Excerpt From Shades Of Pink

By Cynthia Sax on October 1, 2014

This post has adult content. If you are under the age of eighteen years old or sensitive to adult language/situations, please do not read this post.

I’ve donated a 16 page contemporary erotic romance short story to Shades Of Pink, an anthology with proceeds benefiting cancer research. For a small donation (the recommended amount is $5 U.S.), you’ll receive over 400 pages of yummy romance stories written by 22 authors with varying heat levels (my story doesn’t even warrant the highest heat level).

Here is the first short scene


Is this the right decision?

I sit in my small windowless office, the office I worked my ass off to earn, the semi-private space proudly awarded to me by Roch Voclain, Headly, Bow and Cross’ youngest partner. I stare at the pieces of paper in my hands.

The offer letter from the multinational consumer packaged goods company is reassuringly real, the signature of the company president scrawled in vivid blue ink at the bottom of the page. I’ll be leading the marketing campaigns for their diaper division, elbows deep in shit, Roch would say, his brown eyes sparkling with humor. Any ambitious young marketer would be delighted with the offer, accepting it on the spot.

It took me three days and an emotional slap in the face to finally embrace this opportunity. My lips flatten. Roch’s appointment of Stacie Moore to the Grenier account, an account he is personally overseeing, was the deciding factor.

She’s a fresh-faced new hire. I’m more experienced, the best damn English-language copywriter the firm has, and, for four years, I’ve been the young blonde he mentored, the employee he took on pitch trips, asked to work late with him. I made these sacrifices happily, overjoyed to be breathing the same air as him, to be by his side.

I did this for Roch, not for my career. The moment I saw him, during that first interview, I fell in love. He doesn’t feel the same way but I thought we’d become friends, forming a connection tighter than employer and employee. I helped him furnish his luxurious waterfront penthouse, choosing his paint colors and his furniture. He asked my opinion on firm policies, holiday gifts for his family, the color of his ties.

Our friendship was edged with something more, something forbidden. I’d glance toward my boss and he’d be watching me with hunger on his face, a promise of sensual delights reflecting in his eyes.

He never acted on these feelings, not once making a move on me. There was no inappropriate touching while we worked, no accidental brushing of shoulders during our weekends hunched over his desk.

This disappointed, but didn’t surprise, me. Roch is an honorable man with a rigid non-fraternization policy. His respect for female associates is well-known. And I thought I was okay with this, content to be his number one employee, his confidant and friend.

Until yesterday, when he replaced me, traded me in for a younger, blonder, more beautiful protégée. The papers crinkle in my hands. Stacie Moore will now be the employee he asks to work late, the woman who keeps him company on weekends, who hears his opinions on movies, music, the size of disposable coffee cups.

I can’t bear it, can’t sit passively as his world revolves without me. My gaze lowers to the offer letter. This is a great job and change is desperately needed.

I place the offer letter in the top drawer of my desk and fold the other letter, my resignation letter thanking Roch and the firm for the years of mentorship, for teaching me the skills I needed to land my new position.

The words are the expected, professional, human resources friendly bullshit. I run my hands over the creases, again and again, the linen paper soft under my palms. Nowhere in the letter do I talk about my sexual yearnings for my boss, my pain over leaving him, over never seeing him again.

I press one hand to my gurgling stomach and stand.


Subscribe To My Release Day Newsletter: http://tasteofcyn.com/2014/05/28/newsletter/

Cynthia Sax

For four long years, Lisa Sadler has lusted after Roch Voclain, her sexy sophisticated boss. Today, she’ll finally end her erotic obsession with this frustratingly attractive man. She’s handing him her letter of resignation.

His reaction will surprise and thrill her.

Donation Link: http://blog.kallysten.net/p/charity-anthology.html

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First Excerpt From Sinful Rewards 4

By Cynthia Sax on September 30, 2014

This post has adult content. If you are under the age of eighteen years old or sensitive to adult language/situations, please do not read this post.

Here is a first fairly spicy (yes, there are spicier scenes – grins) excerpt from Sinful Rewards 4.


“I didn’t know why we stopped.”

Hawke lifts me onto his machine, plunking my ass on the edge of the seat. “We stopped because I was one sweet touch away from showing the entire town my junk.” He places the helmet on my head and fastens the straps. “Did you want that?”

Did I want that? Did I want people to watch me as I sank to my knees before Hawke, as I pulled down his jeans, released his cock, stroked him, sucked on him?

