Facial Hair On Heroes – Yes Or No?

By Cynthia Sax on July 24, 2014

Adrian Grenier

Thanks to the popularity of Duck Dynasty, the beard is back! I’ve yet to write a bearded hero. My heroes are normally cleanly shaven as they tend to be businessmen. I’ve seen bearded men in suits but this is still less common.

Nicolas, the billionaire hero of Sinful Rewards, is cleanly shaven. He’s a beautiful sophisticated man. He reminds me a bit of Adrian Grenier, the star of Entourage, when I saw him a few years ago. In this photo, he has a hint of stubble, but his chin is normally bare (his thick dark wavy hair is identical to Nicolas’ – I want to run my fingers through it).

Houston Alexander aka The Assassin

Hawke, the other hero in Sinful Rewards, has perma stubble. Yes, he’s bad ass, a manly man, a primitive beast, not caring about his appearance, but there’s also a practical reason for his stubble. His face is crisscrossed with scars. The dips and grooves of his scars make it very difficult (and slightly dangerous) to get a close perfect shave. It is much easier for him to simply skim over the surface with an electronic razor.

Seth Green

This variance in facial hair between the two heroes makes kissing and nuzzling with them very different experiences. Nicolas’ face is smooth, a contrast of soft skin over hard jaw. Hawke’s rugged countenance is covered with short coarse hair.

Will Bee choose the clean-shaven Nicolas or the stubble-covered Hawke? We’ll find out in Sinful Rewards.

What type of facial hair do you love on romance heroes?

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Sinful Rewards 1

Cynthia Sax

Belinda “Bee” Carter is a good girl; at least, that’s what she tells herself. And a good girl deserves a nice guy—just like the gorgeous and moody billionaire Nicolas Rainer. He is everything she wants in a man.

Or so she thinks, until she takes a look through her telescope and sees a naked, tattooed man on the balcony across the courtyard. Hawke is mysterious, the bad boy she knows will bring only heartbreak. He has been watching her, and that makes him all the more enticing.

But when a mysterious and anonymous text message dares her to do something bad, she must decide if she is really the good girl she has always claimed to be, or if she’s willing to risk everything for her secret fantasy of being watched.

Is her mystery man the reclusive billionaire with a wild side or the darkly dangerous bad boy?

Buy Links:
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Sinful-Rewards-1-Cynthia-Sax-ebook/dp/B00I7V89H0

ARe: https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-sinfulrewards1-1560586-237.html

Barnes And Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/sinful-rewards-1-cynthia-sax/1119055390

Google: https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Cynthia_Sax_Sinful_Rewards_1?id=g08ZAwAAQBAJ

iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/sinful-rewards-1/id814148703?mt=11

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Sinful Rewards Reviewed At Fresh Fiction

By Cynthia Sax on July 23, 2014

Sinful Rewards 1 was reviewed at Fresh Fiction!


“In SINFUL REWARDS the author is at the top of her form and it’s a joy to read from page one. The cliff-hangers are part of the deal, I expect them, and it’s fine that way, because I’ll be looking forward to at least one very special treat each month for a year!”

Subscribe To My Release Day Newsletter: http://tasteofcyn.com/2014/05/28/newsletter/

Sinful Rewards 1

Cynthia Sax

Belinda “Bee” Carter is a good girl; at least, that’s what she tells herself. And a good girl deserves a nice guy—just like the gorgeous and moody billionaire Nicolas Rainer. He is everything she wants in a man.

Or so she thinks, until she takes a look through her telescope and sees a naked, tattooed man on the balcony across the courtyard. Hawke is mysterious, the bad boy she knows will bring only heartbreak. He has been watching her, and that makes him all the more enticing.

But when a mysterious and anonymous text message dares her to do something bad, she must decide if she is really the good girl she has always claimed to be, or if she’s willing to risk everything for her secret fantasy of being watched.

Is her mystery man the reclusive billionaire with a wild side or the darkly dangerous bad boy?

Buy Links:
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Sinful-Rewards-1-Cynthia-Sax-ebook/dp/B00I7V89H0

ARe: https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-sinfulrewards1-1560586-237.html

Barnes And Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/sinful-rewards-1-cynthia-sax/1119055390

Google: https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Cynthia_Sax_Sinful_Rewards_1?id=g08ZAwAAQBAJ

iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/sinful-rewards-1/id814148703?mt=11

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Interviewed At Reading Between The Wines

By Cynthia Sax on July 23, 2014

I was interviewed at Reading Between The Wines!


