Talking Cyborgs With Melisse Aires

By Cynthia Sax on September 30, 2015

I’m at Melisse Aires’ online home today, talking about tricksy cyborgs

Here’s a snippet…

Cyborgs are oh-so-sexy, manufactured males with abilities surpassing a human’s, but they can also be tricksy. (grins) They aren’t always what they seem.

In Melisse’s Her Cyborg Awakes, Qy aka Kaistril, the cyborg hero, conceals his warrior nature while in servitude to a depraved Emperor. After he frees himself, Kaistril once again becomes the male he truly is.

In Releasing Rage, my most recent cyborg romance, Rage also has to hide his true nature, his true feelings. He’s enslaved by the Humanoid Alliance. The humans view him as an unprocessing, unfeeling machine, a weapon of war. They believe he has to obey their orders.


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Half Man. Half Machine. All Hers.

Rage, the Humanoid Alliance’s most primitive cyborg, has two goals—kill all of the humans on his battle station and escape to the Homeland. The warrior has seen the darkness in others and in himself. He believes that’s all he’s been programmed to experience.
Until he meets Joan.

Joan, the battle station’s first female engineer, has one goal—survive long enough to help the big sexy cyborg plotting to kill her. Rage might not trust her but he wants her. She sees the passion in his eyes, the caring in his battle-worn hands, the gruff emotion in his voice.

When Joan survives the unthinkable, Rage’s priorities are tested. Is there enough room in this cyborg’s heart for both love and revenge?

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The Good Assistant – Second Scene

By Cynthia Sax on September 29, 2015

The Good Assistant, my sexy new contemporary erotic romance, will be releasing on October 21st.

Read the first scene from the first chapter here:

Here’s the second scene


I stare at her. “How does he look at me?”

“Like he wants to lock you in his man cave. He’s super protective of you.” She tilts her head. “But maybe that’s because you’re his assistant. He relies upon you.”

John Powers doesn’t rely upon anyone. He built his real estate empire on his own, having no industry contacts, overcoming poverty and a lack of a college education.

“I always speak before I think.” Stacie laughs. “Forget I said anything.”

She talks about switching jobs and her new roommate and the movie she saw last night, her conversation not requiring any contribution from me.

This is a good thing as all I can think about is her observation about my boss. She has to be wrong. John doesn’t want me. He doesn’t even lust after the gorgeous supermodels and actresses he dates, his attitude toward the women apathetic.

The elevator doors open at the marketing floor. “This is me.” Stacie laughs again. “It was good talking to you, Miss Grant.” She exits, her skirt flipping upward, revealing more of her tanned legs.

I gaze at my reflection. The hem of my black skirt suit reaches my knees. I impulsively reach under my jacket and pull my skirt three inches higher.

My cheeks heat. I’m a fool. John won’t notice the length of my skirt. I’m his assistant, a woman who picks up his dry cleaning, manages his schedule and arranges his dates.

The doors open, revealing the slick, stylish executive floor. I smile at Nancy, the receptionist, as I pass her antique desk. She wears a headset, her lips moving, her words hushed. Although it is five thirty-five in the afternoon, four men in dark suits wait in the brown leather chairs.

They aren’t waiting for John. My boss is attending a charity dinner tonight. His meetings for the day are done.

I hustle along the hallway, my heels falling soundlessly on the padded brown carpet. Gold-framed pictures depicting Powers-owned real estate hang on the beige walls. The desks are spaced widely apart, the corner offices claimed by board members. Every meeting room is filled with corporate decision-makers.

The ultimate decision-maker has his door open, uncaring about his state of undress. I rush into John’s personal domain and skid to a stop, my heart squeezing, my body humming with awareness.

My boss stands facing his floor to ceiling windows, gloriously naked from the waist upward, his shoulders broad and his back straight. Silver scars, remnants of his rough childhood, slash his golden skin. His tan is natural, his forearms darker than his shoulders, and his dark brown hair is cropped close to his head. Tuxedo pants hug his narrow hips, his feet are braced apart and a phone is pressed to his ear.

