Interview With Jolie Mason

By Cynthia Sax on May 31, 2016

I sat down (virtually) with Jolie Mason for a short interview. Jolie Mason’s next release is Brother Mine, a Science Fiction Romance about a brotherhood of assassins!

Cynthia Sax: Is Brother Mine part of a series and will you be writing more stories in this series?

Jolie Mason: This is part of a new series, The Brother Assassins. I’m leaving the number open ended, but there will be more assassins in future.

Cynthia Sax: What makes Mal and Adame right for each other?

Jolie Mason: This couple is drawn together because they share a cause, but they stay together because they see the other as the best person they’ve ever met. I know this sounds strange since he kills people for a living. But, for Mal, Adame is the product of his people’s oppression, and she’s right. Had there never been an invasion and his people never assimilated and enslaved, he’d be an ordinary guy on a Braxian planet. Instead, he took the only way out that circumstances presented him. He won his freedom, and he’s had to kill to keep it. Mal may have been raised in money and prejudice, but she’s been fighting for his freedom as well. Adame sees her as unique in the universe, maybe even as a gift from the Universe that has been so cruel and unjust.

Cynthia Sax: What makes Adame sexy?

Jolie Mason: Adame Sacha, pronounced Ah-Dah-may, is Braxian, not human, but this isn’t beauty and the beast. He’s pretty close to human, but intensely different. His sexy qualities are linked to his Braxian qualities. He’s focused, even before a mating happens, he’s curious about Mal, wants to know her, understand her. He displays a single minded determination to be the other half of this woman. Loyalty is extremely sexy.

Cynthia Sax: How does Brother Mine start?

Jolie Mason:
The first scene is an assassination. It’s the pivotal point where Adame and Mal are set on course to meet and fall in love. The man who dies is an influential senator who put up a bill that will destroy the Brax one at a time. Adame is the one who kills him, and Mal needs to find the one who destroyed her chance to convince Trill to pull the bill.. There was no other moment for the story to begin. The ripples start right there.

Cynthia Sax: Thank you for joining us today, Jolie!

Jolie Mason’s Website:


Mal Renata was born with the proverbial silver spoon in her mouth, but it never stopped her from becoming the voice of the Braxian people. As an activist fighting off mankind’s inevitable slide into cruelty and prejudice, she wants to stop the Scourge bill from becoming law, but how can she do that, if the bill’s supporters keep dying? Public outcry wants someone to pay, so she intends to give them someone.

Until she tracks down, Adame Sacha, a Braxian freedman and one of the notorious Brother Assassins, she thinks the brotherhood is her problem. Instead, she finds they may be the best allies she could hope for. Together, she and Adame search for those who are eager to profit from the suffering of the Brax, and they track their prey in a world where lives are held cheaply, but death is expensive.

They may be able to elude the dangers of his world for awhile, but they can’t run from the attraction to each other. No matter what their differences.

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One And Done Available For Pre-Order

By Cynthia Sax on May 29, 2016

One And Done is available for pre-order!
This is a standalone 300 page contemporary erotic romance featuring a curvy girl and a super slick player set in the same world as One Night With My Billionaire Master and The Good Assistant (in other words, set in Toronto – grins)

He wants one night. I want forever.

Hit it and quit it—that’s Smoke Sheridan’s relationship philosophy. The tall, dark, and dangerous club owner never spends more than one night with any woman. He seduces the broken-hearted, leaving them with smiles on their faces and a sexual confidence other men can’t resist.

I need his services.

My boyfriend of four years dumped me because I’m a lousy lay. Smoke can help me win him back, teach me how to make my man writhe in ecstasy. I’ll show him such bliss, he’ll bellow my name in the dark of the night, want me with an all-consuming desire.

This sounds like a great plan. Except I see the loneliness in Smoke’s eyes, feel the wistfulness in his touch, experience the wanting in his embrace. The player isn’t as shallow as he appears.

And I’ve never been good at letting go.

One And Done contains inappropriate humor, very bad pickup lines, a BBW heroine who doesn’t know what she’s doing and a player who thinks he does.
This is a standalone story.

