Cyborgs And Malicious Compliance

By Cynthia Sax on February 14, 2025

This excerpt is from Taking Vengeance

“A projectile to my head knocked me unconscious, and your brethren thought I was dead.” Battling the urge to touch him, she placed her hands on her hips, a defiant and safe stance. “That’s the only reason I’m alive now.”

“Cyborgs can sense lifeforms.” He stepped closer to her. “My brethren knew you were alive.”

They were aware she had survived. She blinked. “Then why didn’t they finish me off?”

He shrugged. “The humans wouldn’t have known you were alive.”

The cyborgs were skilled in malicious compliance.


While under the Humanoid Alliance’s control, they couldn’t disobey direct orders, not without dying and causing the additional deaths of their brethren, but they certainly didn’t volunteer to expend one nanocybotic worth of effort more than that.

They didn’t try to ‘fix’ the faults within the Humanoid Alliance’s systems.

They didn’t fight rebels they weren’t directed to fight.

They didn’t hide Humanoid Alliance weaknesses.

They followed stupid, battle-losing orders, processing they were stupid, battle-losing orders.

They marched into battle as slowly as they could and did a gazillion other small things to hinder the Humanoid Alliance’s efforts.

(They only killed rebel children because they were ORDERED to also kill rebel children.)

Malicious Compliance is a VERY effective form of rebellion. It safeguards the usually entrenched rebel while hindering the baddies’ efforts. And if everyone uses this tactic, baddies eventually lose.

Taking Vengeance Cyborg Romance

Taking Vengeance

The only force stronger than their hate is their love.

Vengeance hates all humans. They killed every being he ever cared about. When the huge C Model cyborg is told he’s genetically compatible with the enemy, he makes it his mission to capture the female and use her to expel all humans from his home planet. That should be disappointingly easy. She’s a weak, fragile human.

Then she blows up his ship, blasting to bits his preconceived notions about the enemy.

Astrid, aka the Buoir Berserker, hates all cyborgs. They killed her entire clan, including her baby sister. The warrior female has vowed to hunt down and destroy the enemy. When a savage cyborg arrogantly puts his hard, sexy body within her reach, she does the only thing a female can do—she peppers his muscular physique with projectiles.

The more passionately they fight, the stronger their attraction becomes. Neither of them will relent on their missions, yet they can’t keep their hands off each other. Their battle will either end in love to last an eternity or in death.

Taking Vengeance is a STAND-ALONE story.
It is also an enemies-to-lovers Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, often violent universe.

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Throwback Thursday – Taking Vengeance

By Cynthia Sax on September 5, 2024

Vengeance, the cyborg hero of Taking Vengeance, hates all humans.

Astrid, aka the Buoir Berserker, the human heroine, hates all cyborgs.

When they meet, stars, it is explosive. In more ways than one. (grins)

They truly want to kill each other.

And one of them almost succeeds in doing that.

Taking Vengeance Cyborg Romance

Taking Vengeance

The only force stronger than their hate is their love.

Vengeance hates all humans. They killed every being he ever cared about. When the huge C Model cyborg is told he’s genetically compatible with the enemy, he makes it his mission to capture the female and use her to expel all humans from his home planet. That should be disappointingly easy. She’s a weak, fragile human.

Then she blows up his ship, blasting to bits his preconceived notions about the enemy.

Astrid, aka the Buoir Berserker, hates all cyborgs. They killed her entire clan, including her baby sister. The warrior female has vowed to hunt down and destroy the enemy. When a savage cyborg arrogantly puts his hard, sexy body within her reach, she does the only thing a female can do—she peppers his muscular physique with projectiles.

The more passionately they fight, the stronger their attraction becomes. Neither of them will relent on their missions, yet they can’t keep their hands off each other. Their battle will either end in love to last an eternity or in death.

Taking Vengeance is a STAND-ALONE story.
It is also an enemies-to-lovers Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, often violent universe.

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Throwback Thursday – Taking Vengeance

By Cynthia Sax on December 28, 2023

If you’re looking for a true fight-to-the-death enemies-to-lovers romance, Taking Vengeance is a story that satisfies that…and then some. (grins)

Astrid, aka the Buoir Berserker, truly wants to kill Vengeance. She hates all cyborgs and is seeking to avenge her loved ones by killing as many of cyborgs as possible.

Vengeance is determined to show his brethren the pull between a cyborg and his genetic match can be resisted. He is also extremely happy to wage war on that genetic match.

Taking Vengeance Cyborg Romance

Taking Vengeance

The only force stronger than their hate is their love.

Vengeance hates all humans. They killed every being he ever cared about. When the huge C Model cyborg is told he’s genetically compatible with the enemy, he makes it his mission to capture the female and use her to expel all humans from his home planet. That should be disappointingly easy. She’s a weak, fragile human.