A massive mahogany desk paired with a brown leather captain’s chair dominates one end of the office. The shelves lining the interior walls are filled with textbooks, every weighty volume read by my self-educated boss. John’s suit, shirt, and tie are discarded over the two guest chairs positioned in front of the desk.

I stride to the brass coat rack and hang his shirt beside his tuxedo jacket. John turns, and his gaze meets mine, his brown eyes dark and smoldering, resembling the richest, most decadent hot chocolate. My stomach flutters.

His profile is sharp, his thin blade-like nose and defined chin striking rather than classically handsome. More scars circle his neck. According to internet reports, a druggie slashed my boss’ throat when he was a teenager. Not even that brush with death could slow him down.

My gaze drops and my pulse increases. John’s tuxedo pants are undone, the v exposing stark white cotton briefs. A trail of fine brown hair travels downward from the indent at his navel, disappearing under the waistband. I lick my lips, wishing to follow this path with my tongue.

“What?” John barks into his phone. “Hell no, Bass.” He returns his gaze to the blue sky, his focus on the call. I remove the shirt from the wire hanger. “There has to be profitability in this project. I’m running a business, not a charity.”

This isn’t the complete truth. Powers Corporation does give money to charity. I tap his fingers. John lifts his arm, his frown deepening, and I slip the shirtsleeve over his hand, his musky male scent engulfing me.

John leans into me, lowering his big body, allowing me to dress him. The soft cotton pulls tight across his wide shoulders, his back muscles ripple and his biceps bulge. He’s a man in his prime, strong and beautiful, and I long to drag my lips over his tanned skin, to taste every inch of him.

Good assistants don’t taste their bosses.


Read the next scene here (available on October 6th):


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My boss, John Powers, represents everything I want in a man. He’s the CEO and founder of a powerful company, that position having made him a billionaire, striking in an I-survived-a-bar-brawl sort of way, and too clever for my sanity.

I’m his assistant and desperately in love with him. I’d willingly serve him both in the boardroom and in the bedroom.

There’s one problem.

He doesn’t mix business with pleasure.


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Interview With Sam Cheever

By Cynthia Sax on September 28, 2015

I sat down (virtually) with Sam Cheever for a short interview. Sam Cheever’s latest release is Bedeviled & Beguiled, an awesome SciFi Paranormal!

Cynthia Sax: What makes Dialle so freakin’ sexy?

Sam Cheever: Dialle is the ultimate bad boy. He’s dark and dangerous and constantly fighting his devilish nature. But since the heroine is part devil too, when they’re naughty, they’re very naughty!

Cynthia Sax: What is your favorite line from Bedeviled & Beguiled?

Sam Cheever: Demon King Abrine says to Astra:

“somehow I expected someone a little more…shall we say, imposing?”

And she responds:

“Me too. I’m always a little surprised when I look in a mirror. I feel so much bigger and meaner to myself.”

I get a kick out of this because it’s the perfect representation of small woman syndrome. LOL I resemble that statement! Like Astra, I’m not nearly as big as my ’tude.

Cynthia Sax: How does Bedeviled & Beguiled start?

Sam Cheever: Astra Q Phelps runs the universe’s only demon exterminating company. So it made sense to me to start there. In the opening scene, Astra’s doing a training exercise with her partner, Emo. Emo is a halfling like she is, but unlike Astra, he was cursed in his youth to look like the traditional representation of a devil, red and scaly with horns. Here’s a bit of that scene:

I mentally cursed myself and forced my mind back to the present. My mind always wanders during training. Especially when my training partner is Emo, my longtime partner and fellow perfectionist in thuggery. Like me, Emo takes our little training sessions very seriously. Unlike me however, Emo doesn’t have any trouble concentrating on what he’s doing. I have a lot of trouble concentrating unless my life is in peril. Which certainly happens often enough, since I make my living hunting devils and demons.

Closing off my wayward thoughts, I cocked my head and tried to focus all of my energies into sensing Emo in the pitch-black space. I heard tiny pattering feet to the left, skittering along the wall that stretched across my back. My head swiveled just in time to spot the shimmering red aura of a large, black rat that was returning to his den with a tiny chunk of bread. I watched him closely to make sure he didn’t even think about coming my way.

I really hate rats.