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Defying Death And Names

By Cynthia Sax on May 27, 2016

One of the most common questions I receive from reading and writing buddies is

“Where do you get your names?”

The quest for unique names is very real for every writer. Reusing names can be confusing for reading buddies. Heroes, heroines, every significant secondary character requires a name.

When I first started writing, I would use names of friends and family members. That made writing scenes even more fun. All of my siblings, my mom, my aunts and uncles have had their names used in my stories.

As I hit 20 stories, I started running out of the common names. That’s when I picked up a used book of baby names. That book was awesome. The listings gave me meanings for the names, which added to the stories. I’d cross off names as I used them. I felt super organized.

Then, after about 100 stories, there were fewer and fewer names left in the baby name book. Many of these names aren’t hero or heroine worthy.

Lucky for me, I have plenty of reading buddies and you often have AWESOME names, strong, unique, sexy names. Nymphia, Safyre, Tifara are all names of reading buddies. They seem exotic and SciFi-like but they belong to wonderful women right here on planet Earth.

So don’t be surprised if, after you contact me, I ask to use your name.


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Defying Death

He’ll risk it all for one moment of happiness.

Cyborgs don’t show emotion. Death learned that lesson early in his long lifespan. To survive, he hides his fierce passions behind a stoic wall. He calls no warrior friend. He never admits to caring for any being.

Even the human female he’s destined to love.

Tifara is Death’s obsession, his sole opportunity for happiness, to express the all-consuming passion burning brightly inside him. He’ll do anything to obtain the curvaceous medic: defy a direct order, abduct Tifara from her battle station, and wage war on his fellow cyborgs.

To earn her love, he’ll have to risk much, much more.

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Seducing My Billionaire Boss And Offices

By Cynthia Sax on May 25, 2016

I believe that our living spaces reflect our selves, what we find beautiful or interesting or valuable. For executives, the spaces they spend the most time in are usually their offices. They have 8, 9, 14 hour work days. They eat breakfast, lunch and dinner at work. They entertain clients and others in their offices.

In The Good Assistant, John Powers, the Founder and CEO of Powers Corporation, has a bookcase spanning the entire wall, filled with books he has read. This tells visitors that here is a self made, self educated man.

In Seducing My Billionaire Boss, Robert Reyes, John Powers’ CFO, has a very different office.

Here’s a snippet from Seducing My Billionaire Boss


At first glance, Rob’s office appears like every other executive’s space. There’s the big desk, the black captain’s chair, two guest chairs, the wall of shelving on one end, the rectangular table with eight chairs on the other. The walls are decorated with the usual gold-framed photos of Powers Corporation properties.

Except there are books about art, not simply weighty volumes about tax codes and accounting policies, on his shelves, and there are people hidden in his photos.

In the bottom left-hand corner of the first photo, a tiny figure of a woman briskly pushes a stroller, her back straight, her stride long. It takes me several moments of intensive searching to find the old man staring forlornly out of a window in the second photo. In the third photo, a uniformed security guard maneuvers through the revolving doors. He’s a shadow behind the glass, there, yet not.

Why is he drawn to photos with people in them? I don’t know. Robert Reyes is a complicated man. It would take a woman a lifetime to figure him out.


I suspect he’s drawn to photos with people in them because, although he’s a financial guy, people are important to him. He will risk his job, his income, his future, to help the people he cares about.

What does your work space tell people about you?


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Note: If you purchased the Salacious boxed set, you already have this story.

This job and this man are mine.

I have to land the position Robert Reyes, the CFO of Powers Corporation, recently posted. My friend’s health depends on it. I’ve heard the rumors—that Rob will require… extra duties from this new hire.

He’s young, handsome, intelligent. Pleasing him won’t be a hardship. Not falling in love with him will be the big challenge. I’ve lusted after Rob for years, like him more than is prudent, dream of him every night. Touching his body, tasting the salt on his skin, will be both a self-inflicted torment and a fantasy come true.

I’ll be a convenience for my hunky executive. This is a job, not a romance. As long as both of us remember this, our relationship should work.

