Interview With Jolie Mason

By Cynthia Sax on May 31, 2016

I sat down (virtually) with Jolie Mason for a short interview. Jolie Mason’s next release is Brother Mine, a Science Fiction Romance about a brotherhood of assassins!

Cynthia Sax: Is Brother Mine part of a series and will you be writing more stories in this series?

Jolie Mason: This is part of a new series, The Brother Assassins. I’m leaving the number open ended, but there will be more assassins in future.

Cynthia Sax: What makes Mal and Adame right for each other?

Jolie Mason: This couple is drawn together because they share a cause, but they stay together because they see the other as the best person they’ve ever met. I know this sounds strange since he kills people for a living. But, for Mal, Adame is the product of his people’s oppression, and she’s right. Had there never been an invasion and his people never assimilated and enslaved, he’d be an ordinary guy on a Braxian planet. Instead, he took the only way out that circumstances presented him. He won his freedom, and he’s had to kill to keep it. Mal may have been raised in money and prejudice, but she’s been fighting for his freedom as well. Adame sees her as unique in the universe, maybe even as a gift from the Universe that has been so cruel and unjust.

Cynthia Sax: What makes Adame sexy?

Jolie Mason: Adame Sacha, pronounced Ah-Dah-may, is Braxian, not human, but this isn’t beauty and the beast. He’s pretty close to human, but intensely different. His sexy qualities are linked to his Braxian qualities. He’s focused, even before a mating happens, he’s curious about Mal, wants to know her, understand her. He displays a single minded determination to be the other half of this woman. Loyalty is extremely sexy.

Cynthia Sax: How does Brother Mine start?

Jolie Mason:
The first scene is an assassination. It’s the pivotal point where Adame and Mal are set on course to meet and fall in love. The man who dies is an influential senator who put up a bill that will destroy the Brax one at a time. Adame is the one who kills him, and Mal needs to find the one who destroyed her chance to convince Trill to pull the bill.. There was no other moment for the story to begin. The ripples start right there.

Cynthia Sax: Thank you for joining us today, Jolie!

Jolie Mason’s Website:


Mal Renata was born with the proverbial silver spoon in her mouth, but it never stopped her from becoming the voice of the Braxian people. As an activist fighting off mankind’s inevitable slide into cruelty and prejudice, she wants to stop the Scourge bill from becoming law, but how can she do that, if the bill’s supporters keep dying? Public outcry wants someone to pay, so she intends to give them someone.

Until she tracks down, Adame Sacha, a Braxian freedman and one of the notorious Brother Assassins, she thinks the brotherhood is her problem. Instead, she finds they may be the best allies she could hope for. Together, she and Adame search for those who are eager to profit from the suffering of the Brax, and they track their prey in a world where lives are held cheaply, but death is expensive.

They may be able to elude the dangers of his world for awhile, but they can’t run from the attraction to each other. No matter what their differences.

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