When the rat was safely tucked into his little rat shack in the wall, I made a conscious effort to refocus my attention to the task at hand. I took a deep breath, tilted my head back and expanded my nostrils to scent Emo, but he was apparently using his masking power and I couldn’t get a fix on him.

Unfortunately, I did get a pretty good whiff of the Chinese takeout place on the corner up the street and I suddenly remembered that I hadn’t eaten any lunch and it was well past dinnertime. I closed my eyes and took a deep cleansing breath, shaking my head in an effort to regain my concentration. I focused on sensitizing my power to overcome the block Emo was apparently using. My power slid around the room, searching, but not finding my skulking partner. I clutched the object I held in my hand a little more tightly as my nose began to tingle and the skin on my back started to crawl.

I suddenly realized there was something standing just behind me. I jerked my head around but it was too late. A big, leathery paw with long, sharp claws clamped itself around my upper arm and tore me off my feet.

Angry with myself that I’d allowed him to sneak up on me, I used the momentum of his attack to turn my body so that I faced the wall. Then I pushed my feet into the wall and launched myself backward, flipping over his head and landing on the balls of my feet a short distance behind him. He turned with a snarl and dove toward my legs, tackling me to the ground and covering me with his thick, solid body. The wind left me in a rush but I managed to jam my knee deeply into the spot between his legs where he would least like me to wedge my bony limb. He growled as I connected with something squishy and heavy and one of his club-like arms jerked toward the ceiling and started to come down toward my head. It stopped in mid-air as I pushed the object I held in my hand into the middle of his chest. The object gave off burning sparks as it hit his leathery skin. He yelped and sprang off me.

Gasping to refill my lungs, I tucked my feet beneath my butt and launched myself off the floor. As soon as my toes hit the floor again, I pushed off and sprang toward the retreating devil. I hit him hard, knocking him back against the wall and holding him there with the cross. It began to vibrate in my hand and give off tiny, stinging, electric shocks that I forced myself to ignore.

Emo went completely still, as only his kind can do, and stopped breathing. The only sound in the lightless space came from my panting breath in his ear.

“You give?”

Emo gave a slight nod and slowly dropped his arms in surrender. I reluctantly lowered the cross, knowing all too well that devils weren’t to be trusted. Even if they were part angel.

I moved across the room on the balls of my feet, stepping sideways so I could keep an eye on his aura. When I’d managed to put about twenty feet between us, his icy, blue aura suddenly flickered and disappeared and I felt a whoosh of hot air as he moved, with a speed I hadn’t known he possessed, to a spot somewhere behind me. I turned to meet him head on, but he was faster. He hit me with a full body block that dropped us to the floor with me on the bottom, knocking all of the wind out of my lungs and sending us both skittering across the floor. I ended up with my head just inches from the rat hole and, like a reluctant gawker at a particularly grizzly air bus accident, I tipped my head back to see if the rat was anywhere near. To my vast chagrin, I came eyeball to eyeball with the disgusting thing. It opened its pointed, disease ridden mouth and hissed at me, lunging toward my face as if it would attack.

I screamed and leaped to my feet, dislodging a hilarious devil and jumping around like a moron as I convulsed in hysterical disgust. I did the revulsion dance across the room until there was a lot of space between me and that twitchy nosed, red-eyed attack rodent.

Emo lay in a giggling puddle on the floor as I commanded lights on full and returned the cross I’d used against him to my pocket. He finally wound down and, taking a deep breath, reached up to rub the spot on his scaled chest where the cross had rested. My sparring partner climbed heavily to his feet. “Damn, Astra. You promised me you wouldn’t use the platinum cross anymore. That sonofabitch hurts like hell!”

Forgetting my near death experience with the rat for a moment, I narrowed my eyes at him and grinned. “You would know.”

Cynthia Sax: Is Bedeviled & Beguiled a series and will you be writing more stories in this series?

Sam Cheever:
This is a series I received my rights back on several months ago. I’m in the process of re-editing and re-releasing them right now. Currently the first 3 of the 6 books are available on Amazon and I’m working on number 4. They should all be available by the end of the year. I’m also working on a book of fun Christmas short stories based in this world. I anticipate releasing the book for sale in November. Will I write more in this series? I’m definitely open to the idea. I’ll wait to see if there’s reader demand for more books.

