illona captive and ending her research…permanently.
Illona is as much a prisoner as the cyborgs she experiments on. Since her arrival at the Human Alliance’s secret laboratory, she has carefully, stealthily, crafted a plot to free her test subjects. To conceal her covert activities, the medic has been forced to harm beings rather than heal them.
The being she has damaged the most is also the cyborg she fiercely desires— Malice, a huge, gray-skinned, blue-eyed C Model with massive hands and a voice deeper than space. He hates her, has good reason to do so, and, when he’s freed, there’s a high probability he’ll kill her.
Illona will take that risk to ensure he survives.
Containing Malice is a STANDALONE enemies-to-lovers Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.
It is the first of five core stories in the Rebel Cyborgs Series.
Book 1: Containing Malice
Book 2: Under Strain
Book 3: Baring Grudge
Book 4: B Free
Book 5: Seizing Power
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Interviewed At Everyday Fangirl
Patty Hammond has interviewed me at her online home. Here’s a snippet…
“Patty: Do the names of the characters in your novel have some sort of significance or importance to you? If so, give a few examples…
Cynthia Sax: I named the heroine of Choosing Chuckles Bettina as a nod to Simone Micheline Bodin aka Bettina. She was considered to be one of the first supermodels and was best known for her beauty, but she was much more than that. She was a designer, a poet and a composer.
Like the supermodel, Bettina, my heroine, is viewed by some beings as merely a pretty face, but she is much more than that. She designs jewelry (not clothes), has honorable, worthy, secret goals that have nothing to do with her beauty.”
Read the entire interview here:
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Choosing Chuckles
A Cynical Cyborg Meets A Bad, Bad Female.
Chuckles hates all humans. In the past, humans betrayed him. That treachery caused permanent damage to his muscular form, resulting in a lifespan of pain.
When the primitive D Model cyborg answers a distress call sent by a pink-and-blue haired, sparkly human female, he knows it’s a trap. He still has to respond to her fake cry for help. She belongs to him, is the one being genetically fabricated for him. But he plans to be her captor, not her captive.
Bettina, aka Bait, works with a team of females, snaring sexual predators in space, seizing their ships and transporting them to primitive planets. As soon as she speaks with Chuckles, she knows he’s not like the others. He has honor, is a being worthy of respect, of caring.
But she can’t let him go. She has to trap him. His dominance thrills her. His deep voice evokes desires she’d never experienced in the past. She’ll risk it all, breaking every rule for one wild encounter with the male she calls Sir.
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Interview With Lea Kirk
I sat down (virtually) with Lea Kirk for a short interview. Today is the release day for Lea Kirk’s Collision, a SciFi Enemies-to-Lovers Romance. I LOVE enemies-to-lovers romances!
Cynthia Sax: What makes Fander, your hero, so super sexy?
Lea Kirk: Well, Fander’s big, and green, and there’s a something different about his anatomy that’ll make most women smile. I could tell you what it is, but wouldn’t it be more fun to discover that secret for yourself?
Cynthia Sax: Ohhh…you have me intrigued! What is your favorite line from Collision?
Lea Kirk: I have to pick one, huh? All right, I think it would have to be when Fander says to Flora, “We don’t have to pretend anymore.” His words signal the beginning of something new for them. A change in direction in their lives, their relationship, and the realization that they are fully committed to facing that change together.
Cynthia Sax: Awww…that’s romantic! Is Collision part of a series and will you be writing more stories in this series?
Lea Kirk: Yes and yes. Collision is the third book in my Prophecy series. There will be more stories in this universe, but Collision wraps up the series arc. The rest of the stories will focus on the “new normal” for Earth, Matir, and Anferthia. I’m getting excited about my next story. It’s a Christmas story featuring my hero and heroine from my first book, Prophecy, and their newly adopted children—particularly Maggie, the youngest. I really, really hope to have it out this year. If not, then I’ll aim for the 2019 holiday season.
Cynthia Sax: That ROCKS! I don’t see very many Christmas SciFi Romances. Do you have any advice for new writers?
Lea Kirk: Don’t give up. Keep writing. Immerse yourself in a community (local or online, depending on your location) of other writers in your genre. If you write a subgenre, like sci-fi romance, get to know other authors who also write in that subgenre. And lastly, if you write a series, and you’re not a fast writer, listen to everyone who tells you to finish writing the stories first before releasing. I managed to get the first two books out in 2016, plus a short story. Collision is just now being released two-and-a-half years after Prophecy. I wish I had listened to this advice.
