Upcoming Stories

By Cynthia Sax on January 5, 2024

This year, we begin the newest series in the Cyborg Continuum-Dauntless Cyborgs. Woot!

The tentative schedule for releases is…

February 2024 – Strike Zone

June 2024 – Drift Would

October 2024 – Claiming Cure

February 2025 – Grid Locked

June 2025 – Her Choice

The February 2024 release is pretty much set. The release dates for the other stories, however, could change because…life.

We can never perfectly plan anything because the world around us changes constantly. That’s part of this wonderful life.

I’m super excited about this series! And I can’t wait to share it with you.


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Intrepid Encounter

Cyborg vs. Valkyrie

Blood will be spilled and hearts will be captured.

Intrepid and his crew on the Dauntless guard the border to the cyborg sector. The D Model cyborg captain has dedicated his lifespan to protecting their homeland. He’ll do anything to secure the space and keep his brethren safe.

That includes confronting a Valkyrie intent on vengeance.

The female warrior is beautiful, brave, strong…and Intrepid’s genetic match. She’s the one being he is fated to claim. Her voice causes his circuits to hum. Her touch produces a passion he struggles to control.

But if he has to stop her…permanently…to protect his kind, he will make that sacrifice.

Olrun has been tracking the whereabouts of a one-of-a-kind object. The stolen item is critical to the safety of her Valkyrie sisters, and she’ll do anything to retrieve it.

That includes waging war on a tall, broad-shouldered cyborg warrior sporting brilliant-blue eyes and grimly set lips.

The male might…just might…have battle skills matching her own. And that excites the immortal fighter. She craves his rough handling, his punishing embrace, his stern words.

But Olrun’s desire for the cyborg won’t distract her from achieving her goal. She will shield her fellow Valkyries from danger, even if that means ending Intrepid’s lifespan in the process.

Intrepid Encounter is an enemies-to-lovers Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.
It features a protective cyborg, a vengeful Valkyrie, and a destiny neither of them can predict.

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Muse Food – Little Bits Of Magic

By Cynthia Sax on January 2, 2024

When the Dear Wonderful Hubby and I were last in BC, Canada, we spotted this fairy door during one of our treks.

The fairy door was situated at the base of a beautiful tree and was surrounded by brightly painted rocks.

It was a bit of unexpected magic.

We were enchanted by it. (smiles)

It is a good reminder of one of my goals for my stories. I’m attempting to create a little bit more magic in this wonderful, already magical world.


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Intrepid Encounter

Cyborg vs. Valkyrie

Blood will be spilled and hearts will be captured.

Intrepid and his crew on the Dauntless guard the border to the cyborg sector. The D Model cyborg captain has dedicated his lifespan to protecting their homeland. He’ll do anything to secure the space and keep his brethren safe.

That includes confronting a Valkyrie intent on vengeance.

The female warrior is beautiful, brave, strong…and Intrepid’s genetic match. She’s the one being he is fated to claim. Her voice causes his circuits to hum. Her touch produces a passion he struggles to control.

But if he has to stop her…permanently…to protect his kind, he will make that sacrifice.

Olrun has been tracking the whereabouts of a one-of-a-kind object. The stolen item is critical to the safety of her Valkyrie sisters, and she’ll do anything to retrieve it.

That includes waging war on a tall, broad-shouldered cyborg warrior sporting brilliant-blue eyes and grimly set lips.

The male might…just might…have battle skills matching her own. And that excites the immortal fighter. She craves his rough handling, his punishing embrace, his stern words.

But Olrun’s desire for the cyborg won’t distract her from achieving her goal. She will shield her fellow Valkyries from danger, even if that means ending Intrepid’s lifespan in the process.

Intrepid Encounter is an enemies-to-lovers Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.
It features a protective cyborg, a vengeful Valkyrie, and a destiny neither of them can predict.

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Wishing You A Wonderful 2024

By Cynthia Sax on January 1, 2024

Happy New Year!


The Dear Wonderful Hubby and I wish you a 2024 filled with love and happiness. (big hugs)

Writing-wise, I have a new series in the cyborg continuum launching in February. It will feature the crew of the Dauntless and it will be action-packed, my friends. (grins)

Reading-wise, wow, there are so many AWESOME-sounding romance novels releasing in 2024. And those are merely the ones I’ve already heard about.

2024 will ROCK!


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Intrepid Encounter

Cyborg vs. Valkyrie

Blood will be spilled and hearts will be captured.

Intrepid and his crew on the Dauntless guard the border to the cyborg sector. The D Model cyborg captain has dedicated his lifespan to protecting their homeland. He’ll do anything to secure the space and keep his brethren safe.

That includes confronting a Valkyrie intent on vengeance.