Thank you, Sam Cheever, for joining us today!

Sam Cheever’s Website:


Astra Q Phelps is on the side of the good guys in the war between good and evil. Unfortunately for her, the bad guys have been making inroads on her soul. And when a particularly dark and sexy dark worlder fixes his heated gaze on Astra, the lighter side of her nature quickly finds itself kicked to the curb by her slut-monkey side. But Astra doesn’t have time to deal with her love life. She’s in the middle of a war between two dark factions…a war that just might mean the end of the human population…and it seems the fate of the world rests uneasily on her shoulders. It’s a lot of pressure to put on one feisty halfling…but Astra Q Phelps is definitely…erm…certainly…ahh…possibly up to the challenge.

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Breathing Vapor Available For Pre-Order On Amazon

By Cynthia Sax on September 27, 2015


Breathing Vapor, the standalone follow up story to Releasing Rage, is now available for pre-order at Amazon. It’ll soon be available at other booksellers also.

Vapor is the most advanced cyborg the Humanoid Alliance has ever developed. He’s a finely honed weapon, a warrior without parallel, half man and half machine. No lock can contain him. No being can stop him. Whatever he wants, he takes.

He wants Mira Breazeal, the Designer’s daughter.

She’s his one temptation, his sexy target. Vapor shouldn’t crave her caresses, steal her kisses, make her scream with ecstasy. The cyborgs want her dead and they would question his loyalty if he didn’t kill her. The humans would shoot him on sight if he dared to touch her.

Their love is forbidden. Their desire could be lethal. One human and one cyborg will risk everything for a moment of passion.

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SciFi Saturday News – Modern Cyborgs, Space Junk Billionaires And More Star Wars Rumors

By Cynthia Sax on September 26, 2015

Looking for ideas for your next SciFi romance? Here are some of the SciFi inspiring stories I’ve seen this week.

Modern Cyborgs

Jill Margo shares

“Men seem surprisingly open to the idea of having cancer-detecting biosensors implanted in their bodies, according to a report in Science as Culture.

One day such sensors could hopefully aid in the treatment or repair of tissue and organs without external human direction or control.

The report says sensors would bring them another step closer to becoming cyborgs, hypothetical people with mechanical elements built into their bodies that extend their physical abilities extended beyond human limitations.”

Dark Matter

Edwin Cartlidge shares

“For years, high-energy radiation from space has been teasing scientists with inconclusive hints of dark matter. But a definitive answer may be at hand. A team of physicists says that certain galactic x-rays could be a sign of decaying dark matter, and that an upcoming satellite mission should prove or disprove their claim.”

Space Junk Billionaires?

Robert Ferris shares

“Call it “space debris” or “space junk,” there is enough material floating through space or orbiting the Earth that some companies believe they can build a business around it, according to an article in Nature News. Space debris can be natural, such as meteroids, or human-made, such as old satellites or parts of spacecraft.”

I know what you’re thinking—space junk billionaires!

The Next Space Station

John Wenz shares

“All good things must come to an end, and that’s true even of the International Space Station. The orbital laboratory, which has been remarkable on many levels (including getting the US and Russia to get along, sort of), is set to be decommissioned in 2024. Russia already has plans for its own space station, but the American space program hasn’t put forward anything new.

At a meeting sponsored by the Secure World Foundation and the Alliance for Space Development, though, one solution was proposed: a privately owned or commercial space station, utilizing corporate (rather than national) stakeholders.”

Space Junk Billionaires. Now Space Station Billionaires. I sense the start of a series.

More Star Wars Rumors

The latest rumor about Star Wars: The Force Awakens is that Darth Vader might be resurrected.

Kirsten Acuna shares

“We know Vader is definitely tied to the storyline of “The Force Awakens.” We’ve seen his old, melted helmet in a teaser trailer.
Just how much will Vader be a part of the new “Star Wars” trilogy?

We also know Vader serves as the inspiration for the new villainous Kylo Ren in December’s film, so much so that Ren has been described as “obsessed” with the Dark Lord.

This is where those two ideas merge.