Cynthia Sax: I should really take that advice. I release as I write and sometimes I write myself into corners. Thank you for joining us today, Lea Kirk!
Lea Kirk’s Website:
A heart-rending loss…
Flora Bock will never forgive the Anferthian invaders for murdering her birth-parents. Growing up with the grandson of her sworn enemies is living a nightmare—until the day she sees him through the eyes of a young woman. But giving her heart to him is the ultimate betrayal of her parents’ memory.
A life in peril…
There are precious few places in the galaxy where Fander K’nil is safe. One look into Flora’s beautiful, hate-filled eyes is proof enough that Terr is not one of those places. He must keep her at a distance and stay alive long enough to fulfill his destiny. No matter what his heart desires.
An empire at stake…
Just as Fander and Flora begin to discover the depth of their feelings for each other, they are thrust into a deadly game of politics and assassination with an enemy who stops at nothing to stay in power. With the lives of everyone they love at risk, they must find a way to avert a new invasion before it’s too late—even if it means making the ultimate sacrifice.
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Interview With Michelle M. Pillow
I sat down (virtually) with Michelle M. Pillow for a short interview. Michelle M. Pillow’s most recent release is His Earth Maiden: A Qurilixen World Novel. The hero is a space pirate. Yum!
Cynthia Sax: I LOVE your sexy heroes. What makes them so freakin’ hot?
Michelle M. Pillow: Confidence and loyalty. My sci-fi heroes tend to have alpha male qualities, but also a kind of innocence when it comes to dealing emotionally with women. (The sexy part they have down.)
Cynthia Sax: They certainly do have the sexy part down! Where did you get the idea for your Space Lords series?
Michelle M. Pillow: The Space Lords series is a series installment in the sci-fi romance Qurilixen World collection. It came naturally as the characters from previous series began leaving their planet for the high skies.
The Qurilixen World is an extensive collection of science fiction and futuristic romance novels that started nearly 15 years ago with the original Dragon Lords series and has since grown into a massive collection with 34 books within 7 series installments and growing. Each book in each series is a standalone story. The Space Lords are interconnected with the other series, as well as set in the same universe.
The book titles (His Frost Maiden, His Fire Maiden, His Metal Maiden, His Earth Maiden – Woodland is next) refer to a curse the crew received when the pilot insulted an ancestral spirit on a planet they were visiting. Each book is an element of the curse.
Cynthia Sax: That’s super cool! What genres do you write in? Are there any that you’ve yet to try but want to?
Michelle M. Pillow: As an author, I love being able to move around to different genres and I’m so lucky to have awesome fans who happily hop around with me. So far I’ve done Science Fiction, Futuristic, Paranormal, Fantasy, Dark Fantasy, Contemporary, Historical, Chick Lit, and Cozy Mystery. I would love to do a thriller or horror novel someday. I also want to publish a photography book.
Cynthia Sax: Wow. You do it all! That’s awesome. Do you have any advice for new writers?
Michelle M. Pillow: The best advice I have that is worth anything, is to do your research. Research everything—your book, marketing, promo, your genre—and think about the long-term goals, not just instant career gratification. That’s what separates career authors from hobbyists. Writing as a hobby is fine, if that’s what you want to do. If you want to be a professional, you just have to spend the time and study up. There is no magic formula or secret handshake. I so wish there was. (Well, there is coffee. That’s kind of magical.) You just have to put in the hours and do the work. Knowledge really is power.
Cynthia Sax: That is so true! Thank you for joining us today, Michelle M. Pillow!
Michelle M. Pillow’s Website:
Former elite Federation soldier, now turned space pirate, Jackson Burke has done his best to turn his life around—for the better. He isn’t prepared when fate leaves a woman’s safety totally in his hands. Since heroes don’t leave a damsel in distress—and despite being outlaw pirates, the crew considers themselves the good guys—Jackson assumes responsibility for the beauty. It’s enough that his ship is held together by rust and sheer will, now he’s got to keep this good guy thing straight and not give into the urges the sassy female brings out in him. Raisa is everything a man could want and for some reason she seems to like him, rough edges and all, but he’s on the Federation’s wanted list and they aren’t known to back down.
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Interview With Pearl Foxx
I sat down (virtually) with Pearl Foxx for a short interview. Today is the release day for Pearl Foxx’s Chance, Book One in her Cyn City Cyborgs series!
Cynthia Sax: What is your favorite line from Chance and why?
Pearl Foxx: “I promise. Not all of me’s made of metal.”