The female warrior is beautiful, brave, strong…and Intrepid’s genetic match. She’s the one being he is fated to claim. Her voice causes his circuits to hum. Her touch produces a passion he struggles to control.

But if he has to stop her…permanently…to protect his kind, he will make that sacrifice.

Olrun has been tracking the whereabouts of a one-of-a-kind object. The stolen item is critical to the safety of her Valkyrie sisters, and she’ll do anything to retrieve it.

That includes waging war on a tall, broad-shouldered cyborg warrior sporting brilliant-blue eyes and grimly set lips.

The male might…just might…have battle skills matching her own. And that excites the immortal fighter. She craves his rough handling, his punishing embrace, his stern words.

But Olrun’s desire for the cyborg won’t distract her from achieving her goal. She will shield her fellow Valkyries from danger, even if that means ending Intrepid’s lifespan in the process.

Intrepid Encounter is an enemies-to-lovers Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.
It features a protective cyborg, a vengeful Valkyrie, and a destiny neither of them can predict.

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Cynthia Sax Weekly Update – December 31

By Cynthia Sax on December 31, 2023

Strike Zone, the first story in the Dauntless Cyborgs series, is still with my Awesome Editor. We are all on a holiday schedule. (smiles) I LOVE the slower pace.

I did absolutely no fresh writing this week. I spent time with the Dear Wonderful Hubby and I puttered around the basement growing station, dreaming of all the seeds I’ll soon plant.

Have a great time tonight, whether you spend it in your snuggly bed, reading an awesome romance novel, or you attend a glamorous party or you celebrate some other way. (big hugs)

Remember all the terrific things that happened in 2023 and recall all the wonderful books you’ve read.

You and I have completed our number one goal for this year and that was to make it to the next year. We’ve done that! Woot! We’re amazeballs!


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Intrepid Encounter

Cyborg vs. Valkyrie

Blood will be spilled and hearts will be captured.

Intrepid and his crew on the Dauntless guard the border to the cyborg sector. The D Model cyborg captain has dedicated his lifespan to protecting their homeland. He’ll do anything to secure the space and keep his brethren safe.

That includes confronting a Valkyrie intent on vengeance.

The female warrior is beautiful, brave, strong…and Intrepid’s genetic match. She’s the one being he is fated to claim. Her voice causes his circuits to hum. Her touch produces a passion he struggles to control.

But if he has to stop her…permanently…to protect his kind, he will make that sacrifice.

Olrun has been tracking the whereabouts of a one-of-a-kind object. The stolen item is critical to the safety of her Valkyrie sisters, and she’ll do anything to retrieve it.

That includes waging war on a tall, broad-shouldered cyborg warrior sporting brilliant-blue eyes and grimly set lips.

The male might…just might…have battle skills matching her own. And that excites the immortal fighter. She craves his rough handling, his punishing embrace, his stern words.

But Olrun’s desire for the cyborg won’t distract her from achieving her goal. She will shield her fellow Valkyries from danger, even if that means ending Intrepid’s lifespan in the process.

Intrepid Encounter is an enemies-to-lovers Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.
It features a protective cyborg, a vengeful Valkyrie, and a destiny neither of them can predict.

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Intrepid Encounter And Doubling Tasks

By Cynthia Sax on December 29, 2023

Cyborgs leave very little to chance. They also have excess ships and many, MANY warriors willing to complete tasks.

That means they often double up on important tasks.

The cyborg council will assign one battle station to patrol a stretch of their border, for example.

Then they will assigned a second battle station to secondary patrol. That second battle station lends support to the primary battle station and they supply an additional layer of protection.


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Intrepid Encounter

Cyborg vs. Valkyrie

Blood will be spilled and hearts will be captured.

Intrepid and his crew on the Dauntless guard the border to the cyborg sector. The D Model cyborg captain has dedicated his lifespan to protecting their homeland. He’ll do anything to secure the space and keep his brethren safe.

That includes confronting a Valkyrie intent on vengeance.

The female warrior is beautiful, brave, strong…and Intrepid’s genetic match. She’s the one being he is fated to claim. Her voice causes his circuits to hum. Her touch produces a passion he struggles to control.

But if he has to stop her…permanently…to protect his kind, he will make that sacrifice.

Olrun has been tracking the whereabouts of a one-of-a-kind object. The stolen item is critical to the safety of her Valkyrie sisters, and she’ll do anything to retrieve it.

That includes waging war on a tall, broad-shouldered cyborg warrior sporting brilliant-blue eyes and grimly set lips.

The male might…just might…have battle skills matching her own. And that excites the immortal fighter. She craves his rough handling, his punishing embrace, his stern words.

But Olrun’s desire for the cyborg won’t distract her from achieving her goal. She will shield her fellow Valkyries from danger, even if that means ending Intrepid’s lifespan in the process.

