Teacher’s Pet Contest – Hawke From Sinful Rewards

By on September 26, 2014

Every month, Nice Girls Writing Naughty hosts a contest. This month, being September and back to school for many students in North America, we’ve chosen our favorite Teacher’s Pets.

Every author will be giving away a prize. I’m giving away a copy of Sinful Rewards 1 in eBook form. There will be FIVE winners! All you have to do is comment on this post. Yep, it is easy peasy!

We’re also giving away a $50 gift certificate from Amazon! To enter for this grand prize and to see a list of the other NGWN participants, go here http://nicegirlswritingnaughty.wordpress.com/2014/09/27/teachers-pet-scavenger-hunt/

My teacher’s pet is…

FAST FIVE FACTS ABOUT HAWKE (from Sinful Rewards):

1. Growing up, I wanted to be James Dean. Yeah, he’s an oldie but man, he lived hard and fast and did whatever the hell he wanted. That was before I found out what dying young really looked like.

2. On Friday nights, you would have found my best friend Rock and I rocketing down a dirt road in my beat up old car, the music blasting, a cloud of dust billowing behind us. My mom could hear us returning home from miles away.

3. I spent my prom night with Rock. It wasn’t a sausage fest. Hell no. We had dates but nothing serious. The girls knew we were shipping out soon.

4. In high school, Rock and I were voted the most likely to wreak havoc on multiple continents. We’d signed up for the Marines and our training started immediately after graduation.

5. College boys had Hell Week. Rock and I had Hell Months. The tour in Iraq kicked our asses. (looks grim) Rock. (swallows hard) Fuck, Rock didn’t return home.


Subscribe To My Release Day Newsletter: http://tasteofcyn.com/2014/05/28/newsletter/

Bee Carter’s carefully constructed world is tumbling down around her designer knockoff heels. Pleasing others isn’t working for this small-town fashionista. Bee decides to throw caution to the Chicago wind for one night and release her inner bad girl, accepting a sexy challenge from an unknown texter, exploring the backseat of a limousine with gorgeous billionaire Nicolas, and entering a rough, tough biker bar with the mysterious Hawke.

Two hot men, one wicked night. When this good girl goes wild, who will make her erotic dreams come true—the enigmatic billionaire or the tattooed bad boy?

Buy Links:

Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Sinful-Rewards-Billionaires-Bikers-Novella-ebook/dp/B00I7V89JS

ARe: https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-sinfulrewards3-1613793-149.html

Barnes And Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/sinful-rewards-3-cynthia-sax/1119919837

Google: https://play.google.com/store/search?q=9780062354143

iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/sinful-rewards-3/id814148707

7 responses to “Teacher’s Pet Contest – Hawke From Sinful Rewards”

  1. Evelise Archer says:

    Thanks for sharing Hawke and I look forward to reading all about his naughty exploits.

  2. heather cook says:

    Thanks for the chance 🙂

  3. Brandi says:

    Thanks for sharing the facts with us! Sorry to hear about Rock. =(

    Take care & I hope you have a great weekend! =)
    BLeigh1130 at yahoo dot com

  4. June M. says:

    Oh, I have had this series on my TBR list for a little bit now 🙂
    manning_J2004 at yahoo dot com

  5. Mina Gerhart says:

    Poor Hawke ,
    I wouldn’t mind comforting him 😉

    Mindy 🙂

  6. Tina B says:

    Sounds like he raised a little hell. Sorry about Rock. 🙁

    trb0917 at gmail dot com

  7. flchen1 says:

    Yowza, Cyn! Poor dear–I’m sure he isn’t lacking for encouragers now 😉