Interview With Nellie C. Lind
I sat down (virtually) with Nellie C. Lind for a short interview. Nellie C. Lind’s latest release is Her Cyborg, a cyborg romance! Woot! I can’t wait to read this story!
Cynthia Sax: What makes your cyborgs sexy?
Nellie C. Lind: MedAct is the company that can help you create the perfect cyborg for you. He can be anything you want him to be, and he will love you from the moment he opens his eyes because of the bond he has with you. The bond itself is love, literally. That means he will always be there for you and defend you with his life. He will never look for another woman, and he will stay by your side for as long as you live. When you die, he will die with you because your death will break the bond, and usually, he can’t survive that. Unfortunately, a small number of cyborgs do survive a broken bond, but that is another story …
Cynthia Sax: Where did you get the idea for Her Cyborg?
Nellie C. Lind: It was an idea that just came to me one day, and I started developing it after that. It’s mostly the same thing with all of my stories. Maybe because my mind is always creating stories, dialogs, and different characters. I find something good here, something good there, then I mix it together to a juice cocktail, and voila, I have a story.
Cynthia Sax: How does Her Cyborg start?
Nellie C. Lind: The story starts with the main character Phoebe and doctor Jade Silva sitting in Jade’s office. They talk about Phoebe’s unborn cyborg. They go through everything Phoebe wants her cyborg to be one final time. She needs to be sure because she can’t change her mind later on. When Phoebe is happy with the results, she confirms him for creation. Three months later, Shade’s creation is complete, and it is time for him and Phoebe to meet for the very first time.
Cynthia Sax: Is Her Cyborg part of a series and will you be writing more stories in this series?
Nellie C. Lind: Yes, Her Cyborg, book one, is part of a series called Bound by Her. Tempted Cyborg, book 1,5 is also out now, and it is available for my mailing list subscribers. So far, I have four books ready in my head, but I plan to write more than that because there are several characters to write about. You will meet some of them in book one. I also highly recommend to read the books in order because they follow a timeline, but each story is written from a different character’s point of view. In book two, you can read about Wind and Celise, and book three, you will find out what happens to Faye and Silver.
Cynthia Sax: Thank you for joining us today, Nellie!
Nellie C. Lind’s Website:
MedAct is the company that can make all your dreams come true! Just give them a call and let them create the perfect man for you. But remember, you can never give him up. It will kill him, literally.
Loneliness and failed relationships made Phoebe want a cyborg of her own. With him, she would never be heartbroken again, but getting a cyborg is not easy. So when she turned to the medical and scientific company MedAct, she never expected to become one of the few people who passed their tests to be able to apply for one.
Now, months later, his creation is complete, and they are about to come face to face for the very first time. The day she has waited for has finally arrived, and it is about to change everything.
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Releasing Rage And Mothers Of Cyborgs
This week’s celebration of mothers wouldn’t be complete without a scene from Releasing Rage. In Releasing Rage, Joan becomes the very first mother of a cyborg baby. In this scene, she finds out her baby can hear her, a magical moment for every mom.
Rage skimmed his fingertips over her blanket-covered stomach. “We wish for a healthy mother and a healthy offspring.” His gaze slid to the cyborgs. “Only touch my female’s stomach and be gentle.”
“I’ll guide them, sir.” Joan took both cyborgs’ right hands and set them on her belly.
Gap’s eyes widened. “Our offspring is in there?”
Joan nodded. Crash had referred to him as ‘our offspring’ also. As the first to be conceived, would their son belong to all of the cyborgs? She liked the idea that he’d be protected by hundreds of warriors.
“He’s cooing through the transmission lines.” Crash’s face softened. “He knows we’re here.”
Joan glanced at Rage.
“He chatters as much as those two do.” He indicated Gap and Crash. “That’s why I thought my processors were infected.”
“What he isn’t telling you is he now chatters back.” Crash grinned.
Rage frowned at his friend. “I have to. My son howls if I ignore him.”
“Because you’re his father.” Her heart squeezed. Their son recognized him.
“You’re his mother. We’ll create a device so you can hear him also.” Crash lowered his face to stomach level. “He already hears you.”
“Oh.” Joan blinked back tears. Her son heard her.
Does your mom remember the first words she said to you? If you’re a mom, what were the first words you said to your child/children?
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Half Man. Half Machine. All Hers.
Rage, the Humanoid Alliance’s most primitive cyborg, has two goals—kill all of the humans on his battle station and escape to the Homeland. The warrior has seen the darkness in others and in himself. He believes that’s all he’s been programmed to experience.
Until he meets Joan.
Joan, the battle station’s first female engineer, has one goal—survive long enough to help the big sexy cyborg plotting to kill her. Rage might not trust her but he wants her. She sees the passion in his eyes, the caring in his battle-worn hands, the gruff emotion in his voice.
