Sales On Cynthia Sax Stories

Are you missing some Cynthia Sax stories?
Do you want to complete some of your collections? Have you not yet dived into the Chamele Barbarian Warlords series (looking at one reading buddy in particular – grins)?
Smashwords is having its huge once a year sale. For a limited time, almost all of my single title stories are on sale! They are available in Kindle, Apple, Nook, Kobo formats, can be read on any eReader.
You can see a listing of them all by series here – .
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Holding Hoarse
This cyborg warrior WILL become worthy of love.
* * *
Hoarse hasn’t found his female, the one being manufactured for him. There is only one reason he can process for his lack of success—he isn’t yet worthy of claiming a female.
The big C Model is determined to change that status. He considers ulu, or doll, fabrication to be an essential part of mate preparation. Seeking to hone his skills, he contacts a reclusive doll maker and asks her to train him.
He doesn’t realize the being he is sharing his deficiencies with is his destined mate.
Arlicia desires a male whose face she has never seen. Her new trainee’s persistence, intelligence, and curiosity warrant admiration. His deep voice evokes visions of passionate kisses and heated embraces. His large hands cause her to quiver with wanting.
Before their professional relationship ends, she wants to rendezvous with Hoarse. The curious doll maker hopes for a glimpse of the huge warrior.
When a cyborg intent on being the perfect mate meets the female who knows all his secrets, garments are shed, illusions shatter, and beings die.
Holding Hoarse is a short, light, companion story in the Cyborg Space Exploration series and is meant to be read after Testing Truth.
It is also a BBW Cyborg SciFi Romance featuring an intense C Model warrior, an understanding doll maker, and packs of imperfect toys seeking loving homes.
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Small Business Saturday And Indie/Self-Pubbed Writers

Today is #SmallBusinessSaturday .
Odds are…if you buy a cyborg romance or alien romance today, you are likely supporting a small business.
EVERY Indie/Self-Pubbed writer is a small business and most cyborg romances and alien romances are written by Indie/Self-Pubbed writers.
Buying a book from us via Amazon or Apple or Kobo or B&N or other booksellers IS supporting small business.
Sometimes it is the BEST way to support us because they are often the only partners who will list cyborg romances and alien romances.
Buying from an Indie/Self-Pubbed writer often supports multiple businesses. Cover artists/designers, editors, formatters, marketing partners, etc. are all businesses also. These businesses usually consist of one or two people.
By buying cyborg romances and alien romances, you are supporting an entire ecosystem of small businesses. I’m proud of you for doing that (tackle hugs) and you should be proud of yourself also!
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Warlord’s Return
Ariq is a barbarian warrior seeking a war.
He locates that battle when he meets Xareni.
* * *
Ariq is one of Chamele’s top warriors. A genetic predisposition to fighting, paired with intensive training and experience, has honed the scarred male into an effective killing machine. He loves war, can’t live without combat.
The Succession Wars, however, have finally ended and the Chamele sector is now at peace. Seeking excitement and purpose, the barbarian warrior accompanies his Second to the Refuge, an outlaw settlement on Carinae E. He hopes to locate the battle he’s been craving there.
Ariq finds that conflict and more when he meets his fated mate.
Xareni owes the Ruler of the Refuge a favor. That’s the only reason she has returned to the settlement. She doesn’t like crowds or structures or a certain barbarian warrior who insists on following her everywhere. It doesn’t matter that there’s a connection between them, that he makes her burn with desire, that he looks at her with heat in his dark eyes.
She’s a monster and monsters don’t need anyone.
* * *
Warlord’s Return is a STANDALONE Alien Barbarian SciFi Romance featuring a determined barbarian warrior, an equally resolute human female, and an eyeball-eating mini dragon.
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Cynthia Sax Black Friday Deals
A certain bookseller, I think, is a bit challenged this weekend so the additional Black Friday deals I expected to run aren’t running (there – they are available at other booksellers).
But I do have other deals happening!
