Happy Halloween – Brace For Bad Puns!

You know I LOVE terrible puns and bad jokes and I have an awesome Halloween collection of them.
Here are some of my favorites…
How do you know a vampire has a cold?
He starts coffin!
What type of music does a mummy like the best?
What type of dog does Dracula have?
A blood hound.
What does a ghost call his sweetheart?
His ghoul-friend!

What do you get when you cross a vampire and a snowman?
Frost bite!
What does a ghost call his mom and dad?
His transparents.
Why didn’t the skeleton dance at the Halloween party?
He had no body to dance with!
What do ghosts use to wash their hair?
Have a Happy Halloween, my friends!
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Warlord’s Return
Ariq is a barbarian warrior seeking a war.
He locates that battle when he meets Xareni.
* * *
Ariq is one of Chamele’s top warriors. A genetic predisposition to fighting, paired with intensive training and experience, has honed the scarred male into an effective killing machine. He loves war, can’t live without combat.
The Succession Wars, however, have finally ended and the Chamele sector is now at peace. Seeking excitement and purpose, the barbarian warrior accompanies his Second to the Refuge, an outlaw settlement on Carinae E. He hopes to locate the battle he’s been craving there.
Ariq finds that conflict and more when he meets his fated mate.
Xareni owes the Ruler of the Refuge a favor. That’s the only reason she has returned to the settlement. She doesn’t like crowds or structures or a certain barbarian warrior who insists on following her everywhere. It doesn’t matter that there’s a connection between them, that he makes her burn with desire, that he looks at her with heat in his dark eyes.
She’s a monster and monsters don’t need anyone.
* * *
Warlord’s Return is a STANDALONE Alien Barbarian SciFi Romance featuring a determined barbarian warrior, an equally resolute human female, and an eyeball-eating mini dragon.
Pre-order Now:
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Warlord’s Return And Re-Reads

A reading buddy asked me which stories she should re-read before reading Warlord’s Return on Tuesday.
Warlord’s Return CAN be read as a standalone story. New-to-me reading buddies should enjoy it without having read any other stories in the Chamele Barbarian Warlords series OR the Refuge (Dark Thoughts) series.
But it IS a celebration of the two series. Oghul, Khan’s Second, and his team return to the Refuge on Carinae E to visit with his brother and with the modified humanoids. We receive updates on almost all the couples in the Refuge series (excluding the characters from Dark Warlord) and we see the Chameles during peacetime (their definition of peacetime…which isn’t very peaceful – grins).
If I was planning to revisit these series, the stories I would re-read first are
Dark Thoughts (from the Refuge series)
Dark Cure (from the Refuge series)
Warlord Sky (from the Chamele Barbarian Warlords series).
I’m super excited about the release of Warlord’s Return. I can’t wait for you to read this story!
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Warlord’s Return
Ariq is a barbarian warrior seeking a war.
He locates that battle when he meets Xareni.
* * *
Ariq is one of Chamele’s top warriors. A genetic predisposition to fighting, paired with intensive training and experience, has honed the scarred male into an effective killing machine. He loves war, can’t live without combat.
The Succession Wars, however, have finally ended and the Chamele sector is now at peace. Seeking excitement and purpose, the barbarian warrior accompanies his Second to the Refuge, an outlaw settlement on Carinae E. He hopes to locate the battle he’s been craving there.
Ariq finds that conflict and more when he meets his fated mate.
Xareni owes the Ruler of the Refuge a favor. That’s the only reason she has returned to the settlement. She doesn’t like crowds or structures or a certain barbarian warrior who insists on following her everywhere. It doesn’t matter that there’s a connection between them, that he makes her burn with desire, that he looks at her with heat in his dark eyes.
She’s a monster and monsters don’t need anyone.
* * *
Warlord’s Return is a STANDALONE Alien Barbarian SciFi Romance featuring a determined barbarian warrior, an equally resolute human female, and an eyeball-eating mini dragon.
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Throwback Thursday – Dark Thoughts

I had to promote ONE story for The Romance Studio’s Spookapalooza ( https://www.trsparties.com/ ). I wanted that story to be as Halloween-appropriate as possible.
The most Halloween-appropriate story I have is Dark Thoughts, Kralj and Dita’s romance, the first story in the Refuge series. (This story is currently FREE everywhere.)
