Bonus Weeks And Doing Nothing

By Cynthia Sax on July 31, 2020

I did almost nothing this week writing-wise. I had great intentions but I also had no expectations. This week was a bonus week. I completed the submission draft of Warlord’s Return (releasing in November) a week early. I could take the week off and still remain on schedule.

So I did exactly that—nothing. (grins)

During second drafts, I tend to lock myself in the writing cave and focus only on that. Housework is ignored. The Dear Wonderful Hubby tries his best not to disturb me. Even my Awesome Mom skips her once-a-week call.

When I emerge from the writing cave, I water the plants. I ‘catch up’ with the Dear Wonderful Hubby. I call my Awesome Mom for 3 hours. I return emails and think about book promotion and the next story.

And I sleep. I read. I watch movies and TV shows (during second drafts, I like to only have that story and nothing else in my brain).

It was great. I enjoyed the week.

But I’m also looking forward to the fresh writing planned for Monday (Holding Hoarse, the free short story releasing in December).


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Testing Truth

A fun-loving cyborg gets serious about love.


Truth lives each moment as though it were his last. The cyborg warrior rushes into danger, teases beings he shouldn’t provoke, accepts every call of adventure he encounters.

When a prissy little human princess floats into the Rebel structure Truth is occupying, seeking a mercenary to assist her and her unusual entourage, he volunteers to be her warrior. She claims their assignment is dangerous, warns him he might not survive the task.

That is exactly the type of fun he has been seeking.

Princess Nanette of the planet Royaume must rescue her estranged brother from an enemy prison ship. That is her duty, and she has been trained to always place the needs of her planet and her subjects before her own. Nancy doesn’t have the freedom to indulge her passions for a certain dark-haired, gray-skinned cyborg. Not permanently and not publicly.

But she is unable to resist the warrior. Truth, with his laughing eyes, smiling lips, and rough hands, tempts her as no one else ever has. He could be her one fleeting act of rebellion before she’s matched with the powerful ruler her planet requires.

If they survive their current mission.

Their love is doomed. Their lifespans are at risk. This cyborg and his princess will need the help of every ally they have if they wish to see another sunrise.

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A Premise For Holding Hoarse

By Cynthia Sax on July 27, 2020

I finally thought of a great premise for Holding Hoarse! Woot!

The heroine is a doll (or ulu) fabricator. I KNOW. That is a no-brainer for our ulu-making hero and you’re likely wondering why I took so long to figure that out. Sometimes the simplest solutions are the solutions we can’t see.

I’m super excited about this story and I’ll be starting it this week. This is a short story so I might also be finishing it (the first draft) this week. I love that about short stories. They make me feel super productive.


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Testing Truth

A fun-loving cyborg gets serious about love.


Truth lives each moment as though it were his last. The cyborg warrior rushes into danger, teases beings he shouldn’t provoke, accepts every call of adventure he encounters.

When a prissy little human princess floats into the Rebel structure Truth is occupying, seeking a mercenary to assist her and her unusual entourage, he volunteers to be her warrior. She claims their assignment is dangerous, warns him he might not survive the task.

That is exactly the type of fun he has been seeking.

Princess Nanette of the planet Royaume must rescue her estranged brother from an enemy prison ship. That is her duty, and she has been trained to always place the needs of her planet and her subjects before her own. Nancy doesn’t have the freedom to indulge her passions for a certain dark-haired, gray-skinned cyborg. Not permanently and not publicly.

But she is unable to resist the warrior. Truth, with his laughing eyes, smiling lips, and rough hands, tempts her as no one else ever has. He could be her one fleeting act of rebellion before she’s matched with the powerful ruler her planet requires.

If they survive their current mission.

Their love is doomed. Their lifespans are at risk. This cyborg and his princess will need the help of every ally they have if they wish to see another sunrise.

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Cynthia Sax Weekly Update – July 26th

By Cynthia Sax on July 26, 2020

My Facebook account has been in review 5 weeks and counting. Some buddies have asked me why I don’t merely set up another account. I HAVE set up a second account. Facebook thinks I am impersonating myself. I suspect if I try to set up a third account, they’ll think the same thing.

So I wait and I write. (grins) I’ve been busy during this Facebook break.

Yesterday, I completed the second draft of Warlord’s Return, the next and the final Chamele Barbarian Warlord story (releasing in November). I think you’ll love this story. Liking the way it read, I’ve sent it to my awesome editor.

