Throwback Thursday – Ghost Of A Machine

By Cynthia Sax on April 27, 2023

If you love broken heroes, you’ll love Ghost Of A Machine.

Ghost is the most damaged cyborg warrior I’ve ever encountered. When he meets his female, he is basically feral. He’s a killing machine. Literally. And only she can stop him.

Lethe is likely the only being in the universe who truly understands him. She has survived horrific things also. And she needs Ghost as much as he needs her.

I love these two beings and I love this story!

Fragile. Stubborn. His.

Ghost, a C Model cyborg, has disconnected his machine from his human side. Severely damaged, he knows two things—the curvy human female on his ship belongs to him and he must keep her safe. He’ll stop at nothing to protect her, claim her, make her his.

Primitive. Damaged. Hers.

Lethe has seen the savage side of beings. The courageous Rebel captain has never met a male like Ghost. Overpoweringly dominant, he appeals to her on a primal level, filling her mind with thoughts of sweet surrender, hard kisses, and body-heating encounters against the warship’s walls.

They are two broken beings, one determined to protect, the other intent on flying into danger. Can love heal them both before they face their common enemy?

Ghost Of A Machine is Book 9 in the Cyborg Sizzle series and is a STAND-ALONE story.
It is also a BBW Cyborg SciFi Romance.

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Throwback Thursday – Hers To Command

By Cynthia Sax on April 13, 2023

All my stories are unique but Hers To Command is even more so as it is the only non-Male/Female story I’ve told thus far in the cyborg series.

Two male cyborg warriors, Ace and Thrasher, find their human female genetic match Carys.

There ARE cyborgs enjoying all sorts of happy, loving, romantic relationships. Cyborgs are half human. Any type of relationship we have here on Earth, they can have. Love IS love.

I don’t have any non-Male/Female stories planned for the future, however, (with the possible exclusion of Strive For Forever – that story has an ancient deity in the mix – grins) but that might change. It really depends on the cyborg.

Three Battered Hearts. One Perfect Love

Ace and Thrasher share a special bond. They’ve never acknowledged that connection and have never fully acted on it. The Humanoid Alliance kill cyborg males like them, deeming the warriors to be defective. Now that Ace and Thrasher have escaped, they don’t trust the cyborg council and their brethren to react any differently. Physical love is too risky for them to consider.

Until they meet her.

Carys is the Commander of a Rebel Battle Station. She has dedicated her lifespan to seeking vengeance against the Humanoid Alliance and the cyborgs who killed her daughter. On her battle station, she makes the rules, and if she wants to kiss, touch, and pleasure two mysterious warriors, she will. Nothing, not even enemy warships and a mass cyborg rebellion, can stop her.

In the midst of a war, enemies can become lovers and loyalties can change in a moment. Can a forbidden relationship between two cautious cyborgs and one unbending human Commander survive?

Hers To Command is Book 8 in the Cyborg Sizzle series.
Due to the number of returning characters in this story, you’ll enjoy Hers To Command more if you’ve read the other stories first.
This is a MMF BBW Cyborg SciFi Romance.

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Throwback Thursday – Chasing Mayhem

By Cynthia Sax on March 30, 2023

Chasing Mayhem is truly a space adventure.

Mayhem is one of the wildest cyborg warriors I’ve ever written. Imee, the Receiver i.e. Bounty Hunter-like heroine, matches him exploit for exploit. She is so very kicka$$.

And we are first introduced to Kralj, the all knowing, all powerful Ruler of the Refuge and hero of Dark Thoughts, in this story.

Wild. Free. Hers.

Mayhem has spent his lengthy lifespan obeying the Humanoid Alliance’s rules. Finally free from their cruel control, the cyborg warrior plans to cause chaos. He infiltrates a remote settlement, provokes the savage locals until they want him dead, and allows himself to be captured by the sexiest little Retriever he has ever laid his mechanically-enhanced eyes on.

Imee’s sole mission in life is to keep her family alive. To do this, she must hunt rebels, returning them to the Humanoid Alliance’s evil clutches where they will be executed. She doesn’t allow herself to feel anything for her targets…until she meets a tall, muscular cyborg with wild hair and even wilder eyes.

With his sure hands, laughing lips and erotic holds, Mayhem makes Imee’s body sizzle and her resistance melt. Their love is doomed. She must deliver the warrior to his death or she’ll place her family’s safety at risk. But she can’t resist him.

Imee soon discovers that Mayhem, life, and love are never predictable.

Chasing Mayhem is Book 5 in the Cyborg Sizzle series and is a STANDALONE story.
It is also a BBW Cyborg SciFi Romance.

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Throwback Thursday – Releasing Rage

By Cynthia Sax on February 2, 2023

I will always be a reader first and foremost and my all time favorite type of book to read is Cyborg Romance.

Cyborg Romance is, admittedly, a fairly small niche.

It goes through times like now when there are a gazillion awesome cyborg romances being released. Stars. There have been weeks over the past year when there were multiple new cyborg romances available. And that makes my cyborg loving heart so very happy.