A lot of fans are thinking Kylo Ren wants to resurrect Vader — especially since it seems like he’s after Luke’s lightsaber, which was originally Anakin’s.”

I’m all for this happening. I love me some Darth.

Star Trek Villains

Idris Elba is set to play a villain on Star Trek Beyond. Here are his thoughts…

“Simon [Pegg] and the team have written a very interesting, complex journey for my character. You’ve never seen me play a character like this.”


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Half Man. Half Machine. All Hers.

Rage, the Humanoid Alliance’s most primitive cyborg, has two goals—kill all of the humans on his battle station and escape to the Homeland. The warrior has seen the darkness in others and in himself. He believes that’s all he’s been programmed to experience.
Until he meets Joan.

Joan, the battle station’s first female engineer, has one goal—survive long enough to help the big sexy cyborg plotting to kill her. Rage might not trust her but he wants her. She sees the passion in his eyes, the caring in his battle-worn hands, the gruff emotion in his voice.

When Joan survives the unthinkable, Rage’s priorities are tested. Is there enough room in this cyborg’s heart for both love and revenge?

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Talking Breathing Vapor And Crash And Burn

By Cynthia Sax on September 24, 2015

I’m talking about cyborgs, spanking and future stories at Renee Rose’s online home today.

Here’s a snippet…

“Renee Rose: I would categorize Releasing Rage as a D/s (Dominance/submission) book. Do you ever throw in a little spanking or bondage?

Cynthia Sax: Releasing Rage definitely has dominance and submission in it. Rage is a warrior, accustomed to giving orders and trained to react to threats. Joan, the human heroine, understands this, allowing him to command her.

I know you write some hot, hot, HOT romances featuring some palm-warming spanking scenes (exploring spanking in Regencies is simply brilliant). My November release, Breathing Vapor, has a spank-happy cyborg hero. [Renee Rose: YIPPEE!] Mira, the human heroine, has issues letting go and expressing emotion. The sessions over Vapor’s knee help her with this.”


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Half Man. Half Machine. All Hers.

Rage, the Humanoid Alliance’s most primitive cyborg, has two goals—kill all of the humans on his battle station and escape to the Homeland. The warrior has seen the darkness in others and in himself. He believes that’s all he’s been programmed to experience.
Until he meets Joan.

Joan, the battle station’s first female engineer, has one goal—survive long enough to help the big sexy cyborg plotting to kill her. Rage might not trust her but he wants her. She sees the passion in his eyes, the caring in his battle-worn hands, the gruff emotion in his voice.

When Joan survives the unthinkable, Rage’s priorities are tested. Is there enough room in this cyborg’s heart for both love and revenge?

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Talking Cyborgs and Supertechs

By Cynthia Sax on September 23, 2015

I’m talking about cyborgs and Supertechs on at Greta van der Rol’s online home today.

Here’s a snippet…

“Almost every SciFi romance fan I know has a fascination with new and emerging technologies. I get a thrill when I see robots and druids (BB-8 from Star Wars: The Force Awakens has already stolen a piece of my heart), the latest tablets (so Star Trek!), even the innovations in coffee makers (the space-like K-cups).

So it makes sense that half human, half machine beings like cyborgs and Greta’s awesome Supertechs would capture our imaginations.”


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Half Man. Half Machine. All Hers.

Rage, the Humanoid Alliance’s most primitive cyborg, has two goals—kill all of the humans on his battle station and escape to the Homeland. The warrior has seen the darkness in others and in himself. He believes that’s all he’s been programmed to experience.
Until he meets Joan.

Joan, the battle station’s first female engineer, has one goal—survive long enough to help the big sexy cyborg plotting to kill her. Rage might not trust her but he wants her. She sees the passion in his eyes, the caring in his battle-worn hands, the gruff emotion in his voice.

When Joan survives the unthinkable, Rage’s priorities are tested. Is there enough room in this cyborg’s heart for both love and revenge?

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Interview With Aurora Russell

By Cynthia Sax on September 23, 2015

I sat down (virtually) with Aurora Russell for a short interview. Aurora Russell’s latest release is Bear Your Fangs, a sexy paranormal!

Cynthia Sax: What makes Randulf so freakin’ sexy?