Kralj has vampire-like attributes. He has fangs. He drinks blood. He waits in the dark, is a predator and a self-proclaimed monster. I always associate vampires and monsters with Halloween.
Dark Thoughts is also a great story to re-read right before reading Warlord’s Return (which releases on Tuesday). In Warlord’s Return, we return to the Refuge, Kralj and Dita’s home. We spend some time with the modified humanoids. We explore a bit more of Carinae E.
Can love redeem a monster?
The Refuge is home to some of the most violent beings in the universe. Kralj, its leader, reigns over the remote outpost with terrifying ease, ruthlessly squashing any rumors of rebellion, killing anyone who breaks his rules. Primitive, deadly, powerful, he’s a monster, scarred both on his face and his soul. He has never met a being he couldn’t control.
Until he meets her.
Dita has one mission—to kill the three targets claiming sanctuary within the Refuge. Or so she claims. For the first time in his long lifespan, Kralj isn’t certain of another being’s intentions. The tiny assassin is immune to his powers, her thoughts unreadable. He can’t predict her movements, can’t control her, can’t stop wanting her.
Dita is rare, as unique as he is, and, to keep the residents of the Refuge safe, Kralj will have to kill her. But first, he’ll touch her, taste her, show her how passionate the beast inside him can be.
Dark Thoughts is a STAND-ALONE SciFi Romance.
The hero might be tall, dark, and scarred but don’t be fooled by his appearance.
He’s truly a monster.
This story is not for readers with delicate sensibilities.
Read Now For FREE:
Amazon US: https://www.amazon.com/Dark-Thoughts-Refuge-Book-1-ebook/dp/B01MRAABGC/
Amazon UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Dark-Thoughts-Refuge-Book-1-ebook/dp/B01MRAABGC/
Amazon AUS: https://www.amazon.com.au/Dark-Thoughts-Refuge-Book-1-ebook/dp/B01MRAABGC/
Apple Books: https://books.apple.com/us/book/dark-thoughts/id1200022597
B&N: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/dark-thoughts-cynthia-sax/1125580992
Kobo: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/dark-thoughts-3
Smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/699393
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Spookapalooza And Halloween Fun

While waiting for Warlord’s Return to release (on Tuesday – woot!), I’m having some Halloween fun.
I, and many other awesome Romance Writers, are participating in The Romance Studio’s Spookapalooza on their party site. There will be awesome contests and free books and monstrous (grins) posts. You can access the fun here – https://www.trsparties.com/
My post on Dark Thoughts And Monsters is live.
Here’s a snippet…
Halloween is the time of monsters and I absolutely LOVE monsters. Beauty and the Beast is one of my favorite tropes and who is the Beast? He’s a monster.
I absolutely believe monsters deserve love and companionship. Often they are misunderstood and merely appear scary.
The hero of Dark Thoughts, Kralj, truly IS scary. He was designed to kill and he does that very enthusiastically.
He doesn’t scare Dita, however.
You can read the full post here – https://www.trsparties.com/dark-thoughts-and-monsters-by-cynthia-sax/
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Warlord’s Return
Ariq is a barbarian warrior seeking a war.
He locates that battle when he meets Xareni.
* * *
Ariq is one of Chamele’s top warriors. A genetic predisposition to fighting, paired with intensive training and experience, has honed the scarred male into an effective killing machine. He loves war, can’t live without combat.
The Succession Wars, however, have finally ended and the Chamele sector is now at peace. Seeking excitement and purpose, the barbarian warrior accompanies his Second to the Refuge, an outlaw settlement on Carinae E. He hopes to locate the battle he’s been craving there.
Ariq finds that conflict and more when he meets his fated mate.
Xareni owes the Ruler of the Refuge a favor. That’s the only reason she has returned to the settlement. She doesn’t like crowds or structures or a certain barbarian warrior who insists on following her everywhere. It doesn’t matter that there’s a connection between them, that he makes her burn with desire, that he looks at her with heat in his dark eyes.
She’s a monster and monsters don’t need anyone.
* * *
Warlord’s Return is a STANDALONE Alien Barbarian SciFi Romance featuring a determined barbarian warrior, an equally resolute human female, and an eyeball-eating mini dragon.
