Cover Reveal For Skies On Fire!
I have a cover for Skies On Fire!
Bryan designed this cover.
Isn’t it gorgeous?
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Skies On Fire is the third story in the Operation Bliss series.
The first two stories (Dr. Feel Good and Sexual Healing ) were written by the always wonderful Ashlynn Monroe. They’re AWESOME! READ them!!!

Lieutenant Reisen, a grim Dracheon warrior, would die for honor and duty. He has sworn to protect the captain of the Bliss. When an alien attacks the ship, seeking to harm the captain, Reisen maintains his post by her side, ready to defend her with his life.
Jayla, the ship’s botanist, would never ask Reisen to turn his back on duty, not even to save her life. During an attack on her laboratory, all she asks of the impressively large male is that he take care of her beloved plants should she die… and that he remember the one stolen kiss they shared in a darkened alcove.
Reisen will never forget that kiss. Jayla is his mate, the sole being he is meant to spend his life with, and if she dies, his dreams will die with her. But he is honor-bound to protect his captain, and a Dracheon warrior never breaks his vows.
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WayBack Wednesday: Dragon Lord’s Mate
Every Wednesday, I’ll be discussing older stories that I’ve written and still love. I’ll talk about why I love them and what makes them special.
It is only right that I start this feature with Dragon Lord’s Mate. Dragon Lord’s Mate was my first published story. It combines two of my great loves – medieval romance and dragons.
Grun is a delicious hero. He’s scarred and war weary. He takes his responsibilities very seriously yet he longs for a companion, a mate, to share his long days with.
Taja, the heroine, has never had anyone want her. She’s the spare heir to her kingdom. She isn’t graceful or beautiful like her cousin Sabine. She can’t believe that the mysterious and often feared Lord of Schattenhaft wants her and he wants her so badly, he’s willing to fight to the death for her.
This is a bit of my favorite scene in Dragon Lord’s Mate
She shouldn’t be here. If she were caught, her reputation would be in ruins. But she had to see him before he fought. “I wish to speak with Lord Schattenhaft.” He stood to the side, his back to her, clad in form-fitting black armor.
“Leave us,” he rumbled. They did, silently, without question. Grun faced her. He looked taller, somehow, broader, a fierce warrior. Black eyes met hers. “Taja?”
He was magnificent and she wanted him. She couldn’t have him. Not now. Later. She swallowed. “Here.” She held out a piece of black silk. He took it, his rough fingers brushing against hers, sending tremors straight down to her pussy. “I am told some ladies give their lords a token to remind them of what they fight for.”
He brought the fabric up to his nose, breathed in. “Some lords would never forget.” He tucked the handkerchief underneath his armor, in the area of his heart.
Yeah, Grun has some great lines. (grins)
By Cynthia Sax
Available Now From Changeling Press

There comes a time when even princesses have to give up their dream men.
Every night in her dreams, Princess Taja experiments sexually with a
dragon lord. She knows he isn’t real. Her fantasy man is pressing her
for a commitment, something she can’t and won’t give. She needs a flesh
and blood man to safeguard her kingdom, not a man her lonely heart
conjured up. When the line between dream and reality blurs, will
Princess Taja find love?
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