Gardening – Rain, Rain And More Rain

By Cynthia Sax on August 28, 2024

We’ve had and continue to have a VERY rainy summer in my corner of the universe. It rains EVERY day.

That’s great in most ways.

Everything is lush and green. The water tables are being replenished. The insects and birds and other creatures are thriving and happy. The tomatoes are HUGE and plentiful (and the squirrels leave them alone as they have other sources of water).

There are a few downsides. The stems of the zucchini (courgette) plants rotted so we only harvested about 6 zucchinis this year (and we had 6 plants). The stems of the butternut squash are in danger but they are thus far fighting the rot.

But that is a small price to pay for otherwise thriving surroundings. (smiles) We are extremely fortunate and I am appreciative of that.


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The G Model cyborg must fly to a distant planet, locate the sector-destroying superweapon the enemy is projected to be developing there, and obliterate that threat to the universe.

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