Wayback Wednesday: Her Dragon Lords
As you likely know, I LOVE dragons (I also love Nutella). That’s why so many of my heroes are dragon shifters. And, of course, I couldn’t resist writing about a two-headed dragon. Come on! How could I? They’re so super cool!
This two-headed dragon shifts into twin warrior brothers. One warrior is clearly left-brained and the other warrior is clearly right-brained. I had so much fun with this. This story is also a nod to the King Arthur, Lancelot, Guinevere love triangle, fitting as Her Dragon Lords is a medieval fantasy erotic romance.
Her Dragon Lords was the first menage story I wrote and it will always have a special place in my heart.
By Cynthia Sax
Available Now From Changeling Press

knows these dreams cannot come true, and she must choose only one
warrior to wed. She selects the stoic elder brother, bidding a
regret-filled farewell to her other laughing lord.
Except her wedding night isn’t the end of their relationship, but a
new beginning. The brothers share everything, and Guinevere is about to
live out her deepest, darkest fantasies. Will she be woman enough to
tame her two wild dragon lords?
Buy Now: http://www.changelingpress.com/product.php?&upt=book&ubid=1595
Buy Now on ARe: http://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-herdragonlords-575801-140.html
Buy Now on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Her-Dragon-Lords-ebook/dp/B0073ICJMO
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A Writer’s Imagination
Here’s my answer to this week’s flash fiction challenge!
I’m hunched over my keyboard, furiously typing, rushing to finish the last two hundred words of the story I’m working on. The mysterious alien being is revealing his true selves to the heroine. She gapes at his multiple forms, reaches out, and—
“I’m home!” the hubby hollers. It’s Friday, which means his weekend has started.
“Ugh.” I grimace, my weekend remaining two hundred words away. “I’m in a story right now.”
Reiter the Unicorn Prince, prances past, laughing that annoying laugh of his, searching for the Bookdragon.
“This isn’t your story, hay burner,” I mumble, ignoring Reiter’s antics.
The human heroine runs her trembling fingers over her now-multiple heroes’ bare chests.
“Whoa,” a deep voice rumbles behind me.
I look over my shoulder. The hubby is staring up at a huge two-headed green dragon. I blink. “How did you get in here?”
“Where am I?” He taps a large green scale with one of his fingertips.
“My imagination.”
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Flash Fiction: Fantasy Now Reality
This Week’s Flash Fiction Challenge — Fantasy Now Reality
** You’re reading a book, really into it. When you have to put it down, you find you are now in that book’s world. **
– Write a quickie with the above theme
– 100 to 150 words
– any authors or readers can come out and play
– Post at the Changeling Bar and Grill
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Flash Fiction: Claudia’s Cowboy
I wrote this flash fiction for Claudia’s birthday (one of my reading buddies). Happy birthday Claudia!
“I told that chirpy assistant of yours I wasn’t interested.” Travis Trent, owner of the Circle T, stood with his denim-clad legs braced apart and his black Stetson pulled low, the brim shadowing his sky-blue eyes. “This is a working ranch, not one of your fancy Hollywood sets.”
Beth tilted her head back and gazed up, up, up at the big cowboy. “I’m the chirpy assistant and, as I explained on the phone, Miss Claudia needs to experience a working ranch to research her role.”
“You’re the assistant,” Travis scoffed. “Yeah, right. I didn’t just fall off the turnip truck, lady. I know an actress when I see one.” He perused her slowly, his gaze skimming over her form, as intimate as any caress. “And you’re too purty to be anything other than an actress.” He paused at her scuffed cowboy boots and his jet-black eyebrows lifted. “Wearing borrowed boots.”
This big hulk of a man thinks I’m pretty? Beth blinked, accustomed to being overlooked and invisible. “These are my boots.” She stepped toward him. Heat rolled off his muscular body, enticing her even closer. “And they’re staying planted right here until you agree.”
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Wayback Wednesday: The Godrabbit
The Godrabbit is a prequel to Badge Bunny. After writing Badge Bunny, many readers wanted to know more about Uncle Flopsy, the mafia bunny shifter.
I LOVE The Godfather movies and The Godrabbit is definitely a nod to these movies. I love that Flopsy values loyalty, honor (his own brand of honor), and respect. He respects Lady Grace too much to bring her into his crime-filled world. Lady Grace isn’t some passive high society miss though. She decides to take matters and Flopsy into her gloved hands.
The Godrabbit
By Cynthia Sax
Available Now From Changeling Press

I am known by many names. My beloved mother called me Flopsy Lapin. Lady Grace Satin jokes that I am the wickedest rabbit in all of the world. Her father, Lord Satan, dares to label me a mobster street rabbit. You, my friend, may call me the Godrabbit.
Lady Grace is the only female I lust after. My bloodstained hands are unworthy of holding her, so when a high-class hooker with Lady Grace’s face, voice, scent, and everything else, wanders into my casino, I make her an offer she can’t refuse. This leads to a night I will never forget.
Note: The Godrabbit is a prequel to Protect And Serve: Badge Bunny .
Buy Now: http://www.changelingpress.com/product.php?&upt=book&ubid=1574
Buy Now On ARe: http://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-thegodrabbit-559940-140.html
Buy Now On Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/The-Godrabbit-ebook/dp/B006YFO18C
Buy Now On Barnes and Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-godrabbit-cynthia-sax/1030689777
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Cover Reveal For Tiger Byte!

Billionaire tiger shifter Nikhil Baagh has learned to subdue his savage nature. He no longer chases enemies through the city streets, maintaining justice with his teeth and claws. The exotic CEO follows human laws now, laying a sophisticated trap for the curvaceous hacker daring to illegally access his technological empire.
Nikhil then takes one sniff of Violet’s delectable scent and all of his most animalistic instincts stir. The plus-sized rebel isn’t merely his prey. She’s his mate, and he hunts her — tracking Violet through the social jungle, intent on claiming her permanently.
When an uptight tiger shifter meets a no-rules hacker, chaos reigns, empires fall, and old enemies resurface. Can Nikhil embrace his wild side and risk everything for love?
Buy It Soon At: http://www.changelingpress.com/product.php?&upt=book&ubid=2010
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Review For Lion In Wait
Candy at Sensual Reads shares
“Royce and Starr spend their lives consumed by work and have no time for love. When they meet for the first time the chemistry between them is explosive.”
By Cynthia Sax
Now Available From Changeling Press

Every cat loves to play with his food. Royce, the alpha of the Leone
pride, is no exception. He takes one look at the newest applicant for
the assistant job and knows the only role Starr will be taking is
directly underneath him. He can’t keep his curvaceous human permanently,
he’s too busy for a mate, but he does have time for an evening of
boardroom table fun.
Starr is too busy for relationships. She has debts to pay off and
three jobs to juggle. The assistant job at Leone Media is a dream.
Spending the night with the firm’s sexy boss is pure fantasy. He pets
her in all of the right places, his big cat eyes shining with an
admiration she’s searched a lifetime to find.
When they wake, it will be back to work for both of them… but in this urban Serengeti, love and the lion never sleep.
Buy It Now At: http://www.changelingpress.com/product.php?&upt=book&ubid=1994
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Flash Fiction Challenge: Private Demonstration
Here is the Changeling Flash Fiction Challenge for the week!
This week’s theme is courtesy of Cynthia Sax (me – grinning).
** You’re at a sex toy trade show and you’re asked to demonstrate a product… privately. **
– Write a quickie with the above theme
– 100 to 150 words
– Authors and readers can play
Please put “FFC” or “Flash Fiction” (and a title) in your subject line so we don’t miss any potential plot bunnies.
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