I actually like this line so much, I put it in my blurb. First of all, it just cracks me up because it’s so scandalously innocent, yet it immediately makes you think about his penis. Second of all, I think it shows a rare moment of Chance accepting his cyborg status. He hates being a cyborg and this touch of playfulness around the topic lets the reader see behind his walls and into the man inside.
Cynthia Sax: It is an awesome line! Where is Chance set?
Pearl Foxx: CHANCE happens on a future Earth. If you’ve read the Shifter of Kladuu series, you’ve seen the Zynthar Space Station and a little bit of Earth already. But this time we’re in Cyn City, old Manhattan, with the drop-off leading out to the dead dessert of North America on one side and the Deluge holding back the rising ocean on the other. Cyn City is gritty and dark. Always in the shadow of the sparkling skycity that hovers above the old buildings. Here people feel the pressure of survival, the desperation of making it just one more day. The city hardens everyone who lives there, but sometimes all you need is a little push to remember what it’s like to live in the light.
Cynthia Sax: That is so true. Is Chance part of a series and will you be writing more stories in this series?
Pearl Foxx: This is a series! ENVER will be coming in late April with a minimum of a third book coming soon after that. While Cyn City Cyborg piggybacks on Shifters of Kladuu, you do not have to read one series to enjoy the other. But if you have, you’ll have fun revisiting some places and people you’ve met before.
Cynthia Sax: What do you love about writing Science Fiction Romance?
Pearl Foxx: I adore the chance to play in new worlds and different times, while still telling the timeless stories I love to read. The most exciting part of story-telling to me has always been world building, whether it be on the far off planet of Kladuu or here at home in a distant future. While the future Earth in Cyn City Cyborgs is a dystopia, Science Fiction Romance has so much room for creating hopeful storylines and beautiful locations.
Creating new cultures, new species, new social rules is a huge amount of fun. I hope you enjoy reading as much as I’ve enjoyed writing!
Cynthia Sax: It IS fun! Thank you for joining us today, Pearl Foxx!
Pearl Foxx’s Website:
“I promise. Not all of me’s made of metal.”
A cyborg with a mysterious and dangerous past.
A naive girl fleeing the dying farmlands to forge her own future.
Chance has fought his entire life, first for survival in the streets of Cyn City and later for money and prestige in the underground Cyborg Fight League. His fists and cybernetic arm have solved almost every problem he’s ever faced, except for love. After losing the love of his life, he never thought he’d find someone again.
Verity left behind everything she knows to start a new future in Cyn City. But her Ecovangalit upbringing left her unprepared for the hard realities of life amongst the criminals and cyborgs. When a dangerous cyborg with a bad reputation proves to be the only person she can trust, can she lower her walls enough to let him in?
As Verity finds herself in debt to the wrong kind of man who will sell her body as fast as he will sell her soul, Chance is the only one who can clear her ledger, but only if he’ll fight in the Cyborg Underground Circuit again.
Is Chance strong enough to win the only fight that ever mattered?
Each book in the series is fully stand alone and can be read in any order.
Book One: Chance
Book Two: Enver
More To Be Announced!
Note to Readers: This science fiction cyborg dystopian romance series contains lots of action, alpha males, fierce women, and steamy romance. If you love bad boys who love as hard as they fight, then this series is for you! Guaranteed happily-ever-afters with no cliffhangers.
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Interview With Regine Abel
I sat down (virtually) with Regine Abel for a short interview. Today is the release day for Regine Abel’s Anton’s Grace, a Dark SciFi Romance!
Cynthia Sax: Where did you get the idea for Anton’s Grace?
Regine Abel: Anton’s Grace is part of my Dark Tales series. All the books are inspired by a fairy tale, folktale or in this instance, a fable: The Ant and the Grasshopper by Jean de la Fontaine (or Aesop). In the fable, the Grasshopper spends the whole summer singing while the Ant slaves away preparing for winter. When the cold comes and the Grasshopper finds no food, she begs the Ant for some scraps. Depending on which version of the story you read, the Ant either tells her off or shows mercy. In my story, it takes on a darker twist where Grace begs Anton for help not realizing he has a serious vendetta against her.
Cynthia Sax: That is so cool! Where is Anton’s Grace set?
Regine Abel: The story takes place on the Venus Hive pleasure barge. It’s a space station devoted entirely to entertainment in all its forms. Imagine Las Vegas in space, with fine dining, casinos, gladiator rings, cabaret, strippers, fetish clubs and everything else in-between. You can walk past masters with their leashed human pets while on your way to the museum or a tribal dance recital. Anton owns Venus Hive. He makes the law. He is the law. And Grace just gave herself over to his every whim for six months. By getting her to sign an indentured sex slave contract, Anton now has the right to do whatever he pleases to her short of killing her. Question is, does he want her pain? Her pleasure? Both?