When Joan survives the unthinkable, Rage’s priorities are tested. Is there enough room in this cyborg’s heart for both love and revenge?
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Interview With Pippa Jay
I sat down (virtually) with Pippa Jay for a short interview. Pippa Jay has released Quickshot, a cyborg romance (woot for cyborgs!) so you know I wanted to know all about it!
Cynthia Sax: What makes Sal and Devin so freakin’ sexy?
Pippa Jay: For me, it’s my heroine’s total confidence in herself and ability to demand what she wants from life. Meanwhile my hero has every excuse to turn and run or not keep his word, but even in the worst situation he has a strong sense of honour for paying his debts and returning a favour. He’s also cybernetically enhanced, although that doesn’t get fully explored in this story. Hey, I have to give you a reason to come back for the next one, right?
Cynthia Sax: Yes, write another cyborg story! I’m on board for that. What excites you about Quickshot?
Pippa Jay: I adore my heroine. Despite being screwed up, she’s a really strong character who’s not afraid to ask, or even demand what she wants.
Cynthia Sax: Where did you get the idea for Quickshot?
Pippa Jay: It was inspired by Guardians of the Galaxy and particularly Peter Quill (I love to watch that man dance) and Gamora. My heroine started out as a female version of Starlord with a hint of Gamora, then morphed toward Zoe from Firefly (although I’m not claiming her to be a mirror image by any means). Then it pretty much took on a life of its own as my characters decided to get their way.
Cynthia Sax: You had me at Guardians of the Galaxy and Firefly and… (grins) What causes problems between Sal and Devin?
Pippa Jay: Both have a huge amount of baggage: Sal is essentially suffering from PTSD after being betrayed, tortured, and almost worked to death on a penal planet. She has serious trust issues, especially when it comes to men, and an extremely twitchy trigger finger. Devin has secrets that have the entire galaxy in search of him, as well as some serious health issues. The cybernetic implants he relies on to keep him alive and protect him are also something that make him a social outcast, while those and his genetic alterations make him a highly desirable asset to the Imperium – the military. They have pretty much everything against them, including each other.
Cynthia Sax: Mmmm… I love outcast heroes and he’s a cyborg too. That’s a whole lot of hunky. Thank you for joining us today, Pippa!
Pippa Jay’s Website:
Sal, a legal carrier (just about) of whatever comes her way, puts her trust in just two things: her guns.
Keeping out from under Imperium eyes—especially those belonging to a certain Ehi Wahu—while making a living, and trying to keep a lover who can tolerate her twitchy trigger fingers, are the extent of her ambitions.
Then a kiss from a passing stranger, and a promise of the biggest score in a long time, tempt her. Devin fulfils more than one need, but he comes with more trouble than one woman can handle. And this time it’ll take more than her guns to save her. She’ll have to trust a man again.
WARNING: for over 18s only. Adult content including sex, bad language, & implied extreme violence.
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Third Scene From Defying Death
I’ll be sharing the first chapter from Defying Death over the next few weeks.
Read the first scene here:
Here is the next scene
“We’ve escaped the Humanoid Alliance.” Crash’s voice boomed. “We are now free.”
Warriors cheered. Death remained silent. They’d thought themselves free in the past, only to discover another chain to their creators, entrapping them once more.
“We can find and retrieve our females,” Mayhem yelled.
Another round of cheers swept across the chamber.
Crash exchanged a glance with his female. “Before you retrieve your females, we must voyage to the Homeland, join our brethren there.”
“And leave our females in danger?” another warrior asked.
“Is that what Gap would do?” a newly manufactured cyborg asked.
The warriors shook their heads, murmuring their discontentment.
Gap, a G model cyborg, had ended his existence on Tau Ceti. He had rushed into a tunnel, a place no logical warrior would ever venture, to try to protect his human female and they never exited. The cyborg and his female had been burned alive by the enemy.
Before Gap had died, he’d experienced one perfect moment of happiness with his Nymphia. The female had clung to him, looked at him with softness and love.
Death wouldn’t have hesitated to trade places with Gap. He would have happily sacrificed his lifespan for that one moment.
The other warriors envied the G model also. Many looked at him as a hero.
“Gap returned to the Homeland after escaping the Humanoid Alliance.” Crash’s voice was edged with sadness. The E model had been Gap’s best friend. He had taken the warrior’s death hard.
“If he hadn’t returned to the Homeland, he might have reached his female sooner,” a warrior argued.
“They’d be alive.” Another warrior pointed out.
The males around him nodded.
They weren’t concerned for themselves. Cyborgs were manufactured to fight and eventually to die in battle. They’d long resigned themselves to that fate.
But to leave their females unprotected was unthinkable.
Death’s fingers curled, his fingertips pressing into his palms. His female wasn’t in danger, wasn’t positioned near any fighting.