Currently Free Stories
Releasing Rage (Cyborg Sizzle)
Being Green (Cyborg Sizzle)
Jumping Barrel (Cyborg Sizzle)
Knowing Zip (Cyborg Sizzle)
Dark Arsenal (Cyborg Sizzle And Refuge)
Passion Surge (Cyborg Space Exploration)
Dark Thoughts (Refuge)
Currently 99 Cents Stories
Breathing Vapor (Cyborg Sizzle)
Dark Warlord (Refuge)
Choosing Chuckles (Cyborg Space Exploration)
Warlord Sky (Chamele Barbarian Warlords)
Consider adding any of these stories you’ve missed to your collection!
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Warlord’s Return
Ariq is a barbarian warrior seeking a war.
He locates that battle when he meets Xareni.
* * *
Ariq is one of Chamele’s top warriors. A genetic predisposition to fighting, paired with intensive training and experience, has honed the scarred male into an effective killing machine. He loves war, can’t live without combat.
The Succession Wars, however, have finally ended and the Chamele sector is now at peace. Seeking excitement and purpose, the barbarian warrior accompanies his Second to the Refuge, an outlaw settlement on Carinae E. He hopes to locate the battle he’s been craving there.
Ariq finds that conflict and more when he meets his fated mate.
Xareni owes the Ruler of the Refuge a favor. That’s the only reason she has returned to the settlement. She doesn’t like crowds or structures or a certain barbarian warrior who insists on following her everywhere. It doesn’t matter that there’s a connection between them, that he makes her burn with desire, that he looks at her with heat in his dark eyes.
She’s a monster and monsters don’t need anyone.
* * *
Warlord’s Return is a STANDALONE Alien Barbarian SciFi Romance featuring a determined barbarian warrior, an equally resolute human female, and an eyeball-eating mini dragon.
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The Cyborg’s Secret Baby – Free For A Limited Time
Every once in a while, I run a sale on an older title. Today, The Cyborg’s Secret Baby is FREE everywhere. This is a standalone story, one of my favorite Cyborg Romances and it often is ‘lost’ because it isn’t officially part of the Cyborg Sizzle series. I LOVE that it will have a bit of a spotlight put on it.
The Cyborg’s Secret Baby
A fierce cyborg warrior and his curvy human female share a no-longer-so-little secret.
Stealth, a K Model cyborg, knows his passion for Zebrina, the commander’s human daughter, is forbidden, yet he can’t resist the curvy female. He craves her touch, cherishes her sounds of pleasure, would do anything to keep her safe.
When he’s faced with the choice of protecting his fragile human or living to see the next sunrise, he chooses her, always her, sending Zebrina halfway across the universe to safety. He doesn’t realize their stolen moments had consequences neither of them believed possible.
After hearing her warrior died in battle, Zebrina focuses on the last gift he gave her. Doing what is right for their child is her sole priority. She will put their son’s happiness first, even if that means choosing another male over the love of her life.
The Cyborg’s Secret Baby is a STAND-ALONE story loosely connected to the Cyborg Sizzle series.
It is also a Second Chance Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, often-violent universe.
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Other Chameles view him as the enemy.
She sees the warrior hero he never believed he could be.
* * *
Tolui is a Warlord in search of a planet to rule. He has been leading his fellow clones in a stealth battle, fighting for both control of the Chamele sector and the right to exist. The brave warriors he commands warrant respect, and they deserve the best.
That best isn’t the barren, dangerous terrain on Chamele 4. When Tolui crashes on that planet’s surface, he’s determined to leave it as soon as possible. The tiny human female rescuing him might be as beautiful and as wild as the land she inhabits, but her flowing words, trusting gaze, and enthralling submission won’t stop him from rejoining the war.
After many solar cycles of living alone, Lea is overjoyed when a tall, scarred, muscular warrior falls from the sky. Her savage stranger is strong and severe, and he makes her feel safe, an emotion she hasn’t experienced in a long, long time.
He also insists they must part. Before they do, she’ll show him the splendor of her home, and she’ll enjoy his big form, collecting passionate moments she can revisit when she’s solitary once more.
Every additional moment Lea and Tolui spend together increases the chance they’ll both die. Lea is being chased by female-hating fiends. Tolui is being hunted by the best bounty hunters in the universe. War will soon arrive on their threshold, and the blood spilled might be their own.
