Fighting For My Billionaire Boss – First Excerpt

By Cynthia Sax on March 23, 2016

I’m sharing the first scene from the first chapter of Fighting For My Billionaire Boss today.


Chapter One

I’m graceful, I tell myself as I weave between the cubicles. A cardboard tray containing breakfast for my boss and myself is balanced on my right palm. Not a drop of the liquid in the ugly brown disposable cups has spilled.

Because I’m a fuckin’ gazelle, the most elegant of the antelopes.

“Morning, Lu,” Chanelle calls out. The women gathered around her repeat the greeting.

I smile and wave. They wave back.

They don’t invite me to join them.

This oversight could be due to my position in the organization. I’m the assistant to Brick Armitage, CEO and founder of the online insurance company we work for. He’s intimidating. I’m his second in command, privy to all of his thoughts and actions.

But the lack of invitation is more likely due to the fact that I’m not a real girl.

Oh, I was born a female and have all of the necessary parts—breasts, small yet still noticeable, an ass, also small, shoulder-length curly brown hair, a dainty, some would say, elfin face. Most men, including my boss, tower over me.

I simply lack the training most girls get.

My mother left when I was three years old, unable to handle my three brothers and me. It was easier for my father to treat me like another boy, dressing me in jeans, taking me to ballgames, teaching me how to fight.

I didn’t give a shit about this when I was younger. I was proud of my rowdy nature, that I could hold my own with my brothers and their friends.

It was when I became interested in boys and they didn’t return my interest, continuing to treat me like one of the guys, that I started to care. Not a lot. But enough to read fashion magazines and watch tutorials on applying makeup.

Then I met Brick, my sexy manwhore of a boss, and that caring was compounded by a zillion times. He captured my heart, although he doesn’t know this. Accustomed to dating ultra-feminine supermodels and famous actresses, he doesn’t see me as a woman.

I’m determined to change his view.

I make a beeline to his office, my pastel blue skirt swirling around my thighs, my heels thumping against the industrial gray carpet.

My boss has his door partially open. I scrunch my forehead. He’s normally not here this early in the morning.

I knock, don’t wait for an answer, and push inside, a smile on my face.

The space smells of his woodsy cologne and him. I breathe deeply, taking that part of him inside of me, and desire unfurls within me, a steady, throbbing need I experience whenever I’m in my billionaire’s presence.

The man himself sits behind his big wooden desk, his head bowed, the overhead lights picking up the ink-blue highlights in his black hair. Brick is clad in his usual dark suit, white shirt, dark tie. He’s frowning down at his tablet screen, his lips as grimly set as always.

My boss is SERIOUS, in all caps, rarely cracking a smile, and the stormy pent-up passion constantly brewing inside him turns me on. I set the tray on his desk. “You beat me into the office this morning.” Usually, I’m first in. “Why are you here so early?”

He lifts his chin, giving me a clear view of his face.

I gasp.

“Fuck.” I gape at him, forgetting my goal of having a cuss-free day. “What the hell happened to you?” I rush around the desk, needing to survey the damage.

Brick swivels his chair to face me. “It’s nothing.”

“It’s not nothing.” I trace the scratches on his left cheek, the red gouges in his perfectly tanned skin. “Who hurt you?” I demand. “Tell me who is responsible for this and I’ll smack that person into the next century.” No one hurts my boss, the man I secretly love, and gets away with it.

“You aren’t smacking anyone, Miss Henderson.” He covers my hand with his, pressing my palm against him. “As you constantly remind me, you’re a lady.”

“Don’t joke about this.” I glare at him.

“You’re right. I shouldn’t joke about it.”

He is seated in his black leather captain’s chair. I stand before him, my hand on his face. His hand is on mine, holding me to him. He’s my boss yet this feels right. I’m meant to be here, to be touching him.

Brick’s gaze lifts and locks with mine. His brown eyes darken with emotion. “There’s something I should tell you.”

“Yes?” I lean toward him. He’ll tell me now that he wants me, that he can’t live without me. Brick will kiss me and touch me and make me his. My thighs graze his parted knees and I tremble, feeling that contact in my soul.

Brick leans forward also. Our lips are a whisper apart. That connection I always feel between us intensifies, pulling us together, linking us in a way that is more than physical, more than intellectual.

His breath wafts against my cheeks. My heart pounds.

Should I kiss him? Should I?

Yes, I’m going to risk—

“Fuck. I can’t do this.” He sighs and releases me.

Damn it. I waited too long and the moment is gone.

“I can’t bring you into my crazy life.” His words are edged with resignation.

I continue to cup his cheek, doggedly maintaining this slender contact with him, hoping the passion or whatever it was we were just experiencing will return. “I’m your assistant. I’m already part of your crazy life.”