I hesitate a moment before shaking my head.

“You did want that.” Hawke runs a calloused fingertip along my cheek and I tremble, needing him, craving him. “You’re so damn perfect for me.” He skims his fingers over my lips. I dart my tongue between the seams, tasting the salt of his skin. “We’ll go somewhere more private than this yet public enough to excite you.” His eyes gleam. “Then you can do with me whatever you wish.”

“You’re assuming I want to do something.” I feign a frown.

“You do.” Hawke laughs as he mounts the bike.

The damn man is right. I want to lick him all over, explore every inch of his rock-hard body. He tugs on my knees, sliding me closer to him. I straddle his hips, wrap my arms around his chest, and push my body against his, torturing both of us. We fit together perfectly, my curves meshing with his muscle.

“Hold on, love.” Hawke revs the throttle, the seat vibrates under me, through me, and my arousal spirals skyward. I moan into his shoulder blades, mouthing the cotton of his black T-shirt, and his body shakes, my badass biker finding joy in my sexual frustration, his mirth obscured by the roaring engine.

Two can play at this game. I cup the ridge in Hawke’s jeans with both of my hands, he curses, and we jet forward, the motion propelling me backward. I cling tighter to his denim-covered cock. Hawke rides even faster, his spine rigid against my breasts.

In mere minutes, we blast past Happydale’s city limits sign, the sign I’d changed with a thick black marker when I left, subtracting one from the town’s population. Hawke continues to ride, moving in sync with his machine, traveling toward his perfect spot.

I’m not as patient as he is. I pop his fly, one button at a time, releasing his junk, as he calls his long, thick cock. My rebel marine doesn’t believe in underwear, all of him gloriously accessible.

I push the flaps away from him and curl my fingers around his shaft, relishing his girth, his size. He’s the biggest man I’ve ever held. . .not that I’ve held a lot of men. My dating life consisted of boring, safe boys.

There’s nothing boring or safe about Hawke. As the wind plucks at our clothes and the pavement blurs beneath us, I pump him slowly, steadily, concentrating on learning his size and shape, pleasing him, trusting my tattooed biker to pay attention to the road, to find us a place to stop, to finish this.

I know I shouldn’t touch him. Any of the drivers passing us can see me fondle Hawke, can see my fingers wrapped around his cock.


Subscribe To My Release Day Newsletter: http://tasteofcyn.com/2014/05/28/newsletter/

Four years ago, Bee Carter left her tiny hometown, escaping her tormenters. She concealed her tarnished reputation under a good-girl persona, hiding her history from Nicolas, her strong and silent billionaire; Hawke, her tattooed bad-boy biker; and Cyndi, her man-crazy best friend.

Today, she’s returning home … and she’s not alone. Some of her deepest, darkest secrets will be revealed. Trust will be tested. Clothing and inhibitions will be discarded. Bee and her hometown will never be the same.

When her past and her present collide, will any of Bee’s relationships survive?

Buy Links:

Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Sinful-Rewards-Billionaires-Bikers-Novella-ebook/dp/B00I7V89N4

Barnes And Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/sinful-rewards-4-cynthia-sax/1119919839

Google: https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Cynthia_Sax_Sinful_Rewards_4?id=PvxzAwAAQBAJ

iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/sinful-rewards-4/id814148698

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Teacher’s Pet Contest – Hawke From Sinful Rewards

By Cynthia Sax on September 26, 2014

Every month, Nice Girls Writing Naughty hosts a contest. This month, being September and back to school for many students in North America, we’ve chosen our favorite Teacher’s Pets.

Every author will be giving away a prize. I’m giving away a copy of Sinful Rewards 1 in eBook form. There will be FIVE winners! All you have to do is comment on this post. Yep, it is easy peasy!

We’re also giving away a $50 gift certificate from Amazon! To enter for this grand prize and to see a list of the other NGWN participants, go here http://nicegirlswritingnaughty.wordpress.com/2014/09/27/teachers-pet-scavenger-hunt/

My teacher’s pet is…

FAST FIVE FACTS ABOUT HAWKE (from Sinful Rewards):

1. Growing up, I wanted to be James Dean. Yeah, he’s an oldie but man, he lived hard and fast and did whatever the hell he wanted. That was before I found out what dying young really looked like.

2. On Friday nights, you would have found my best friend Rock and I rocketing down a dirt road in my beat up old car, the music blasting, a cloud of dust billowing behind us. My mom could hear us returning home from miles away.

