Seasons In The Sun

By Cynthia Sax on April 30, 2014

Yes, I’m singing that classic Terry Jacks’ song, Seasons In The Sun. (grins) My mom would play that song when I was a little trooper.

The season in which a writer sets a story plays an important role. A story set in winter has a different tone than a story set in summer. Winter is viewed as being dark and cold, sometimes grim. Summer is hot and sunny, a happier, more carefree season. Spring is a season of renewal, of fresh starts, of hope. Fall or autumn is associated with school, getting back to work, harvest.

I have stories set in all of the seasons but my favorite is definitely summer. As I often write about exhibitionism and voyeurism, summer gives me more flexibility. Few people run around naked in the dead of winter (except for Prism, the streaking fairy in Clothing Optional Christmas – grins). Setting a story in summer allows my characters more freedom.

Some reading buddies have asked me why I set Breaking All The Rules in summer. Nate, the hero, is known as the Ice Man. Wouldn’t it make more sense to set this story in winter? Nate would be in his element then.

And that’s the problem. In order to open his heart to Camille, Nate has to change. He’ll only change if he becomes uncomfortable. He has to be taken out of his element, to be put at a disadvantage.

Another reason Breaking All The Rules is set in summer is Camille’s connection to the Earth. Her parents are hippies. She grew up on a commune, growing her own herbs and vegetables. When she’s stressed (and falling in love with Nate does cause Camille stress), she seeks a link to Mother Earth. She digs her bare toes into the soil. She gets her fingers and feet dirty. For Nate to truly understand Camille, he has to see this connection.

I also often wonder if Camille would have pushed Nate so hard in the middle of winter. She is definitely solar powered. It energizes her. She needs this energy when she seduces her Ice Man.

I couldn’t tell this love story in any other season.

Do you prefer to read stories set in a certain season? Which season and why?


Nathan Lawford, Blaine Technologies’ chief financial officer, is known as the Iceman. He conducts his personal and business affairs without emotion, never allowing himself to become involved with anyone. When Nate sees something or someone he wants, he negotiates, paying a simple, set monetary price.

Now he wants Camille, the company’s green-haired intern.

Camille Joplin Trent never expected to be paid to pleasure the man of her dreams. She can’t quite figure out why this is a bad thing. Nate is intelligent, handsome, sophisticated, everything she’s ever wanted in a lover and never thought she could have. Their contract is for a month, thirty lust-filled days of making every sexual fantasy they’ve ever had come true. At the end of this month, the rules state their relationship will end.

Of course, Camille has never been good at following rules.

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