In my stories, love interests love EVERYTHING about the other being (or beings). Joan, the heroine of Releasing Rage, loves Rage’s human side and his machine side. Dita, the heroine of Dark Thoughts, loves Kralj’s controlled side and his monster mode.
Taja, one of the heroines in Medieval Dragon Shifters (released under C.S. Sax), loves Grun’s human side and his dragon side. The dragon has needs. She happily satisfies them.
Fun times in beast mode doesn’t happen in all of my shifter stories (it doesn’t happen in any of the stories in Medieval Beast Shifters) but I do believe readers who enjoy steamy romances about shifters should expect scenes like that.
To ignore the animal is to ignore a huge piece of the shifter. And they ARE shifters. They are magical beings, a different species, similar to how humanoid aliens are different species. They wouldn’t appreciate being viewed as animals. (grins) I wouldn’t suggest anyone call them that.
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Medieval Beast Shifters
Three shapeshifting warriors—a unicorn, a phoenix and a griffin—court their human maidens while battling ancient prophecies and powerful enemies.
They are dominant and determined, masters of their medieval kingdoms and beings of legend. These magical knights of old are destined to love their ladies until the end of time. They will do anything for their fated mates, will battle for the right to hold them, touch them, make them theirs.
The Unicorn And The Virgin (The Unicorn Prince) – ‘Beware the virgin. Chastity brings death.’ That is the prophecy Reiter, the prince of the unicorns, has spent his life evading. Unbeknownst to him, his mate, the daring and brave Princess Lizbeth, is more innocent than she seems.
Return Of The Phoenix (The Phoenix) – Phoenix’s child bride is all grown up and demanding to be released from her wedding vows. Lord Phoenix has other plans for his fire sorceress mate. He hopes to be reborn in her flames.
Griffin’s Vow (The Griffin) – Lord Griffin tried to woo his mate using the principles of courtly love. She accepted his passion but not his proposals. Now, the rough, gruff warrior seeks to win her his way…while warding off a powerful and deadly rival.
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