Interview With Lexi Post

By Cynthia Sax on November 1, 2015

I sat down (virtually) with Lexi Post for a short interview. Lexi Post’s latest release is Pleasures of Christmas Past, a holly jolly Paranormal Erotic Romance.

Cynthia Sax: What makes Duncan so freakin’ sexy?

Lexi Post: Where do I begin? I totally fell for Duncan Montgomerie, then again according to the heroine, who hasn’t? First, he’s Scottish but from the late 1700s so he has a lovely old-fashioned Scottish accent. Second, the man is built, barely fitting into his modern day t-shirt and jeans. Third, he has a good heart. Fourth, he is a good friend. Fifth, he will risk all for those he cares about. And in addition, his residence is a castle that has been in the family for six centuries! I just love castles :-} Of course, he “isna’ perfect” as he might say. He’s arrogant, far too sure of himself around the lasses, and has more sexual experience than a man has a right to. He was so much fun to write!

Cynthia Sax: Where did you get the idea for Pleasures of Christmas Past?

Lexi Post: I love this question! I write erotic romances inspired by the classics, so for Pleasures of Christmas Past I used Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol. I don’t re-tell the classic, I get inspired by it. My thought on this story was, what if the Spirit was the one who learned something from the visit to the living person? So in my story, instead of a Scrooge I have Holly, a young grieving widow. Instead of Marley, I have her deceased husband, Cameron. And the Spirit of Christmas Past is Jessica Thomas a brand new Spirit Guide out on her first assignment, so she needed a mentor, and who better than Duncan?

Cynthia Sax: Tell us one super exciting thing about Pleasures of Christmas Past?

Lexi Post: As a writer, what I love about this book is the multilayered story. I hope it’s what my readers like as well. Not only do we see Jessica and Duncan’s relationship develop, but we also get to see Holly and Cameron’s story both in present time as widow and spirit and in the past as we witness the scenes the Spirit of Christmas Past brings us to. I didn’t realize what a challenge I had set for myself until I was writing scenes with both Holly and “young Holly” in them along with all the other characters. In addition to this, we get to witness Holly’s growth as well as Jessica’s and Duncan’s and all because Cameron didn’t want his wife to be so heartbroken on her first Christmas without him…or so it appears 😉 I have to say, I have a whole new appreciation for the talent of Charles Dickens!

Cynthia Sax: Is Pleasures of Christmas Past part of a series and will you be writing more stories in this series?

Lexi Post:
Absolutely! This is only the first book in a 4 book series. Holly has just visited her past, and to be true to the classic story, she must visit the present and future as well, plus as far as I’m concerned, she has to have her own happily ever after. But like Holly, we all have to wait until next year for the second story when Desires of Christmas Present is released.

Cynthia Sax: Thank you for joining us today, Lexi!

Lexi Post’s Website:


When present day American social worker Jessica Thomas is assigned her first case as a spirit guide, she’s excited to serve as the Spirit of Christmas Past for her client and prove she knows her profession well. Unfortunately, her mentor, the very hot, very single, and very Scottish Duncan Montgomerie has little faith in her ability and plans to catch her when she falls. As far as she’s concerned, he’s going to be waiting a very long time.

Bachelor Duncan Montgomerie hails from late 18th century Scotland where he enjoyed life to its fullest, something he continues in death. Having been dead a while, he is well equipped to handle the afterlife where time doesn’t exist and phasing is the norm. What has him stymied is his connection to the uptight Jessica and the strange feelings he’s experiencing being around her, even though she refuses to listen to his advice. Duncan needs to figure out what it all means and fast because the rules change after death and the path Jessica is headed down could cost her her soul.

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