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Interview With Tina Donahue

By Cynthia Sax on May 24, 2016

I sat down (virtually) with Tina Donahue, one of my good buddies, for a short interview. Today is the release day for Wicked Whispers, Tina’s sexy historical!

Cynthia Sax: You’ve written so many delicious stories. What makes Wicked Whispers special?

Tina Donahue: My heroine, Sancha, and my hero, Enrique. The story takes place in 1488. Women weren’t allowed much, if any, freedom in those days. They were expected to wed and produce heirs. Sancha is different. She longs to heal. Highly educated, she can read and write Latin, Spanish, and Arabic, and has used Islamic medicine to help the peasants. As the storyline takes place during the Inquisition, Sancha’s healing could lead to her arrest and burning as a witch. She has more guts than I do. She’ll stop at nothing to save people, change the world, make it a fair place for men and women. She’ll also stop at nothing to love Enrique.

Although Enrique is a man of his time, he learns that to claim and keep Sancha’s love he must respect her as an individual. He moves heaven and earth to keep her safe so she can continue healing.

Cynthia Sax: What is your favorite line from Wicked Whispers?

Tina Donahue: The night was perfect for love, their attraction too intense, his kiss soft and searching at first then filled with raw male need.

Given the Inquisition and a woman’s accepted role, Sancha and Enrique face no end of obstacles. Constraints Sancha fights against. She and Enrique shouldn’t be together, but can’t help themselves. Their love is so powerful, nothing can keep them apart.

Cynthia Sax: Where did you get the idea for Wicked Whispers?

Tina Donahue: Years ago I wrote a paranormal romance that began during the Spanish Inquisition then fast forwarded to modern times. The research on this historical period fascinated me. I wanted to write a romance that took place when women could easily be called witches and lose their freedom or lives when all they wanted to do was heal and learn.

Cynthia Sax: Where is Wicked Whispers set?

Tina Donahue:
Wicked Whispers takes place in medieval Spain, 1488 to be exact. Spain is a beautiful country, the men decidedly sexy. The romance takes place against the backdrop of the Inquisition. During that period, danger lurked everywhere.

Cynthia Sax: I love Spain so much and I also love medieval romances. This sounds like exactly my kind of book, Tina. Thank you for joining us today!

Tina Donahue’s Website:


Follow the heart through darkness…

As the Inquisition gains force, even the faintest rumor can brand one a heretic. In this world it is Sancha’s gift–or curse–to be blessed with the gift of healing. But the villagers are in need of her arts more than ever, and she feels it is her duty to help them at the risk of losing her life. And at the sacrifice of her heart…

Enrique has never wanted a woman as he does Sancha. Determined to have her love, he woos her with exquisite passion, giving her refuge to pursue her healing in secret. But their very desire and escape from the ruthless forces of the world may be their undoing. And together, they must pit themselves against a jealous rival and archaic tradition to secure their place in a hopeful new dawn…

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Defying Death And Carinae E

By Cynthia Sax on May 20, 2016

In Defying Death, Death and Tifara stop at Carinae E to restock nutrition bars.

Here’s a snippet…


“We’ll work together going forward. We’ll have to. In a little over a planet rotation, we’ll land on Carinae E. It’s a primitive, harsh planet.”

Airspace wasn’t monitored, which appealed to her cyborg. There were great expanses of terrain with very few inhabitants. A ship could land and depart without detection.

The databases also described the planet as lacking sanitation and liquid purification systems. That intrigued Tifara.

“The locals could have viruses humanoids haven’t seen in solar cycles.” A thrill zinged through her. “Like Silean 5692.”

Death grunted. He didn’t sound as enthused as she was about that prospect.

“That virus has a cure but the local population might not have it.” They were isolated. “We could share it with them and save millions, thousands.” She thought about the number more. “High hundreds.” The planet wasn’t very populated. “Of beings.”


Carinae E is named after the stars in the constellation Carina.

Carina contains Canopus (formerly called Alpha Carinae), a white-hued supergiant that is the second brightest star in Earth’s night sky. It is 313 light-years from Earth.