“This had nothing to do with work, Miss Henderson.” My boss avoids my gaze. “This is a private situation that got out of control.” Pink creeps up his neck.

“A private situation,” I repeat. “Oh.” I realize what that means and the last of my arousal dissipates. “I see.” I drop my hand, feeling like a fool for thinking Brick Armitage wanted, needed me. “The scratches were part of kinky times with Gretchen, huh?”

My humor is forced.

I’m so damn jealous; I could spit.


Read the next scene (available March 30th):


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Love is worth the fight.

My boss, Brick Armitage, is one of the most eligible bachelors in the city. He’s handsome, young, and the billionaire CEO of an online company. Brick dates stunning supermodels and famous actresses, the most beautiful women on the planet.

I’m determined to be the next woman he kisses, touches, pleases. To land the man I love, I’ll become the delicate lady he seems to prefer. No cussing. No sprawling over the furniture. No punching the pretty out of Brick’s trash-talking ex.

But when I fail at this and the footage of my brawling goes viral, will I lose my sophisticated billionaire forever, or will he realize a scrapper is exactly who he needs?

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Fighting For My Billionaire Boss – The Necklace

By Cynthia Sax on March 17, 2016

In Fighting For My Billionaire Boss, Brick gives Lu a necklace. Here’s a snippet from the scene


He opens a drawer, extracts a flat black box. “I don’t want anyone to mistake who you are to me.” Brick opens the lid.

I blink, dazzled by diamond flowers set amidst delicate gold leaves. The necklace is a work of art, classic and fine, a piece of jewelry a real lady would be proud to wear. “Oh, Brick.” Emotion threatens to overwhelm me. “It’s too much.”

This isn’t a gift a man might give to his lover. This is a future heirloom he’d give to his wife.

“It’s not enough.” He fastens it for me, the gold cool against my skin, and he guides me to a mirror. “But it will suffice for now.”


This is a real necklace.

You can see the details here


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Love is worth the fight.

My boss, Brick Armitage, is one of the most eligible bachelors in the city. He’s handsome, young, and the billionaire CEO of an online company. Brick dates stunning supermodels and famous actresses, the most beautiful women on the planet.

I’m determined to be the next woman he kisses, touches, pleases. To land the man I love, I’ll become the delicate lady he seems to prefer. No cussing. No sprawling over the furniture. No punching the pretty out of Brick’s trash-talking ex.

But when I fail at this and the footage of my brawling goes viral, will I lose my sophisticated billionaire forever, or will he realize a scrapper is exactly who he needs?

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I Got A Shout Out! (grins)

By Cynthia Sax on March 16, 2016

Awww…. A. M. Griffin gave me a shout out today.

I’m all misty-eyed. This makes me feel so good!

Here’s a snippet…

“But as for the first writer who reached out to me and gave me some much needed advice and help me out, that would be the lovely Cynthia Sax. She had the same publisher as me and out of nowhere she emailed me. It felt like someone had thrown me a lifeline in the middle of a storm and I took it and held on tight. Authors are a great group of people and I’m lucky enough to have found friends in them.”


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Crash And Burn

Crash was manufactured to be one of the best warriors in the universe. The cyborg has spent many human lifespans fighting the enemy. But, unlike his battle-loving brethren, he doesn’t enjoy killing. When he escapes the Humanoid Alliance, he vows to never end another life.

Then he meets Safyre, an infuriating human female, and he considers breaking his vow.

Safyre will do anything to save her friend, the being she loves like a sister. She’ll ravish a huge hunky cyborg, kiss his best friend, and invoke scorching hot desires the male never realized he could feel. Dark soulful eyes, a quick wit, and a tempestuous passion won’t divert her from her mission.

Love, and a planet-destroying weapon, however, might stop her permanently.

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Crash And Burn And Neutron Stars

By Cynthia Sax on March 14, 2016

In one of the scenes from Crash And Burn, there’s a reference to a neutron star.

Here’s the snippet…


A bolt of light flashed, originating from the World Ender. A sphere formed, spinning, glowing as brightly as his female’s hair.

“Is that a neutron star?” she asked.

“It has similarities.” It would be as deadly.

The crust of Tau Ceti heated. Orange and red spread across the surface, a rolling wave of death and devastation. There was no more blue, no more white. The planet resembled a sphere of molten lava.

His Safyre gripped his hands hard. “They’re all dead, million of beings. No one could have survived that.”

Crash said nothing. He couldn’t lie to her. No one could survive it. Any being who hadn’t evacuated was dead.

They watched as the destruction continued. More and more bits of the planet broke off, sucked toward the simulated neutron star. The pieces entered into an orbit around it, forming a ring of debris. That debris grew denser until it was all that was left of Tau Ceti.