Here is a snippet…

Lexi: We have your favorite white wine chilled and ready Cynthia! But unlike when we were talking about Flashes of Me we won’t give you too many difficult questions. And speaking of Flashes of Me, we have you here to talk about the trilogy set in the same world. Your Seen Trilogy includes: He Watches Me, He Touches Me, and He Claims Me. Has it been hard to leave this world and write in others?

Cynthia Sax: (sips her wine) It was very difficult to leave The Seen Trilogy world (Flashes of Me and Breaking All The Rules are also part of this world). That’s why Blaine, the hero of The Seen Trilogy, makes a brief appearance in Sinful Rewards, my sizzling hot 12 novella serial. The billionaire club in the US is fairly small (a little over 400 known billionaires) so it made sense that Blaine from The Seen Trilogy and Nicolas from Sinful Rewards would know each other.

Subscribe To My Release Day Newsletter: http://tasteofcyn.com/2014/05/28/newsletter/

Sinful Rewards 1

Cynthia Sax

Belinda “Bee” Carter is a good girl; at least, that’s what she tells herself. And a good girl deserves a nice guy—just like the gorgeous and moody billionaire Nicolas Rainer. He is everything she wants in a man.

Or so she thinks, until she takes a look through her telescope and sees a naked, tattooed man on the balcony across the courtyard. Hawke is mysterious, the bad boy she knows will bring only heartbreak. He has been watching her, and that makes him all the more enticing.

But when a mysterious and anonymous text message dares her to do something bad, she must decide if she is really the good girl she has always claimed to be, or if she’s willing to risk everything for her secret fantasy of being watched.

Is her mystery man the reclusive billionaire with a wild side or the darkly dangerous bad boy?

Buy Links:
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Sinful-Rewards-1-Cynthia-Sax-ebook/dp/B00I7V89H0

ARe: https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-sinfulrewards1-1560586-237.html

Barnes And Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/sinful-rewards-1-cynthia-sax/1119055390

Google: https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Cynthia_Sax_Sinful_Rewards_1?id=g08ZAwAAQBAJ

iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/sinful-rewards-1/id814148703?mt=11

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Interview With Kathy Kulig

By Cynthia Sax on July 23, 2014

I sat down (virtually) with Kathy Kulig for a short interview. Kathy Kulig’s latest release is Nightlord Lover, a sexy vampire menage erotic romance.

Cynthia Sax: What makes Garrick and Ramon so freakin’ sexy?

Kathy Kulig: There are two heroes in NIGHTLORD LOVER because this is a ménage story. Garrick can be described as the warrior vampire, a mysterious and muscular predator. And Ramon is the sorcerer vampire with special powers. He’s sleek and wild like a rock star. Both are strong and fierce when it comes to protecting and pursuing Larissa. They’re intent on claiming her, but not against her will. The only problem is, there are others who would claim her at any time, given the opportunity, even destroy her. Of course, Garrick and Ramon are hot, as vampires usually are.

Cynthia Sax: What is one thing you absolutely love about Nightlord Lover?

Kathy Kulig: I love the setting for this book. New Hope, PA. It’s a historical, colonial village along the Delaware River. There are many old homes, shops and restaurants here. It’s also known as one of the most haunted places in the world. I also like the magical element in this story and the symbiotic relationship mortal and immortals have that makes the town thrive until the rebels gets greedy.

Cynthia Sax: What is your favorite line from Nightlord Lover?

Kathy Kulig: A favorite line that comes to mind is in the opening paragraph. I plan to start this intro. paragraph for each book to set the tone. It’s the internal thoughts of one of the vampires from the New Hope Guild. I’ll let the readers see if they can guess who it is. The line is: “Eternal nights awaken the sensual hunger that drives me into the shadows, searching for the one to end the agony and fill the need.”

Cynthia Sax: Where did you get the idea for Nightlord Lover?