I have a newsletter coming out this week (you can sign up for it here – ). There will be a contest in it, a TERRIBLE joke, and I will be talking about the stories releasing in the rest of 2020 and all of 2021.

I have quite a bit to chat about so I’ll save the extra scene for August’s newsletter. It will be worth the wait. I promise. (grins)

I’m taking the rest of the week ‘off’, which means I’ll likely be writing a fun short story that I might or might not bundle in the future under the C.S. Sax pen name.

The next ‘official’ story on my schedule to write is Holding Hoarse, the December FREE cyborg romance short story. I STILL don’t have a premise for it that grips me, that screams ‘Write Me!’ I’m hoping, by writing the other short story, I’ll find an absolutely awesome story idea for Holding Hoarse.


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Testing Truth

A fun-loving cyborg gets serious about love.


Truth lives each moment as though it were his last. The cyborg warrior rushes into danger, teases beings he shouldn’t provoke, accepts every call of adventure he encounters.

When a prissy little human princess floats into the Rebel structure Truth is occupying, seeking a mercenary to assist her and her unusual entourage, he volunteers to be her warrior. She claims their assignment is dangerous, warns him he might not survive the task.

That is exactly the type of fun he has been seeking.

Princess Nanette of the planet Royaume must rescue her estranged brother from an enemy prison ship. That is her duty, and she has been trained to always place the needs of her planet and her subjects before her own. Nancy doesn’t have the freedom to indulge her passions for a certain dark-haired, gray-skinned cyborg. Not permanently and not publicly.

But she is unable to resist the warrior. Truth, with his laughing eyes, smiling lips, and rough hands, tempts her as no one else ever has. He could be her one fleeting act of rebellion before she’s matched with the powerful ruler her planet requires.

If they survive their current mission.

Their love is doomed. Their lifespans are at risk. This cyborg and his princess will need the help of every ally they have if they wish to see another sunrise.

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Book Brain And Writers Working Weekends

By Cynthia Sax on July 25, 2020

My goal for today is to complete the second draft of Warlord’s Return (releasing in November). That requires revising the last three chapters.

I have SEVERE book brain. The book is all I can think about. The Dear Wonderful Hubby knows there is no holding a logical conversation with me on days like this. I am useless for making decisions. He usually either makes dinner or he orders it…and he always has quite a bit of chocolate on hand. (grins)

It is Saturday and I woke at my usual 8 am and will likely work until 2am or longer. I don’t usually work THIS hard on a weekend, only when I’m completing second drafts, but I almost always do something writing-related.

Many writers work weekends. Writers who juggle a full time job in another field with the writing often devote their weekends to writing. We might not appear as much on social media or answer emails on the weekend but that doesn’t mean we’re not working.

Being a writer is, in my humble opinion, one of the best jobs in the world. When we love what we do, we tend to do it more often…and on weekends. (smiles)


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Testing Truth

A fun-loving cyborg gets serious about love.


Truth lives each moment as though it were his last. The cyborg warrior rushes into danger, teases beings he shouldn’t provoke, accepts every call of adventure he encounters.

When a prissy little human princess floats into the Rebel structure Truth is occupying, seeking a mercenary to assist her and her unusual entourage, he volunteers to be her warrior. She claims their assignment is dangerous, warns him he might not survive the task.

That is exactly the type of fun he has been seeking.

Princess Nanette of the planet Royaume must rescue her estranged brother from an enemy prison ship. That is her duty, and she has been trained to always place the needs of her planet and her subjects before her own. Nancy doesn’t have the freedom to indulge her passions for a certain dark-haired, gray-skinned cyborg. Not permanently and not publicly.

But she is unable to resist the warrior. Truth, with his laughing eyes, smiling lips, and rough hands, tempts her as no one else ever has. He could be her one fleeting act of rebellion before she’s matched with the powerful ruler her planet requires.

If they survive their current mission.

Their love is doomed. Their lifespans are at risk. This cyborg and his princess will need the help of every ally they have if they wish to see another sunrise.

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Story Ripples

By Cynthia Sax on July 23, 2020

One of the many things I love about writing in a (now) huge world like the cyborg series is I have the ability to see the ripples actions make throughout the universe.

Almost every story can be read on its own and that holds true for Testing Truth but the more stories you read, the more impact certain events will have on you, the more meaning they will have.