Cynthia Sax: That DOES sound dark and delicious. What makes Grace and Anton right for each other?
Regine Abel: Both are desperate to belong, to be accepted. Grace never got over her parents abandoning her to an orphanage where she was abused. She grows into a woman plagued with a Dependent Personality Disorder. Anton was persecuted for being a half-breed. He devoted his life trying to make himself worthy of his bigoted people, despite knowing it was a lost cause. For these reasons, they do things against their conscience in the hope of earning the approval of others who only end up using them. Through hardship, they come to realize happiness lies within their own hands. They are exactly what the other needs but only if they are true to themselves and follow their own hearts, not other people’s expectations or demands.
Cynthia Sax: Beautiful. What do you love about writing in Dark SciFi Romance?
Regine Abel: The beauty of sci-fi romance is the absence of boundaries. I’m not constrained by the rules of modern day world. Sure, I can’t go too wild and crazy or I’ll spend more time explaining the world than actually telling a story, but it allows me to push the limits in a way contemporary prevents. I love creating new societies and cultures. Anton’s Grace is a perfect example where everything that drives him and pushes him to make some pretty bad decisions are due to the crazy society he grew up in. I also love being able to tie in real world problems to my alien societies and present them in a new light or with a different twist.
Cynthia Sax: This sounds fascinating. Thank you for joining us today, Regine Abel!
Grace is in trouble. Her agent and ex-boyfriend, Marcus, has fled, leaving her stranded on the Venus Hive pleasure barge. His creditors want compensation and with Marcus nowhere to be found, they’ve decided Grace will do nicely. Desperate for help, she turns to Anton Myers, the wealthy and ruthless owner of the Hive Network. He agrees to help her. The terms: anything he wants for six months.
Anton has waited a long time for this moment. Grace may not remember him, but he hasn’t forgotten her. Signing herself over to his every command will not keep her safe. A Braxian never forgets a slight to his honor. And Grace will pay… with interests.
Anton’s Grace is a twisted tale of unlikely second chances that will leave you squirming in your seat. Can you stomach the darkness?
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Interview With Carmen Falcone
I sat down (virtually) with Carmen Falcone for a short interview. Carmen Falcone’s most recent release is Brazilian Capture, a Romantic Suspense!
Cynthia Sax: What causes problems between Emanuel and Erika?
Carmen Falcone: I’m a sucker for lots of conflict, so, yes, I make sure there’s plenty of it in my books! In Brazilian Capture, Emanuel Duarte is a successful financial investor who moonlights as an activist. In fact, helping others in need is a passion of his. He wants to redeem himself from wrongdoings from his past. His target is Silas Lancaster, who’s a real estate giant who’s involved in embezzlement and possibly the disappearance of an employee who knew too much. After dozens of disadvantaged families lose their homes due to Lancaster’s greed, Emanuel decides he’s had enough. He kidnaps Lancaster’s daughter, Erika, to use her as leverage. So, as you can imagine, this event sets all kinds of twists and turns. How can Erika trust her captor? And how can he give her back to her father when he’s falling for her? Yet, if he doesn’t fulfill his part of the bargain, all his efforts will have been in vain—and the promises he made to others, unfulfilled.
Cynthia Sax: Ohhh… that’s some juicy conflict. Is Brazilian Capture part of a series and will you be writing more stories in this series?
Carmen Falcone: Yes! The first book in the Brazilians was Brazilian Revenge, and the next one is Brazilian Surrender. I’m totally in love with the sexy, daring Duarte brothers.
Cynthia Sax: What advice would you give new writers?
Carmen Falcone: Hang in there. Write. Writing probably should come first—instead of complaining or doubting yourself, use your energy and write. I firmly believe each book teaches us a lesson, and it exists for a reason. Even if your first book won’t be the one you’ll self-publish or the one to wow agents and publishers, still write it. And then another, and another.
Cynthia Sax: That’s great advice! What do you love about writing romantic suspense?
Carmen Falcone: I love romantic suspense because it puts the main characters in odd and dangerous situations. Just think about it—tension/despair/panic can being the worst in people. So I really enjoy making the characters get to know each other while in danger of some sort; because everything becomes much more intense.
Cynthia Sax: Tension DOES bring out a different side of people. Thank you for joining us today, Carmen Falcone!