Pre-order Now:
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Warlord’s Return And Kralj’s Protection

Xareni, the heroine of Warlord’s Return (releasing next week!), owes Kralj, the Ruler of the Refuge (and hero of Dark Thoughts) her life.
When she was a child, the all knowing, all powerful modified humanoid not only saved her from almost certain death but he extended his protection to her while she healed and he gave her a reason to live.
If you’ve read Dark Thoughts, you know that Kralj has a very live-and-let-live, hands-off approach to beings in his settlement. He doesn’t extend his protection to many beings.
That he extended it to Xareni is significant.
She might be human but Kralj very much views her as one of the modified humanoids…which is one of the greatest compliments the Ruler would give a being. He trusts her as much as he trusts Orol or Balvan, his warriors. And he considers his request of her—to guide Ariq and the other Chameles to the clone settlement—to be both an honor AND a gift.
Kralj loves her. She is part of his unusual family.
Although he would never admit to that. (grins)
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Warlord’s Return
Ariq is a barbarian warrior seeking a war.
He locates that battle when he meets Xareni.
* * *
Ariq is one of Chamele’s top warriors. A genetic predisposition to fighting, paired with intensive training and experience, has honed the scarred male into an effective killing machine. He loves war, can’t live without combat.
The Succession Wars, however, have finally ended and the Chamele sector is now at peace. Seeking excitement and purpose, the barbarian warrior accompanies his Second to the Refuge, an outlaw settlement on Carinae E. He hopes to locate the battle he’s been craving there.
Ariq finds that conflict and more when he meets his fated mate.
Xareni owes the Ruler of the Refuge a favor. That’s the only reason she has returned to the settlement. She doesn’t like crowds or structures or a certain barbarian warrior who insists on following her everywhere. It doesn’t matter that there’s a connection between them, that he makes her burn with desire, that he looks at her with heat in his dark eyes.
She’s a monster and monsters don’t need anyone.
* * *
Warlord’s Return is a STANDALONE Alien Barbarian SciFi Romance featuring a determined barbarian warrior, an equally resolute human female, and an eyeball-eating mini dragon.
Pre-order Now:
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Warlord’s Return – Final Scene Of The First Chapter
Warlord’s Return releases next week! Woot!
This week, I’m sharing the fourth and final scene in its first chapter.
You can read the first scene from the first chapter of Warlord’s Return here:
Even Kralj had a mate.
Dita, the Ruler’s tiny assassin female, sat beside the male. Her gaze was on them, her eyes bright with interest.
“Kralj, sir.” Second’s voice was edged with the respect the Ruler warranted.
“Chameles, Medic.” Those words seemed to come from everywhere. “There has been increased Humanoid Alliance activity on Carinae E. You will forgo your planned orbit of the planet and proceed directly to the Refuge.”
Ariq gaped at the male.
They had discussed that aerial tour briefly the previous planet rotation on the bridge, hadn’t told any other being about it, hadn’t communicated their plans through any other means.
“We will do as you suggest, sir.” Second nodded.
“It wasn’t a suggestion.” Kralj’s tone was dry. “You will allow your unexpected passenger to exit your ship first. You won’t give her any indication you are aware of her presence.”
“That will make the first task challenging.” Qulpa muttered that comment under his breath.
Ariq was more concerned about Lysagh’s well-being than the issue of when she left the ship. Kralj was a terrifying being, but Ariq wouldn’t allow that male or anyone else to hurt the girl. “If you harm her—”
The shadows swirling around Kralj’s face darkened menacingly. “You will do nothing. Because you can do nothing.”
Another wave of energy blasted Ariq. It was so strong he was flung back against his chair. Almost bone-breaking pressure pushed against his chest.
“He seeks to protect her, sir.” Dita placed one of her hands on Kralj’s arm. “He didn’t mean to disrespect you.”
The wall of wind flattening Ariq immediately dissipated.
He gasped air. His lungs, ribs, all of him, ached.
“The girl is under my protection.” Kralj astonished him with that admission. The number of beings fortunate to be under the Ruler’s protection were few.
Lysagh would be completely safe within the Refuge. Ariq relaxed. He didn’t know why the Kralj had granted her that status, but he was grateful for it.
“You will arrange for her to leave the ship first.” The Ruler demanded that of him.
Ariq dipped his head. “I will arrange it, sir.”
At least one of them would have an exciting visit to the Refuge.