Then she blows up his ship, blasting to bits his preconceived notions about the enemy.

Astrid, aka the Buoir Berserker, hates all cyborgs. They killed her entire clan, including her baby sister. The warrior female has vowed to hunt down and destroy the enemy. When a savage cyborg arrogantly puts his hard, sexy body within her reach, she does the only thing a female can do—she peppers his muscular physique with projectiles.

The more passionately they fight, the stronger their attraction becomes. Neither of them will relent on their missions, yet they can’t keep their hands off each other. Their battle will either end in love to last an eternity or in death.

Taking Vengeance is a STAND-ALONE story.
It is also an enemies-to-lovers Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, often violent universe.

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Throwback Thursday – Taking Vengeance

By Cynthia Sax on May 25, 2023

Taking Vengeance is a true enemies-to-lovers romance.

Astrid hates all cyborgs. Vengeance is a cyborg. When he arrives on her planet, she tries to kill him…multiple times. She DOES sever a body part (which impresses the stars out of him).

There are explosions and passion and projectiles. (grins) It is such a fun story.

Taking Vengeance Cyborg Romance

Taking Vengeance

The only force stronger than their hate is their love.

Vengeance hates all humans. They killed every being he ever cared about. When the huge C Model cyborg is told he’s genetically compatible with the enemy, he makes it his mission to capture the female and use her to expel all humans from his home planet. That should be disappointingly easy. She’s a weak, fragile human.

Then she blows up his ship, blasting to bits his preconceived notions about the enemy.

Astrid, aka the Buoir Berserker, hates all cyborgs. They killed her entire clan, including her baby sister. The warrior female has vowed to hunt down and destroy the enemy. When a savage cyborg arrogantly puts his hard, sexy body within her reach, she does the only thing a female can do—she peppers his muscular physique with projectiles.

The more passionately they fight, the stronger their attraction becomes. Neither of them will relent on their missions, yet they can’t keep their hands off each other. Their battle will either end in love to last an eternity or in death.

Taking Vengeance is a STAND-ALONE story.
It is also an enemies-to-lovers Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, often violent universe.

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Throwback Thursday – Taking Vengeance

By Cynthia Sax on October 20, 2022

Astrid Ragnhild, the Buoir Berserker, hates all cyborgs. With a vengeance. (grins) See what I did there? (laughs) Anyhoo… she has a good reason for hating the half human, half mechanical warriors.

Vengeance is a cyborg warrior. He’s not only a cyborg warrior. He’s one of their leaders. And he’s as stubborn as Astrid is fierce.

When the two of them meet, there are explosions. Literally. Astrid tries to blow Vengeance up. And shoot his limbs off. And slam him into the ground. And… well… you likely get the battle-filled picture.

Taking Vengeance is a true enemies-to-lovers cyborg romance. Their passion is as consuming as their hate.

Taking Vengeance Cyborg Romance

Taking Vengeance

The only force stronger than their hate is their love.

Vengeance hates all humans. They killed every being he ever cared about. When the huge C Model cyborg is told he’s genetically compatible with the enemy, he makes it his mission to capture the female and use her to expel all humans from his home planet. That should be disappointingly easy. She’s a weak, fragile human.

Then she blows up his ship, blasting to bits his preconceived notions about the enemy.

Astrid, aka the Buoir Berserker, hates all cyborgs. They killed her entire clan, including her baby sister. The warrior female has vowed to hunt down and destroy the enemy. When a savage cyborg arrogantly puts his hard, sexy body within her reach, she does the only thing a female can do—she peppers his muscular physique with projectiles.

The more passionately they fight, the stronger their attraction becomes. Neither of them will relent on their missions, yet they can’t keep their hands off each other. Their battle will either end in love to last an eternity or in death.

Taking Vengeance is a STAND-ALONE story.
It is also an enemies-to-lovers Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, often violent universe.

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Throwback Thursday – Taking Vengeance

By Cynthia Sax on April 21, 2022

I LOVE enemies-to-lovers romances. I love the flipping of intense hate to intense love, the heat of the emotions from loathing to lust to caring. There’s so much passion, so much emotion.

Taking Vengeance is one of my favorite enemies-to-lovers cyborg romances I have ever written. Vengeance hates all humans. Astrid, the Buoir Berserker, hates all cyborgs. These two warriors are determined to kill each other…and they get dang close to doing that. (grins)

Taking Vengeance Cyborg Romance

Taking Vengeance

The only force stronger than their hate is their love.

Vengeance hates all humans. They killed every being he ever cared about. When the huge C Model cyborg is told he’s genetically compatible with the enemy, he makes it his mission to capture the female and use her to expel all humans from his home planet. That should be disappointingly easy. She’s a weak, fragile human.

