Whose Story Is It?

By on May 2, 2014

When I was solely a reader, I thought erotic romances were stories about two people (or more, if they were ménages), that the stories belonged to both the heroes and the heroines equally. Many times, the stories were written from both points of view so the characters must share the story, right?

Ummm…no. Once I started seriously (or semi-seriously as I’m never truly serious about anything – grins) studying and writing romances, I discovered that almost every story belongs to either the hero or the heroine, not to both characters. One character drives most of the action.

Just as it is difficult to have two people steering the same car, it is as challenging having two characters steer the same story. One character often takes the lead, stealing much of the focus.

In The Seen Trilogy (He Watches Me, He Touches Me, He Claims Me), the story is about Anna. She has the biggest emotional issues, takes the biggest emotional risks, changes the most. Sure, Blaine has issues (there’s a reason why romance heroes start stories as bachelors) but his issues tie into Anna’s.

In Breaking All The Rules, even though the story is told from Camille’s point of view, the story belongs to Nate. He changes the most during the story. His issues are the greatest. He has the most to lose.

I’m a pantser (a writer who writes by the seat of her pants, without any plot) but I usually know whose story I’m writing before I type the first sentence. The story belongs to the character who has to change, evolve, grow the most to achieve her or his happy ever after. Yes, the most messed up character gets the most page time. (laughs) Just like in real life, the drama mammas steal all of our attention.

Looking back at your favorite romances, which characters dominated the pages? Whose stories are they?


Nathan Lawford, Blaine Technologies’ chief financial officer, is known as the Iceman. He conducts his personal and business affairs without emotion, never allowing himself to become involved with anyone. When Nate sees something or someone he wants, he negotiates, paying a simple, set monetary price.

Now he wants Camille, the company’s green-haired intern.

Camille Joplin Trent never expected to be paid to pleasure the man of her dreams. She can’t quite figure out why this is a bad thing. Nate is intelligent, handsome, sophisticated, everything she’s ever wanted in a lover and never thought she could have. Their contract is for a month, thirty lust-filled days of making every sexual fantasy they’ve ever had come true. At the end of this month, the rules state their relationship will end.

Of course, Camille has never been good at following rules.

Buy Now At Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Breaking-All-Rules-Erotic-Novella-ebook/dp/B00F2I2GXY

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Buy Now At ARe: https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-breakingalltherules-1453084-149.html

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