Relationships And The Dark Moment

By on September 22, 2023

There is a point in many romance novels called the dark moment.

It is when everything seems lost. The relationship seems to be falling apart. The main beings might not achieve their other goals. In my stories, they are often at risk of dying. They and their relationship are being severely tested and there seems to be no hope for these beings to pass these tests.

It is in this moment that the beings’ true characters and their true feelings are revealed. We learn about their coping under stress strategies. We and the other beings learn about THEM.

In a romance novel, the beings and their relationship survive this dark moment. And they are stronger beings and a stronger couple (or more) because of this. We, readers, know these wild kids will make it because, hey, they faced this dark moment and survived it, didn’t they?

Dark moment don’t merely happen in romance novels. The pandemic was and is a dark moment for many people, for example. As are other illnesses, losses (of all kinds), huge changes and other stressful situations.

When I talk with buddies and they ask me for relationship advice, I tell them they don’t truly know a person until they’ve gone through a dark moment with them. Almost everyone can be all sunshine and light during easy, happy times. Hard times, bad times show us who people truly are.

We’ve learned that from life and from romance novels. (smiles)

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Strive For Forever

This cyborg seeks to vanquish an ancient entity and save his curvy human female.

Euryale made a terrible mistake. She opened a container she shouldn’t have touched and released one of the oldest lifeforms in existence. That all-powerful entity is now utilizing her as its host body and is slowly draining her energy.

Soon, she’ll die.

Euryale has accepted this fate and is determined to use her remaining moments in the universe to save as many lives as she can.

Her plans do NOT include a smoldering-hot, poetry-wielding cyborg willing to decimate entire planets to save her.

While under the control of the Humanoid Alliance, Strive, a K Model cyborg, disobeyed direct orders and refused to kill on their behalf. If he hadn’t escaped their cruel clutches, his defiance would have led to his death.

The male knowingly risked that fate to save the lifespans of complete strangers.

There is nothing he wouldn’t do to protect Euryale. The curvy human female is his genetic match, the one being he is destined to defend.

And she is in danger.

Strive would break every vow, cross every boundary, risk absolutely everything to keep her from harm.

Including battle a deity no one has ever defeated.


Strive For Forever is Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.

It features an inspired cyborg, a joke-cracking scientist, and an all-powerful deity with plans of his own.

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