In Testing Truth, as one small example, the heroine’s planet had been occupied by the Humanoid Alliance. When the cyborgs rebelled, they took away the Humanoid Alliance’s fighting force. The Humanoid Alliance couldn’t hold the heroine’s planet. They retreated. The heroine and her subjects were freed.

(This is all relayed in the second chapter. It isn’t a spoiler.)

The actions in a story occurring 7 core stories ago impact this story. Truth wouldn’t have met his female in his story if the cyborgs hadn’t mass rebelled.

Every story changes the cyborgs’ world a little bit. The actions in Testing Truth will add more ripples to the world, especially for the Rebel cyborgs.

This is one of reasons I doubt I’ll ever get series fatigue. The world and the occupants of that world constantly change.


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Testing Truth

A fun-loving cyborg gets serious about love.


Truth lives each moment as though it were his last. The cyborg warrior rushes into danger, teases beings he shouldn’t provoke, accepts every call of adventure he encounters.

When a prissy little human princess floats into the Rebel structure Truth is occupying, seeking a mercenary to assist her and her unusual entourage, he volunteers to be her warrior. She claims their assignment is dangerous, warns him he might not survive the task.

That is exactly the type of fun he has been seeking.

Princess Nanette of the planet Royaume must rescue her estranged brother from an enemy prison ship. That is her duty, and she has been trained to always place the needs of her planet and her subjects before her own. Nancy doesn’t have the freedom to indulge her passions for a certain dark-haired, gray-skinned cyborg. Not permanently and not publicly.

But she is unable to resist the warrior. Truth, with his laughing eyes, smiling lips, and rough hands, tempts her as no one else ever has. He could be her one fleeting act of rebellion before she’s matched with the powerful ruler her planet requires.

If they survive their current mission.

Their love is doomed. Their lifespans are at risk. This cyborg and his princess will need the help of every ally they have if they wish to see another sunrise.

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Teenage Cyborgs

By Cynthia Sax on July 22, 2020

Future, Vector and Kasia’s son, makes an appearance in Testing Truth. We find out more about this freeborn C Model and his challenges on board the Reckless, reporting to his extremely protective Dad.

Future is physically fully mature. Cyborgs reach that point within one solar cycle (one year). Emotionally…well…he’s a teenager. He might have a little more control over his moods WHEN he wants to have that control. His processors and other mechanics assist with that. But when he’s acting without restrictions, he’s similar to a human teenager.

Young cyborgs, under Humanoid Alliance control, didn’t have the luxury of acting like human teenagers. Their training was severe. If they expressed emotion, they were decommissioned. If they refused commands or talked back, they suffered the same fate.

So the freeborn cyborgs are the first generation to have that experience. It is almost…a privilege (though I suspect their parents don’t always view it as that). And it will make them very different from their parents.


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Testing Truth

A fun-loving cyborg gets serious about love.


Truth lives each moment as though it were his last. The cyborg warrior rushes into danger, teases beings he shouldn’t provoke, accepts every call of adventure he encounters.

When a prissy little human princess floats into the Rebel structure Truth is occupying, seeking a mercenary to assist her and her unusual entourage, he volunteers to be her warrior. She claims their assignment is dangerous, warns him he might not survive the task.

That is exactly the type of fun he has been seeking.

Princess Nanette of the planet Royaume must rescue her estranged brother from an enemy prison ship. That is her duty, and she has been trained to always place the needs of her planet and her subjects before her own. Nancy doesn’t have the freedom to indulge her passions for a certain dark-haired, gray-skinned cyborg. Not permanently and not publicly.

But she is unable to resist the warrior. Truth, with his laughing eyes, smiling lips, and rough hands, tempts her as no one else ever has. He could be her one fleeting act of rebellion before she’s matched with the powerful ruler her planet requires.

If they survive their current mission.

Their love is doomed. Their lifespans are at risk. This cyborg and his princess will need the help of every ally they have if they wish to see another sunrise.

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Indie Publishing And Why There Won’t Be A Romance Novel Shortage

By Cynthia Sax on July 21, 2020

On a recent phone call with my Awesome Mom, she commented on how there are very few movies being released to the movie channels and streaming services. She talked about how her favorite TV shows no longer have any new episodes.

She also worried she’d run out of new books to read.

I told her there was absolutely NO chance of that happening.


Because many of the series she loves are written by Indie writers. These writers have always worked remotely. Their teams are small (my team consists of a cover artist and an editor) and they usually deal with these team members through email and other messaging systems. They sell primarily through the online booksellers. Physical bookstores being open isn’t a big factor for them.