Carina also contains Beta Carinae and Theta Carinae, blue-white hued stars, Epsilon Carinae, an orange-hued giant star, and Iota Carinae, a white-hued supergiant star, among other stars. There are several double stars and binary stars in the constellation.

Little is known about the planets in the constellation. Could there be a planet like Carinae E? It’s possible.


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Defying Death

He’ll risk it all for one moment of happiness.

Cyborgs don’t show emotion. Death learned that lesson early in his long lifespan. To survive, he hides his fierce passions behind a stoic wall. He calls no warrior friend. He never admits to caring for any being.

Even the human female he’s destined to love.

Tifara is Death’s obsession, his sole opportunity for happiness, to express the all-consuming passion burning brightly inside him. He’ll do anything to obtain the curvaceous medic: defy a direct order, abduct Tifara from her battle station, and wage war on his fellow cyborgs.

To earn her love, he’ll have to risk much, much more.

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Seducing My Billionaire Boss And The Removal Of The No-Fraternization Policy

By Cynthia Sax on May 18, 2016

Powers Corporation, founded by John Powers, the hero of The Good Assistant, originally had a no-fraternization policy. Employees (including managers) of the company couldn’t date.

I’ve worked for quite a few companies (including one major beverage company) with this unwritten rule. It helps create a safe working environment, especially for women. Women don’t have to worry about being hit on by managers and coworkers. This also attracts managers and employees who respect these boundaries.

In The Good Assistant, the no-fraternization policy was eliminated. John Powers finally acted on his desire for Trella, his executive assistant.

This change creates a whole lot of problems and misperceptions. When an attractive young unattached executive is looking for an assistant, some folks think he or she is looking for a sexual plaything.

Here’s a snippet from Seducing My Billionaire Boss


“And I plan to protect her.” I ignore his comment. “If that means taking this fuckin’ fabricated job and fulfilling all of your crazy sexual demands, so be it.”

“Sexual demands?”

“I know what you want. Everyone knows.” I glower. “Now that the no-fraternization rule has lifted, you desire a hot piece of ass that you can fuck during office hours. You’re a pig.”

“Everyone thinks this?” Rob lifts his eyebrows.

“Everyone knows this.”

“That explains the last four interviews.” He rubs his face. “The last candidate–”

“Showed you her breasts.” I glower. “I’m aware of that.” I unbutton my suit jacket and pull down my camisole, taking the cups of my bra with it. “These are breasts.” My nipples tighten in the cool air. “Cerise Case’s pair doesn’t compare to these.” I’m a big woman with a big rack.

Rob’s gaze lowers. I wait as he peruses my breasts slowly, leisurely. He obviously likes what he sees, his eyes darkening.

Silence stretches. He doesn’t say anything, doesn’t tell me my breasts are better.

“Well?” I demand.

Rob blinks once, twice. “What?”

“Are they the best you’ve seen today?”

“They’re the best I’ve seen in my lifetime.” He leans forward and inhales deeply, his nostrils flaring. “They’re even better than I envisioned.”

He has envisioned my breasts. Joy unfurls inside me. “Then I’m qualified for this job.” I cover myself up again.

He shakes his head, appearing dazed. “There are other qualifications. This is an assistant position. You’re a project manager.”


Have you ever worked in a company with a no-fraternization policy?


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Note: If you purchased the Salacious boxed set, you already have this story.

This job and this man are mine.

I have to land the position Robert Reyes, the CFO of Powers Corporation, recently posted. My friend’s health depends on it. I’ve heard the rumors—that Rob will require… extra duties from this new hire.

He’s young, handsome, intelligent. Pleasing him won’t be a hardship. Not falling in love with him will be the big challenge. I’ve lusted after Rob for years, like him more than is prudent, dream of him every night. Touching his body, tasting the salt on his skin, will be both a self-inflicted torment and a fantasy come true.

I’ll be a convenience for my hunky executive. This is a job, not a romance. As long as both of us remember this, our relationship should work.

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Defying Death, Bounty Hunters And Retrievers

By Cynthia Sax on May 13, 2016

In Defying Death, we’re first introduced to Retrievers, a group of individuals working for the Humanoid Alliance.