Intrepid Encounter is an enemies-to-lovers Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.
It features a protective cyborg, a vengeful Valkyrie, and a destiny neither of them can predict.

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Intrepid Encounter And Other Valkyries

By Cynthia Sax on December 27, 2023

In Intrepid Encounter, we met Olrun, the Valkyrie heroine.

Olrun has Valkyrie sisters. There aren’t as many of them now. They’ve been targeted by enemies. But there are other Valkyries in the universe.

Will we meet more Valkyries in the future?

Valkyries, because they’re being targeted, don’t usually meet outside of their super secure Sanctuary.

It would take a war to end all wars to gather them in one place.

Unfortunately for the universe, there are signs that war might be coming.


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Intrepid Encounter

Cyborg vs. Valkyrie

Blood will be spilled and hearts will be captured.

Intrepid and his crew on the Dauntless guard the border to the cyborg sector. The D Model cyborg captain has dedicated his lifespan to protecting their homeland. He’ll do anything to secure the space and keep his brethren safe.

That includes confronting a Valkyrie intent on vengeance.

The female warrior is beautiful, brave, strong…and Intrepid’s genetic match. She’s the one being he is fated to claim. Her voice causes his circuits to hum. Her touch produces a passion he struggles to control.

But if he has to stop her…permanently…to protect his kind, he will make that sacrifice.

Olrun has been tracking the whereabouts of a one-of-a-kind object. The stolen item is critical to the safety of her Valkyrie sisters, and she’ll do anything to retrieve it.

That includes waging war on a tall, broad-shouldered cyborg warrior sporting brilliant-blue eyes and grimly set lips.

The male might…just might…have battle skills matching her own. And that excites the immortal fighter. She craves his rough handling, his punishing embrace, his stern words.

But Olrun’s desire for the cyborg won’t distract her from achieving her goal. She will shield her fellow Valkyries from danger, even if that means ending Intrepid’s lifespan in the process.

Intrepid Encounter is an enemies-to-lovers Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.
It features a protective cyborg, a vengeful Valkyrie, and a destiny neither of them can predict.

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Muse Food – Boxing Day

By Cynthia Sax on December 26, 2023

Today is Boxing Day in my corner of the world. Historically, Boxing Day was a day to box up leftovers and small gifts to give to charity.

One of the (many) things I consider when building a world is…

How do the beings in that world carry their stuff?

We all have stuff. A warrior has weapons. A medic has medical supplies. A chef has cooking supplies and equipment.

How do they carry that stuff? Do they have wooden crates or cardboard boxes or leather packs or holsters or pockets or…?

It should be practical. The material should, ideally, be abundant on their planet. And it should reflect who the being is or hopes to be.


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Intrepid Encounter

Cyborg vs. Valkyrie

Blood will be spilled and hearts will be captured.

Intrepid and his crew on the Dauntless guard the border to the cyborg sector. The D Model cyborg captain has dedicated his lifespan to protecting their homeland. He’ll do anything to secure the space and keep his brethren safe.

That includes confronting a Valkyrie intent on vengeance.

The female warrior is beautiful, brave, strong…and Intrepid’s genetic match. She’s the one being he is fated to claim. Her voice causes his circuits to hum. Her touch produces a passion he struggles to control.

But if he has to stop her…permanently…to protect his kind, he will make that sacrifice.

Olrun has been tracking the whereabouts of a one-of-a-kind object. The stolen item is critical to the safety of her Valkyrie sisters, and she’ll do anything to retrieve it.

That includes waging war on a tall, broad-shouldered cyborg warrior sporting brilliant-blue eyes and grimly set lips.

The male might…just might…have battle skills matching her own. And that excites the immortal fighter. She craves his rough handling, his punishing embrace, his stern words.

But Olrun’s desire for the cyborg won’t distract her from achieving her goal. She will shield her fellow Valkyries from danger, even if that means ending Intrepid’s lifespan in the process.

Intrepid Encounter is an enemies-to-lovers Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.
It features a protective cyborg, a vengeful Valkyrie, and a destiny neither of them can predict.

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Wishing You Love And Happiness

By Cynthia Sax on December 25, 2023

The Dear Wonderful Hubby and I are sending you love, happiness and virtual hugs today! (big hugs)

If you’re celebrating Christmas, Merry Christmas!

If you’re celebrating another holiday, Happy Holidays!

If you’re observing Monday, have an absolutely awesome Monday! (grins)

You are loved. Never EVER doubt that! (more hugs)


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Intrepid Encounter

Cyborg vs. Valkyrie

Blood will be spilled and hearts will be captured.

Intrepid and his crew on the Dauntless guard the border to the cyborg sector. The D Model cyborg captain has dedicated his lifespan to protecting their homeland. He’ll do anything to secure the space and keep his brethren safe.

That includes confronting a Valkyrie intent on vengeance.