“And you will lead the expedition to the clone community.” Kralj knew of those plans also. Seven-One wanted to speak with the Carinae E clones, learn how they reproduced without any degradation. “Seven-One, Yesun, Dialo, Vietor, and Jeden will accompany you and the guide.”
Son of a Gechii. Ariq struggled to keep his expression blank. Dialo, Vietor and Jeden were the sons of one of Kralj’s modified humanoids. Seven-One and Yesun had roughly the same maturity level as the winged triplets.
Ariq would be leading all youths.
That would be akin to aligning rock vultures in flight—an impossible and extremely frustrating venture. And there would be little opportunity to do anything other than keep them alive and out of trouble.
There would be no battles, no killing, no bloodshed for him.
“Kralj, sir.” Lead Medic’s forehead furrowed with thought lines. “I was hoping to join them, to see the cloning facilities, learn—”
“You are needed in the Refuge, Medic.” Kralj denied her request. “That is all.”
The main viewscreen reverted to the image of distant stars and the blackness of space.
Silence stretched.
“So that was Kralj.” Head of Ship and Weapons Design blew out her breath. “I now understand what you meant when you said he exuded power.” She touched her chest. “I’ve never felt anything like it.”
She hadn’t felt the full impact of the Ruler’s skills. Ariq hurt all over.
“He seemed to like Ariq.” Second’s eyes glowed with amusement.
“I would prefer if he liked me a little less.” Ariq lowered his voice, not trusting that the male couldn’t hear their conversation.
He sought a battle, not his own execution. Disrespecting the Ruler was a death sentence.
“I have a list of questions I want to ask the Carinae E clones.” Lead Medic slipped off Second’s lap. “Since you’ll be accompanying Seven-One, Ariq, I’ll share them with both of you.”
“Seven-One is the scientist.” Ariq had no interest in those matters. “Not I.”
Lead Medic met his gaze. “I’ll train you in what you need to know.” Her tone expressed that wasn’t open for discussion.
Ugh. Ariq rose to his booted feet.
He dreaded the upcoming expedition more and more with each passing moment.
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Warlord’s Return
Ariq is a barbarian warrior seeking a war.
He locates that battle when he meets Xareni.
* * *
Ariq is one of Chamele’s top warriors. A genetic predisposition to fighting, paired with intensive training and experience, has honed the scarred male into an effective killing machine. He loves war, can’t live without combat.
The Succession Wars, however, have finally ended and the Chamele sector is now at peace. Seeking excitement and purpose, the barbarian warrior accompanies his Second to the Refuge, an outlaw settlement on Carinae E. He hopes to locate the battle he’s been craving there.
Ariq finds that conflict and more when he meets his fated mate.
Xareni owes the Ruler of the Refuge a favor. That’s the only reason she has returned to the settlement. She doesn’t like crowds or structures or a certain barbarian warrior who insists on following her everywhere. It doesn’t matter that there’s a connection between them, that he makes her burn with desire, that he looks at her with heat in his dark eyes.
She’s a monster and monsters don’t need anyone.
* * *
Warlord’s Return is a STANDALONE Alien Barbarian SciFi Romance featuring a determined barbarian warrior, an equally resolute human female, and an eyeball-eating mini dragon.
Pre-order Now:
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Cynthia Sax Weekly Update – October 25th

I have 2 more chapters to write in the first draft of Containing Malice, the first cyborg romance in the new subseries (releasing February). I LOVE this story and plan to complete the first draft of it this week. Then I have 2 revision drafts to craft before I send it to my Awesome Editor.
I’m taking a writing workshop with the Wonderful New York Bestselling Author Angela Knight. She often offers free critiques with her workshops (that, alone, is worth the cost of it). I asked her to look at my first 2,000 words and she gave me some terrific feedback. Her insights should bring this story to the next level.
That is always my goal-to improve with every story I write. I do this for me because, like cyborgs, I feel good about myself when I’m as skilled, when I’m as fully functional as I can be. (grins) I do this for the story and the characters because they deserve to have their stories told well. And I do this for you because you deserve to read the best stories possible.
I received the cover for Containing Malice from the oh—so—very talented Amanda Kelsey. I love it. And I loaded the story for pre-orders on all bookseller sites (the description is rough and hasn’t been edited but it relays the essence of the story). B&N is still having system issues and their listing is delayed. But it is listed everywhere else (except Google, which is still on the naughty list with distributers).