3. I spent my prom night with Rock. It wasn’t a sausage fest. Hell no. We had dates but nothing serious. The girls knew we were shipping out soon.

4. In high school, Rock and I were voted the most likely to wreak havoc on multiple continents. We’d signed up for the Marines and our training started immediately after graduation.

5. College boys had Hell Week. Rock and I had Hell Months. The tour in Iraq kicked our asses. (looks grim) Rock. (swallows hard) Fuck, Rock didn’t return home.


Subscribe To My Release Day Newsletter: http://tasteofcyn.com/2014/05/28/newsletter/

Bee Carter’s carefully constructed world is tumbling down around her designer knockoff heels. Pleasing others isn’t working for this small-town fashionista. Bee decides to throw caution to the Chicago wind for one night and release her inner bad girl, accepting a sexy challenge from an unknown texter, exploring the backseat of a limousine with gorgeous billionaire Nicolas, and entering a rough, tough biker bar with the mysterious Hawke.

Two hot men, one wicked night. When this good girl goes wild, who will make her erotic dreams come true—the enigmatic billionaire or the tattooed bad boy?

Buy Links:

Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Sinful-Rewards-Billionaires-Bikers-Novella-ebook/dp/B00I7V89JS

ARe: https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-sinfulrewards3-1613793-149.html

Barnes And Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/sinful-rewards-3-cynthia-sax/1119919837

Google: https://play.google.com/store/search?q=9780062354143

iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/sinful-rewards-3/id814148707

Topics: Guest Post | 7 Comments »

Sinful Rewards – Bonus Scenes

By Cynthia Sax on September 23, 2014

This post has adult content. If you are under the age of eighteen years old or sensitive to adult language/situations, please do not read this post.

I’ve been sharing extra scenes on the Goodreads group (https://www.goodreads.com/group/show/139616-a-year-of-sizzling-hot-sax-read-along )

These are raw, dirty first drafts. They haven’t been edited or revised. They’re as nasty as they get.

Here’s a lick – an extra scene from Sinful Rewards 2 with Cyndi and the Tantra Twins


Standing by the entrance of the club with Angel, I scan the partygoers, searching for black hair, blue eyes, and a devilish smile. Cole Travers, Hollywood’s most lickable hottie, makes my body sing, the girls perking up with the mere mention of his name.

That’s not why I’m obsessed with him. I’ve long accepted that I’m more sexual than the average woman. Most men wet my panties.

It wasn’t until Cole lost his temper at a dinner benefiting veterans thirteen months ago, sarcastically answering the insultingly trivial questions about his clothing choices, that he snagged my full attention. The media pounced on his statements, claiming he wasn’t qualified to comment on anything other than his appearance, calling Cole ungrateful and spoiled.

They don’t understand how stifling being cast in one narrow role is.

I do. I’m the baby girl of the candy king. As I’m blonde, big-breasted, and bubbly, even my daddy thinks I’m purely decorative. My business degree makes no difference to anyone at Wynters Confectionary, my family’s company. Any project I start is reassigned to a more qualified employee. Anything I say is discounted.

Here, at the club, I have power, super slut powers. My ass sways to the boom, boom of the bass, the music pulsing through my body. The lighting has an intriguing blue tint, making the thin blonde beside me appear even more ghastly. Men watch Angel and I with a thrilling hunger on their faces. If I don’t meet my movie star tonight, I’ll go home with one of them.

“I don’t see Cole Travers,” I yell at Angel during a lull in the music.

She sniffs. She’s the ice princess of Miami and she plays the role to perfection. It’s as one dimensional as my super slut persona, as Cole’s bad boy image, revealing only a tiny sliver of her true self. I don’t judge her on it, don’t push her to show me more. She’ll do that when she’s ready.

“I’m going in,” I announce. “Go me!” I bounce forward, flinging myself into the madness. The club is wall-to-wall people. It’s a meat market, Bee, my roommate, would grumble, club kids looking for easy lays.

I’m looking for more than an easy lay, more than a hard cock. The man must have his own bachelor pad and be willing to permit me to spend the night. If I fail, Bee is my fallback plan. She always allows me to crash in her bed.

A dark haired man leers at me as I bounce past him. Although he’s good looking, he’s also a complete unknown, standing alone by the bar, with no mutual friends to recommend him. I’ve watched Criminal Minds and I’m not a total dumb ass. I won’t go home with a stranger.