But there have been dry spells in the past – weeks, months, entire years when NO cyborg romances were released.

I wrote Releasing Rage during one of these dreaded dry spells. Two of my favorite writers were taking breaks from their respective cyborg romance series. Other writers saw that as a sign cyborg romances were no longer selling. I was starving for cyborg romance.

So I wrote my own story.

And I haven’t stopped writing cyborg romances. (grins) I love it so much!

Half Man. Half Machine. All Hers.

Rage, the Humanoid Alliance’s most primitive cyborg, has two goals—kill all of the humans on his battle station and escape to the Homeland. The warrior has seen the darkness in others and in himself. He believes that’s all he’s been programmed to experience.
Until he meets Joan.

Joan, the battle station’s first female engineer, has one goal—survive long enough to help the big sexy cyborg plotting to kill her. Rage might not trust her but he wants her. She sees the passion in his eyes, the caring in his battle-worn hands, the gruff emotion in his voice.

When Joan survives the unthinkable, Rage’s priorities are tested. Is there enough room in this cyborg’s heart for both love and revenge?

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Throwback Thursday – Ghost Of A Machine

By Cynthia Sax on September 22, 2022

Ghost is one of my favorite cyborgs. He is so very broken. His ‘gift’, when we first meet him, has become a curse. He is haunted by all the beings he hasn’t been able to save. The emotional damage that has caused him has turned him into a beast, operating on instinct alone.

Lethe, his female, is the only being who can reach his shattered brain and disconnected processors. She is attracted to him, of course. Who wouldn’t be? (grins) But she also wants the ship he has ‘captured.’

Lethe and Ghost are magical together. The pain they’ve both endured makes their bond even tighter.

Fragile. Stubborn. His.

Ghost, a C Model cyborg, has disconnected his machine from his human side. Severely damaged, he knows two things—the curvy human female on his ship belongs to him and he must keep her safe. He’ll stop at nothing to protect her, claim her, make her his.

Primitive. Damaged. Hers.

Lethe has seen the savage side of beings. The courageous Rebel captain has never met a male like Ghost. Overpoweringly dominant, he appeals to her on a primal level, filling her mind with thoughts of sweet surrender, hard kisses, and body-heating encounters against the warship’s walls.

They are two broken beings, one determined to protect, the other intent on flying into danger. Can love heal them both before they face their common enemy?

Ghost Of A Machine is Book 9 in the Cyborg Sizzle series and is a STAND-ALONE story.
It is also a BBW Cyborg SciFi Romance.

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Throwback Thursday – Hers To Command

By Cynthia Sax on September 8, 2022

Hers To Command is the only non-Male/Female romance I’ve written thus far in the cyborg world. A multitude of relationship constructs exit. They merely aren’t my stories to write. Yet.

Ace and Thrasher have always had a special bond. Their nanocybotics are compatible. As are their very different personalities. (grins)

But they have been waiting to act on their feelings.

I suspect they projected they were waiting for a when, a time when they would feel safe expressing themselves.

But they uncover, during Hers To Command, they were truly waiting for a who.

They were waiting for Carys, their older human female future commander.

Three Battered Hearts. One Perfect Love

Ace and Thrasher share a special bond. They’ve never acknowledged that connection and have never fully acted on it. The Humanoid Alliance kill cyborg males like them, deeming the warriors to be defective. Now that Ace and Thrasher have escaped, they don’t trust the cyborg council and their brethren to react any differently. Physical love is too risky for them to consider.

Until they meet her.

Carys is the Commander of a Rebel Battle Station. She has dedicated her lifespan to seeking vengeance against the Humanoid Alliance and the cyborgs who killed her daughter. On her battle station, she makes the rules, and if she wants to kiss, touch, and pleasure two mysterious warriors, she will. Nothing, not even enemy warships and a mass cyborg rebellion, can stop her.

In the midst of a war, enemies can become lovers and loyalties can change in a moment. Can a forbidden relationship between two cautious cyborgs and one unbending human Commander survive?

Hers To Command is Book 8 in the Cyborg Sizzle series.
Due to the number of returning characters in this story, you’ll enjoy Hers To Command more if you’ve read the other stories first.
This is a MMF BBW Cyborg SciFi Romance.

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Throwback Thursday – Chasing Mayhem

By Cynthia Sax on August 25, 2022

I love the cover of Chasing Mayhem. My Awesome Cover Artist, Amanda Kelsey, perfectly captured how truly wild Mayhem is, with his out-of-control hair and the flash of rebellion in his eyes.

Imee, his heroine, is as extreme. She’s a retriever, which is the Humanoid Alliance’s name for their forced-to-work-for-them bounty hunters. And she risks her lifespan with every fraggin’ assignment.

Kralj, the all knowing, all powerful hero of Dark Thoughts, also makes his first appearance in Chasing Mayhem.

This story is action-packed. (grins)

Wild. Free. Hers.