“Our orders are to return to the Homeland.” Crash’s voice rang with authority.
The warriors fell silent. They’d been trained to obey and all of them were aware that, if it hadn’t been for Crash, they would still be under the control of the Humanoid Alliance. They owed him some loyalty.
“While we voyage to our planet, a planet where all cyborgs are free.” Crash emphasized that word. “My female’s friend, Tifara, must be retrieved. She knows too much about us to remain amongst the humans.”
Death’s circuits buzzed with excitement, with lust, with wanting.
Tifara, his female, was to be retrieved. He wouldn’t have to wait to see her, touch her, breed with her.
“I volunteer for the mission.” He stepped forward, his eagerness concealed under a blank expression.
Seven cyborgs also stepped forward, echoing his words.
Rage roared through Death. She was his. His. The primitive human part of him wanted to lunge toward them, fists swinging, to physically stake his claim, pounding his rivals into the tiled floor, ensuring they never touched his Tifara.
It took everything he had to stand motionless, to show none of his feelings.
Crash looked at Safyre. Safyre dipped her head. “There’s no need for that sacrifice, warriors. Ace and Thrasher have already agreed to retrieve Tifara.” She waved her hands at the two K model cyborgs, their images projected onto the wall.
They grinned, smug with the honor bestowed upon them.
These two warriors would touch his female. Death’s anger escalated. They’d be responsible for retrieving her, for protecting her.
They were more open with their emotion, more human. She might form an attachment to them. They could steal his happiness, his future from him.
He wouldn’t allow that.
“No.” Death lifted his chin. “I will retrieve her.”
Crash frowned.
The other cyborgs shuffled backward.
Death stood his ground. Tifara was more important to him than his honor, than any perceived debt or allegiance to Crash.
“Why do you want to retrieve her?” Safyre asked. “Is she your female?”
Death’s jaw jutted. She was, but admitting that would put Tifara at risk.
Cyborgs couldn’t lie. If any of them were captured by the Humanoid Alliance and questioned, they would tell the humans about Tifara, about his weakness for her. The Humanoid Alliance would use her as bait. Once they apprehended him, they’d kill her.
Death chose to remain silent. He’d earn the right to retrieve Tifara based on his worth. He’d helped orchestrate the escape from the Humanoid Alliance. He’d protected Safyre when Crash couldn’t. He deserved the mission.
“Of course, she isn’t your female.” Safyre shook her head, the tuft of orange hair on top of her head bobbing. “What am I thinking? If she was, you would have stolen the fuckin’ scarf she gave me. You’d be talking my ear off about how good she smells and the names you’ll give your offspring and other shit like that.”
Death gazed at her. He didn’t chatter unnecessarily. Ever.
“Or maybe you wouldn’t.” Safyre grinned, reaching that same conclusion. “You’re as grim as fuck.” The cyborgs around them laughed. “You’re a worthy male, Death, and I do love you, but I can’t think of a warrior any less suited for my soft-hearted, always-laughing friend than you. She would try to heal all of the beings you killed and—”
“Female.” Crash stopped her chattering. Death, the J models look to you for leadership, he transmitted on a private line. I depend on you to communicate with them.
Mayhem will take over that role. Death had thought of that already. He’ll communicate with the J models.
Read the next scene (available May 11th) here:
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Defying Death
He’ll risk it all for one moment of happiness.
Cyborgs don’t show emotion. Death learned that lesson early in his long lifespan. To survive, he hides his fierce passions behind a stoic wall. He calls no warrior friend. He never admits to caring for any being.
Even the human female he’s destined to love.
Tifara is Death’s obsession, his sole opportunity for happiness, to express the all-consuming passion burning brightly inside him. He’ll do anything to obtain the curvaceous medic: defy a direct order, abduct Tifara from her battle station, and wage war on his fellow cyborgs.
To earn her love, he’ll have to risk much, much more.
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Seducing My Billionaire Boss And Moms
Mother’s Day in North America is on Sunday so I thought I’d share some of my favorite mom scenes from my stories. One of my favorite moments is the scene between Robert and his mom in Seducing My Billionaire Boss. Here’s a snippet
“We’re leaving, but not until we greet our dear Kirsten.” Mrs. Reyes turns her attention to me. “I’m pleased you’re here.” She embraces me. Rob’s mom smells like roses, her frame frighteningly delicate. “So very pleased.”
She looks at me as though I’m the answer to her prayers, talks as though she’s been expecting to meet me for years.
“Ummm…” I don’t know what to say. ‘Hi. I’m your son’s convenience fuck. You will likely never see me again.’ doesn’t seem appropriate.
“Keep our young rascal in line.” Natty crushes me against her bountiful breasts. “Don’t let him give you any lip.”
“She doesn’t.” Rob answers for me. “She makes me work for everything.”
