Princess Nancy, the heroine of Testing Truth, originates from the planet Royaume.
Royaume isn’t a perfect civilization. They have issues like almost every civilization that has ever existed (Thus far! I have great hope for the future.).
But one of the many things they do right is express tolerance for different relationship constructs.
Nancy’s entourage, Claude, Valentin, and Marthe, are in an extremely happy M/M/F relationship. They hold high rankings at court. Nancy doesn’t think there’s anything unusual with their relationship, which tells us this relationship construct is fairly common on Royaume.
I’ve had some questions from reading buddies about M/M and F/F relationships. Are those accepted? Would a M/M or F/F relationship be accepted even if…say…a future Crown Prince or Crown Princess was part of one?
I believe it WOULD be accepted. There would be some initial concern about line of succession but once that was solidified and shared with subjects, I think those concerns would fade away.
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Testing Truth
A fun-loving cyborg gets serious about love.
Truth lives each moment as though it were his last. The cyborg warrior rushes into danger, teases beings he shouldn’t provoke, accepts every call of adventure he encounters.
When a prissy little human princess floats into the Rebel structure Truth is occupying, seeking a mercenary to assist her and her unusual entourage, he volunteers to be her warrior. She claims their assignment is dangerous, warns him he might not survive the task.
That is exactly the type of fun he has been seeking.
Princess Nanette of the planet Royaume must rescue her estranged brother from an enemy prison ship. That is her duty, and she has been trained to always place the needs of her planet and her subjects before her own. Nancy doesn’t have the freedom to indulge her passions for a certain dark-haired, gray-skinned cyborg. Not permanently and not publicly.
But she is unable to resist the warrior. Truth, with his laughing eyes, smiling lips, and rough hands, tempts her as no one else ever has. He could be her one fleeting act of rebellion before she’s matched with the powerful ruler her planet requires.
If they survive their current mission.
Their love is doomed. Their lifespans are at risk. This cyborg and his princess will need the help of every ally they have if they wish to see another sunrise.
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