The Great Pause hasn’t impacted our production systems. Our muses might have taken the hits (or, in my case, they might be supercharged – grins) but our systems are intact. Most of us will continue to release our books on schedule.

Movies and TV shows, in contrast, require hundreds, sometimes thousands of people. They have to be filmed on location. Actors and others have to meet face-to-face. That’s difficult and dangerous to do under the current circumstances.

I suspect the big Trad publishers, the huge companies often located in New York, might experience a few hiccups. They rely more heavily on physical bookstore sales. Hundreds of people are involved in production and distribution. They aren’t as accustomed to working remotely.

But there are plenty of Indie Romance writers, like myself, who can fill in any gaps.

You will NOT run out of Romance Novels to read. (smiles)


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Testing Truth

A fun-loving cyborg gets serious about love.


Truth lives each moment as though it were his last. The cyborg warrior rushes into danger, teases beings he shouldn’t provoke, accepts every call of adventure he encounters.

When a prissy little human princess floats into the Rebel structure Truth is occupying, seeking a mercenary to assist her and her unusual entourage, he volunteers to be her warrior. She claims their assignment is dangerous, warns him he might not survive the task.

That is exactly the type of fun he has been seeking.

Princess Nanette of the planet Royaume must rescue her estranged brother from an enemy prison ship. That is her duty, and she has been trained to always place the needs of her planet and her subjects before her own. Nancy doesn’t have the freedom to indulge her passions for a certain dark-haired, gray-skinned cyborg. Not permanently and not publicly.

But she is unable to resist the warrior. Truth, with his laughing eyes, smiling lips, and rough hands, tempts her as no one else ever has. He could be her one fleeting act of rebellion before she’s matched with the powerful ruler her planet requires.

If they survive their current mission.

Their love is doomed. Their lifespans are at risk. This cyborg and his princess will need the help of every ally they have if they wish to see another sunrise.

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Dark Stories And Light-Hearted Characters

By Cynthia Sax on July 20, 2020

Stock Art Crafted By And Indirectly Purchased From: LiaKoltyrina

Testing Truth, the September Cyborg Romance release, will have everything you expect from one of my stories—steamy scenes, violence, trauma, pain, love, laughs. But it will also be lighter in tone than many of my core cyborg romances.


Because Truth deals with tension, with conflict by teasing others, by making jokes, by laughing at the ridiculousness of the universe. And half of the story is written from his view. (grins) It isn’t a dark story because he won’t allow darkness to hang around him.

It doesn’t matter how grim life gets, how bad the situation is, the losses he is facing, Truth is determined to lighten the mood…and he is usually successful at doing that. He has many human lifespans of practice at adding levity to his surroundings. He’s very good at it.

Will there be scenes that make you cry? Likely. There are several scenes that make me teary-eyed when I merely think of them. But expect more laughs in this story than you usually find in one of my cyborg romances.

It is a magical quirk of the universe that I’m telling Truth’s story at one of the times in history we need some lightness, some levity. I find that so very interesting. And Truth would appreciate that ‘coincidence’. He has a healthy respect for what humans often call fate.


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Testing Truth

A fun-loving cyborg gets serious about love.


Truth lives each moment as though it were his last. The cyborg warrior rushes into danger, teases beings he shouldn’t provoke, accepts every call of adventure he encounters.

When a prissy little human princess floats into the Rebel structure Truth is occupying, seeking a mercenary to assist her and her unusual entourage, he volunteers to be her warrior. She claims their assignment is dangerous, warns him he might not survive the task.

That is exactly the type of fun he has been seeking.

Princess Nanette of the planet Royaume must rescue her estranged brother from an enemy prison ship. That is her duty, and she has been trained to always place the needs of her planet and her subjects before her own. Nancy doesn’t have the freedom to indulge her passions for a certain dark-haired, gray-skinned cyborg. Not permanently and not publicly.

But she is unable to resist the warrior. Truth, with his laughing eyes, smiling lips, and rough hands, tempts her as no one else ever has. He could be her one fleeting act of rebellion before she’s matched with the powerful ruler her planet requires.

If they survive their current mission.

Their love is doomed. Their lifespans are at risk. This cyborg and his princess will need the help of every ally they have if they wish to see another sunrise.