There’s no need. Chicago society is small. We all know each other. As though emphasizing this point, a familiar pair of broad shoulders bumps against me, pushing me against an identical chest. Arms encircle my waist, holding me between them.

I inhale sharply, a spike of excitement shooting down my spine. “It’s a Thursday. How did you boys escape the Judge?” I gaze up into Theodore’s handsome face.

“Father is preoccupied.” The eldest Tantra twin, the brothers given that nickname due to their lasting power in the bedroom, grins at me.

“He’s assisting your dear daddy with negotiations,” Thomas, the youngest brother, adds, a wayward lock of blond hair falling over his forehead. “Since our parents are spending the evening together, it’s only right that we do the same.” He squeezes my hip.

I roll my eyes. We’ve discussed this.

“You know what this slut requires.” When I joke about my slutdom, it hurts less. “And you ain’t got the goods, boys.” The boys live with their parents, unable to bring women home. I extract my phone from my clutch purse and scan through my messages, seeking to ignore the stirrings of arousal within me. They won’t serve my purpose, not at all.

“Put away your phone, princess,” Thomas commands.

“Because we can give our slut what she requires,” Theodore finishes his brother’s sentence. “This is for you.” He holds up a key.

The logo on the plastic card belongs to the hotel next door to the club. I’m familiar with this hotel. My family’s company supplies candy to one of its boutique stores.

“It’s for me?” I laugh. “That’s slick, dicks, but I’m not buying your line. You didn’t know I’d be here tonight.” I take a picture of a bartender. He wears a giant blue condom on his head. Bee will find this as funny as I do.

“We knew,” the twins say in unison.

“It’s Thursday,” Theodore adds. “Blue is the number two club on Thursdays and since you’ve been blackballed from R–”

“You know about that?” My smile wavers. Nicolas Rainer’s hatred for my family is jeopardizing my social status. My fingers fly over my phone’s screen.

“Everyone knows.” Thomas chuckles. He either doesn’t realize how humiliating this is for me or he doesn’t give a shit. “If you don’t put away your phone, we’ll take it from you.”

Shit. I type a text message to Bee. Theodore grabs my phone.

“Hey.” I press send before the message is completed, hoping my roommate and best friend understands what I’m trying to say and doesn’t go all CSI on my ass, trying to track me down.

“We warned you.” Theodore places my phone in his back pocket. “You belong to us tonight.”

“To both of us,” Thomas emphasizes. “You’ve played the slut for everyone else. Tonight, you’ll service us.”

I shiver with anticipation, my nipples tightening. “Our daddies won’t like this.” Our fathers are best friends, our families spending holidays together. To sleep with the twins would be crossing a line even I haven’t dared to contemplate.

“No, they won’t.” Thomas grins. “They won’t like this.” He bends his head and glides his lips over mine, his touch light, teasing, tentative.

“Or this.” Theodore turns my head toward his, demanding his turn. This brother doesn’t skim. He captures, owning my lips. I gasp, surprised, shocked, stimulated, and he plunges into my mouth, stroking into me with a dark confidence.

When he pulls away from me, my lips hum and people stare at us. “There goes my political career,” he jokes, having been very vocal about not wanting that future for himself.

“Fuck your political career. We’re leaving.” Thomas clasps my hand and leads me through the club, his brother following us closely, too closely. Everyone will know the three of us are together.

We exit, the cool night air returning my rational thinking. If I sleep with Theodore and Thomas, my daddy will find out.

And what will happen?

Nothing. My heels tap against the sidewalk, echoing the beating of my heart. My daddy will ignore this and ignore me, as he has ignored my past pleas for his attention. I’ll continue warming a chair seat in the family business, being responsible for nothing, no one caring if I show up at work on time or if I show up at all.

A hotel employee holds the door open for us as we enter the hotel. He looks familiar. My buddy Bee would remember his name. I don’t.

I do know he’ll tell others how he saw the candy king’s daughter arrive with two men, Thomas’s fingers link with mine. Theodore’s hands span my waist, his hardness pressing against my ass.

There are more people lingering in the lobby. Men stare. Women gossip behind their hands. I cover my nervousness with a smile and a laugh. They think I’m a slut, a label I earned when I was twelve and developed big breasts.

At least that’s one thing I’ve achieved on my own.

“We’re going up, Cyn,” Theodore informs me. The twins crowd against me in the elevator, sandwiching my curves between their muscles. “But soon you’ll be going down.”