Mayhem has spent his lengthy lifespan obeying the Humanoid Alliance’s rules. Finally free from their cruel control, the cyborg warrior plans to cause chaos. He infiltrates a remote settlement, provokes the savage locals until they want him dead, and allows himself to be captured by the sexiest little Retriever he has ever laid his mechanically-enhanced eyes on.

Imee’s sole mission in life is to keep her family alive. To do this, she must hunt rebels, returning them to the Humanoid Alliance’s evil clutches where they will be executed. She doesn’t allow herself to feel anything for her targets…until she meets a tall, muscular cyborg with wild hair and even wilder eyes.

With his sure hands, laughing lips and erotic holds, Mayhem makes Imee’s body sizzle and her resistance melt. Their love is doomed. She must deliver the warrior to his death or she’ll place her family’s safety at risk. But she can’t resist him.

Imee soon discovers that Mayhem, life, and love are never predictable.

Chasing Mayhem is Book 5 in the Cyborg Sizzle series and is a STANDALONE story.
It is also a BBW Cyborg SciFi Romance.

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Throwback Thursday – Releasing Rage

By Cynthia Sax on June 30, 2022

Releasing Rage was the very first cyborg romance I published.

It is dark. If you have issues with violence of ANY kind, this might not be the story for you.

But it is near and dear to my heart.

I wrote Releasing Rage because two of my favorite writers were both taking breaks from their cyborg romance series at the same time. I was bellyaching about not having any new cyborg romances to read. A loved one told me to write my own.

So I did.

Half Man. Half Machine. All Hers.

Rage, the Humanoid Alliance’s most primitive cyborg, has two goals—kill all of the humans on his battle station and escape to the Homeland. The warrior has seen the darkness in others and in himself. He believes that’s all he’s been programmed to experience.
Until he meets Joan.

Joan, the battle station’s first female engineer, has one goal—survive long enough to help the big sexy cyborg plotting to kill her. Rage might not trust her but he wants her. She sees the passion in his eyes, the caring in his battle-worn hands, the gruff emotion in his voice.

When Joan survives the unthinkable, Rage’s priorities are tested. Is there enough room in this cyborg’s heart for both love and revenge?

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Throwback Thursday – Ghost Of A Machine

By Cynthia Sax on March 24, 2022

I have a weakness for broken romance heroes and Ghost, the hero of Ghost Of A Machine, is the most damaged hero I’ve ever had the opportunity to write. When we first meet him, the huge C Model has completely disconnected his human side from his machine side. He doesn’t speak, barely understands communications. He is in a bad, bad way.

Only Lethe, his genetic match, his little human female, can reach him. She is the sole reason he now fights for survival. He will do anything for her.

Fragile. Stubborn. His.

Ghost, a C Model cyborg, has disconnected his machine from his human side. Severely damaged, he knows two things—the curvy human female on his ship belongs to him and he must keep her safe. He’ll stop at nothing to protect her, claim her, make her his.

Primitive. Damaged. Hers.

Lethe has seen the savage side of beings. The courageous Rebel captain has never met a male like Ghost. Overpoweringly dominant, he appeals to her on a primal level, filling her mind with thoughts of sweet surrender, hard kisses, and body-heating encounters against the warship’s walls.

They are two broken beings, one determined to protect, the other intent on flying into danger. Can love heal them both before they face their common enemy?

Ghost Of A Machine is Book 9 in the Cyborg Sizzle series and is a STAND-ALONE story.
It is also a BBW Cyborg SciFi Romance.

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Throwback Thursday – Hers To Command

By Cynthia Sax on March 3, 2022

Hers To Command is the only M/M/F story written thus far in the cyborg series. There are many different relationship constructs within the cyborg factions but the stories I tend to focus on are the M/F couples. (shrugs) That’s just the way it has happened.

I had no idea Ace and Thrasher shared a special bond when I first met them but that soon became obvious. They hadn’t yet truly acted on their relationship. I was wondering why when Carys, the Commander, appeared.

SHE was the being they were waiting for. The older human female shifts their entire universe. And they kind of like that. (grins)

Three Battered Hearts. One Perfect Love

Ace and Thrasher share a special bond. They’ve never acknowledged that connection and have never fully acted on it. The Humanoid Alliance kill cyborg males like them, deeming the warriors to be defective. Now that Ace and Thrasher have escaped, they don’t trust the cyborg council and their brethren to react any differently. Physical love is too risky for them to consider.

Until they meet her.

Carys is the Commander of a Rebel Battle Station. She has dedicated her lifespan to seeking vengeance against the Humanoid Alliance and the cyborgs who killed her daughter. On her battle station, she makes the rules, and if she wants to kiss, touch, and pleasure two mysterious warriors, she will. Nothing, not even enemy warships and a mass cyborg rebellion, can stop her.

In the midst of a war, enemies can become lovers and loyalties can change in a moment. Can a forbidden relationship between two cautious cyborgs and one unbending human Commander survive?

Hers To Command is Book 8 in the Cyborg Sizzle series.
Due to the number of returning characters in this story, you’ll enjoy Hers To Command more if you’ve read the other stories first.
This is a MMF BBW Cyborg SciFi Romance.

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