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Cynthia Sax Weekly Update – July 19th

By Cynthia Sax on July 19, 2020

My Facebook account is still under review, has been in that no man’s land for 4 long weeks. (big sigh) I email every admin email address I can find (including Zuckerberg’s) every week and I tweet at Facebook but I’ve never received a reply. I suspect no humans are actually working in customer service at Facebook and the bots are giving me the silent treatment.

I finished the first draft of Warlord’s Return, the sixth and final Chamele Barbarian Warlord series (releasing in November), last week. Woot! That’s always a huge accomplishment for any writer. This week, I’ll be working on the second draft. The second draft is much more brain intensive than the first draft. You might see some bizarre posts on this blog this week (grins).

I received the second round of edits on Testing Truth (releasing September 15th) back from my Awesome Editor and have completed them. I love this cyborg romance and I think you’ll really love it also. Truth and his princess are magical together.

My agent said the idea I sent her would be a very challenging one to sell. The idea needs a big New York Publisher to work well so I’ve shelved it. I have a gazillion ideas. Input from advisors like my agent allows me to prioritize them, to figure out where I should spend my very limited time.


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Testing Truth

A fun-loving cyborg gets serious about love.


Truth lives each moment as though it were his last. The cyborg warrior rushes into danger, teases beings he shouldn’t provoke, accepts every call of adventure he encounters.

When a prissy little human princess floats into the Rebel structure Truth is occupying, seeking a mercenary to assist her and her unusual entourage, he volunteers to be her warrior. She claims their assignment is dangerous, warns him he might not survive the task.

That is exactly the type of fun he has been seeking.

Princess Nanette of the planet Royaume must rescue her estranged brother from an enemy prison ship. That is her duty, and she has been trained to always place the needs of her planet and her subjects before her own. Nancy doesn’t have the freedom to indulge her passions for a certain dark-haired, gray-skinned cyborg. Not permanently and not publicly.

But she is unable to resist the warrior. Truth, with his laughing eyes, smiling lips, and rough hands, tempts her as no one else ever has. He could be her one fleeting act of rebellion before she’s matched with the powerful ruler her planet requires.

If they survive their current mission.

Their love is doomed. Their lifespans are at risk. This cyborg and his princess will need the help of every ally they have if they wish to see another sunrise.

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The Power Of Books During A Crisis

By Cynthia Sax on July 18, 2020

My Awesome Mom hasn’t left her small apartment since the middle of March. She hasn’t seen her kids or grandkids in person (except for my eldest brother who lives with her) since then. Being at high risk, she can’t allow anyone to visit her. Her beloved baseball has also been postponed. I worried she’d find all this challenging.

She is incredibly and marvelously happy.


One of the reasons she’s happy is because she has discovered large print cozy mysteries. She has been reading at least one of those a day. They give her an escape into another world, a world in which there is murder (grins) but that murder is always solved and there is no pandemic.

These books have not only given her joy but they have greatly eased my concerns over her emotional wellbeing.

Reading and writing stories during a crisis might seem like a trivial use of our time. In the movies, during times of crisis, people are constantly fighting to survive, battling the baddies. There’s no downtime. It is all action all the time.

This is reality, however, and we need downtime. We also need happiness. To experience moments of joy at a time like this, to have the ability to leave all our troubles behind and escape is essential. It is magical. It empowers us to handle everything else.

That’s not trivial. At all. That’s a gift, one we should cherish.


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Testing Truth

A fun-loving cyborg gets serious about love.


Truth lives each moment as though it were his last. The cyborg warrior rushes into danger, teases beings he shouldn’t provoke, accepts every call of adventure he encounters.

When a prissy little human princess floats into the Rebel structure Truth is occupying, seeking a mercenary to assist her and her unusual entourage, he volunteers to be her warrior. She claims their assignment is dangerous, warns him he might not survive the task.

That is exactly the type of fun he has been seeking.

Princess Nanette of the planet Royaume must rescue her estranged brother from an enemy prison ship. That is her duty, and she has been trained to always place the needs of her planet and her subjects before her own. Nancy doesn’t have the freedom to indulge her passions for a certain dark-haired, gray-skinned cyborg. Not permanently and not publicly.

But she is unable to resist the warrior. Truth, with his laughing eyes, smiling lips, and rough hands, tempts her as no one else ever has. He could be her one fleeting act of rebellion before she’s matched with the powerful ruler her planet requires.

If they survive their current mission.

Their love is doomed. Their lifespans are at risk. This cyborg and his princess will need the help of every ally they have if they wish to see another sunrise.

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