Releasing Rage – Mother’s Day Snippet

By on May 11, 2018

Sunday is Mother’s Day in North America. I’ve been sharing Mom-themed snippets all week. Of course, this wouldn’t be complete without an excerpt from Releasing Rage. (grin)


We created offspring, female.

Joan struggled to absorb Rage’s words.

She’d reviewed the research gathered from the breeding programs. There had been zero offspring conceived. No pairings had been successful.

The scientists had expected the breeding programs to work. The genetic blueprint for cyborg mechanics had been inserted into the DNA sequence. The nanocybotics had been modified, allowing for the expansion of their parts as cyborg offspring matured, ensuring both man and machine grew in concert.

But the very nature of the nanocybotics prevented conception. As Rage had explained the planet rotation they’d met, a cyborg’s nanocybotics viewed any fertilized egg as a damaged egg. They ‘repaired’ it, returning the egg to its former unfertilized state.
In a laboratory, a scientist could administer a suppressor immediately before fertilization. That was too complex to be coded into DNA.

Faced with those facts, Joan had realized she’d never have offspring with Rage. She’d accepted that future, thought herself content with one big C Model cyborg to love and care for.

Now they’d have a son.

“You’re certain?” she asked. It was too incredible to be believed.

“We’re certain.” There was no doubt in Doc’s voice.

Surge nodded.

“Our offspring is inside you, female.” Rage rushed to her side, a silly smile lighting his normally grim face. “You’ve made me the happiest cyborg in the universe.”

He scooped her into his arms, scanning blanket and all, and he spun. The chambers’ lights whizzed around them. She clung to his neck, kicked her feet, and laughed, his exuberance feeding hers.

She hadn’t inadvertently killed the male she loved. She was giving him a son.


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Half Man. Half Machine. All Hers.

Rage, the Humanoid Alliance’s most primitive cyborg, has two goals—kill all of the humans on his battle station and escape to the Homeland. The warrior has seen the darkness in others and in himself. He believes that’s all he’s been programmed to experience.
Until he meets Joan.

Joan, the battle station’s first female engineer, has one goal—survive long enough to help the big sexy cyborg plotting to kill her. Rage might not trust her but he wants her. She sees the passion in his eyes, the caring in his battle-worn hands, the gruff emotion in his voice.

When Joan survives the unthinkable, Rage’s priorities are tested. Is there enough room in this cyborg’s heart for both love and revenge?

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