This is Halloween Week so you will likely see me buzzing around the internet. Starting on Tuesday, I will be posting daily on The Romance Studio’s party site – https://www.trsparties.com/ . It is their annual Spookapalooza and writing buddies will be giving out treats. (grins) There will also be other events.
2020 has been an…unusual year. We deserve to party!
Stay as safe as you can, my friends! Wear your masks! Have some fun with it. The Dear Wonderful Hubby is wearing a shark mouth mask today. It looks toothily awesome.
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Warlord’s Return
Ariq is a barbarian warrior seeking a war.
He locates that battle when he meets Xareni.
* * *
Ariq is one of Chamele’s top warriors. A genetic predisposition to fighting, paired with intensive training and experience, has honed the scarred male into an effective killing machine. He loves war, can’t live without combat.
The Succession Wars, however, have finally ended and the Chamele sector is now at peace. Seeking excitement and purpose, the barbarian warrior accompanies his Second to the Refuge, an outlaw settlement on Carinae E. He hopes to locate the battle he’s been craving there.
Ariq finds that conflict and more when he meets his fated mate.
Xareni owes the Ruler of the Refuge a favor. That’s the only reason she has returned to the settlement. She doesn’t like crowds or structures or a certain barbarian warrior who insists on following her everywhere. It doesn’t matter that there’s a connection between them, that he makes her burn with desire, that he looks at her with heat in his dark eyes.
She’s a monster and monsters don’t need anyone.
* * *
Warlord’s Return is a STANDALONE Alien Barbarian SciFi Romance featuring a determined barbarian warrior, an equally resolute human female, and an eyeball-eating mini dragon.
Pre-order Now:
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Cover Reveal For Containing Malice (Releasing In February)
Yay! I have a cover for Containing Malice (releasing in February), the first story in the Rebel Cyborgs subseries.
The cover was designed by the always awesome Amanda Kelsey and I love it! I think it depicts Malice’s anger, frustration, inner turmoil.
Containing Malice
(This blurb has not yet been edited or refined. Okay, okay. It is a bit of a hot mess but the booksellers wanted something and I haven’t yet finished this story.)
This tormented cyborg craves vengeance…and her.
Malice, a C Model cyborg, has spent his long lifespan enslaved by the Humanoid Alliance. His cruel manufacturers have hurt him in all the ways a male could be hurt.
Recently, his enemy has added a new weapon to their arsenal—a tiny human medic with soft hands and a delectable scent. She experiments on him multiple times a shift, delivering pain…and frustration.
He wants her. He also seeks retribution.
Once Malice frees himself, he plans to achieve both of his goals, taking Medic Illona captive and ending her research…permanently.
Illona is as much a prisoner as the cyborgs she experiments on are. Since her arrival in the underground lab, she has carefully, stealthily crafted a plot to free her test subjects. To conceal her covert activities, the medic has been forced to harm rather than heal.
The being she has damaged the most is also the cyborg she fiercely desires— Malice, a huge, gray-skinned, blue-eyed C Model with massive hands and a voice deeper than space. He hates her, has good reason to do so, and, when he’s freed, there’s a high probability he’ll kill her.
Illona will take that risk to ensure he survives.
Containing Malice is a STANDALONE enemies-to-lovers Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.
It is the first of five core stories in the Rebel Cyborgs Series.
Book 1: Containing Malice
Book 2: Under Strain
Book 3: Baring Grudge
Book 4: B Free
Book 5: Seizing Power
Pre-order Today:
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Using BookFunnel For Free Short Stories Going Forward

I enjoy giving you and other reading buddies a free short story every year as a gift. I love you. I appreciate that you read my stories. I show this love and appreciation by…well…writing more words. (grins)
In the past, I have loaded these free stories to booksellers. That is, unfortunately, no longer possible.
Why I Won’t Be Loading Free Short Stories To Booksellers (Amazon, Apple, B&N, Kobo, etc) Going Forward
None of the booksellers are big fans of free books.
The free books cost them money to supply to readers. And they’re making it tougher and tougher to offer free books, I suspect, for this reason. It takes me about a month of daily emails to change the price to free at one of the booksellers. Then I have to check the price every month in every region to ensure they haven’t started charging for the story again.