The planet no longer existed.


What would that look like?

National Geographic has a great documentary on neutron stars.

(You can also click on the photo to go to the YouTube Video)


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Crash And Burn

Crash was manufactured to be one of the best warriors in the universe. The cyborg has spent many human lifespans fighting the enemy. But, unlike his battle-loving brethren, he doesn’t enjoy killing. When he escapes the Humanoid Alliance, he vows to never end another life.

Then he meets Safyre, an infuriating human female, and he considers breaking his vow.

Safyre will do anything to save her friend, the being she loves like a sister. She’ll ravish a huge hunky cyborg, kiss his best friend, and invoke scorching hot desires the male never realized he could feel. Dark soulful eyes, a quick wit, and a tempestuous passion won’t divert her from her mission.

Love, and a planet-destroying weapon, however, might stop her permanently.

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Sexy Voice, Inappropriate Star Wars Thoughts And Crash And Burn

By Cynthia Sax on February 28, 2016

I’m at Delilah Devlin ‘s online home today, talking about sexy voices, Cyborgs and why Darth Vader can be my ‘daddy’ any day of the week.

Here’s a snippet (you’ve been warned)…

For me, the most traumatic scene in Star Wars (the original trilogy) was when Darth Vader took off his helmet and he wasn’t the hot, hunky sex god his voice promised he’d be. I loved Darth Vader’s (James Earl Jones’) voice. I fell in love with it. I dreamed about it. It was deep and low and oh so very dominant.

Forget Luke and his issues. I wanted Darth to be MY daddy. (naughty grin)


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Crash And Burn

Crash was manufactured to be one of the best warriors in the universe. The cyborg has spent many human lifespans fighting the enemy. But, unlike his battle-loving brethren, he doesn’t enjoy killing. When he escapes the Humanoid Alliance, he vows to never end another life.

Then he meets Safyre, an infuriating human female, and he considers breaking his vow.

Safyre will do anything to save her friend, the being she loves like a sister. She’ll ravish a huge hunky cyborg, kiss his best friend, and invoke scorching hot desires the male never realized he could feel. Dark soulful eyes, a quick wit, and a tempestuous passion won’t divert her from her mission.

Love, and a planet-destroying weapon, however, might stop her permanently.

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Crash And Burn And Alliances

By Cynthia Sax on February 25, 2016

One of the most common questions I’ve received about Crash And Burn is…

Why didn’t the cyborgs immediately form an alliance with the rebels (Beings For Peace), the beings fighting the Humanoid Alliance?

There are three major reasons for this

1) The cyborgs are focused on freeing all of their brethren. That’s their first priority. There aren’t enough free cyborgs (yet) to help the cyborgs who remain under the Humanoid Alliance’s power to escape AND to battle the Humanoid Alliance.

The cyborgs realize that, when the Humanoid Alliance discovers cyborgs can operate on their own, they’ll decommission (kill) all of the remaining warriors. The Humanoid Alliance can’t risk that they’ll rebel. Freeing as many cyborgs as possible before that happens is the urgent mission.

2) The cyborgs are only starting to trust humans/humanoids. Before Crash And Burn begins, the cyborgs knew of THREE nice humans (Joan, Mira and Shelby). Every other human they’ve met has hurt them. The cyborgs weren’t even certain that there was a possibility of having human females. These three females could have been abnormalities, rare exceptions.

3) The cyborgs also don’t have any reason to align themselves with the rebels. Yes, they have a common enemy but that doesn’t make them friends. If the cyborgs confide in the wrong beings, the Humanoid Alliance will discover that they aren’t brainless machines. Millions of their brethren will be killed.

There are other issues. Crash doesn’t have the authority to speak for all cyborgs. The rebels might not want an alliance. They might not view cyborgs any differently than the Humanoid Alliance does. The cyborgs likely couldn’t have prevented what happened even if they had an alliance.

Will an alliance happen in the future? It could. But the cyborgs aren’t ready for one right now.


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Crash And Burn

Crash was manufactured to be one of the best warriors in the universe. The cyborg has spent many human lifespans fighting the enemy. But, unlike his battle-loving brethren, he doesn’t enjoy killing. When he escapes the Humanoid Alliance, he vows to never end another life.

Then he meets Safyre, an infuriating human female, and he considers breaking his vow.

Safyre will do anything to save her friend, the being she loves like a sister. She’ll ravish a huge hunky cyborg, kiss his best friend, and invoke scorching hot desires the male never realized he could feel. Dark soulful eyes, a quick wit, and a tempestuous passion won’t divert her from her mission.

Love, and a planet-destroying weapon, however, might stop her permanently.

