Throwback Thursday – Dark Strength

By Cynthia Sax on June 13, 2024

Balvan is physically the biggest hero I’ve ever written. He is a giant of a male. And he was designed for war. He loves to crush the skulls of his enemies under his big boots.

Kralj, the ruler of the Refuge, has wisely given Balvan the role of gatekeeper to the settlement. Balvan guards those gates fiercely.

As he guards Elyce, his human female, fiercely when she finds him.

Elyce’s enemies are dead. They merely don’t know that yet. (grins)

Dark Strength Alien Romance

Dark Strength

The Bigger They Are, The Harder They Fall.

Balvan, the Refuge’s Gatekeeper, is huge, green, and has a reputation for crushing skulls. He’s a modified humanoid, genetically designed to be the ultimate warrior. One of a kind and considered monstrous by many, he never expects to find his mate, the one female meant for him.

Elyce, snatched from her home half a solar cycle ago, has finally escaped her brutal captors. She arrives at the Refuge barely alive. Only a blood transfusion from the largest male she has ever seen will save her life. But it will also bind her to him forever. Staring up, up, up at him, she wonders why she wants to be free. His gentle touch revives yearnings she thought dead. His lips set her skin ablaze. His massive muscles make her feel safe.

That feeling could be an illusion. Elyce’s captors want their slave back and they won’t stop until they have her. To give his mate her freedom, Balvan might be forced to give up everything he has – his role as the Gatekeeper, Elyce’s love, and his life.

Dark Strength is a STANDALONE Alien SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes violent universe.

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Throwback Thursday – Dark Strength

By Cynthia Sax on October 12, 2023

If you like your heroes HUGE and green, Dark Strength is the romance for you. (grins)

I love Balvan. He is a giant of a male both physically and in his soul. He stomps on enemy skulls with the heels of his big boots but he also rescues small wounded animals. Balvan is a complex male.

And Elyce, his human genetic match, loves that about him. She is the perfect companion for Balvan.

Dark Strength Alien Romance

Dark Strength

The Bigger They Are, The Harder They Fall.

Balvan, the Refuge’s Gatekeeper, is huge, green, and has a reputation for crushing skulls. He’s a modified humanoid, genetically designed to be the ultimate warrior. One of a kind and considered monstrous by many, he never expects to find his mate, the one female meant for him.

Elyce, snatched from her home half a solar cycle ago, has finally escaped her brutal captors. She arrives at the Refuge barely alive. Only a blood transfusion from the largest male she has ever seen will save her life. But it will also bind her to him forever. Staring up, up, up at him, she wonders why she wants to be free. His gentle touch revives yearnings she thought dead. His lips set her skin ablaze. His massive muscles make her feel safe.

That feeling could be an illusion. Elyce’s captors want their slave back and they won’t stop until they have her. To give his mate her freedom, Balvan might be forced to give up everything he has – his role as the Gatekeeper, Elyce’s love, and his life.

Dark Strength is a STANDALONE Alien SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes violent universe.

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Throwback Thursday – Dark Strength

By Cynthia Sax on March 9, 2023

I absolutely LOVE Balvan.

The HUGE green giant of a gatekeeper at the Refuge is complicated…as many beings are. He loves to crush the skulls of his enemies under his big boot heels. But he also loves to rescue and care for small wounded creatures. He is so very gentle with them.

As he is gentle with Elyce, his wounded yet small human female. They are wonderful together!

Dark Strength Alien Romance

Dark Strength

The Bigger They Are, The Harder They Fall.

Balvan, the Refuge’s Gatekeeper, is huge, green, and has a reputation for crushing skulls. He’s a modified humanoid, genetically designed to be the ultimate warrior. One of a kind and considered monstrous by many, he never expects to find his mate, the one female meant for him.

Elyce, snatched from her home half a solar cycle ago, has finally escaped her brutal captors. She arrives at the Refuge barely alive. Only a blood transfusion from the largest male she has ever seen will save her life. But it will also bind her to him forever. Staring up, up, up at him, she wonders why she wants to be free. His gentle touch revives yearnings she thought dead. His lips set her skin ablaze. His massive muscles make her feel safe.

That feeling could be an illusion. Elyce’s captors want their slave back and they won’t stop until they have her. To give his mate her freedom, Balvan might be forced to give up everything he has – his role as the Gatekeeper, Elyce’s love, and his life.

Dark Strength is a STANDALONE Alien SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes violent universe.

