The Creator

By Cynthia Sax on February 3, 2024

Spoiler Alert – This post will discuss the movie The Creator and might contain some mild spoilers. If you haven’t yet watched this wonderful human vs AI/robot movie, you might wish to skip this post.

The Dear Wonderful Hubby and I watched The Creator, a SciFi movie featuring a war between humans and AI/robots and we absolutely LOVED it. It is from the director of Rogue One. Rogue One is our absolute favorite Star Wars movie thus far and The Creator definitely has that same feel to it.

One of the many things I loved about The Creator is…

How I could relate to the characters in it.

Specifically the robot child.

The robot children in other movies I’ve watched were…well…they didn’t truly act like children. I was aware when I watched them that they were robots.

In the Creator, the robot child, Alphie, had so many human quirks I forgot she was a robot. She ran like a kid runs. She had that lightning fast emotional recovery time children have. She looked at the world with a sense of wonder. She could be won over with a promise of ice cream. (smiles) She was ‘real’ to me.

And I think that’s key to great storytelling – the characters have to be real or relatable to viewers or readers. We need to know someone like them. We have to recognize at least some of their quirks in the people around us.

The Creator does a great job at doing this.

Note: This movie made me cry SO hard. It is definitely a three tissue watch.


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Strike Zone

A cyborg devoted to duty…and to her.


While attending a party, Kesser, the daughter of her planet’s leader, witnesses the abduction of her best friend and her best friend’s mate.

She’s determined to rescue them. Preferably without fracturing the fragile peace agreement her mom has crafted with the abductors’ planet.

The only issue is…she has never participated in a retrieval mission.

Searching for assistance, she approaches the mate’s guard. The male, with his big broad shoulders and deep growly voice, affects her like no other being ever has.

Kesser wants him. She trusts him. And she requires his stealth combat skills.


Strike is no guard. The D Model cyborg has been sent to the sector to discreetly investigate a potential planet-destroying situation.

When a curvy human female with big brown eyes requests his help with a rescue, he doesn’t hesitate to say yes. She’s his genetic match, the one being he was manufactured to protect.

She’s also traveling to the next planet he has to search. He plans to claim his female while he fulfills his responsibilities to his kind.

Neither Strike nor Kesser realizes the dangers facing them are far greater than they imagine. Their enemies are converging, and one failed mission could doom the entire universe.


Strike Zone is a standalone, mistaken-identity, Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.

It features a cyborg warrior with a finely honed sense of honor, a human support being taking on her first dangerous mission, and an evil that threatens everyone in existence.

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65, Dinosaur Planets And Small Casts Of Characters

By Cynthia Sax on August 12, 2023

Spoiler Alert – This post will discuss the movie 65 and might have some (mild) spoilers. You might wish to skip this post if you haven’t yet watched this movie.

The Dear Wonderful Hubby and I recently watched 65. Of course, we watched it. (grins) A SciFi movie set on a dinosaur planet? I’m all in!

It was…okay. I think maybe my expectations of this movie were too high and that messed with my enjoyment of it.

But one of the things it did well was limit the number of characters. Other than some flashbacks and the planet itself being a character, it was solely the two of them. They were alone on the planet.

This focused our attention on them. It increased our probability of caring about them. And it is a trick many Romance Writers use. We get the love interests alone so readers can focus on them and their relationship.

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Strive For Forever

This cyborg seeks to vanquish an ancient entity and save his curvy human female.

Euryale made a terrible mistake. She opened a container she shouldn’t have touched and released one of the oldest lifeforms in existence. That all-powerful entity is now utilizing her as its host body and is slowly draining her energy.

Soon, she’ll die.

Euryale has accepted this fate and is determined to use her remaining moments in the universe to save as many lives as she can.

Her plans do NOT include a smoldering-hot, poetry-wielding cyborg willing to decimate entire planets to save her.

While under the control of the Humanoid Alliance, Strive, a K Model cyborg, disobeyed direct orders and refused to kill on their behalf. If he hadn’t escaped their cruel clutches, his defiance would have led to his death.

The male knowingly risked that fate to save the lifespans of complete strangers.

There is nothing he wouldn’t do to protect Euryale. The curvy human female is his genetic match, the one being he is destined to defend.

And she is in danger.

Strive would break every vow, cross every boundary, risk absolutely everything to keep her from harm.

Including battle a deity no one has ever defeated.


Strive For Forever is Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.

It features an inspired cyborg, a joke-cracking scientist, and an all-powerful deity with plans of his own.

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Prey And Details

By Cynthia Sax on August 13, 2022

I’m talking about Prey, the latest Predator movie installment, today. There won’t be many spoilers in this post so you should be okay with reading it before watching the movie.

I LOVE the Predator movies. Some of them are better than others.

Prey, the latest installment, is one of the best. If you’ve never watched any of the movies, it is a great place to start.

One of the many things I love about this movie is…

It is EXTREMELY detailed.

Almost every scene does multiple jobs.

The title is an example of this. It serves multiple purposes.

The first movie is titled Predator. Of course, there would a movie in the series called Prey. I’ve been waiting for it. (And it did NOT disappoint me.)

Prey is perfectly suited for a story featuring a heroine who goes from being prey to being a predator. (That story arc was extremely well-done.)

And I found the Predator’s relationship to beings and creatures he classifies as prey extremely interesting. This, of course, impacts his changing relationship to Naru, the heroine.

I try to put the same level of detail into my stories.


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Provoking Odium

A Beautiful Cyborg

While accompanying his leader on a mission, Odium, an E Model cyborg, hears a distress call over the communication lines. The voice on that message makes his circuits surge with energy and all his systems light up. He has to respond to the mysterious female, would risk his lifespan and the lifespans of everyone on board their ship to protect her.

A Human Female Others Call Beast

Briella gained her nickname due to her flying abilities, her fearlessness, and her scarred countenance. Her verbal-only relationship with the sexy cyborg who answers her distress call is a steamy yet short-lived fantasy. His kind is physically perfect, and she is…not. He will uncover that truth when…if they survive the attack upon her freighter.

Provoking Odium is a STANDALONE Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.

It features a human female intent on remaining mysterious, a cyborg warrior determined to uncover her identity, and an enemy seeking to destroy them both before they have the opportunity to meet.

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