Wayback Wednesday – Legal Beagle
Legal Beagle was my second contribution to Changeling’s wonderful humorous Protect & Serve series.
Officer Wright is the easy-going partner of the tough-talking Officer Drake (the hero of Badge Bunny). He takes one look at Judge Sadie, his beagle-shifting judge, and falls in love.
As with many of my stories, Legal Beagle can be read at a couple of different levels. There’s the fun story about a genetically-enhanced supercop and his beagle-shifting mate and then there’s the deeper story about the acceptance of self.
By Cynthia Sax
Now Available From Changeling Press

My name is Officer Wright. I’m genetically enhanced as one of the city’s finest, and a normal day for me involves plugging liquid sunshine into rogue vamps, tagging and bagging renegade werewolves, and putting the fear of the badge into all criminals.
But these are not normal days. While my partner takes a leave of
absence to bang his bunny, I’m stuck on babysitting duty. Yeah, stop
laughing. It would be more humorous except the chick I’m tailing is a hot little beagle-shifting judge, and when she takes the bench, believe me, my whole body comes to order.
Buy It Now: http://www.changelingpress.com/product.php?&upt=book&ubid=1648
Buy It Now On Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Protect-Serve-Legal-Beagle-ebook/dp/B007JNJ6PQ
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Wayback Wednesday: Badge Bunny
I had such doubts about my ability to write humor that two days after I submitted Badge Bunny, I emailed my fabulous editor Maryam, asking her to withdraw it from submission. Thankfully, she had already read Badge Bunny and talked me out of withdrawing the story.

My name is Officer Drake. I’m genetically enhanced to be the best damn policeman there is. I can snap a werewolf in two. I can outrun a car. That’s not boasting. Those are the facts.
I’m designed to protect and serve, and when I spot a plush little bunny shifter by the name of Hunny Lapin, that is exactly what I do. I protect her from a strip club owning vampire and serve up her every desire in bed. ‘Course, that lands me in a whole heap of trouble, but it’s nothing I can’t handle. I’m a supercop, remember?
Buy Now: http://www.changelingpress.com/product.php?&upt=book&ubid=1452
Buy On ARe: http://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-badgebunny-484418-140.html
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Speed Demon Releases On ARe and Amazon
Speed Demon has been released on ARe and Amazon!
Some reading buddies have asked me if I will write another Protect and Serve story or another M/M erotic romance.
I don’t know.
I don’t have plans to write another but I’m flexible.
If there’s a character you’d like to see have his/her happy ending, let me know!
I’m always interested in reader challenges!
By Cynthia Sax
Now Available From Changeling Press

My name is Officer Sargent, Sarge to friends and fellow police
officers. You might have heard some rumors about me, but they’re all
lies. I’m not gay. I’m not. The reason I watch my partner’s back is
because that’s what cops do; we watch out for each other. It has nothing
to do with his broad shoulders or trim hips or shapely butt.
My partner Nero is a demon, and he has a sick sense of humor,
tricking me into thinking things no straight man should ever think. I’m a
genetically enhanced supercop, and I can handle his devilish magic.
That is until the unthinkable happens.
Buy It Now At: http://www.changelingpress.com/product.php?&upt=book&ubid=1937
Buy It Now At Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Protect-Serve-Speed-Demon-ebook/dp/B00B763GIE
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Review For Speed Demon
Candy at Sensual Reads shares
“The reader will laugh out loud as he/she follows the exploits of these two officers. Can a supercop and a demon have a future together?”
Read the entire review here
By Cynthia Sax
Now Available From Changeling Press

My name is Officer Sargent, Sarge to friends and fellow police
officers. You might have heard some rumors about me, but they’re all
lies. I’m not gay. I’m not. The reason I watch my partner’s back is
because that’s what cops do; we watch out for each other. It has nothing
to do with his broad shoulders or trim hips or shapely butt.
My partner Nero is a demon, and he has a sick sense of humor,
tricking me into thinking things no straight man should ever think. I’m a
genetically enhanced supercop, and I can handle his devilish magic.
That is until the unthinkable happens.
Buy It Now At: http://www.changelingpress.com/product.php?&upt=book&ubid=1937
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