Kathy Kulig:
I’ve been to the real New Hope, PA many times and learned about the history, stayed in a couple bed and breakfasts (both claim to be haunted), and took the ghost tour. There truly is a hitchhiking ghost like I have in the story. I always felt it would be a great setting for a vamp story. While hubby and I stayed at one of the B & B’s, we learned about a hidden tunnel under this huge Victorian house that was built in the 1700s. The tunnel was part of the Underground Railroad that was used to rescue slaves and help them to freedom. This tunnel was found while the owners of the B & B decided to do some construction. They stopped the construction to preserve the tunnel.

The tunnel ran from a trap door beneath a gazebo in the yard to the basement of the house. As the writer, I thought what if there were dozens of tunnels like this all around the village connecting stores, businesses and homes? Vampires could travel underground in these tunnels during the day. And what if there was a tunnel that crossed beneath the Delaware River? In my story there is a council of vampire slayers who live in peace across the river. But not for long. All this musing created the beginning of Nightlord Lover

Thank you, Kathy Kulig, for joining us today!

Kathy Kulig’s Website: http://www.kathykulig.com


Warrior vampire Garrick Labar guards the secrets of the Guild. His comrade–vampire and sorcerer Ramon Travere–enforces the uneasy alliance between mortals and immortals. When Larissa Devine moves into town, both Garrick and Ramon are mesmerized and enraptured by her. They crave to claim her as their crimson swan and lover. But a new arrival is fair game and if they don’t claim her first, a band of renegades will.

Larissa finds a blistering-hot ménage with her protectors too intoxicating to resist. The immortals can’t deny their sexual attraction for her and sense her blood pulsing hot and furious when they’re close. Erotic desires thrust her into a world of danger and seduction. When the renegade vampires attempt to destroy a hundred years of peace, Larissa is caught in the crossfire. Eternal love and carnal nights can be her future if she survives.

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WIP It Up Wednesday – Sinful Rewards

By Cynthia Sax on July 22, 2014

I’m participating in WIP It Up Wednesdays ( http://wipitupwednesday.blogspot.ca/ ) today, contributing a scene from Sinful Rewards 1!


Voices murmur outside the condo’s door, the sound piercing my delightful daydream. I swing the telescope upward, not wanting to be caught using it. The snippets of conversation drift away.

I don’t relax. If the telescope isn’t in the same spot as it was positioned last night, Cyndi will realize I’ve been using it. She’ll tease me about being a fellow pervert, sharing the story, embellished for more dramatic effect, with her stern serious dad or, worse, with Angel, that snobby friend of hers.

I’ll die. It’ll be worse than being the butt of jokes in high school because that ridicule had been about my clothes and this will center around the part of my soul I’ve always kept hidden. It’ll also be the truth and I won’t be able to deny it. I am a pervert.

I have to return the telescope to where it was positioned. This is the only acceptable solution. I tap the metal tube.

Last night, my man-crazy roommate had been giggling over the new guy in three eleven north. The previous occupant had been a gray-haired, bowtie-wearing tax auditor, his luxurious accommodations supplied by Nicolas. The most exciting thing he ever did was drink his tea on the balcony.

According to Cyndi, the new occupant is a delicious piece of man candy, tattooed, buff, and head-to-toe lickable. He’d been completing arm curls outside and she’d enthusiastically counted his reps, oohing and aahing over his bulging biceps, calling to me to take a look.

I’d resisted that temptation, focusing on making macaroni and cheese for the two of us, the recipe snagged from the diner my mom works in. After we scarfed down dinner with Cyndi licking her plate clean, she left for the club and hasn’t returned.

Three eleven north is the mirror condo to ours. I straighten the telescope. That position looks about right but then, the imitation UGGS I bought in second year college looked about right also. The first time I wore the boots in the rain, the sheepskin fell apart, leaving me barefoot in Economics 201.

Unwilling to risk Cyndi’s friendship on about right, I gaze through the eyepiece. The view consists of rippling golden planes, almost like…

Tanned skin pulled over defined abs.

I blink. It can’t be. I take another look. A perfect pearl of perspiration clings to a puckered scar. The drop elongates more and more, stretching, snapping. It trickles downward, navigating the swells and valleys of a man’s honed torso.

No. I straighten. This is wrong. I shouldn’t watch our sexy neighbor as he stands on his balcony. If anyone catches me…

I glance behind me. There’s no one here to catch me. Cyndi won’t know I looked. The hunk in three eleven north won’t know I looked. I’m not harming anyone.