Then she blows up his ship, blasting to bits his preconceived notions about the enemy.

Astrid, aka the Buoir Berserker, hates all cyborgs. They killed her entire clan, including her baby sister. The warrior female has vowed to hunt down and destroy the enemy. When a savage cyborg arrogantly puts his hard, sexy body within her reach, she does the only thing a female can do—she peppers his muscular physique with projectiles.

The more passionately they fight, the stronger their attraction becomes. Neither of them will relent on their missions, yet they can’t keep their hands off each other. Their battle will either end in love to last an eternity or in death.

Taking Vengeance is a STAND-ALONE story.
It is also an enemies-to-lovers Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, often violent universe.

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Neck Decorations

By Cynthia Sax on October 26, 2021

Neck decorations are often mentioned in my stories. Bettina aka Bait in Choosing Chuckles crafts them in her spare time.

Beings here on Earth have been decorating their bodies since…well…since forever.

These Taino necklaces, displayed in the Altos de Chavon Regional Museum of Archaeology in La Romana, Dominican Republic, are examples of how humans beautifully decorated their forms with locally located materials.

This necklace was crafted using all the same shells. Look at the exquisite detailing on the crafted holes.

This necklace was crafted with stone and feathers. The colors are amazing.

These beads are so very tiny. The pattern with the different colored beads are as finely wrought.

I think it says something about us that we’ve always created art. We’ve always expressed ourselves creatively. It is a core part of who we are as beings. It feeds a need deep down in our souls.


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B Free

B is the last remaining B Model cyborg. All of his brethren, the beings he trained with, fought with, cared deeply for, have perished.

Or so he believes.

When he intercepts a communication mentioning the existence of one of his kind, he has to investigate its source. The message could be a trap set by his enemies. He’ll take that risk if it secures him the companionship he requires to be fully functional.

What he finds is a daring brown-eyed female who activates all his systems. She proudly proclaims she’s a researcher, brandishing that information like a weapon before her. He wants to kiss the sass off her beautiful face, protect her from the dangers around them, claim her forever.

Quinn is on a quest to locate the mechanics of an early-version cyborg. She believes the information captured within that frame will give her valuable insights into the past.

When her mission goes zombie-like beings levels of wrong, she comes face-to-face with a living, breathing B Model. He has big hands, a primitive countenance, and stern hard lips crafted for kissing.

She doesn’t trust him. And she doesn’t have time to indulge her desires.

Their shared enemies are chasing them, would kill to get their precious specimens back. One minor mistake could reduce B and Quinn to a mere line in the databases of history.


B Free is a STANDALONE Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.
It features the sole surviving B Model cyborg warrior, a courageous researcher seeking to uncover the past, and an unplanned visit to a settlement ruled by an extremely scary all-knowing, all-powerful being.

B Free is the fourth of five core stories in the Rebel Cyborgs Series.
Book 1: Containing Malice
Book 2: Under Strain
Book 3: Baring Grudge
Book 4: B Free
Book 5: Seizing Power

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Under Strain Cover And Blurb Reveal

By Cynthia Sax on December 21, 2020

Woot! I have a cover and a not-yet-edited-or-refined blurb for Under Strain, the second story in the Cyborg Rebels series (releasing in May)!

This cover was crafted by the always awesome Amanda Kelsey from Razzle Dazzle Design and I love it!

Note: Amazon was the first to list Under Strain (as always – grins) but the other booksellers will hopefully be listing it soon. (Hopefully as it IS the holiday season and some of them partially close during this time of year.)

Under Strain

A damaged cyborg warrior is hunted by a peace-loving human female.

Strain is severely malfunctioning. The D Model cyborg was the sole survivor of a horrific decision made by his cruel manufacturers. He hates all humans and when he attacks one placed under his cyborg leader’s protection, he is reprimanded, stripped of his weapons, told to watch and not actively participate in the next mission.

That mission takes him to a small remote planet. Its lush terrain should only be inhabited by the cyborgs they were sent to rescue. Strain senses another presence on the surface. She is watching him, tracking him, hunting him.

A fully operational cyborg would end her lifespan.

Strain wants to capture, kiss, claim her.

Kamyelle is the only one left of her kind. Warriors have killed the other nonviolent human inhabitants of her planet. She survived…barely by hiding in the trees, observing her enemies, and covering herself with lifeform scan-concealing mud.

When a handsome, gray-skinned, brilliant blue-eyed male arrives, surrounded by weapon-carrying warriors, she knows she has to save him. Warriors harm and they kill. That is what they do.

She won’t allow them to hurt Strain.

* * *

Under Strain is a STANDALONE Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.

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