“On both of us.” Thomas commands my lips, flattening my generous breasts with his chest, grinding the hardness in his black dress pants against my dress-clad mons. His brother nuzzles my neck, pressing his fabric-covered cock into the crevice between my ass cheeks.

I writhe, surrounded by aroused men. They’ve done this before tonight. I know this by the way their bodies move in synch, operating as one entity around me. I don’t fool myself that I’m more than a fast fuck for the notorious Tantra twins, a way to give their powerful daddy and Chicago society the finger.

I don’t want to be more. I don’t want them for more than sexual release and a safe place to sleep tonight. Two men can protect me better than one. I swivel my hips, tormenting both of them. When the darkness comes, I won’t be alone.

The elevator doors open. Thomas drags me along the hallway. While he fumbles with the key, Theodore lifts my skirt, baring my thighs, the air cool against my skin.

“She’s wearing a G-string, Thomas.” Theodore runs his fingers along the ribbon hugging my hips. “We’ve got ourselves a hot little tramp.” His dirty words make my pussy clench around nothing, my body achingly empty.

“Fuck,” his brother curses. The door finally opens and we topple inside. I land on my knees and elbows, the rug burning my skin.

“Look at her.” Theodore chuckles. “She’s ready for us.” He pushes my skirt to my waist. “Her panties are soaked.” He pulls them down. “What would your daddy think of you now?” He nudges my legs apart with his shoes, opening me to him. “His baby girl wants to fuck his best friend’s sons.” He clucks his tongue.

Thomas stands before me, his crotch at my eye level, the fabric of his dress pants tented around his cock. “You’ll suck me first, you nasty girl.” He unzips his pants, pulls them down to his knees, taking his underwear with them.

His shaft is long and curved, jutting from a base of blond curls. I lick my lips, eager for a taste. His cock bobs.

“Take me into that ever smiling mouth of yours.” Thomas threads his fingers through my hair and pushes his tip between my lips, forcing me to take him. I flit my tongue over his slit, savoring his unique flavor, and he groans. “Fuck, she’s good, Theodore.” He sinks deeper and deeper into my mouth.

“We heard she was.” The eldest brother strums my feminine folds with his fingers and I quiver. “Earl claims she’s the best piece of ass he’s ever had.”

Who the hell is Earl? I frown around Thomas’s big cock, sucking gently.

“Look at her.” Thomas laughs. “She can’t remember who Earl is. She’s had so much cock.” He pumps into me, using me like the slut I am and I love it, want it. “You chose the wrong end, brother. There’s no way her pussy is as good as her fucking mouth.”

A zipper rasps and a package crinkles. “I wouldn’t be so certain.” They talk about me as though I’m not here and this turns me on. “She’s dripping. Her juices are running down her thighs.” He prods me with his latex-covered cock head, stretching me open. “And she’s surprising snug for a well-fucked slut.” He drives into me and I scream around Thomas’s cock, the fullness so damn good.

“Keep sucking.” Thomas wraps his fingers in my curls and pinpricks of pain shoots across my scalp. “Don’t act like you can’t take both of us.” He humps my face, his balls slapping against my chin, his tip tapping the back of my throat.

“We know you can.” Theodore fucks me hard, driving into me again and again. “You’ll take us and beg for more.” He clasps my hips, riding me relentlessly, uncaring of anything other than his own satisfaction.

“Yes, more,” I mumble around Thomas’s girth, glorying in this experience. My mouth and pussy is filled with cock, my body trapped between the two men. My lips hum, my cheeks aching, my hands and knees scuffed by the rough carpet. They’re fucking me on the floor, unable to wait for the bed, their need for me too great. I clench down on Theodore’s shaft with my inner muscles and he jerks.

“Fuck,” he grunts. At Thanksgiving, when we’re sitting around the dinner table, he’ll remember this moment, the feel of me around him, how he drove deep inside me, my lips wrapped around his brother’s cock. “Squeeze me. That’s a good cunt.”

“Suck me harder,” Thomas demands, determined not to be forgotten. I comply and he bucks against me. “Shit, Theodore. She’ll make me come.”

“You’ll swallow like a good little slut,” his brother instructs. “You won’t waste a drop of his cum. Do you understand?”

I murmur, my mouth full.

This response isn’t good enough for Theodore. “Do you understand?” He slaps my ass, I inhale Thomas’s shaft, my pussy constricts around the eldest brother’s cock, and both men groan.

