Woodstock 99: Peace, Love, and Rage

By on August 19, 2023

Spoiler Alert – This post will discuss the documentary Woodstock 99: Peace, Love, and Rage and might contain some information you haven’t yet uncovered about this event. You might wish to skip this post if you haven’t watched this documentary.

The Dear Wonderful Hubby and I watched Woodstock 99: Peace, Love, and Rage, a documentary on, yes, you guessed it, the Woodstock 99 music festival. (grins)

One of the things I found interesting was how history had repeated.

The original Woodstock was as much of a sh*t show as Woodstock 99 was.


Bathroom facilities weren’t sufficient at the festivals. Feces was everywhere.

And figuratively.

People died at the original Woodstock. There were a LOT of sexual assaults. The county it was held in declared a state of emergency. The Air Force had to transport performers to and from the site. They were dang close to calling in the National Guard.

The founders of Woodstock 99, like many Baby Boomers, had, unfortunately, romanticized the original Woodstock. They remembered only the best parts – the music, the feeling of togetherness, the freedom.

Which would have been fine.

Rewriting history is what humans tend to do. We curate our recollections.

Except it meant the founders didn’t correct the original festival’s mistakes. They were repeated.

Which is, again, what humans tend to do.

That is reality.

In the stories we read, we judge characters who repeat past mistakes harshly.

We expect them to learn and to change. Maybe the characters make different mistakes. But they never make the same mistake twice.

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