“As she should,” the women say in unison, smiling wide.
He rolls his eyes. “Ladies.” Rob opens the door.
“It’s about time, Mr. Robert.” Natty gives him one of her bone-bending hugs. “I’m happy for you.”
“Thank you, Natty.” Rob hugs her back, his face softening. He tolerates her interfering because he loves her. He loves both of them. A ball of emotion forms in my throat.
“Robert.” Mrs. Reyes leans back, gazing up at him. He’s a tall man, appears even taller beside this tiny woman. He must have gotten his height from his father.
“Mom.” Rob bends over until their faces are level, this gesture melting my insides.
She cups his cheeks, holding his face in her palms. “I love you.”
“I know that, Mom.” His voice lowers to a murmur. “I love you too. But it’s too early for all of this.” He covers her hands with his. “Kirsten and I need our privacy.”
They gaze at each other, communicating without words. The moment stretches, held together with emotion, with understanding, and I feel honored and a bit guilty to be observing the mother-son interlude.
She sighs. “I know you need your privacy. That’s what your father said also. He refused to leave the house.” She lifts onto her tiptoes and tenderly kisses his forehead. “But I wanted to meet her.” She pulls away from him, releasing his cheeks. “And now I have.” She smiles at me. “Ensure that my son doesn’t work too hard, Kirsten.”
“I’ll try, Mrs. Reyes.” My words are choked.
“Mom,” she corrects. “Call me—”
“It’s too soon for that, Mom.” Rob nudges her closer to the door.
“If you say so, Son.” She gives me another cheery wave and flits away.
Does your mom lovingly interfere? Do you lovingly interfere in your children’s lives?
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Note: If you purchased the Salacious boxed set, you already have this story.
This job and this man are mine.
I have to land the position Robert Reyes, the CFO of Powers Corporation, recently posted. My friend’s health depends on it. I’ve heard the rumors—that Rob will require… extra duties from this new hire.
He’s young, handsome, intelligent. Pleasing him won’t be a hardship. Not falling in love with him will be the big challenge. I’ve lusted after Rob for years, like him more than is prudent, dream of him every night. Touching his body, tasting the salt on his skin, will be both a self-inflicted torment and a fantasy come true.
I’ll be a convenience for my hunky executive. This is a job, not a romance. As long as both of us remember this, our relationship should work.
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Interview With Rebecca Airies
I sat down (virtually) with Rebecca Airies for a short interview. Her latest release is Sabotaged Desires, a sexy Sci-Fi menage!
Cynthia Sax: What makes David and Robert sexy?
Rebecca Airies: Well, they’re both very handsome. David’s sexy because he’s supportive of both Robert and Susanne. He doesn’t choose sides. He’s not judgmental of either of them even though he’s been put in the middle of their arguments for days. He’s smart and alpha in a calm manner. With his training as a doctor he’s learned to be calm during stressful situations.
Robert comes off as hardnosed, at first. He’s definitely an alpha and worked his way up to his current position. He’s a man accustomed to having his orders followed. What really makes him sexy is that he can acknowledge when he’s made a mistake and apologize for something he did wrong.
Cynthia Sax: Where did you get the idea for Sabotaged Desires?
Rebecca Airies: I got this idea from a writing exercise. None of the story ideas in my folder were clicking and I needed to start something new. So I did an exercise that started with the first idea that popped into my head. A woman and two men trapped in a box. What if and questions helped develop it into Sabotaged Desires.
Cynthia Sax: What causes problems between Robert, David, and Susanne?
Rebecca Airies: Robert believes that Susanne has lied/cheated to gain her position. Both Susanne and David have a difficult time getting Robert to listen. Cheating and gaining a position through something other than merit is a hot button issue for Robert because of an event in his past.
Cynthia Sax: Is Sabotaged Desires a series and will you be writing more stories in this series?
Rebecca Airies: This might be a series. I’m interested in writing more about these characters and the others on the colony ship. There were several questions about what happens after this book that I’d like to know the answers to, but none of the secondary characters have stepped forward.
Cynthia Sax: Thank you, Rebecca Airies, for joining us today!
Rebecca Airies’ Website:
Suz Lore thought she had everything she wanted, a job as an engineer and a position on a colony ship headed to another planet. That was before her arranged ménage marriage with Robert Smith and David Bradford turned into a disaster. She’d thought they were building more than a sizzling sexual relationship, but all they do is argue now. She isn’t surprised when they’re sequestered in a room in order to reignite the passion between them and learn to trust again.
Robert believes she betrayed him while David is stuck in the middle of their conflict. Getting Robert to talk about what made him angry is difficult, but they discover there’s far more behind their problems than a message with misleading information. A virus has overtaken the ship’s computers, put them on a different heading and cut them off from all communication. They must work together to find a way to survive and rebuild their relationship
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