Gardening And Our Isla Nublar

By Cynthia Sax on June 13, 2023

Growing anything is high risk. An unexpected frost or hail storm can decimate fragile plants like tomatoes.

Every year, I grow more seedlings than we can fit in our vegetable garden. We send the excess to Awesome Mom-in-law and Awesome Father-in-law’s house (and also give them to others). They plant these tomato seedlings in their garden.

The Dear Wonderful Hubby jokes that is our Isla Nublar, our Site B or alternative location. (In Jurassic Park, the Site B island is actually Isla Sorna.) If something goes wrong, if the ‘dinosaurs’ can’t be contained at our house, we can take clippings or thin the tomato plants at his parents’ house.

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Strive For Forever
(This description is still VERY rough.)

This cyborg seeks to vanquish an ancient entity and save his curvy human female.

Euryale made a terrible mistake. She opened a container she shouldn’t have touched and released one of the oldest lifeforms in existence. That all-powerful entity is now utilizing her as its host and is slowly draining her energy.

Soon, she’ll die.

Euryale has accepted this fate and is determined to use her remaining moments in the universe to save as many lives as she can.

Her plans do NOT include a smoldering hot, poetry-wielding cyborg willing to decimate entire planets to save her.

While under the control of the Humanoid Alliance, Strive, a K Model cyborg, disobeyed direct orders and refused to kill on their behalf. If he hadn’t escaped their cruel clutches, his defiance would have led to his death.

The male knowingly risked that fate to save the lifespans of complete strangers.

There is nothing he wouldn’t do to protect Euryale. The curvy human female is his genetic match, the one being he is destined to defend.

And she is in danger.

Strive would break every vow, cross every boundary, risk absolutely everything to keep her from harm.

Including battle a deity no one has ever defeated.

Strive For Forever is Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.

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Releasing Rage And Baby Cyborgs

By Cynthia Sax on August 7, 2015

I’ve always loved cyborg heroes. They’re half man, half machine, and all sexy. But I waited to write a cyborg series until I figured out how cyborgs are created.

The first cyborgs were human warriors who had been hurt in battle and were melded with machine parts. These cyborgs had computers installed within them but they were primarily human. They didn’t have model numbers. They had names.

Building a huge army of cyborgs by converting human warriors wasn’t feasible. The process took too long. It was too manual. Scientists had to figure out a way to mass produce cyborgs.

They already knew how to create robots. Scientists knew how to clone beings, how to grow organs. The missing piece was nanocybotics (which I’ve already talked about here – ).

The goal was that once the first batch of male and female cyborgs were manufactured, they would then breed and create baby cyborgs, providing a steady supply of warriors to send into battle.

The cyborgs were created as hyper potent and programmed to breed. The males would cycle through a variety of females, forced to breed with them, punished or killed if they refused (Rage from Releasing Rage was one of these males). The males and the females were separated. They didn’t bond, didn’t spend much time at all with their breeding partner for that planet rotation.

The breeding programs were unsuccessful. The nanocybotics viewed a fertilized egg as a damaged egg and would repair it, returning it to its non-fertilized state. Scientists could apply a nanocybotics suppresser in the laboratory but coding it into the cyborg’s DNA was too complex.

Since this fertilization process had to be done in a laboratory, it made sense to also eliminate the breeding and childbearing process. Sperm and eggs could be harvested from male cyborgs and human females respectively. The units (babies) could be grown in vats, their growth accelerated to provide the humans with warriors faster.

Not having a breeding program meant that it was unnecessary to manufacture and store female cyborgs. Cyborgs going forward were all male. Many of the modern warriors have never seen a female of any species. However, they still have the driving need to breed. Some cyborgs view this as yet another way humans torment them.

So, yes, cyborgs can have babies (offspring) but the breeding programs showed scientists that this couldn’t be done naturally. But, to paraphrase Jeff Goldblum’s character in Jurassic Park, life always finds a way.

When a cyborg finds a female who, by a fluke of genetics, can host his nanocybotics, his nanocybotics become a part of her, changing her, merging them in a genetic sense. His sperm is no longer seen as foreign, as being an invader to her body. There’s no need to eliminate it.

Bam! Cyborg babies. (grins)


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Half Man. Half Machine. All Hers.

Rage, the Humanoid Alliance’s most primitive cyborg, has two goals—kill all of the humans on his battle station and escape to the Homeland. The warrior has seen the darkness in others and in himself. He believes that’s all he’s been programmed to experience.
Until he meets Joan.

Joan, the battle station’s first female engineer, has one goal—survive long enough to help the big sexy cyborg plotting to kill her. Rage might not trust her but he wants her. She sees the passion in his eyes, the caring in his battle-worn hands, the gruff emotion in his voice.

When Joan survives the unthinkable, Rage’s priorities are tested. Is there enough room in this cyborg’s heart for both love and revenge?

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