Booksellers Treat Short Stories Differently.
Another reason is booksellers treat short stories differently in a series. One bookseller assigns half numbers to short stories (2.5 etc). Another bookseller doesn’t allow half numbers.
One bookseller won’t add short stories to series pages at all. Books 1-4 of Cyborg Sizzle are displayed. Book 5 is missing. Book 6 is displayed. Book 7 is missing.
This inconsistency…unsettles me (I say this as I am sorting some of my Halloween M&M candies by color).
The Solution
Thankfully, there is a solution. It isn’t perfect but it will hopefully allow me to treat you to a free short story every year…and perhaps give you more ‘treats.’
I will offer both the Kindle/Mobi files and the EPub files (which are good for Apple Books, B&N, Kobo, etc) on BookFunnel ( an example is here – https://dl.bookfunnel.com/tr6fc87pzq ).
It will ask you for your email address and to sign up for my newsletter and then it will email the story to you. There are support folks who will help you if you need it or if something goes wrong. But they make the process fairly simple to complete.
The Possibility Of More ‘Treats’
Aligning with BookFunnel will allow me to do other things…like offer the character updates and short snippets I share in the newsletters in eBook format so you can collect them in your libraries and read them on your eReaders.
I have a gazillion other fun and free ideas.
Anyhoo…I’m sorry to add more change in a year already jampacked with change but I’m hoping this will be a happy, wonderful change. I’m quite excited about the possibilities!
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Warlord’s Return
Ariq is a barbarian warrior seeking a war.
He locates that battle when he meets Xareni.
* * *
Ariq is one of Chamele’s top warriors. A genetic predisposition to fighting, paired with intensive training and experience, has honed the scarred male into an effective killing machine. He loves war, can’t live without combat.
The Succession Wars, however, have finally ended and the Chamele sector is now at peace. Seeking excitement and purpose, the barbarian warrior accompanies his Second to the Refuge, an outlaw settlement on Carinae E. He hopes to locate the battle he’s been craving there.
Ariq finds that conflict and more when he meets his fated mate.
Xareni owes the Ruler of the Refuge a favor. That’s the only reason she has returned to the settlement. She doesn’t like crowds or structures or a certain barbarian warrior who insists on following her everywhere. It doesn’t matter that there’s a connection between them, that he makes her burn with desire, that he looks at her with heat in his dark eyes.
She’s a monster and monsters don’t need anyone.
* * *
Warlord’s Return is a STANDALONE Alien Barbarian SciFi Romance featuring a determined barbarian warrior, an equally resolute human female, and an eyeball-eating mini dragon.
Pre-order Now:
Amazon US:
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Throwback Thursday – Taking Vengeance

I LOVE both writing and reading enemies-to-lovers stories and Taking Vengeance is one of the most extreme enemies-to-lovers stories I’ve ever written.
Astrid, our heroine, hates cyborgs. And she has a good reason for feeling this way. She plans to kill them all and, when a certain stubborn C Model cyborg decides to land on her planet, she puts that plan into action.
Vengeance hates all humans and he hates that the female he’s genetically compatible with is a human. He plans to capture Astrid and use her to forward his anti-human agenda.
When these two meet, it is explosive…literally.
If you love Truth, he causes quite a bit of chaos in this story. (grins)
Taking Vengeance
The only force stronger than their hate is their love.
Vengeance hates all humans. They killed every being he ever cared about. When the huge C Model cyborg is told he’s genetically compatible with the enemy, he makes it his mission to capture the female and use her to expel all humans from his home planet. That should be disappointingly easy. She’s a weak, fragile human.
Then she blows up his ship, blasting to bits his preconceived notions about the enemy.
Astrid, aka the Buoir Berserker, hates all cyborgs. They killed her entire clan, including her baby sister. The warrior female has vowed to hunt down and destroy the enemy. When a savage cyborg arrogantly puts his hard, sexy body within her reach, she does the only thing a female can do—she peppers his muscular physique with projectiles.
The more passionately they fight, the stronger their attraction becomes. Neither of them will relent on their missions, yet they can’t keep their hands off each other. Their battle will either end in love to last an eternity or in death.
Taking Vengeance is Book 12 in the Cyborg Sizzle series and is a STAND-ALONE story.
It is also an enemies-to-lovers Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, often violent universe.
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