Muse Food – If All Humans Disappeared

By Cynthia Sax on August 12, 2024

The Dear Wonderful Hubby and I spotted this flower vine-covered building in La Romana, Dominican Republic.

One of the exercises I undertake when my muse isn’t feeling inspired is to go somewhere, it could be my backyard (most likely) or halfway across the planet (extremely rarely), and ask myself, “What would this place look like if all humans disappeared tomorrow? What would nature do if she was allowed to retake the land?”

It wouldn’t revert to what it was before humans. We’ve changed the planet permanently. I suspect it would be a bit of a mix…like this building is.

What do you believe your neighborhood would look like if all humans disappeared?


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Drift Would

A cyborg and a spy fly into danger.


Drift is one of the best pilots in existence, and he has been assigned a perilous mission.

The G Model cyborg must fly to a distant planet, locate the sector-destroying superweapon the enemy is projected to be developing there, and obliterate that threat to the universe.

When Drift arrives at his destination and meets with an informant, he’s distracted by a mysterious human female seated in the shadows. She’s Drift’s genetic match, and she is the one being he’s destined to care for, claim, and protect.

She’s also a liar and a thief. And she might be working with the enemy.

Trusting her could kill him and everyone he cares about.

Liar. Thief. Seductress. Saboteur. Roshini has been called all of those things. And she has earned each label. She’s done some terrible things to safeguard the beings she loves.

A gray-eyed cyborg warrior with nimble hands and a shared need for speed won’t stop her high-risk activities.

She’ll sacrifice everything, including her lifespan, to complete her self-appointed top-secret assignment.


Drift Would is a standalone, enemies-to-lovers, Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.

It features a cyborg who loves to break speed records, a human spy with a talent for changing her appearance, and a foe intent on killing them both.

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More Early Tools

By Cynthia Sax on November 29, 2021

These tools, displayed in the Altos de Chavon Regional Museum of Archaeology in La Romana, Dominican Republic, are made of stone and seem to be designed to be gripped by one hand.

This tool resembles a hatchet.

This tool looks like it could be used to smack the sh*t out of something or someone. (grins)

As Quinn says, “Stab the bad beings with the pointy end.”

I have no idea what this tool would be used for. It resembles a shark tooth.


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B Free

B is the last remaining B Model cyborg. All of his brethren, the beings he trained with, fought with, cared deeply for, have perished.

Or so he believes.

When he intercepts a communication mentioning the existence of one of his kind, he has to investigate its source. The message could be a trap set by his enemies. He’ll take that risk if it secures him the companionship he requires to be fully functional.

What he finds is a daring brown-eyed female who activates all his systems. She proudly proclaims she’s a researcher, brandishing that information like a weapon before her. He wants to kiss the sass off her beautiful face, protect her from the dangers around them, claim her forever.

Quinn is on a quest to locate the mechanics of an early-version cyborg. She believes the information captured within that frame will give her valuable insights into the past.

When her mission goes zombie-like beings levels of wrong, she comes face-to-face with a living, breathing B Model. He has big hands, a primitive countenance, and stern hard lips crafted for kissing.

She doesn’t trust him. And she doesn’t have time to indulge her desires.

Their shared enemies are chasing them, would kill to get their precious specimens back. One minor mistake could reduce B and Quinn to a mere line in the databases of history.


B Free is a STANDALONE Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.
It features the sole surviving B Model cyborg warrior, a courageous researcher seeking to uncover the past, and an unplanned visit to a settlement ruled by an extremely scary all-knowing, all-powerful being.

B Free is the fourth of five core stories in the Rebel Cyborgs Series.
Book 1: Containing Malice
Book 2: Under Strain
Book 3: Baring Grudge
Book 4: B Free
Book 5: Seizing Power

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Fundamental Tools

By Cynthia Sax on November 9, 2021

Quinn, the heroine of B Free, escavates sites of early civilizations. There are some basic tools she is likely to uncover at every site, tools that beings require to survive.

These early tools were displayed in the Altos de Chavon Regional Museum of Archaeology in La Romana, Dominican Republic.

As per the sign…

“Igneri Ceramics And Tools

Igneri ceramics were very elaborate, adorned with white-on-red and red-on-orange designs and handles with animal and human forms.

Their most important tools were axes, scrapers, spoons, awls, and polishers.”


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B Free

B is the last remaining B Model cyborg. All of his brethren, the beings he trained with, fought with, cared deeply for, have perished.

Or so he believes.

When he intercepts a communication mentioning the existence of one of his kind, he has to investigate its source. The message could be a trap set by his enemies. He’ll take that risk if it secures him the companionship he requires to be fully functional.

What he finds is a daring brown-eyed female who activates all his systems. She proudly proclaims she’s a researcher, brandishing that information like a weapon before her. He wants to kiss the sass off her beautiful face, protect her from the dangers around them, claim her forever.

Quinn is on a quest to locate the mechanics of an early-version cyborg. She believes the information captured within that frame will give her valuable insights into the past.

When her mission goes zombie-like beings levels of wrong, she comes face-to-face with a living, breathing B Model. He has big hands, a primitive countenance, and stern hard lips crafted for kissing.

She doesn’t trust him. And she doesn’t have time to indulge her desires.