I bend over and take another peek.

The sunlight casts interesting shadows across his stomach, accentuating the ridges of muscle, the dip of his navel. I dart my tongue over my suddenly dry lips. His skin is marred with silver scars, some round, some slashes, this proof of hard living, of survival, arousing me, tightening my nipples and moistening my pussy.

I shouldn’t lust after him. He’s the wrong kind of man, the leaving kind, too virile and feral to stay in one place for long. I can tell this from his stance, from his brazen exhibitionism. He wants me to look at him, to care for him. I tilt the telescope downward. His hips are slim. More scars are etched along the bones. Fine brown hair trails from his navel to…

My mouth drops open. He’s completely naked.

Subscribe To My Release Day Newsletter: http://tasteofcyn.com/2014/05/28/newsletter/

Sinful Rewards 1

Cynthia Sax

Belinda “Bee” Carter is a good girl; at least, that’s what she tells herself. And a good girl deserves a nice guy—just like the gorgeous and moody billionaire Nicolas Rainer. He is everything she wants in a man.

Or so she thinks, until she takes a look through her telescope and sees a naked, tattooed man on the balcony across the courtyard. Hawke is mysterious, the bad boy she knows will bring only heartbreak. He has been watching her, and that makes him all the more enticing.

But when a mysterious and anonymous text message dares her to do something bad, she must decide if she is really the good girl she has always claimed to be, or if she’s willing to risk everything for her secret fantasy of being watched.

Is her mystery man the reclusive billionaire with a wild side or the darkly dangerous bad boy?

Buy Links:
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Sinful-Rewards-1-Cynthia-Sax-ebook/dp/B00I7V89H0

ARe: https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-sinfulrewards1-1560586-237.html

Barnes And Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/sinful-rewards-1-cynthia-sax/1119055390

Google: https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Cynthia_Sax_Sinful_Rewards_1?id=g08ZAwAAQBAJ

iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/sinful-rewards-1/id814148703?mt=11

Please visit the other participants!

Come join the fun with Wip It Up
1. Natasha Knight  5. Jaye Peaches  9. Maddie Taylor  
2. Cynthia Sax  6. Casey McKay  10. Tara Finnegan Romance  
3. Melody Parks  7. Shelly Douglas  11. Kathryn R. Blake  
4. Joelle Casteel  8. PJ Fiala  

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Interview With Amanda Young

By Cynthia Sax on July 22, 2014

I sat down (virtually) with Amanda Young for a short interview. Amanda Young’s latest release is GWM Wanted, a contemporary MM romance.

Cynthia Sax: Where did you get the idea for GWM Wanted?

Amanda Young: Actually the idea for GWM Wanted came from a discussion between members of my family about keeping the spice in a long term relationship. I wanted to write a story about what happens to characters after the bloom has faded a little. Keeping the love alive is just as important, if not more so, than falling in love to begin with, and I wanted to show that in a way that illustrated the insecurities and fears of couple who still love each other but have let themselves drift apart over time.

Cynthia Sax: What causes problems between Mark and Sam?

Amanda Young: The couple in GWM Wanted, Mark and Sam are in a rut. They’ve been together for years and are starting to grow apart. In an effort to spice things up, they look into arranging a threesome with a stranger. The internal conflict comes from Sam and Mark’s insecurities. The external conflict comes from the stranger and what he plans to do to them once he weasels his way into their life and home.

Cynthia Sax: What one piece of advice would you give new writers?

Amanda Young: My best advice to new writers would be to write the story they’d want to read rather than pandering to whatever the hot new trend is. Chances are unless you write at lightning speed, by the time you get that story completed, submitted, and released the trend will be over and you’ll be left with a story no one wants to read. For example, if mermaids are hot this year but you’ve always wanted to write a story about unicorn shifters, then go with the unicorns. You never know when you’re bright idea might be the next big thing.

Cynthia Sax: What do you love about writing contemporary MM romance?

Amanda Young:
What’s not to like? I get to write stories about people falling in love. The only thing better than writing about people falling in love is experiencing it for yourself and I’ve already done that. I met my forever love at sixteen and our marriage is still going strong fifteen years later.

Thank you, Amanda Young, for joining us today!

