Great Review For Warlord Unarmed
RomFan Reviews shares
“This was a great story about destiny and how two people are made for
each other.”
You can read the full fabulous review here
By Cynthia Sax
Now Available From Ellora’s Cave

When Murad, a powerful and deadly Warlord, arrives to repair Gale’s beloved ship, she doesn’t like it one bit. She sees the danger lurking behind his wide, sexy smile and the temptation in his coarse touch. He stands too close. He smells too good. He muddles her mind with erotic thoughts no bounty hunter should ever entertain.
Murad is known for being lighthearted…until he meets Gale. He’s deadly serious about seducing his curvaceous bounty hunter. With one blast of her stun gun, she captures his attention, and starts his lust burning. To claim Gale for his mate, Murad will brave his cautious female’s itchy trigger finger, his overbearing older brother and Gale’s sense of duty.
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Cover Reveal For Warlord Reunited!
I received the cover for Warlord Reunited!
Warlord Reunited is the romance between Berke, the eldest Warlord, and Elle (or Ellie as he calls her), the bounty hunter boss lady (grins). Solar cycles ago, they bonded. Then Berke had a I-must-protect-my-gerel-at-all-costs macho meltdown and they parted. (shakes head) You know Berke. He doesn’t understand women… at all.
I don’t yet have a release date for Warlord Reunited. We’re still completing edits.
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Talking Best Buddies At J.K. Coi’s Blog
I’m at J.K. Coi’s blog today
talking about why I love J.K., why my buddy Gilly deserves an award for being such a fabulous friend, and the special friendship between Gale and Zeta in the Warlord series.
By Cynthia Sax
Now Available From Ellora’s Cave

When Murad, a powerful and deadly Warlord, arrives to repair Gale’s beloved ship, she doesn’t like it one bit. She sees the danger lurking behind his wide, sexy smile and the temptation in his coarse touch. He stands too close. He smells too good. He muddles her mind with erotic thoughts no bounty hunter should ever entertain.
Murad is known for being lighthearted…until he meets Gale. He’s deadly serious about seducing his curvaceous bounty hunter. With one blast of her stun gun, she captures his attention, and starts his lust burning. To claim Gale for his mate, Murad will brave his cautious female’s itchy trigger finger, his overbearing older brother and Gale’s sense of duty.
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Great Review For Warlord Unarmed
Lusty Penguin at The Jeep Diva shares
“Warlord Unarmed, filled with well-rounded characters and an entertaining romance, is the perfect read for a quiet night at home.”
Read the full review here
By Cynthia Sax
Now Available From Ellora’s Cave

When Murad, a powerful and deadly Warlord, arrives to repair Gale’s beloved ship, she doesn’t like it one bit. She sees the danger lurking behind his wide, sexy smile and the temptation in his coarse touch. He stands too close. He smells too good. He muddles her mind with erotic thoughts no bounty hunter should ever entertain.
Murad is known for being lighthearted…until he meets Gale. He’s deadly serious about seducing his curvaceous bounty hunter. With one blast of her stun gun, she captures his attention, and starts his lust burning. To claim Gale for his mate, Murad will brave his cautious female’s itchy trigger finger, his overbearing older brother and Gale’s sense of duty.
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Interview With Shona Husk
I sat down (virtually) with Shona Husk for a short interview. Shona Husk writes hot, hot, HOT SciFi erotic romances for Ellora’s Cave and her latest release is Lunar Exposure. It looks delicious. You know I love SciFi erotic romances!
Cynthia Sax: What excites you about Lunar Exposure?
Shona Husk: This is my first scifi, so it was a totally new experience for me. I usually write paranormal romance and while there is some world building (and even alternate worlds to build like the Shadowlands and Annwyn) it is still different to building alien civilizations and futuristic tech. But I love making things up so I had a lot of a fun with that aspect. The other part I really love is bounty hunters! My hero and heroine are bounty hunters and they are after the same man and both have very good reasons for wanting him (aside for the chits). So while they can’t keep their hands off each other, professionally they are at odds.
Cynthia Sax: Why does Lunar Exposure start where it does?
Shona Husk: The first scene is the hero, Callen, arriving at Decadent Moon. The story is about him trying to catch the villain who wants to blow up the Moon, starting earlier wouldn’t have added to the story. This way the reader gets to arrive at the resort with the hero and see it through his eyes—as a flashy place he can’t really afford but he really wants to get Noga and he really needs the bounty as he took out a slightly dodgy loan to get to the Moon. It’s through Callen’s eyes that we also see Haliday for the first time and he sees exactly what she wants him to. I did consider starting in Haliday’s POV with her arrival at the Moon but it’s a place where she fits in and because I was introducing the reader to an alien resort I thought that the best way to do that was through Callen. Plus we get to learn really fast what the danger is, something not even Haliday knows yet…
Cynthia Sax: Does Haliday in Lunar Exposure have a secret?
Shona Husk: My heroine has a big secret, one that could get her killed if anyone found out. It’s also what drives her every action from her need to hunt down criminals to the way she donates most of her reward chits to the orphanages on her homeworld. She isn’t living a double life for fun, she has to.
Cynthia Sax: Is Lunar Exposure part of a series and will you be writing more stories in this series?
Shona Husk: I have already written a couple more stories set on Decadent Moon and they are with my editor (so my fingers are crossed). And I have a couple more planned. There are so many stories that can be told there, and so many aliens to create and explore
Thank you, Shona Husk, for joining us today!
Shona Husk’s Website:
Bounty hunter Callen wants to capture Noga—a terrorist—both for the money and for revenge. But catching a criminal on the sensual resort of Decadent Moon without giving in to all the destination’s sexual pleasures is harder than it seems.
Haliday is the darling of the media, a socialite known as much for her casual relationships as she is for her charitable donations. No one knows she hunts down criminals.
Lust and ambition clash, and Callen and Haliday will have to find a way to work together, despite the distraction of their passionate bond. To succeed they must trust each other, something neither Callen nor Haliday is willing to do.
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Collectors In Space
I’m at Musings by Wink today talking about Warlord Unarmed and collectors in space. (grins)

