Sinful Rewards And Being A Normal Family

By Cynthia Sax on January 5, 2015

In Sinful Rewards 7, Bee talks about ‘normal families.’


Nicolas must devour his dinners on a smaller, more intimate table, because he’s normal and that’s what normal people do. They cook meals, sit around tables, lingering over food and talking about their days, their hopes, their dreams, giving each person the attention he or she craves. They don’t eat the free food at their workplaces and then bring home leftovers for their daughters, too exhausted to listen to their news.


Bee was raised by her mom and never knew her father. I didn’t grow up in a traditional family either. My mom was a big fan of Norman Rockwell’s art. I’d gaze at his work and think ‘THIS is what a normal family is.’ I thought the children with loving moms and dads lived that life.

One of the touching moments in The Blind Side for me was when Michael Oher’s character looks at one of Norman Rockwell’s famous artworks and pushes the family to replicate that Thanksgiving scene. He wanted to experience ‘normal’ also.

I don’t know that this normal truly exists. Every family is a bit unusual, has its challenges and quirks. We’re not idealized paintings or depictions. But I do believe the love in those paintings is very real.

Do you have a normal family?


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Bee Carter has been offered everything she has ever dreamed of—a caring, lasting relationship with a handsome, often charming billionaire; the permanent home she’s never had but has always craved; and wealth to buy the designer fashions she loves, support her hard-working mother, and ensure her acceptance by Chicago’s elite.

To obtain what she’s desired for so long, she has to do only two things: Walk away from her best friend, a woman who is destined to betray her … and end her passionate nightly encounters with a certain tattooed biker, a former Marine who can never give her what she needs.

Her answer should be clear, but the heart has a way of complicating even the most straightforward decisions.

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