Flash Fiction Challenge – April Fool’s
Here is the Changeling Flash Fiction Challenge for this week!
** It is April Fool’s day right around the corner. Prank or be pranked. **
– Write a quickie with the above theme
– 100 to 150 words
– Authors and readers can play
Please put “FFC” or “Flash Fiction” (and a title) in your subject line so we
don’t miss any potential plot bunnies.
Post your flash fiction here
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New Review For Tiger Byte!
Bad Barb shares
“I love anything Cynthia Sax writes and her books get better with each new release. Along with the sizzling love scenes that could melt the North Pole there is the trademark humor that I love.”
Read the full review here

Nikhil then takes one sniff of Violet’s delectable scent and all of his most animalistic instincts stir. The plus-sized rebel isn’t merely his prey. She’s his mate, and he hunts her — tracking Violet through the social jungle, intent on claiming her permanently.
When an uptight tiger shifter meets a no-rules hacker, chaos reigns, empires fall, and old enemies resurface. Can Nikhil embrace his wild side and risk everything for love?
Buy Now At: http://www.changelingpress.com/product.php?&upt=book&ubid=2010
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Why We Write Bunny Shifters
Eve Langlais (OMG – her books are so freakn’ hilarious! I LOVE them), Stephanie Beck (hot, hot, HOT) and I are talking bunny shifters/wererabbits at the ARe blog today.
Please join this not-so-serious conversation!
By Cynthia Sax
Available Now From Changeling Press

I am known by many names. My beloved mother called me Flopsy Lapin. Lady Grace Satin jokes that I am the wickedest rabbit in all of the world. Her father, Lord Satan, dares to label me a mobster street rabbit. You, my friend, may call me the Godrabbit.
Lady Grace is the only female I lust after. My bloodstained hands are unworthy of holding her, so when a high-class hooker with Lady Grace’s face, voice, scent, and everything else, wanders into my casino, I make her an offer she can’t refuse. This leads to a night I will never forget.
Note: The Godrabbit is a prequel to Protect And Serve: Badge Bunny .
Buy Now: http://www.changelingpress.com/product.php?&upt=book&ubid=1574
Buy Now On ARe: http://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-thegodrabbit-559940-140.html
Buy Now On Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/The-Godrabbit-ebook/dp/B006YFO18C
Buy Now On Barnes and Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-godrabbit-cynthia-sax/1030689777
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Wayback Wednesday: Blind Spot
Blind Spot was my very first contribution to a multi-author series. The Dire Wolves series has wolf heroes who don’t quite fit into a normal pack. In Blind Spot, Pavel is missing an eye. Having no depth perception really hampers his fighting ability. Maggy is a very small wolf, too small, she believes, to defend herself or for any wolf to want her as a mate.
These two wounded souls find each other, discovering that their weaknesses can also be strengths and their paths don’t have to be solitary.
By Cynthia Sax
Now Available From Changeling Press

Once Pavel was an alpha of a powerful wolf pack. Now he is a lone wolf; a scarred, one-eyed beast no one can rely on. When a small, sexy she-wolf calls for protection, he knows he’s not the wolf for the job. He does agree to train her to defend herself so she can earn her place in a pack. He doesn’t plan on falling in love, and he absolutely will not under any circumstances claim her for his own.
Buy Now: http://www.changelingpress.com/product.php?&upt=book&ubid=1401
Buy Now on ARe: http://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-direwolvesblindspot-448744-140.html
Buy Now on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Dire-Wolves-Blind-Spot-ebook/dp/B00FI5ZDE
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Lust By Moonbeam FREE
Lust by Moonbeam is FREE for a limited time!
This was the first story I wrote for Ellora’s Cave, the first SciFi erotic romance I had published, and YES, Moonbeam is a real place. It truly IS the Roswell of the North and is a must see for serious SciFi fans!
By Cynthia Sax
Now Available From Ellora’s Cave

Rellec arrives at Moonbeam with one goal—to retrieve his assigned mate, ensuring the continuation of his species. Having trained long and hard for his erotic mission, he is determined to satisfy his tiny human female and overcome her objections with out-of-this-world passion.
Failure is not an option.
FREE for a limited time!!!!!!
Buy Now: http://www.ellorascave.com/lust-by-moonbeam.html
Buy Now on ARe: http://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-lustbymoonbeam-624920-144.html
Buy Now on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Lust-by-Moonbeam-ebook/dp/B005XZ151K/
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Wayback Wednesday: Demon Of Convenience
Demon of Convenience, story 2 in the Demon Chronicles, has one of my favorite heroes ever. Taurinus was nominated at ARe as one of their sexiest heroes. This ice demon assassin is determined not to fall in love. It is too dangerous, especially for his mate, a female he believes is human.
Demon of Convenience also has the hands free demon loving scene. I love this scene, very sexy!
By Cynthia Sax
Now Available From Changeling Press