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Why I Wrote Crash And Burn

By Cynthia Sax on February 24, 2016

I’m at Pauline Baird Jones ‘s online home today, talking about why I wrote Crash And Burn.

Here is a snippet…

“…there is something that has to happen in Crash’s story that will affect the way readers view the entire series. It’s necessary that this be told at this moment in the series. We’ve been building to this story with the first two stories (even though this series will have more stories in it, I still usually view the stories in groups of three, in trilogies and this is the third story in the first trilogy).

Readers might love or hate this something but they certainly won’t be bored.”


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Crash And Burn

Crash was manufactured to be one of the best warriors in the universe. The cyborg has spent many human lifespans fighting the enemy. But, unlike his battle-loving brethren, he doesn’t enjoy killing. When he escapes the Humanoid Alliance, he vows to never end another life.

Then he meets Safyre, an infuriating human female, and he considers breaking his vow.

Safyre will do anything to save her friend, the being she loves like a sister. She’ll ravish a huge hunky cyborg, kiss his best friend, and invoke scorching hot desires the male never realized he could feel. Dark soulful eyes, a quick wit, and a tempestuous passion won’t divert her from her mission.

Love, and a planet-destroying weapon, however, might stop her permanently.

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Crash And Burn And Friendship

By Cynthia Sax on February 24, 2016

What would you do for your best friend?

I’m at the always awesome Kate Hill ‘s online home, talking about Crash And Burn and friendship

Here’s a snippet…

“On the silly side, I’ve danced on a bar to help a good friend deal with a bad break up. I’ve swam with a zillion jellyfish (shivers – jellyfish scare me) because my dear wonderful hubby, my best friend and, at that time, beginner swimmer, wanted to try snorkeling, a dream of his. I’m the godmother to a friend’s much beloved horse.”


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Crash And Burn

Crash was manufactured to be one of the best warriors in the universe. The cyborg has spent many human lifespans fighting the enemy. But, unlike his battle-loving brethren, he doesn’t enjoy killing. When he escapes the Humanoid Alliance, he vows to never end another life.

Then he meets Safyre, an infuriating human female, and he considers breaking his vow.

Safyre will do anything to save her friend, the being she loves like a sister. She’ll ravish a huge hunky cyborg, kiss his best friend, and invoke scorching hot desires the male never realized he could feel. Dark soulful eyes, a quick wit, and a tempestuous passion won’t divert her from her mission.

Love, and a planet-destroying weapon, however, might stop her permanently.

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Discussion Page For Crash And Burn

By Cynthia Sax on February 23, 2016

I’ve set up a super secret page for folks who have read Crash And Burn and wish to discuss it.
Note: Do NOT go to this page if you haven’t read the story.
It WILL contain spoilers!

Don’t worry about upsetting me with your comments. I realize that not every reader will love what happened in Crash And Burn. I will still love you if you didn’t like Crash And Burn. (big hugs)


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Crash And Burn

Crash was manufactured to be one of the best warriors in the universe. The cyborg has spent many human lifespans fighting the enemy. But, unlike his battle-loving brethren, he doesn’t enjoy killing. When he escapes the Humanoid Alliance, he vows to never end another life.

Then he meets Safyre, an infuriating human female, and he considers breaking his vow.

Safyre will do anything to save her friend, the being she loves like a sister. She’ll ravish a huge hunky cyborg, kiss his best friend, and invoke scorching hot desires the male never realized he could feel. Dark soulful eyes, a quick wit, and a tempestuous passion won’t divert her from her mission.

Love, and a planet-destroying weapon, however, might stop her permanently.

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Crash And Burn And Open-Ended Series

By Cynthia Sax on February 23, 2016

Today, I’m visiting EverydayFangirl, talking about open ended series

Here’s a snippet…

Series can also be closed (the writer knows exactly how many stories will be in the series) or open-ended (the writer doesn’t know how many stories will be in a series).

Crash And Burn, my most recent release, is the latest installment in my open-ended cyborg series. Reading buddies ask me how many stories I plan to write in the series and I have no idea. Each story is crafted to be read on its own.


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Crash And Burn

Crash was manufactured to be one of the best warriors in the universe. The cyborg has spent many human lifespans fighting the enemy. But, unlike his battle-loving brethren, he doesn’t enjoy killing. When he escapes the Humanoid Alliance, he vows to never end another life.

Then he meets Safyre, an infuriating human female, and he considers breaking his vow.

Safyre will do anything to save her friend, the being she loves like a sister. She’ll ravish a huge hunky cyborg, kiss his best friend, and invoke scorching hot desires the male never realized he could feel. Dark soulful eyes, a quick wit, and a tempestuous passion won’t divert her from her mission.

Love, and a planet-destroying weapon, however, might stop her permanently.

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