“You’re begging for our cum, aren’t you?” Theodore growls, swatting my abused flesh once more. “You want to milk us dry.” They fuck my pussy and mouth to the beat of his love blows, driving into me with a mind-spinning ferocity.

I’m helpless, unable to escape, to do anything other than take their sexual assault. My body heats, my ass, pussy, mouth, knees burning. My arms and legs tremble as I attempt to slow my release, suspecting they’d be displeased if I come first.

There’s no thinking about work, about my dad’s constant disapproval, my empty future. There are only these two men, their cocks inside me, the need coiling around me.

“Earl. Is. Right,” Theodore huffs. “Great. Piece. Of. Ass.” He shoves one of his thumbs into that forbidden hole and I implode, drawing their shafts into me.

They roar. Cum shoots down my throat, soothing my battered flesh. My world spins, a blur of light and color. I swallow and swallow and swallow, draining Thomas as Theodore pulses inside me.

“Fuck,” Thomas murmurs, sounding stunned. “That was unbelievable.” His limp dick slips from my mouth, leaving a trail of moisture down my chin.

“Thank you.” I grin, straightening.

A heavy palm lands on my back, pushing me back down. “Where do you think you’re going?” Theodore bumps his brother to the side. He’s semi-erect, the condom removed. “We have the hotel room for the night.”

“And?” I lift one of my eyebrows.

“And I want you to suck my balls.” He thrusts his hips forward. “While Thomas eats you out.” He strokes himself. “Once I’m hard, I’m taking your ass.”

“I’m taking your pussy.” A warm breath wafts on my inner thigh. “At the same time.”

My smile spreads. There will be no sleeping tonight.


Subscribe To My Release Day Newsletter: http://tasteofcyn.com/2014/05/28/newsletter/

Bee Carter’s carefully constructed world is tumbling down around her designer knockoff heels. Pleasing others isn’t working for this small-town fashionista. Bee decides to throw caution to the Chicago wind for one night and release her inner bad girl, accepting a sexy challenge from an unknown texter, exploring the backseat of a limousine with gorgeous billionaire Nicolas, and entering a rough, tough biker bar with the mysterious Hawke.

Two hot men, one wicked night. When this good girl goes wild, who will make her erotic dreams come true—the enigmatic billionaire or the tattooed bad boy?

Buy Links:

Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Sinful-Rewards-Billionaires-Bikers-Novella-ebook/dp/B00I7V89JS

ARe: https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-sinfulrewards3-1613793-149.html

Barnes And Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/sinful-rewards-3-cynthia-sax/1119919837

Google: https://play.google.com/store/search?q=9780062354143

iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/sinful-rewards-3/id814148707

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Sinful Rewards 3 Awesomeness

By Cynthia Sax on September 20, 2014

Reading and writing buddies are having some fun with Sinful Rewards 3 and I LOVE it!


Christine D’Abo mocks Sinful Rewards 3.


I laughed my fool head off!
I love Christine so much and yes, she WOULD assume a story called Sinful Rewards 3 is a menage.


Catherine at A Reader Lives A Thousand Lives modified this cup for Sinful Rewards. Isn’t it awesome?


This is one of two awesome buttons Rachael Botson designed for Sinful Rewards 3. I especially love this one because Rachael located Bee’s beloved purse!!!! I didn’t send a link or point her in the right direction. Rachael searched for this purse and KNEW it belonged to Bee.


If you’ve had some creative fun with Sinful Rewards, please let me know!


Subscribe To My Release Day Newsletter: http://tasteofcyn.com/2014/05/28/newsletter/

Bee Carter’s carefully constructed world is tumbling down around her designer knockoff heels. Pleasing others isn’t working for this small-town fashionista. Bee decides to throw caution to the Chicago wind for one night and release her inner bad girl, accepting a sexy challenge from an unknown texter, exploring the backseat of a limousine with gorgeous billionaire Nicolas, and entering a rough, tough biker bar with the mysterious Hawke.

Two hot men, one wicked night. When this good girl goes wild, who will make her erotic dreams come true—the enigmatic billionaire or the tattooed bad boy?

Buy Links:

Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Sinful-Rewards-Billionaires-Bikers-Novella-ebook/dp/B00I7V89JS

ARe: https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-sinfulrewards3-1613793-149.html

Barnes And Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/sinful-rewards-3-cynthia-sax/1119919837

Google: https://play.google.com/store/search?q=9780062354143

iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/sinful-rewards-3/id814148707

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Mentioned In The Huffington Post

By Cynthia Sax on September 20, 2014

I was mentioned in Maya Rodale’s article in the Huffington Post!