Amanda Young’s Website: http://www.amandayoung.org


Finding true love is only half the battle. For Mark and Sam, love and commitment came easily. Holding onto it, won’t be nearly as simple.

Mark Peterson is still deeply in love with Sam, his partner of 15 years. He’s perfectly happy with their relationship, even if their sex life has grown a little stale over the years. When he begins to notice Sam’s gaze wandering toward other men, he fears that his younger lover may be losing interest in him.

When Sam suddenly suggests they broaden their sexual horizons by inviting a third man into their bedroom, Mark reluctantly agrees, willing to do whatever it takes to hold onto his lover. He’s willing to share his husband’s body, so long as he retains his heart.

Together, they answer an ad in an online advertisement. The other man seems to be just what they’re looking for — handsome, hung, and only interested in no strings attached fun just as they are. It isn’t until after the excitement begins that they find out they’ve made a terrible mistake.

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Sinful Rewards Reviewed-Books Like Breathing

By Cynthia Sax on July 21, 2014

I love this review from Books Like Breathing, especially the analysis of Bee, Nicolas and Hawke.


“I am salivating for the next part of this series. I need to know what happens. I very rarely have this happen to me. I am usually not one to get excited about a series. I can forget about it until the next book comes out. But not this one. I have a definite preference for endgame and I can’t wait to see if I’m right.”

Subscribe To My Release Day Newsletter: http://tasteofcyn.com/2014/05/28/newsletter/

Sinful Rewards 1

Cynthia Sax

Belinda “Bee” Carter is a good girl; at least, that’s what she tells herself. And a good girl deserves a nice guy—just like the gorgeous and moody billionaire Nicolas Rainer. He is everything she wants in a man.

Or so she thinks, until she takes a look through her telescope and sees a naked, tattooed man on the balcony across the courtyard. Hawke is mysterious, the bad boy she knows will bring only heartbreak. He has been watching her, and that makes him all the more enticing.

But when a mysterious and anonymous text message dares her to do something bad, she must decide if she is really the good girl she has always claimed to be, or if she’s willing to risk everything for her secret fantasy of being watched.

Is her mystery man the reclusive billionaire with a wild side or the darkly dangerous bad boy?

Buy Links:
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Sinful-Rewards-1-Cynthia-Sax-ebook/dp/B00I7V89H0

ARe: https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-sinfulrewards1-1560586-237.html

Barnes And Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/sinful-rewards-1-cynthia-sax/1119055390

Google: https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Cynthia_Sax_Sinful_Rewards_1?id=g08ZAwAAQBAJ

iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/sinful-rewards-1/id814148703?mt=11

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Sinful Rewards Revew-Crystal Blogs Books

By Cynthia Sax on July 21, 2014

Crystal Blogs Books has reviewed Sinful Rewards 1!


Here’s a snippet…

“I love the fact that things are not always as they seem. Readers will find themselves looking deeper into the words and actions of every character. How will it end? We’ll see in a year, but I am anticipating one hell of a ride.”

Subscribe To My Release Day Newsletter: http://tasteofcyn.com/2014/05/28/newsletter/

Sinful Rewards 1

Cynthia Sax

Belinda “Bee” Carter is a good girl; at least, that’s what she tells herself. And a good girl deserves a nice guy—just like the gorgeous and moody billionaire Nicolas Rainer. He is everything she wants in a man.

Or so she thinks, until she takes a look through her telescope and sees a naked, tattooed man on the balcony across the courtyard. Hawke is mysterious, the bad boy she knows will bring only heartbreak. He has been watching her, and that makes him all the more enticing.

But when a mysterious and anonymous text message dares her to do something bad, she must decide if she is really the good girl she has always claimed to be, or if she’s willing to risk everything for her secret fantasy of being watched.

Is her mystery man the reclusive billionaire with a wild side or the darkly dangerous bad boy?

Buy Links:
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Sinful-Rewards-1-Cynthia-Sax-ebook/dp/B00I7V89H0

ARe: https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-sinfulrewards1-1560586-237.html

Barnes And Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/sinful-rewards-1-cynthia-sax/1119055390

Google: https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Cynthia_Sax_Sinful_Rewards_1?id=g08ZAwAAQBAJ

iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/sinful-rewards-1/id814148703?mt=11

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Talking Sinful Rewards With Sabrina York

By Cynthia Sax on July 21, 2014

I’m at Sabrina York ‘s online home today, talking about all kinds of Sinful Rewards

(wicked grin)


Here’s a snippet…

At the end of a long day, I love to reward myself with a sizzling erotic romance. I’ve worked hard. I deserve a treat and erotic romances are guilt free indulgences. They’re sinful rewards.