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Throwback Thursday – Dark Strength

By Cynthia Sax on August 4, 2022

If you like your heroes HUGE, green and bald, Balvan might be the male for you. (grins)

Balvan is the giant gatekeeper at the Refuge, a settlement that is home to some of the most violent beings in the universe. Balvan DOES have a bit of violence in him. He likes to stomp on his enemies’ heads and crush their skulls under his big boots.

But Balvan has a soft side also. He rescues and tends to small injured creatures.

Elyce, his female, is definitely injured. She’s also tired. And she needs a soft place to heal and recover.

She finds that sanctuary in Balvan’s arms.

Dark Strength Alien Romance

Dark Strength

The Bigger They Are, The Harder They Fall.

Balvan, the Refuge’s Gatekeeper, is huge, green, and has a reputation for crushing skulls. He’s a modified humanoid, genetically designed to be the ultimate warrior. One of a kind and considered monstrous by many, he never expects to find his mate, the one female meant for him.

Elyce, snatched from her home half a solar cycle ago, has finally escaped her brutal captors. She arrives at the Refuge barely alive. Only a blood transfusion from the largest male she has ever seen will save her life. But it will also bind her to him forever. Staring up, up, up at him, she wonders why she wants to be free. His gentle touch revives yearnings she thought dead. His lips set her skin ablaze. His massive muscles make her feel safe.

That feeling could be an illusion. Elyce’s captors want their slave back and they won’t stop until they have her. To give his mate her freedom, Balvan might be forced to give up everything he has – his role as the Gatekeeper, Elyce’s love, and his life.

Dark Strength is a STANDALONE Alien SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes violent universe.

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Throwback Thursday – Dark Strength

By Cynthia Sax on March 17, 2022

Today is St. Patrick’s Day! And since it is lucky to wear green on this day, I figure it is also lucky to read romances with green covers and/or with green heroes.

My favorite green hero whose story I’ve written is Balvan, the great green gatekeeper of the Refuge and the hero of Dark Strength. He isn’t exactly a gentle giant. (grins) Balvan is a warrior and he enjoys crunching skulls under his big boots. But he does love caring for wounded little creatures.

Elyce, the heroine, is definitely wounded and compared to Balvan, she’s little. (Anyone compared to Balvan is little.) She also deserves someone who will care for her and she finds that someone in the Refuge’s great green gatekeeper.

Dark Strength Alien Romance

Dark Strength

The Bigger They Are, The Harder They Fall.

Balvan, the Refuge’s Gatekeeper, is huge, green, and has a reputation for crushing skulls. He’s a modified humanoid, genetically designed to be the ultimate warrior. One of a kind and considered monstrous by many, he never expects to find his mate, the one female meant for him.

Elyce, snatched from her home half a solar cycle ago, has finally escaped her brutal captors. She arrives at the Refuge barely alive. Only a blood transfusion from the largest male she has ever seen will save her life. But it will also bind her to him forever. Staring up, up, up at him, she wonders why she wants to be free. His gentle touch revives yearnings she thought dead. His lips set her skin ablaze. His massive muscles make her feel safe.

That feeling could be an illusion. Elyce’s captors want their slave back and they won’t stop until they have her. To give his mate her freedom, Balvan might be forced to give up everything he has – his role as the Gatekeeper, Elyce’s love, and his life.

Dark Strength is a STANDALONE Alien SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes violent universe.

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Throwback Thursday – Dark Strength

By Cynthia Sax on January 27, 2022

Most of the characters I write about are complex. They have different sides, different layers to their personalities.

Balvan, the huge green gatekeeper hero of Dark Strength, is no exception. He delights in crushing his enemies’ skulls with his big boots yet is super gentle when tending to the small creatures he rescues. Some beings believe him to be a monster yet he protects the residents of the Refuge and the beings he loves.

Elyce, the heroine of Dark Strength, sees Balvan’s complexities. She has survived her horrid past by carefully observing the beings around her. When she meets Balvan, she knows, deep in her heart, she will be safe with him. It takes more time for her to trust that knowing.

Dark Strength Alien Romance

Dark Strength

The Bigger They Are, The Harder They Fall.

Balvan, the Refuge’s Gatekeeper, is huge, green, and has a reputation for crushing skulls. He’s a modified humanoid, genetically designed to be the ultimate warrior. One of a kind and considered monstrous by many, he never expects to find his mate, the one female meant for him.