Consider mentioning some of your fave erotic historicals in the article’s comments!
Share the love!


Subscribe To My Release Day Newsletter: http://tasteofcyn.com/2014/05/28/newsletter/

Bee Carter’s carefully constructed world is tumbling down around her designer knockoff heels. Pleasing others isn’t working for this small-town fashionista. Bee decides to throw caution to the Chicago wind for one night and release her inner bad girl, accepting a sexy challenge from an unknown texter, exploring the backseat of a limousine with gorgeous billionaire Nicolas, and entering a rough, tough biker bar with the mysterious Hawke.

Two hot men, one wicked night. When this good girl goes wild, who will make her erotic dreams come true—the enigmatic billionaire or the tattooed bad boy?

Buy Links:

Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Sinful-Rewards-Billionaires-Bikers-Novella-ebook/dp/B00I7V89JS

ARe: https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-sinfulrewards3-1613793-149.html

Barnes And Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/sinful-rewards-3-cynthia-sax/1119919837

Google: https://play.google.com/store/search?q=9780062354143

iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/sinful-rewards-3/id814148707

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Mention In The Chicago Tribune

By Cynthia Sax on September 19, 2014

I was mentioned in the Chicago Tribune!

“When Cynthia Sax, of Toronto, and her husband got married, they had little money for entertainment. “So we entered every free contest we saw in the newspaper, on the radio, on the Internet,” the romance author said. “We won at least one set of tickets a week to ballets, festivals, experimental theater, operas, movie premieres, TV show tapings.”

Bonus: You see events you would not see otherwise.”

Read the full article here



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Bee Carter’s carefully constructed world is tumbling down around her designer knockoff heels. Pleasing others isn’t working for this small-town fashionista. Bee decides to throw caution to the Chicago wind for one night and release her inner bad girl, accepting a sexy challenge from an unknown texter, exploring the backseat of a limousine with gorgeous billionaire Nicolas, and entering a rough, tough biker bar with the mysterious Hawke.

Two hot men, one wicked night. When this good girl goes wild, who will make her erotic dreams come true—the enigmatic billionaire or the tattooed bad boy?

Buy Links:

Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Sinful-Rewards-Billionaires-Bikers-Novella-ebook/dp/B00I7V89JS

ARe: https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-sinfulrewards3-1613793-149.html

Barnes And Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/sinful-rewards-3-cynthia-sax/1119919837

Google: https://play.google.com/store/search?q=9780062354143

iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/sinful-rewards-3/id814148707

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Accepting Friends As They Are

By Cynthia Sax on September 18, 2014

I have a terrible memory. It took me a year of daily classes with my now-best friend before I remembered her first name. Twenty years later, I still have to look up how to spell both her last AND first names (her first name is Gillian and I can never remember if it has one L or two). I never remember birthdays. I forgot my own birthday one year (and my buddies will never let me forget it – grins).

My friends know this about me. They accept it. They realize that my bad memory isn’t all… well… bad. I don’t hold grudges. I forget their mistakes, their embarrassing moments, their secrets. They tell me everything, knowing I’ll forget most of it.

Cyndi, Bee’s best friend, isn’t perfect either. Cyndi is proud of her slut status. She goes home with a different man every night. When Bee ventures out with Cyndi, she knows she’ll be left alone while her best friend bounces around the event.

As shared in this snippet.


My face heats. “He promised to bring the red velvet cupcakes.”

“No way!” My friend throws herself against me. “You did not tell me that.” Every word is punctuated with a punch in the shoulder. I’ll be covered in bruises by the end of the evening. “You’ll definitely be riding a biker tonight.” She flops in the seat beside me. “You’re going to do the couple thing and leave me alone, aren’t you?” Her bottom lip curls.

“We’re not doing the couple thing.” I roll my eyes at her drama. “And I won’t leave you alone.” She’ll forget me, as usual, her focus turning to some guy she meets. A second limo chit is tucked into the bodice of my corset, along with my passcard and an emergency credit card. If things don’t work out with Hawke, I’ll make my way home alone.


Bee accepts this about Cyndi, loving her despite this quirk. She doesn’t try to change her or complain when she acts as she always does. Bee realizes that she’s not perfect either.

Do your friends accept you as you are? What are some of your quirks?