Here is a snippet…


“It’s a Retriever ship.” She realized. “My friend Safyre told me about Retrievers.” Her mood sobered as it always did when she thought about the friend she’d lost. “They work for the Humanoid Alliance, capturing rebels and other beings, returning them to be sentenced and reprimanded.”

Death’s body stiffened.

“She has a full ship.” Tifara hastened to reassure her trigger-happy male. “Every chamber is filled. She won’t be interested in us.” She hoped. “And she can’t see us, remember? She doesn’t know we’re here.”

He didn’t reply.

“We’ll wait and watch and take action only if she does.” She concentrated on the image of the Retriever’s ship, willing the female not to notice them.

Safyre, her friend, hated Retrievers with a burning passion, thought them the lowest of the low, but Tifara merely saw precious lifeforms, beings she could save.

She held her breath as the ship soundlessly drifted by theirs. It was frighteningly close yet there was no indication that they were detected. The Retriever’s ship didn’t slow or react in any way.

It passed without incident and she exhaled heavily. “That was—”

“The ship is turning.” Death changed the angle on the main viewscreen, allowing them to look behind their vessel.

The Retriever ship was turning. The speed of that turn accelerated, the ship moving faster and faster. Then it dropped, corrected, held for a moment, tilted to the right and to the left.

“What is happening?” Was that normal for an attack? Tifara’s expertise was healing. She knew very little about battle or flying.

Another lifeform scan appeared on the main viewscreen. This time, all of the lifeforms were out of their chambers. “What is that?” She pointed at the huge yellow and red blob at the end of a hallway.


Tifara did know fire on a ship was a bad thing. “We have to help her. They’ll all die if we don’t.”

“They’ll all die if we help, every being except for her.” Death’s eyes shone with suppressed rage. “She’s hunting rebels. You could have been one of her captives.”


“The rebels she captured won’t be reprimanded, my female.” He steered their ship farther away from the Retriever’s vessel. The image in the main viewscreen grew smaller. “They’ll be sent to a cyborg manufacturing compound.” His voice was flat. “Newly manufactured warriors will be forced to fight them, to kill them. I could have been one of those warriors. I could have been forced to fight you, my own female, in the ring. I would have had to kill you because if I didn’t, some other warrior would and he might not end your life as quickly, as painlessly as I could.”

“Oh, Death.” Tifara crawled into his lap and petted his chest, trying to comfort him.


Retrievers are very similar to bounty hunters except bounty hunters work for anyone with the credits to pay them. Retrievers only work for the Humanoid Alliance.

As Mayhem, the wildest of the cyborgs, has been captured by his Retriever female, we’ll learn much more about Retrievers in the next story (Chasing Mayhem, releasing in August). They have a very good (or rather, bad) reason for taking on this terrible job.


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Defying Death

He’ll risk it all for one moment of happiness.

Cyborgs don’t show emotion. Death learned that lesson early in his long lifespan. To survive, he hides his fierce passions behind a stoic wall. He calls no warrior friend. He never admits to caring for any being.

Even the human female he’s destined to love.

Tifara is Death’s obsession, his sole opportunity for happiness, to express the all-consuming passion burning brightly inside him. He’ll do anything to obtain the curvaceous medic: defy a direct order, abduct Tifara from her battle station, and wage war on his fellow cyborgs.

To earn her love, he’ll have to risk much, much more.

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Fourth Scene From Defying Death

By Cynthia Sax on May 11, 2016

I’ll be sharing the first chapter from Defying Death over the next few weeks.

Read the first scene here:

Here is the final scene


Why is that transfer of responsibility required? Why do you want this mission?

He wanted Tifara. She might, as Crash’s female stated, find his personality too grim, his manner too violent, but she was his and he would have her. Does it matter why I want this mission? I’m free, as you often state. I can do what I wish and I wish to be the warrior to retrieve her. I have earned that right.

Crash’s face hardened. You can’t do what you wish with Tifara. I don’t know what you’re planning but it won’t involve my female’s friend. She’s not yours, Death. You can’t force a link where there is none.

There was a link. Death felt the connection. Give me this mission. Have I not proved my worth over and over again?