Their shared enemies are chasing them, would kill to get their precious specimens back. One minor mistake could reduce B and Quinn to a mere line in the databases of history.


B Free is a STANDALONE Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.
It features the sole surviving B Model cyborg warrior, a courageous researcher seeking to uncover the past, and an unplanned visit to a settlement ruled by an extremely scary all-knowing, all-powerful being.

B Free is the fourth of five core stories in the Rebel Cyborgs Series.
Book 1: Containing Malice
Book 2: Under Strain
Book 3: Baring Grudge
Book 4: B Free
Book 5: Seizing Power

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Neck Decorations

By Cynthia Sax on October 26, 2021

Neck decorations are often mentioned in my stories. Bettina aka Bait in Choosing Chuckles crafts them in her spare time.

Beings here on Earth have been decorating their bodies since…well…since forever.

These Taino necklaces, displayed in the Altos de Chavon Regional Museum of Archaeology in La Romana, Dominican Republic, are examples of how humans beautifully decorated their forms with locally located materials.

This necklace was crafted using all the same shells. Look at the exquisite detailing on the crafted holes.

This necklace was crafted with stone and feathers. The colors are amazing.

These beads are so very tiny. The pattern with the different colored beads are as finely wrought.

I think it says something about us that we’ve always created art. We’ve always expressed ourselves creatively. It is a core part of who we are as beings. It feeds a need deep down in our souls.


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B Free

B is the last remaining B Model cyborg. All of his brethren, the beings he trained with, fought with, cared deeply for, have perished.

Or so he believes.

When he intercepts a communication mentioning the existence of one of his kind, he has to investigate its source. The message could be a trap set by his enemies. He’ll take that risk if it secures him the companionship he requires to be fully functional.

What he finds is a daring brown-eyed female who activates all his systems. She proudly proclaims she’s a researcher, brandishing that information like a weapon before her. He wants to kiss the sass off her beautiful face, protect her from the dangers around them, claim her forever.

Quinn is on a quest to locate the mechanics of an early-version cyborg. She believes the information captured within that frame will give her valuable insights into the past.

When her mission goes zombie-like beings levels of wrong, she comes face-to-face with a living, breathing B Model. He has big hands, a primitive countenance, and stern hard lips crafted for kissing.

She doesn’t trust him. And she doesn’t have time to indulge her desires.

Their shared enemies are chasing them, would kill to get their precious specimens back. One minor mistake could reduce B and Quinn to a mere line in the databases of history.


B Free is a STANDALONE Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.
It features the sole surviving B Model cyborg warrior, a courageous researcher seeking to uncover the past, and an unplanned visit to a settlement ruled by an extremely scary all-knowing, all-powerful being.

B Free is the fourth of five core stories in the Rebel Cyborgs Series.
Book 1: Containing Malice
Book 2: Under Strain
Book 3: Baring Grudge
Book 4: B Free
Book 5: Seizing Power

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B Free And Butterfly-Shaped Axe Heads

By Cynthia Sax on October 19, 2021

Quinn, the heroine of B Free, is a researcher. She also has the gift of psychometry, the ability to read the past by touching metal objects.

These butterfly-shaped axe heads, displayed in the Altos de Chavon Regional Museum of Archaeology in La Romana, Dominican Republic, are made of stone but I used them as inspiration for some of the weapons Quinn researches. They are so very beautiful yet are practical.

As per the sign…

“Butterfly-shaped axe heads wedged into wooden handles are representative of the late pre-agricultural groups and are thought to have been used to fell and chop trees to make canoes and paddles.

The decorated axes, petroglyphs, cave drawings, and various objects of unknown use left behind by pre-agricultural groups are all evidence that their societies followed practices that went beyond mere subsistence.”


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B Free

B is the last remaining B Model cyborg. All of his brethren, the beings he trained with, fought with, cared deeply for, have perished.

Or so he believes.

When he intercepts a communication mentioning the existence of one of his kind, he has to investigate its source. The message could be a trap set by his enemies. He’ll take that risk if it secures him the companionship he requires to be fully functional.

What he finds is a daring brown-eyed female who activates all his systems. She proudly proclaims she’s a researcher, brandishing that information like a weapon before her. He wants to kiss the sass off her beautiful face, protect her from the dangers around them, claim her forever.

Quinn is on a quest to locate the mechanics of an early-version cyborg. She believes the information captured within that frame will give her valuable insights into the past.

When her mission goes zombie-like beings levels of wrong, she comes face-to-face with a living, breathing B Model. He has big hands, a primitive countenance, and stern hard lips crafted for kissing.

She doesn’t trust him. And she doesn’t have time to indulge her desires.

Their shared enemies are chasing them, would kill to get their precious specimens back. One minor mistake could reduce B and Quinn to a mere line in the databases of history.


B Free is a STANDALONE Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.
It features the sole surviving B Model cyborg warrior, a courageous researcher seeking to uncover the past, and an unplanned visit to a settlement ruled by an extremely scary all-knowing, all-powerful being.

B Free is the fourth of five core stories in the Rebel Cyborgs Series.
Book 1: Containing Malice
Book 2: Under Strain
Book 3: Baring Grudge
Book 4: B Free
Book 5: Seizing Power

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