The female warrior is beautiful, brave, strong…and Intrepid’s genetic match. She’s the one being he is fated to claim. Her voice causes his circuits to hum. Her touch produces a passion he struggles to control.

But if he has to stop her…permanently…to protect his kind, he will make that sacrifice.

Olrun has been tracking the whereabouts of a one-of-a-kind object. The stolen item is critical to the safety of her Valkyrie sisters, and she’ll do anything to retrieve it.

That includes waging war on a tall, broad-shouldered cyborg warrior sporting brilliant-blue eyes and grimly set lips.

The male might…just might…have battle skills matching her own. And that excites the immortal fighter. She craves his rough handling, his punishing embrace, his stern words.

But Olrun’s desire for the cyborg won’t distract her from achieving her goal. She will shield her fellow Valkyries from danger, even if that means ending Intrepid’s lifespan in the process.

Intrepid Encounter is an enemies-to-lovers Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.
It features a protective cyborg, a vengeful Valkyrie, and a destiny neither of them can predict.

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Cynthia Sax Weekly Update – December 24

By Cynthia Sax on December 24, 2023

Strike Zone, the first core story in the Dauntless Cyborgs series (releasing in February), is still with my Awesome Editor. I don’t expect to receive the edits until after the holidays.

Drift’s story will be the second core story in the series. He has whispered a few hints as to his plans. This pilot cyborg loves to go fast so you KNOW his story will be exciting. (grins)

Have a wonderful week, my friends. (big hugs) This time of year can be challenging so treat yourself to a piece of your favorite fruit, a reread of a favorite romance, and/or a nap under a comfy blanket. And know that you are loved. (more hugs)


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Intrepid Encounter

Cyborg vs. Valkyrie

Blood will be spilled and hearts will be captured.

Intrepid and his crew on the Dauntless guard the border to the cyborg sector. The D Model cyborg captain has dedicated his lifespan to protecting their homeland. He’ll do anything to secure the space and keep his brethren safe.

That includes confronting a Valkyrie intent on vengeance.

The female warrior is beautiful, brave, strong…and Intrepid’s genetic match. She’s the one being he is fated to claim. Her voice causes his circuits to hum. Her touch produces a passion he struggles to control.

But if he has to stop her…permanently…to protect his kind, he will make that sacrifice.

Olrun has been tracking the whereabouts of a one-of-a-kind object. The stolen item is critical to the safety of her Valkyrie sisters, and she’ll do anything to retrieve it.

That includes waging war on a tall, broad-shouldered cyborg warrior sporting brilliant-blue eyes and grimly set lips.

The male might…just might…have battle skills matching her own. And that excites the immortal fighter. She craves his rough handling, his punishing embrace, his stern words.

But Olrun’s desire for the cyborg won’t distract her from achieving her goal. She will shield her fellow Valkyries from danger, even if that means ending Intrepid’s lifespan in the process.

Intrepid Encounter is an enemies-to-lovers Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.
It features a protective cyborg, a vengeful Valkyrie, and a destiny neither of them can predict.

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The Mafia Squirrels And A Bit Of Sun

By Cynthia Sax on December 22, 2023

It is a tad bit chilly in my corner of the universe.

Almost every morning, I see a line up of Mafia Squirrels lying flat on their furry little stomachs on top of the wooden fence, catching a bit of sun.

They’re adorable and the Dear Wonderful Hubby and I deliberately don’t go into the backyard because we don’t want to disturb their morning ritual.


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Intrepid Encounter

Cyborg vs. Valkyrie

Blood will be spilled and hearts will be captured.

Intrepid and his crew on the Dauntless guard the border to the cyborg sector. The D Model cyborg captain has dedicated his lifespan to protecting their homeland. He’ll do anything to secure the space and keep his brethren safe.

That includes confronting a Valkyrie intent on vengeance.

The female warrior is beautiful, brave, strong…and Intrepid’s genetic match. She’s the one being he is fated to claim. Her voice causes his circuits to hum. Her touch produces a passion he struggles to control.

But if he has to stop her…permanently…to protect his kind, he will make that sacrifice.

Olrun has been tracking the whereabouts of a one-of-a-kind object. The stolen item is critical to the safety of her Valkyrie sisters, and she’ll do anything to retrieve it.

That includes waging war on a tall, broad-shouldered cyborg warrior sporting brilliant-blue eyes and grimly set lips.

The male might…just might…have battle skills matching her own. And that excites the immortal fighter. She craves his rough handling, his punishing embrace, his stern words.

But Olrun’s desire for the cyborg won’t distract her from achieving her goal. She will shield her fellow Valkyries from danger, even if that means ending Intrepid’s lifespan in the process.

Intrepid Encounter is an enemies-to-lovers Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.
It features a protective cyborg, a vengeful Valkyrie, and a destiny neither of them can predict.

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