Elyce, snatched from her home half a solar cycle ago, has finally escaped her brutal captors. She arrives at the Refuge barely alive. Only a blood transfusion from the largest male she has ever seen will save her life. But it will also bind her to him forever. Staring up, up, up at him, she wonders why she wants to be free. His gentle touch revives yearnings she thought dead. His lips set her skin ablaze. His massive muscles make her feel safe.

That feeling could be an illusion. Elyce’s captors want their slave back and they won’t stop until they have her. To give his mate her freedom, Balvan might be forced to give up everything he has – his role as the Gatekeeper, Elyce’s love, and his life.

Dark Strength is a STANDALONE Alien SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes violent universe.

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Throwback Thursday – Dark Strength

By Cynthia Sax on July 1, 2021

I’m currently writing the first draft of B Free, a story featuring B, a B Model cyborg. B Models are HUGE and B reminds me physically of Balvan, the Refuge’s great green gatekeeper, the hero of Dark Strength.

Balvan is a gentle giant…when he rescues tiny hurt creatures like his beloved puffkers. He’s not so gentle when he’s protecting his mate, Elyce. He happily stomps on her enemies’ heads, relishes hearing their skulls crack under his big boots.

Elyce is a strong female. She has faced some extreme hardships in her past, has impressively survived all that trauma. But we all need safeguarding from time to time and Elyce is no exception. She finds a powerful and loving protector in Balvan.

Dark Strength Alien Romance

Dark Strength

The Bigger They Are, The Harder They Fall.

Balvan, the Refuge’s Gatekeeper, is huge, green, and has a reputation for crushing skulls. He’s a modified humanoid, genetically designed to be the ultimate warrior. One of a kind and considered monstrous by many, he never expects to find his mate, the one female meant for him.

Elyce, snatched from her home half a solar cycle ago, has finally escaped her brutal captors. She arrives at the Refuge barely alive. Only a blood transfusion from the largest male she has ever seen will save her life. But it will also bind her to him forever. Staring up, up, up at him, she wonders why she wants to be free. His gentle touch revives yearnings she thought dead. His lips set her skin ablaze. His massive muscles make her feel safe.

That feeling could be an illusion. Elyce’s captors want their slave back and they won’t stop until they have her. To give his mate her freedom, Balvan might be forced to give up everything he has – his role as the Gatekeeper, Elyce’s love, and his life.

Dark Strength is a STANDALONE Alien SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes violent universe.

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Throwback Thursday – Dark Strength

By Cynthia Sax on March 4, 2021

I have a serious thing for Icy Bob in the TV show, Snowpiercer. (grins) He is definitely a beast hero and also has some wonderful Frankenstein’s Monster vibes. Icy Bob is big and scarred, has been through pain, has done some bad things in his past, and he would make a great Romance hero.

He reminds me a bit of Balvan, the giant green gatekeeper of the Refuge and the hero of Dark Strength. Balvan is fierce. He loves to crush enemy skulls under his big booted feet, enjoys the sounds that makes. But he is also gentle with more innocent beings. He rescues hurt small creatures and nurses them back to health.

It would take a strong female to love a male like that and Elyce is that female. She has been through trauma, is a survivor, and she would protect those she cares about with everything she has.

As a couple, they are magical.

Dark Strength Alien Romance

Dark Strength

The Bigger They Are, The Harder They Fall.

Balvan, the Refuge’s Gatekeeper, is huge, green, and has a reputation for crushing skulls. He’s a modified humanoid, genetically designed to be the ultimate warrior. One of a kind and considered monstrous by many, he never expects to find his mate, the one female meant for him.

Elyce, snatched from her home half a solar cycle ago, has finally escaped her brutal captors. She arrives at the Refuge barely alive. Only a blood transfusion from the largest male she has ever seen will save her life. But it will also bind her to him forever. Staring up, up, up at him, she wonders why she wants to be free. His gentle touch revives yearnings she thought dead. His lips set her skin ablaze. His massive muscles make her feel safe.

That feeling could be an illusion. Elyce’s captors want their slave back and they won’t stop until they have her. To give his mate her freedom, Balvan might be forced to give up everything he has – his role as the Gatekeeper, Elyce’s love, and his life.

Dark Strength is a STANDALONE Alien SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes violent universe.

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Throwback Thursday – Dark Strength

By Cynthia Sax on August 27, 2020

I remembered what day it is. (grins) I’m very proud of myself.

Today’s featured story – Dark Strength – is super timely as we were talking about puffkers yesterday. Balvan, the hero of Dark Strength, has a weakness for tiny creatures. When the Refuge’s giant green gatekeeper finds injured or under nourished creatures, he rescues and tends to them, nursing them back to full health.