When Murad, a powerful and deadly Warlord, arrives to repair Gale’s beloved ship, she doesn’t like it one bit. She sees the danger lurking behind his wide, sexy smile and the temptation in his coarse touch. He stands too close. He smells too good. He muddles her mind with erotic thoughts no bounty hunter should ever entertain.
Murad is known for being lighthearted…until he meets Gale. He’s deadly serious about seducing his curvaceous bounty hunter. With one blast of her stun gun, she captures his attention, and starts his lust burning. To claim Gale for his mate, Murad will brave his cautious female’s itchy trigger finger, his overbearing older brother and Gale’s sense of duty.
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Chamele 3
Murad, the hero of Warlord Unarmed, is the Warlord of Chamele 3, a fairly dry planet. I envisioned Chamele 3 as being similar to the prairies with flat fields of yellow wheat-like vegetation. During the hot summer, this vegetation is scorched by the sun’s rays, the landscape turning to dust, the shallow rivers drying up.
Murad’s people uses technology to survive during the dry season.
When Murad, a powerful and deadly Warlord, arrives to repair Gale’s beloved ship, she doesn’t like it one bit. She sees the danger lurking behind his wide, sexy smile and the temptation in his coarse touch. He stands too close. He smells too good. He muddles her mind with erotic thoughts no bounty hunter should ever entertain.
Murad is known for being lighthearted…until he meets Gale. He’s deadly serious about seducing his curvaceous bounty hunter. With one blast of her stun gun, she captures his attention, and starts his lust burning. To claim Gale for his mate, Murad will brave his cautious female’s itchy trigger finger, his overbearing older brother and Gale’s sense of duty.
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First Review For Warlord Unarmed
I received my first review for Warlord Unarmed!
Bad Barb shares “WARLORD UNARMED is hilarious. Yes it has scenes that could cause your fingers to suffer third degree burns but the humor in it will have laughing out loud.”
You can read the full review here
By Cynthia Sax
Now Available From Ellora’s Cave

When Murad, a powerful and deadly Warlord, arrives to repair Gale’s beloved ship, she doesn’t like it one bit. She sees the danger lurking behind his wide, sexy smile and the temptation in his coarse touch. He stands too close. He smells too good. He muddles her mind with erotic thoughts no bounty hunter should ever entertain.
Murad is known for being lighthearted…until he meets Gale. He’s deadly serious about seducing his curvaceous bounty hunter. With one blast of her stun gun, she captures his attention, and starts his lust burning. To claim Gale for his mate, Murad will brave his cautious female’s itchy trigger finger, his overbearing older brother and Gale’s sense of duty.
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Warlord Series
Reading buddies have asked me how many stories there will be in the Warlord series and the status of these stories.
There will be four stories in total in this series.
Warlord’s Bounty and Warlord Unarmed have been released.
Warlord Reunited (Berke and Ellie’s story) has been contracted and is being edited. I don’t have a release date yet.
The fourth and final story has been written and is being evaluated by my wonderful editor. It doesn’t yet have an approved title.
Once I find out release dates, I’ll let you know!
When Murad, a powerful and deadly Warlord, arrives to repair Gale’s beloved ship, she doesn’t like it one bit. She sees the danger lurking behind his wide, sexy smile and the temptation in his coarse touch. He stands too close. He smells too good. He muddles her mind with erotic thoughts no bounty hunter should ever entertain.
Murad is known for being lighthearted…until he meets Gale. He’s deadly serious about seducing his curvaceous bounty hunter. With one blast of her stun gun, she captures his attention, and starts his lust burning. To claim Gale for his mate, Murad will brave his cautious female’s itchy trigger finger, his overbearing older brother and Gale’s sense of duty.
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Warlord Unarmed Featured On USA Today Blog!
Warlord Unarmed was featured on the USA Today blog!
You can read the post here
By Cynthia Sax
Now Available From Ellora’s Cave

When Murad, a powerful and deadly Warlord, arrives to repair Gale’s beloved ship, she doesn’t like it one bit. She sees the danger lurking behind his wide, sexy smile and the temptation in his coarse touch. He stands too close. He smells too good. He muddles her mind with erotic thoughts no bounty hunter should ever entertain.
Murad is known for being lighthearted…until he meets Gale. He’s deadly serious about seducing his curvaceous bounty hunter. With one blast of her stun gun, she captures his attention, and starts his lust burning. To claim Gale for his mate, Murad will brave his cautious female’s itchy trigger finger, his overbearing older brother and Gale’s sense of duty.
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