Releasing Rage And Mothers Of Cyborgs

By Cynthia Sax on May 6, 2016

This week’s celebration of mothers wouldn’t be complete without a scene from Releasing Rage. In Releasing Rage, Joan becomes the very first mother of a cyborg baby. In this scene, she finds out her baby can hear her, a magical moment for every mom.


Rage skimmed his fingertips over her blanket-covered stomach. “We wish for a healthy mother and a healthy offspring.” His gaze slid to the cyborgs. “Only touch my female’s stomach and be gentle.”

“I’ll guide them, sir.” Joan took both cyborgs’ right hands and set them on her belly.

Gap’s eyes widened. “Our offspring is in there?”

Joan nodded. Crash had referred to him as ‘our offspring’ also. As the first to be conceived, would their son belong to all of the cyborgs? She liked the idea that he’d be protected by hundreds of warriors.

“He’s cooing through the transmission lines.” Crash’s face softened. “He knows we’re here.”

Joan glanced at Rage.

“He chatters as much as those two do.” He indicated Gap and Crash. “That’s why I thought my processors were infected.”

“What he isn’t telling you is he now chatters back.” Crash grinned.

Rage frowned at his friend. “I have to. My son howls if I ignore him.”

“Because you’re his father.” Her heart squeezed. Their son recognized him.

“You’re his mother. We’ll create a device so you can hear him also.” Crash lowered his face to stomach level. “He already hears you.”

“Oh.” Joan blinked back tears. Her son heard her.


Does your mom remember the first words she said to you? If you’re a mom, what were the first words you said to your child/children?


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Half Man. Half Machine. All Hers.

Rage, the Humanoid Alliance’s most primitive cyborg, has two goals—kill all of the humans on his battle station and escape to the Homeland. The warrior has seen the darkness in others and in himself. He believes that’s all he’s been programmed to experience.
Until he meets Joan.

Joan, the battle station’s first female engineer, has one goal—survive long enough to help the big sexy cyborg plotting to kill her. Rage might not trust her but he wants her. She sees the passion in his eyes, the caring in his battle-worn hands, the gruff emotion in his voice.

When Joan survives the unthinkable, Rage’s priorities are tested. Is there enough room in this cyborg’s heart for both love and revenge?

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Seducing My Billionaire Boss And Moms

By Cynthia Sax on May 3, 2016

Mother’s Day in North America is on Sunday so I thought I’d share some of my favorite mom scenes from my stories. One of my favorite moments is the scene between Robert and his mom in Seducing My Billionaire Boss. Here’s a snippet


“We’re leaving, but not until we greet our dear Kirsten.” Mrs. Reyes turns her attention to me. “I’m pleased you’re here.” She embraces me. Rob’s mom smells like roses, her frame frighteningly delicate. “So very pleased.”

She looks at me as though I’m the answer to her prayers, talks as though she’s been expecting to meet me for years.

“Ummm…” I don’t know what to say. ‘Hi. I’m your son’s convenience fuck. You will likely never see me again.’ doesn’t seem appropriate.

“Keep our young rascal in line.” Natty crushes me against her bountiful breasts. “Don’t let him give you any lip.”

“She doesn’t.” Rob answers for me. “She makes me work for everything.”

“As she should,” the women say in unison, smiling wide.

He rolls his eyes. “Ladies.” Rob opens the door.

“It’s about time, Mr. Robert.” Natty gives him one of her bone-bending hugs. “I’m happy for you.”

“Thank you, Natty.” Rob hugs her back, his face softening. He tolerates her interfering because he loves her. He loves both of them. A ball of emotion forms in my throat.

“Robert.” Mrs. Reyes leans back, gazing up at him. He’s a tall man, appears even taller beside this tiny woman. He must have gotten his height from his father.

“Mom.” Rob bends over until their faces are level, this gesture melting my insides.

She cups his cheeks, holding his face in her palms. “I love you.”

“I know that, Mom.” His voice lowers to a murmur. “I love you too. But it’s too early for all of this.” He covers her hands with his. “Kirsten and I need our privacy.”

They gaze at each other, communicating without words. The moment stretches, held together with emotion, with understanding, and I feel honored and a bit guilty to be observing the mother-son interlude.

She sighs. “I know you need your privacy. That’s what your father said also. He refused to leave the house.” She lifts onto her tiptoes and tenderly kisses his forehead. “But I wanted to meet her.” She pulls away from him, releasing his cheeks. “And now I have.” She smiles at me. “Ensure that my son doesn’t work too hard, Kirsten.”

“I’ll try, Mrs. Reyes.” My words are choked.

“Mom,” she corrects. “Call me—”

“It’s too soon for that, Mom.” Rob nudges her closer to the door.

“If you say so, Son.” She gives me another cheery wave and flits away.


Does your mom lovingly interfere? Do you lovingly interfere in your children’s lives?


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Note: If you purchased the Salacious boxed set, you already have this story.

This job and this man are mine.

I have to land the position Robert Reyes, the CFO of Powers Corporation, recently posted. My friend’s health depends on it. I’ve heard the rumors—that Rob will require… extra duties from this new hire.

He’s young, handsome, intelligent. Pleasing him won’t be a hardship. Not falling in love with him will be the big challenge. I’ve lusted after Rob for years, like him more than is prudent, dream of him every night. Touching his body, tasting the salt on his skin, will be both a self-inflicted torment and a fantasy come true.

I’ll be a convenience for my hunky executive. This is a job, not a romance. As long as both of us remember this, our relationship should work.

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