You have. That’s why I chose other warriors for this mission. You’re too valuable to utilize.

Anger rolled inside Death. And Tifara isn’t valuable? She was everything to him yet merely a secondary consideration to the E model.

You’re required elsewhere. Your brethren need you. I need you. Crash played upon his sense of responsibility.

Death was tired of putting others first. You don’t need me. Killing was his strength. There would be no killing in the Homeland.

I do, Crash insisted. I need you to lead the J Models, to represent them with the cyborg council. The J Models trust you. Allow Ace and Thrasher to retrieve Tifara. They’re capable warriors.

Capable isn’t skilled enough. I’m retrieving Tifara.

My friend—

Don’t call me that. Death wouldn’t be manipulated by emotion. This is my mission. I’m taking it. With or without Crash’s approval.

The E model gazed at him. Death gazed back, determined to win the standoff.

You’re not taking this mission. You will accompany us to the Homeland. That decision has been made. Crash’s tone signaled that the discussion was closed.

Tension stretched across Death’s shoulders. So much for being free.

“Ace and Thrasher will retrieve Tifara,” Crash announced to the group. “The rest of us will voyage to the Homeland.”

The cyborgs looked toward Death.

Death showed none of his rage, none of his frustration. His disagreement was between Crash and himself. He wouldn’t undermine the E model’s authority by making it public.

Mayhem’s eyes narrowed, the warrior not fooled by Death’s lack of expression.

Crash ignored the discontented murmurings and talked about administrative issues. Death drifted farther and farther into the crowd, edging his way toward the doors. The E model tried to include him in the decisions. He didn’t answer Crash’s queries.

A youngster asked about obtaining body armor. Death slipped out of the chamber and accelerated, moving through the hallways at cyborg speed, faster than any human male could.

His first stop was Safyre’s ship.

The small vessel was the female’s home. She had formed an emotional attachment to it and he would never take it from her, would never cause her that pain.

Safyre was a precious female, to be treasured, protected.

But he would take Tifara’s scarf. Death unwound the white fabric and stuffed it between his body armor and his chest. A wave of scent wafted upward, hardening his cock.

He ignored his reaction and exited.

Fraggin’ hole. He stifled a groan.

Menace, that irritatingly observant cyborg, waited in front of the ramp to the second ship, a vessel Death had privately claimed for himself. “Crash has access to the auditory system of the council. If you rebel against his orders, they could block you from reaching the Homeland.”

When he rebelled, they would do more than that. The council couldn’t risk cyborgs operating on their own, mixing unmonitored with other species. The humans could realize cyborgs weren’t as easily controlled as they believed. Humans would decommission, kill, millions of his not-yet-freed brethren.

To prevent that from happening, the council would send warriors after him. If caught, he’d be executed, his death discouraging other warriors from rebelling.

One moment of happiness with Tifara was worth that fate.

“Step aside, Menace.”

“I know why you’re doing this.” The warrior didn’t move. “Crash doesn’t, and he also doesn’t have our history. He doesn’t trust you as I do. He’ll assume your processors have gone offline.”

That might be the truth. Desperation to reach Tifara welled up inside Death.

“Let me speak to the E model.”

“It’s too late for that.” And he didn’t want another warrior to plead his case. “Crash made the announcement.” Even E model cyborgs had pride. Crash wouldn’t change his decision.

“Then I’ll go with you. Mayhem will distract Crash and then catch up with us.” Menace moved to the side and grasped his pack. It was ready, waiting. The warrior had obviously decided on that action before Death arrived. “One warrior rebelling looks like a processor malfunction. Two, eventually three, warriors rebelling will have a logical cause.”

Menace and Mayhem would risk exile and death to assist him.

Death couldn’t allow the males to make that sacrifice. “You’re not coming with me.” He stomped up the ramp.

“I am.” Menace followed him closely, too closely for the door to close between them. “We’ll retrieve her together.”

“No, we won’t.” Death turned, pulled his guns, slid the levers to stun. “Back away from the ship, Menace. This isn’t your mission.”

“You’d assist me.” The warrior lifted his chin, undaunted by the threat. “I’m assisting you.”