Elyce, the heroine of Dark Strength, needs tending to. She has fled a life of abuse and is battered and wary of all beings.

Elyce and Balvan are magic together. They understand each other and both grow stronger once they meet.

There is a lot of love, fluffy little creatures and skull crushing in Dark Strength. I love this story.

Dark Strength Alien Romance

Dark Strength

The Bigger They Are, The Harder They Fall.

Balvan, the Refuge’s Gatekeeper, is huge, green, and has a reputation for crushing skulls. He’s a modified humanoid, genetically designed to be the ultimate warrior. One of a kind and considered monstrous by many, he never expects to find his mate, the one female meant for him.

Elyce, snatched from her home half a solar cycle ago, has finally escaped her brutal captors. She arrives at the Refuge barely alive. Only a blood transfusion from the largest male she has ever seen will save her life. But it will also bind her to him forever. Staring up, up, up at him, she wonders why she wants to be free. His gentle touch revives yearnings she thought dead. His lips set her skin ablaze. His massive muscles make her feel safe.

That feeling could be an illusion. Elyce’s captors want their slave back and they won’t stop until they have her. To give his mate her freedom, Balvan might be forced to give up everything he has – his role as the Gatekeeper, Elyce’s love, and his life.

Dark Strength is a STANDALONE Alien SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes violent universe.

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Interview With Lea Kirk

By Cynthia Sax on June 30, 2018

I sat down (virtually) with Lea Kirk for a short interview. Today is the release day for Lea Kirk’s Collision, a SciFi Enemies-to-Lovers Romance. I LOVE enemies-to-lovers romances!

Cynthia Sax: What makes Fander, your hero, so super sexy?

Lea Kirk: Well, Fander’s big, and green, and there’s a something different about his anatomy that’ll make most women smile. I could tell you what it is, but wouldn’t it be more fun to discover that secret for yourself?

Cynthia Sax: Ohhh…you have me intrigued! What is your favorite line from Collision?

Lea Kirk: I have to pick one, huh? All right, I think it would have to be when Fander says to Flora, “We don’t have to pretend anymore.” His words signal the beginning of something new for them. A change in direction in their lives, their relationship, and the realization that they are fully committed to facing that change together.

Cynthia Sax: Awww…that’s romantic! Is Collision part of a series and will you be writing more stories in this series?

Lea Kirk: Yes and yes. Collision is the third book in my Prophecy series. There will be more stories in this universe, but Collision wraps up the series arc. The rest of the stories will focus on the “new normal” for Earth, Matir, and Anferthia. I’m getting excited about my next story. It’s a Christmas story featuring my hero and heroine from my first book, Prophecy, and their newly adopted children—particularly Maggie, the youngest. I really, really hope to have it out this year. If not, then I’ll aim for the 2019 holiday season.

Cynthia Sax: That ROCKS! I don’t see very many Christmas SciFi Romances. Do you have any advice for new writers?

Lea Kirk:
Don’t give up. Keep writing. Immerse yourself in a community (local or online, depending on your location) of other writers in your genre. If you write a subgenre, like sci-fi romance, get to know other authors who also write in that subgenre. And lastly, if you write a series, and you’re not a fast writer, listen to everyone who tells you to finish writing the stories first before releasing. I managed to get the first two books out in 2016, plus a short story. Collision is just now being released two-and-a-half years after Prophecy. I wish I had listened to this advice.

Cynthia Sax: I should really take that advice. I release as I write and sometimes I write myself into corners. Thank you for joining us today, Lea Kirk!

Lea Kirk’s Website:


A heart-rending loss…
Flora Bock will never forgive the Anferthian invaders for murdering her birth-parents. Growing up with the grandson of her sworn enemies is living a nightmare—until the day she sees him through the eyes of a young woman. But giving her heart to him is the ultimate betrayal of her parents’ memory.

A life in peril…
There are precious few places in the galaxy where Fander K’nil is safe. One look into Flora’s beautiful, hate-filled eyes is proof enough that Terr is not one of those places. He must keep her at a distance and stay alive long enough to fulfill his destiny. No matter what his heart desires.

An empire at stake…
Just as Fander and Flora begin to discover the depth of their feelings for each other, they are thrust into a deadly game of politics and assassination with an enemy who stops at nothing to stay in power. With the lives of everyone they love at risk, they must find a way to avert a new invasion before it’s too late—even if it means making the ultimate sacrifice.

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