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Bee Carter’s carefully constructed world is tumbling down around her designer knockoff heels. Pleasing others isn’t working for this small-town fashionista. Bee decides to throw caution to the Chicago wind for one night and release her inner bad girl, accepting a sexy challenge from an unknown texter, exploring the backseat of a limousine with gorgeous billionaire Nicolas, and entering a rough, tough biker bar with the mysterious Hawke.

Two hot men, one wicked night. When this good girl goes wild, who will make her erotic dreams come true—the enigmatic billionaire or the tattooed bad boy?

Buy Links:

Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Sinful-Rewards-Billionaires-Bikers-Novella-ebook/dp/B00I7V89JS

ARe: https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-sinfulrewards3-1613793-149.html

Barnes And Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/sinful-rewards-3-cynthia-sax/1119919837

Google: https://play.google.com/store/search?q=9780062354143

iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/sinful-rewards-3/id814148707

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The Dreaded Friend Zone

By Cynthia Sax on September 17, 2014

In Sinful Rewards, Bee’s relationship with Nicolas, our enigmatic billionaire, starts as a friendship. They genuinely like each other, teasing each other about their foibles and their hang ups.

Nicolas admitted in Sinful Rewards 2 that this friend first progression of a romantic relationship is new to him. We’re not sure why he wishes to take his relationship with Bee slowly, why he wants to form this friend base first, but she must be special to him or he wouldn’t have changed his behavior.

In Sinful Rewards 3, Bee is ready to move out of the dreaded friend zone. She’s attracted to Nicolas. She doesn’t know if Nicolas is attracted to her.

Here’s a snippet…


When Nicolas holds me, I feel safe, cherished, protected. I relax, resting my head in the hollow of his shoulder. I haven’t felt safe in a long, long time.

“Friends don’t let friends take the bus,” I quip. Does my enigmatic billionaire still view me as a friend?

“Your friend Cyndi Wynters allows you to take the bus.” Nicolas doesn’t mention the limo chits.

If he’s determined to play this game, I’ll match him move for move, making the rules up as I go along. “Cyndi has offered to give me rides. She tries to pay for new purses and shoes and cover my part of restaurant bills.” I lift my chin. “But I have my pride.”

“That’s what he told me.” Nicolas rubs his fingertips into my body, the friction warming my skin. I’m hungry for touch, desperate for it, and I respond, the humming becoming a pulsing need.

“Your investigator told you I had pride?” I ask.

Nicolas nods, his gaze fixed on my face as though I’m the most interesting, enthralling creature he’s ever seen.


Progressing from friendship to lovers can be a perilous transition. If it’s not accomplished correctly and their romantic relationship falls apart, Nicolas and Bee will likely lose their friendship also. They’re now risking something by making this leap.

Do you enjoy reading friends to lovers romances? What do you love about them?


Subscribe To My Release Day Newsletter: http://tasteofcyn.com/2014/05/28/newsletter/

Bee Carter’s carefully constructed world is tumbling down around her designer knockoff heels. Pleasing others isn’t working for this small-town fashionista. Bee decides to throw caution to the Chicago wind for one night and release her inner bad girl, accepting a sexy challenge from an unknown texter, exploring the backseat of a limousine with gorgeous billionaire Nicolas, and entering a rough, tough biker bar with the mysterious Hawke.

Two hot men, one wicked night. When this good girl goes wild, who will make her erotic dreams come true—the enigmatic billionaire or the tattooed bad boy?

Buy Links:

Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Sinful-Rewards-Billionaires-Bikers-Novella-ebook/dp/B00I7V89JS

ARe: https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-sinfulrewards3-1613793-149.html

Barnes And Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/sinful-rewards-3-cynthia-sax/1119919837

Google: https://play.google.com/store/search?q=9780062354143

iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/sinful-rewards-3/id814148707

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Sign Up For My Newsletter – Support Cancer Research

By Cynthia Sax on September 14, 2014

Shades Of Pink

I donated a short story to the Shades Of Pink Charity Anthology ( http://blog.kallysten.net/p/charity-anthology.html?zx=46debf4d7b094bca ), benefiting cancer research, treatment, and/or prevention.

YOU can make a difference with ONE CLICK. I’ll be donating 10 cents U.S. for every release day newsletter subscriber signed up at 6 a.m. EST on November 18th, 2014.

Note: This newsletter will be sent on release days only. It will contain adult content so please don’t sign up if you’re under the age of 18 or are sensitive to adult language and situations!

It might also contain bad puns, fun facts, and sizzling excerpts!

If you have any issues with this sign up, please email me!

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