Frag the cyborg. He’d force him to do this. “You’re staying here.”

Death pressed the trigger.

Light zapped around Menace. He jerked, his eyes widening. You stunned me, he transmitted, disbelief wrapped around the words.

And now I’m pushing you over. Death proceeded to do exactly that, shoving the warrior off the ramp. Menace landed on his face, cursing him through the line. Tell Crash I forgive him for any action he has to take. I regret nothing.

You’re a stubborn ass.

Death grunted and closed the door, aware that he’d likely never see the warrior, the closest being he had for a friend, again. He was leaving his brethren and any possibility of reaching the Homeland behind him.

His Tifara was worth the sacrifice.

He hurried to the bridge, smacking his palms on the control pads. Engines purred to life, the floor vibrating under his boots. There was no time to waste. Menace could prevent his escape with one command to the docking bay doors.

Death guided the ship out of freighter.

His exit remained open.

He gritted his teeth as he was shot into the open blackness of space.

No guns fired upon him.

The coordinates for the battle station had already been entered into the system. The ship headed in the direction of his female. Anticipation pulsed through his circuits.

It was edged with gratitude. Menace hadn’t raised the alarm. Death listened to the warrior grumble, over the transmission lines, about obstinate males and missing all the excitement.

It didn’t take long for Crash to find Menace. The E model interrogated him. Menace stubbornly said nothing.

His assumption had been correct. Crash believed Death’s processors had malfunctioned. There was chatter of retrieving him, of informing the council.

They hailed him.

Death switched off all transmissions, severing that constant connection with his brethren, ensuring they couldn’t track him through the link.

To combat the eerie silence, he played the footage he’d collected of Tifara on his main viewscreen. Her beautiful face shone down on him, surrounded by the darkness of space. Her light, bubbly laughter filled his auditory system.

Death removed the scarf he’d taken. His female’s scent filled his nostrils. He wrapped the cloth around the right armrest of his chair, placed his palm on top of it.

All of his precautions to hide his presence would merely delay his fate, earning him more time but not forever. The cyborgs would catch him and, when they did that, they’d end his lifespan.

Before that happened, he’d touch his female, kiss her, might even breed with her. She’d smile at him, her eyes soft with caring, with love, and for one wonderful moment, he’d be happy.

His lips curled upward.

He was a fortunate warrior.


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Defying Death

He’ll risk it all for one moment of happiness.

Cyborgs don’t show emotion. Death learned that lesson early in his long lifespan. To survive, he hides his fierce passions behind a stoic wall. He calls no warrior friend. He never admits to caring for any being.

Even the human female he’s destined to love.

Tifara is Death’s obsession, his sole opportunity for happiness, to express the all-consuming passion burning brightly inside him. He’ll do anything to obtain the curvaceous medic: defy a direct order, abduct Tifara from her battle station, and wage war on his fellow cyborgs.

To earn her love, he’ll have to risk much, much more.

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Happy Mother’s Day

By Cynthia Sax on May 8, 2016

Happy Mother’s Day!

I can’t think of any readership that celebrates mothers more than Romance. Many of our heroes and heroines have mothers. Those that don’t, like our cyborg warriors, wish they had them. Some of our heroines are moms or will be moms in the future.

Our moms are often the first beings to love us. They teach us how to love, how to say it, how to show it.

Or their lack of love might create a void within us or within our characters. That damaged hero might have never known a mother’s love and that is why he has trouble showing it.

I hope you spend today with either your mom, your children (human and/or pet babies), or a fictional mom.


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Defying Death

He’ll risk it all for one moment of happiness.

Cyborgs don’t show emotion. Death learned that lesson early in his long lifespan. To survive, he hides his fierce passions behind a stoic wall. He calls no warrior friend. He never admits to caring for any being.

Even the human female he’s destined to love.

Tifara is Death’s obsession, his sole opportunity for happiness, to express the all-consuming passion burning brightly inside him. He’ll do anything to obtain the curvaceous medic: defy a direct order, abduct Tifara from her battle station, and wage war on his fellow cyborgs.

To earn her love, he’ll have to risk much, much more.

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