Aurora Russell: First, I know I’m biased, but I think that Randulf is particularly sexy because he’s a tall, strong Viking werebear vampire. Beyond that, though, he’s honorable, compassionate, and cares deeply. So, he’s a warrior who’s delicious to look at and does a great job protecting Eva, but he’s soft on the inside. While he hopes they can be mates, and he wants to do everything he can to make that happen, including a good amount of scorching love-making, what he wants above everything else is Eva’s safety and happiness. The combination is pretty irresistible.

Cynthia Sax: What is your favorite line from Bear Your Fangs?

Aurora Russell: It’s too hard to choose just one favorite line, but I think one of my favorite exchanges between Eva and Randulf is this one, which is actually relatively early in the story:

“Is it always like it was between us?” Eva asked. “I mean, the pleasure? Is it always that good when you, um, drink from someone?”

Randulf groaned and shuddered, pulling her closer again, and leaning over so she could feel the warmth of his breath on her ear and in her hair. “It has never been even a fraction of that good with anyone else, little Eva,” he whispered in her ear, and Eva trembled, feeling his voice like a thousand tiny fingers brushing and caressing her skin.”

I think it shows the depth of passion and emotion between them, and also Randulf’s honesty. He’s old-fashioned, and you can tell that in his phrasing, but he isn’t afraid to express how much their first time making love to each other meant to him. And, of course, Eva is blown away by how good everything is with him, too. I think this really captures the immediate intimacy and passion that they have – with explosive chemistry!

Cynthia Sax: How does Bear Your Fangs start?

Aurora Russell: Bear Your Fangs starts with Eva, alone in a cabin in the remote woods of Maine, hearing a loud noise, which turns out to be an enormous and crazed werewolf who attacks her. Then, Randulf charges out of the forest, in his bear form, and saves her. It’s a very exciting opening scene, chock full of suspense, danger, and a hero who is then wounded and needs help after the battle. The setting is definitely important because two of the main characters are part of a shapeshifting vampire race called the melange, so they are most comfortable in a place that isn’t populated. The dark and dangerous beauty of the forest is something that continues to be an important theme in the rest of the story.

Cynthia Sax: Is Bear Your Fangs part of a series and will you be writing more stories in this series?

Aurora Russell:
Bear Your Fangs is the first in the series of the Melange. The second book Ursa Major Hottie, should be completed soon. There will be at least four books in this series, and possibly more. Definitely be on the lookout for more wickedly sexy shapeshifting vampire heroes in the near future!

Thank you, Aurora Russell, for joining us today!

Aurora Russell’s Website:


When Eva rents a cabin in the woods to reassess her life after a painful breakup, she hears rumors of disappearing hikers. Despite the stories, she resolves to stay awhile. Until she sees a crazed-looking giant wolf outside her window—with a hiker’s leg in his mouth. Things get even stranger when an enormous bear fights off the wolf—and then turns into a gorgeous man.

Randulf is a shapeshifting vampire charged with tracking down the rogue werewolf and executing him before he can kill more humans. But he’s wounded in the fight, and only two things can help him heal quickly enough to save both him and Eva from a second attack: sex and human blood. Eva is happy to oblige—over and over again.

Reader Advisory: This story has graphic sexual language and scenes—no closed bedroom doors (or other rooms) here!

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Why I Love Man Titty

By Cynthia Sax on September 22, 2015

I’m talking about man titty on covers at the fabulous Sabine Priestley’s online home today.

Here’s a snippet…

“First and foremost, I like looking at bare male chests (and shoulders and backs). All of those muscles, the interesting shadows, the vulnerability of exposed skin with the hint of power, fascinate me. I don’t need to see the man’s face. My idea of handsome isn’t the same as everyone’s. But a great male chest is universal. (grins)”


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Half Man. Half Machine. All Hers.

Rage, the Humanoid Alliance’s most primitive cyborg, has two goals—kill all of the humans on his battle station and escape to the Homeland. The warrior has seen the darkness in others and in himself. He believes that’s all he’s been programmed to experience.
Until he meets Joan.