Carmen Falcone’s Website:
Financier turned activist Emanuel Duarte has promised he would find the one witness who can testify against real estate developer Silas Lancaster. Sick of having every attempt at exposing Silas shut down, Emanuel wants to honor a promise he made, and takes from his opponent what matters most–his beautiful daughter Erika. Only he gets more than he bargained for with the tempting–and frustrating–woman.
Fundraiser and socialite Erika Lancaster can’t believe she’s been kidnapped. Her sexy captor is feeding her lies about her father that she refuses to swallow. Emanuel’s plans will hurt her and ruin her mother’s legacy–and that she can’t allow.
Desperate to find a way out of the lush Brazilian jungle, she decides there’s only way to disarm the enemy–seduce him. But her plan backfires and soon she realizes that seducing the enemy comes with a hefty price…loving the enemy simply isn’t an option.
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Interview With Regine Abel
I sat down (virtually) with Regine Abel for a short interview. Regine Abel’s most recent release is Escaping Fate, a MFM Sci-Fi Paranormal Romance!
Cynthia Sax: What makes Lhor and Khel so freakin’ sexy?
Regine Abel: The only way for an unmated male to slow down the Taint plaguing him is through physical exertion. Xelixians therefore train on average four times a day, giving them insanely hot bodies. But the best part? Their fangs. No, they aren’t vampires. Their fangs are mainly used as weapons to paralyze or poison their prey. However, in the right dose, their venom acts as a recreational drug that brings a woman’s climax to a whole other level. On the other hand, Amalia’s Veredian markings darken when she’s aroused, making them erogenous. Wandering fingers or a teasing tongue brushing over them will make her writhe and squirm. But beware. When she enters her season, woe onto anyone who stands between Amalia and her mate.
Cynthia Sax: Ohhh… VERY sexy. What do you find especially exciting about Escaping Fate?
Regine Abel: Escaping Fate has a lot of flirting, sexual tension and steamy scenes. But that’s not what the book is about. There is a strong story with tons of action, suspense, and unexpected twists and turns. Amalia and her boys each have a unique personality that create some interesting situations from pretty funny to insanely intense. They’re all strong in their own way, often mischievous and badass when needed. I’m in love with those characters. If only I could meet them in real life and hang out!
Cynthia Sax: Where did you get the idea for Escaping Fate?
Regine Abel: I’m a junky for any romance with the Mars Needs Women trope. There was no question in my mind I would write something in the genre, but what? I’m a huge fan of Nalini Singh’s Psy-Changelings series, Tracy St. John’s Clans of Kalquor and M.K. Eidem’s Tornians. The idea of a species where individuals could each have a unique psychic ability excited me. I loved the world building in the Clan’s series with all the political intrigues and how the Kalquorians revisited what constituted a family unit to delay the slow extinction of their species. Grim inspired me with the social impact of their own crisis due to the scarcity of women; how it reshaped their society, redefined a woman’s role, a man’s worth, and the importance of social status. Escaping Fate was an attempt to combine these concepts in a fresh new way.
Cynthia Sax: I LOVE that trope also. Yum! Is Escaping Fate part of a series and will you be writing more stories in this series?
Regine Abel: Yes, this is a series, although each book is intended to work as standalone. I’m currently halfway through writing the second book. There is an overarching story which should incentivize people to read the novels in order. Most main characters from the previous books will reappear in the sequels. However, each book explores the romance of a different Veredian female. While Escaping Fate is MFM, the rest of the series will be MF only. That said, I do plan two spin-off series set in the same universe, one of which is shaping up to be MFM. My new book, Anton’s Grace, part of my Dark Tales series, is actually set in this world though it takes place on the other side of the galaxy. I’m curious to see how many readers will catch the Easter egg there.
Cynthia Sax: My readers usually catch the Easter Eggs. (grins) Thank you for joining us today, Regine Abel!
Regine Abel’s Website:
Born and raised on a slaver’s ship, Amalia plans to escape before she’s forced to participate in her master’s psi breeding program. She finds refuge on a foreign planet where she meets the cousins Lhor and Khel. Together, they fight against those hunting her down, while attempting to rescue the other victims of her master’s blood and sex slave ring.
Between her master’s dogged pursuit, deadly rivalries, assassins and corrupted nobles, can the cousins keep Amalia safe or will their respective feelings for her tear them apart?
This MFM novel is a constant toe-curling, action-packed thriller, and the first book in the Veredian Chronicles series. It is standalone with no cliffhanger.
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