* * *
Warlord’s Mercy is based on a much shorter story sharing the same title.
It is a STANDALONE Alien Barbarian SciFi Romance featuring a villain turned hero and a brave, chatty heroine set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.
Warlord’s Mercy is the fifth of six core stories in the Chamele Barbarian Warlord series.
Book 1: Warlord Sky
Book 2: Warlord’s Bounty
Book 3: Warlord Unarmed
Book 4: Warlord Reunited
Book 5: Warlord’s Mercy
Book 6: Warlord’s Return
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KU, Libraries, Smashwords And Sales

I’m often asked why I don’t have my stories in KU. There are a number of reasons for that decision but the key one is…
I love libraries.
I grew up dirt poor. We didn’t eat every day. That was how poor we were. But we lived in Canada and access to the library was free. I’d walk into the library with my library card, leave with as many books as my little arms could carry and feel like the wealthiest person in the universe. I read entire libraries out, reading everything from small engine repair to thick research books on crows.
I want other people to have that experience. And I want my eBooks to be available to everyone.
KU doesn’t allow books in their program to be available at libraries. KU also costs money for readers to use.
Public libraries usually don’t cost money for readers to use. If things get tight, I want you to ALWAYS be able to read my stories. Why should you miss out on my next release simply because you’re a little short on cash?
So I list my eBooks at public libraries.
If my eBooks aren’t available at your public library, ask the awesome librarians there to order them. If your library doesn’t have the budget for my stories, let me know and I’ll work with them.
By asking for my eBooks at your local library, you’re leaving a legacy of sorts. Those eBooks should be available for other library patrons…forever. And that will be because of you. YOU will have accomplished that feat.
That’s all sorts of awesome, isn’t it?
If you prefer to own your eBooks (If you borrow books in KU, you don’t own them. Once you return them, there’s a chance they’ll be delisted and you’ll never be able to read them again.) and you’re on a strict budget, Smashwords is often the best place to buy my eBooks on sale.
There is a sale happening right now on all of my eBooks – .
You can find your specific format at Smashwords. Mobi is best for your Kindles. ePub is great for your Apple devices, your Nooks, your Kobo readers.
Smashwords has personal libraries so you have another off device storage place for the eBooks you buy there. If an eBook gets deleted or misplaced, you can download it again.
If you have any questions about libraries, Smashwords or heck, anything else, I am always here for you. (big hugs)
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Other Chameles view him as the enemy.
She sees the warrior hero he never believed he could be.
* * *
Tolui is a Warlord in search of a planet to rule. He has been leading his fellow clones in a stealth battle, fighting for both control of the Chamele sector and the right to exist. The brave warriors he commands warrant respect, and they deserve the best.
That best isn’t the barren, dangerous terrain on Chamele 4. When Tolui crashes on that planet’s surface, he’s determined to leave it as soon as possible. The tiny human female rescuing him might be as beautiful and as wild as the land she inhabits, but her flowing words, trusting gaze, and enthralling submission won’t stop him from rejoining the war.
After many solar cycles of living alone, Lea is overjoyed when a tall, scarred, muscular warrior falls from the sky. Her savage stranger is strong and severe, and he makes her feel safe, an emotion she hasn’t experienced in a long, long time.
He also insists they must part. Before they do, she’ll show him the splendor of her home, and she’ll enjoy his big form, collecting passionate moments she can revisit when she’s solitary once more.
Every additional moment Lea and Tolui spend together increases the chance they’ll both die. Lea is being chased by female-hating fiends. Tolui is being hunted by the best bounty hunters in the universe. War will soon arrive on their threshold, and the blood spilled might be their own.
* * *
Warlord’s Mercy is based on a much shorter story sharing the same title.
It is a STANDALONE Alien Barbarian SciFi Romance featuring a villain turned hero and a brave, chatty heroine set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.
Warlord’s Mercy is the fifth of six core stories in the Chamele Barbarian Warlord series.
Book 1: Warlord Sky
Book 2: Warlord’s Bounty
Book 3: Warlord Unarmed
Book 4: Warlord Reunited
Book 5: Warlord’s Mercy
Book 6: Warlord’s Return
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