Sinful Rewards 12 – Wine Glasses

By Cynthia Sax on July 9, 2015

Here’s a snippet from Sinful Rewards 12


“Should I open the wine?” I attempt to distract them.

“S’il vous plait,” Francois purrs, back to being his charming self.

I stare at him blankly. Is that a yes?

“You truly don’t know any French.” Nicolas’s eyes gleam. “Open the wine, Bee.”

“This is America.” I extract wineglasses from the kitchen cabinets. “I shouldn’t need to know any French.”

“You don’t know wine either.” Francois moves beside me. “This glass is correct.” He taps the stem of the glass with a wider opening and large bowl. “These two glasses are not.” He returns them to the cabinet and chooses two different glasses. “The wine I brought you is red.”

My face heats. I had no idea that different wines required different glasses.


This scene is tiny yet so meaningful. Bee has tried her best to fit into the world Nicolas and other wealthy people belong to but there is so much to learn and she misses the small details like which wine glass to use. She realizes that she won’t ever fully fit in. She’ll always be looked at as an outsider by some people.

She doesn’t fit fully into Hawke’s world either but the difference is that Hawke and his team are willing to teach her. They were all outsiders once, not having been born into the military, and they know what being an outsider is like.

Re: Wine glasses and wine

The shape of a wine glass DOES affect taste.

Shereen Dindar shares

“It all comes down to two things — the area of our mouths that the wine hits first, and the amount of air exposure the wine gets before we drink it.

Because different areas of our mouths are sensitive to varying degrees of sweet, sour, salt, bitter and umami tastes, the wine needs to hit the right part of your mouth first to taste good. That’s where a glass shaped specifically to target the area of the mouth that corresponds with the wine’s flavour profile comes in handy.

Secondly, the shape of the glass dictates the wine’s exposure to air — you may have noticed how red wine glasses are much wider than glasses designed for white wines. That’s because red wines are muskier and more aromatic, and therefore the smell of the wine — enhanced by the swirling of the large, bowl-like glass — plays as much a role in your enjoyment of the wine as the actual taste itself. On the contrary, white wine glasses are designed to be more narrow, which keeps the wine cooler for longer — key for proper flavour in whites.”

As Steven Kolpan, a professor and chair of wine studies at The Culinary Institute of America, notes “The difference can be so striking, in fact, that… I’ve seen people refuse to believe that they were tasting the same wine in different glasses.”


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