I sat down (virtually) for a short interview with A.M. Griffin, Lea Barrymire, Cara Carnes, and Cassandra Carr. These four talented writers have contributed sexy humorous stories to Fondled and Gobbled: Back For More, an anthology from Ellora’s Cave.
Cynthia Sax: Where did you get the idea for your story?
Lea Barrymire: I love sci-fi and futuristic stories, but as with any sub-genre there seems to be over-exaggerations galore. I took on the idea of a cyborg/android becoming an emotional creature. I took it to the extreme but it was well worth it.
Cynthia Sax: What do you love about writing in your romance sub-genre?
Lea Barrymire: I’m a paranormal/sci-fi writer (mostly). I find writing shifters, aliens and other supernatural beings allows me to stretch my mind in any direction I want to go. A demon with a chocolate fetish? Sure, why not. Being able to expand beyond the everyday is so much fun!
Cynthia Sax: What excites you about your story?
Cara Carnes: One theme I’ve always chuckled over I see rather prevalently in erotic romance (particularly paranormals) are heroes with overly large appendages. It always makes me wonder what would happen if the opposite were true, so this story gave me the creative license to explore that.
Cynthia Sax: Why does your story start where it does?
Cara Carnes: Persiphone has been devoting a great deal of her precious time to learning her man’s wants, desires and needs. The scene begins on the most important day of his life–the Meaty Man contest. The first scene sets to tone to show exactly how devoted she is to her man.
Cynthia Sax: What is your favorite line from your story and why?
Cassandra Carr: This one needs a little bit of set-up. My favorite line is the second line. I think you’ll figure out why:
Then Cole stiffened and suddenly that same white, creamy stuff shot out of his cock, hitting Declan in the face.
“Aggh! My eye! My eye!” Declan screamed. “It burns!”
Cynthia Sax: Where is your story set?
Cassandra Carr: My story is set in a faraway land, with warriors who have taken human forms in order to invade Earth. The two main characters (both men) are in a ship, in invisible mode, waiting for the order to attack. I’m not sure I’d call the setting exciting or sexy, but it was certainly necessary to the story.
Cynthia Sax: How does your story start?
A.M. Griffin: My story starts with the heroine, Destiny, walking into “The Shrine”. I think it was important to start the story there because she is able to explain her journey as to why she’s in New Orleans and why she is going to “The Shrine” and why it is so important to her.
A bit from the first scene:
I hesitate briefly outside the building I’ve visited almost every night for the past year. I don’t know why I hesitate. This is something I want and have wanted for so long now.
With a firm hand I push open the doors leading into the bar and walk beneath the sign that reads, “Welcome to The Shrine” and my breath hitches.
My jaw tightens and hands clench as the house heavy metal band starts up another round of ear screeching music. My first impulse is to storm across the room and yank all the plugs from the speakers, but instead I ignore them and make my way to one of the empty seats at the bar.
Settling in, I order my usual and use my enhanced vision to scan the bar.
Shifter bar, I correct myself.
The leopard shifter bar, owned by the Leporidae family or Leporidae pack, as I’ve begun to call them.
They really aren’t trying to hide their shifter species with a last name like Leporidae.
I can’t help but giggle, all but forgetting the noise coming from the stage.
Cynthia Sax: Where is your story set?
A.M. Griffin: My story is set in New Orleans. If you’re going to do any reputable shifter story it must be set in New Orleans. Just kidding. It’s set in a bar “The Shrine” which is home for a family of shifters. My spoof was a take on one of my favorite series and follows the setting somewhat.
Thank you ladies for joining us today!
A bakery owner gets much more than she expected from her discount android’s determination to serve her. A lovelorn stalker does whatever it takes to have the muscle man of her dreams. Two alien warriors experience the inconveniences and pleasures of being forced into human bodies. A woman has always known she was destined to join the paranormal world of shifters, and tonight all of her dreams—or nightmares—come true.
If you’re looking for the perfect romance with the perfect hero and heroine, this isn’t it! This is a series of spoofs, parodies, just-for-fun lighthearted take-offs. It’s for all us longtime, hard-core romance readers who can laugh at the clichés, purple prose and “suspend your disbelief” plot devices that haunt our beloved favorite genre.
An Exotika® erotica anthology from Ellora’s Cave
Buy From Ellora’s Cave: http://www.ellorascave.com/fondled-and-gobbled-back-for-more.html
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