Joan, the battle station’s first female engineer, has one goal—survive long enough to help the big sexy cyborg plotting to kill her. Rage might not trust her but he wants her. She sees the passion in his eyes, the caring in his battle-worn hands, the gruff emotion in his voice.

When Joan survives the unthinkable, Rage’s priorities are tested. Is there enough room in this cyborg’s heart for both love and revenge?

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The Good Assistant – First Scene

By Cynthia Sax on September 22, 2015

The Good Assistant, my sexy new contemporary erotic romance, will be releasing on October 21st.

Here is the first scene from the first chapter


Chapter One

As I push through the revolving doors and enter Powers Corporation’s glass and marble lobby, my phone hums against my hip. It can’t be my too-sexy-for-any-woman’s-sanity boss. He called me two minutes ago.

I drape the dry cleaning bag over my shoulder, unclip my phone from my skirt’s waistband and groan. It is my boss. John Powers, billionaire, CEO, and unabashed control freak, is calling me yet again. I sigh. He goes a little crazy whenever I leave the building.

“You have a conference call at five thirty with Rexton Bass, Mr. Powers,” I answer, skipping the formalities. My boss has no patience with small talk. I quicken my pace, my heels tapping against the fine basket weave tile.

“I know where I’m supposed to be.” John’s growl sends a shiver of excitement rolling down my spine, tightening my nipples and heating my skin. He’s the only man who can turn me on with his voice alone. “Where the hell are you, Grant? And where the hell is my shirt?”

John calls everyone by his or her last name. I wouldn’t mind this quirk if my last name was at all feminine or sexy. “I have your shirt, sir, and I’ll be in your office in five minutes.” I avoid the receptionist’s pleading gaze as I pass her desk, turning toward the bank of elevators. Men and women in dark suits crowd around her. All of these visitors want a meeting with my insanely busy boss.

“Get that perky ass moving. I don’t have all day,” John barks. “I’ll be waiting for you in my briefs.” The phone clicks and there’s silence.

My hot-as-hell boss is waiting for me in his briefs. I stare at the small screen, visions of tanned skin, hard muscle, and dark brown hair flooding my overworked, sexually deprived brain.

John doesn’t mean anything provocative by his statement. He doesn’t see me as a woman. I attach the phone to my waistband and press the button for the elevator. He doesn’t see me at all. I’m a resource, an extension of his office like his desk or laptop.

The elevator doors open and I step inside.

“Miss Grant, wait up!”

I hold the doors open and Stacie Moore, the company’s newest, most aggressive marketing coordinator, flounces across the threshold, her large breasts jiggling. She’s blonde, beautiful, and generously endowed. If she wasn’t an employee, she’d be a perfect candidate for John’s next one night stand. I select the button for the top floor.

“Is that Mr. Powers’ shirt?” Stacie plucks at the dry cleaning bag. “My, he has wide shoulders, doesn’t he?” Her blue eyes glow.

I know all about my boss’ potent affect on women. I fell in love with him during my job interview. That was three years ago and my obsession with him hasn’t dimmed, not one bit. “Mr. Powers doesn’t mix personal and business matters, Miss Moore.” I jab the button for the marketing floor.

Stacie lifts her eyebrows. “You get straight to the point, don’t you?”

I don’t say anything as I do get straight to the point. Working for John has trained me to cut through the bullshit.

“I like that.” She grins. “So you and Mr. Powers aren’t together?” She dances in place, her short skirt hiking up with each wiggle. “You aren’t a couple?”

A couple? John and I? I glance at my reflection in the mirrored walls. I remain a plain, flat-chested brunette. I haven’t magically become a curvy blonde, a woman worthy of these outrageous assumptions. “He’s my boss and that’s the extent of our relationship.”

Lines appear between Stacie’s finely arched eyebrows. “Mr. Powers doesn’t look at you like a boss looks at his employee.”


Read the next scene here (available on September 29th):


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My boss, John Powers, represents everything I want in a man. He’s the CEO and founder of a powerful company, that position having made him a billionaire, striking in an I-survived-a-bar-brawl sort of way, and too clever for my sanity.

I’m his assistant and desperately in love with him. I’d willingly serve him both in the boardroom and in the bedroom.

There’s one problem.

He doesn’t mix business with pleasure.


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