Mina has to bond with a demon. In return for his permanent protection, she will offer him unlimited power. When she asks her best friend for help, Taurinus — a deadly assassin — arrives instead.
Mina is horrified by the last minute substitution, but she is running out of time and has no other choice. She resigns herself to a passionless bonding of convenience… until one kiss changes everything.
Buy Now: http://www.changelingpress.com/product.php?&upt=book&ubid=1555
Buy Now On ARe: http://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-demonofconvenience-546828-140.html
Buy Now On Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Demon-Chronicles-Convenience-ebook/dp/B006SMMVUG
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Fated To Mate
Writers are always told “write what you know.” This is why I love, love, LOVE writing fated to mate stories, those romances where two (or more) people meet and Bam! They’re in love.
20 years ago today, the wonderful hubby and I fell in love at first sight. We met through a friend, took one look at each other, and that was it. The more I learned about him, the more I loved him. He made me laugh. He laughed at my jokes. He looked at me as though I was the most beautiful woman in the world. And we fit, as though we were made for each other mentally emotionally, physically. I told another friend two days later that I’d met the man I was going to marry. 20 years later, I wouldn’t have thought it possible but I love him even more. I’m grateful for every day we have together.
Before meeting my hubby, I didn’t believe in love at first sight. I thought it was a load of baloney, a myth, something children believed in. I suspect this is why many of us (and there ARE many of us) who have fallen in lasting love at first sight don’t often talk about it.
This is also why I try to ensure there is more to the relationships in my romances than simply the fated to mate attraction or the physical attraction. Yes, in Warlord’s Bounty, Khan is fated to mate with Zeta but he also respects her, understands her, laughs at her jokes, needs her emotionally and intellectually.

The bigger the bounty, the more dangerous the fugitive.
Khan, a Chamele warlord, has a huge bounty on his head. His enemy is willing to pay an outrageous amount to secure him. Khan wants to be apprehended, especially if the bounty hunter capturing him is a brown-eyed female with razor-sharp daggers and an even sharper tongue. He’ll allow her to subdue him sexually, his passion and prowess not inhibited by restraints, and when she collects her bounty, he’ll collect his revenge, killing his enemy and claiming his little bounty hunter forever.
Zeta doesn’t do forever. She captures the worst scum in the galaxy and trades them for credits. Khan is fierce and sexy and the most dominant male she has ever encountered, but he is also a fugitive, and once she sates herself with his body, she’ll betray him. It is her job.
Buy It Now At: http://www.ellorascave.com/warlord-s-bounty.html
(to prevent aliens abducting your books, please sign into the Ellora’s Cave site before buying)
Buy It Now on ARe: https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-warlord039sbounty-1025975-144.html
Buy It Now on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00AO5CWVG
Buy It Now on B&N: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/warlords-bounty-cynthia-sax/1113984150
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St. Patrick’s Day Flash Fiction
Here is a St. Patrick’s Day piece of flash fiction!
Thrax swung through the doors of O’Leary’s, his favorite paranormal bar, and he scowled. Green streamers hung from the ceiling. Giant shamrocks covered the bar. Drunken green-clad patrons clicked together tankards of green beer, the alcohol sloshing onto the wooden floor.
It looked like a greed demon had exploded, green everywhere.
Thrax stomped toward the bar. Only for his green fairy would he attend a St. Patrick’s Day party. He’d need an entire keg of that green beer to get him through tonight.
“Wait a minute.” Shannon, fairy, bar owner, and his future mate, hovered before him, her green wings flapping. There wasn’t much of her, her curly head not even reaching his shoulder, but what little there was had been arranged nicely, her short flirty dress barely containing her curves.
“You knew the dress code, Thrax.” Her bottom lip curled, her emerald eyes reflecting her disappointment.
He would suck on that pouting lip before the night was through. “I’ll be wearing green when I leave, fairy.”
She frowned. “How do you–”
He grinned.
“Oh.” Her face flushed to a rich forest green.
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Some Inspiration For Tiger Byte
The hero from Tiger Byte is originally from India so I drew upon my recent trip to India for inspiration. It made sense to me that Nikhil’s eyes would be drawn to Violet, the purple-haired heroine. He’s accustomed to the bright vibrant colors of India.
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New Release: Tiger Byte

Billionaire tiger shifter Nikhil Baagh has learned to subdue his savage nature. He no longer chases enemies through the city streets, maintaining justice with his teeth and claws. The exotic CEO follows human laws now, laying a sophisticated trap for the curvaceous hacker daring to illegally access his technological empire.
Nikhil then takes one sniff of Violet’s delectable scent and all of his most animalistic instincts stir. The plus-sized rebel isn’t merely his prey. She’s his mate, and he hunts her — tracking Violet through the social jungle, intent on claiming her permanently.
When an uptight tiger shifter meets a no-rules hacker, chaos reigns, empires fall, and old enemies resurface. Can Nikhil embrace his wild side and risk everything for love?
Buy It Now At: http://www.changelingpress.com/product.php?&upt=book&ubid=2010
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