That is the title of my latest contemporary erotic romance serial. In Sinful Rewards, Bee, the heroine, receives naughty challenges from a mysterious texter. Every time she accepts one of these toe-curling challenges, she’s given a luxurious reward, a pricey item she covets yet can’t afford on her small salary.

She doesn’t know what the reward will be when she’s given the challenge. It could be a new pair of shoes or a night at a club or breakfast in Paris. Bee has to weigh the difficulty of her erotic mission against the possible rewards. If she doesn’t complete a challenge, what will she give up? Will she ever find out? Yes, her texter is devious. Not knowing would drive me crazy also.

Subscribe To My Release Day Newsletter: http://tasteofcyn.com/2014/05/28/newsletter/

Sinful Rewards 1

Cynthia Sax

Belinda “Bee” Carter is a good girl; at least, that’s what she tells herself. And a good girl deserves a nice guy—just like the gorgeous and moody billionaire Nicolas Rainer. He is everything she wants in a man.

Or so she thinks, until she takes a look through her telescope and sees a naked, tattooed man on the balcony across the courtyard. Hawke is mysterious, the bad boy she knows will bring only heartbreak. He has been watching her, and that makes him all the more enticing.

But when a mysterious and anonymous text message dares her to do something bad, she must decide if she is really the good girl she has always claimed to be, or if she’s willing to risk everything for her secret fantasy of being watched.

Is her mystery man the reclusive billionaire with a wild side or the darkly dangerous bad boy?

Buy Links:
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Sinful-Rewards-1-Cynthia-Sax-ebook/dp/B00I7V89H0

ARe: https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-sinfulrewards1-1560586-237.html

Barnes And Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/sinful-rewards-1-cynthia-sax/1119055390

Google: https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Cynthia_Sax_Sinful_Rewards_1?id=g08ZAwAAQBAJ

iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/sinful-rewards-1/id814148703?mt=11

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Mini Writing Conference Hosted By Avon Writers

By Cynthia Sax on July 21, 2014

The RWA (Romance Writers Of America) Convention is Wednesday – Saturday in San Antonio. Many Avon writers are trapped in the writing cave and we’re hoping that writers and readers attending will post photos and share highlights on

Share your favorite fangirl (or fanboy) moments.

We will also be talking about writing all week, sharing our best writing advice, how to craft characters, how to start stories, etc. If you have a buddy who is constantly talking about writing a book, invite her/him to this group. If you hear someone express how sad they are to miss the convention, invite her/him also!

Today’s topics include…

Our best writing advice


Why we chose a traditional publisher instead of self-publishing.

Subscribe To My Release Day Newsletter: http://tasteofcyn.com/2014/05/28/newsletter/

Sinful Rewards 1

Cynthia Sax

Belinda “Bee” Carter is a good girl; at least, that’s what she tells herself. And a good girl deserves a nice guy—just like the gorgeous and moody billionaire Nicolas Rainer. He is everything she wants in a man.

Or so she thinks, until she takes a look through her telescope and sees a naked, tattooed man on the balcony across the courtyard. Hawke is mysterious, the bad boy she knows will bring only heartbreak. He has been watching her, and that makes him all the more enticing.

But when a mysterious and anonymous text message dares her to do something bad, she must decide if she is really the good girl she has always claimed to be, or if she’s willing to risk everything for her secret fantasy of being watched.

Is her mystery man the reclusive billionaire with a wild side or the darkly dangerous bad boy?

Buy Links:
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Sinful-Rewards-1-Cynthia-Sax-ebook/dp/B00I7V89H0

ARe: https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-sinfulrewards1-1560586-237.html

Barnes And Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/sinful-rewards-1-cynthia-sax/1119055390

Google: https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Cynthia_Sax_Sinful_Rewards_1?id=g08ZAwAAQBAJ

iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/sinful-rewards-1/id814148703?mt=11

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