Testing Truth – The Duties Of A Princess

By Cynthia Sax on August 11, 2020

Nancy, the heroine of Testing Truth, is a princess. I looked for someone who would appreciate Truth’s drama and add more excitement to his lifespan and she is definitely that being.

Royalty on Royaume (Royaume means Kingdom in French) is similar (but not the same) to a mishmash of European Royalty past and present here on Earth. The crown is passed from 1st born to 1st born. Gender isn’t a consideration. The current ruler is a Queen, Nancy’s mother.

Nancy is the Queen’s second child and is considered to be the ‘spare.’ Her older brother, the Crown Prince, is expected to wear the crown some day in the future.

As the spare, Nancy has a little more freedom but she also has more dangerous responsibilities. She is expected to marry a ruler of another planet, forge a strong alliance for Royaume and she is assigned roles that are too perilous for her older brother.

These dangerous duties are why she needs Truth. (grins)


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Testing Truth

A fun-loving cyborg gets serious about love.


Truth lives each moment as though it were his last. The cyborg warrior rushes into danger, teases beings he shouldn’t provoke, accepts every call of adventure he encounters.

When a prissy little human princess floats into the Rebel structure Truth is occupying, seeking a mercenary to assist her and her unusual entourage, he volunteers to be her warrior. She claims their assignment is dangerous, warns him he might not survive the task.

That is exactly the type of fun he has been seeking.

Princess Nanette of the planet Royaume must rescue her estranged brother from an enemy prison ship. That is her duty, and she has been trained to always place the needs of her planet and her subjects before her own. Nancy doesn’t have the freedom to indulge her passions for a certain dark-haired, gray-skinned cyborg. Not permanently and not publicly.

But she is unable to resist the warrior. Truth, with his laughing eyes, smiling lips, and rough hands, tempts her as no one else ever has. He could be her one fleeting act of rebellion before she’s matched with the powerful ruler her planet requires.

If they survive their current mission.

Their love is doomed. Their lifespans are at risk. This cyborg and his princess will need the help of every ally they have if they wish to see another sunrise.

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Traveling Through Books

By Cynthia Sax on August 5, 2020

The Dear Wonderful Hubby and I LOVE to travel.

Whenever we make big financial and time decisions, we ask ourselves, “Will this hamper our traveling?” If the answer is yes, we will try to tweak the decision until it is a no.

Since I’ve quit the business gigs and have been writing full time, we’ve been going somewhere almost every month. That might be a day trip to a nearby town. (grins) Or it might be a longer, fancier vacation. We see a new place, experience new things, meet new people.

That all changed during the Great Pause.

The Dear Wonderful Hubby and I haven’t traveled since the middle of March. Well, we haven’t PHYSICALLY traveled. Thankfully, we have the awesome option of traveling through books. That is calming my wandering soul a wee bit.

Whenever I feel like I need to escape the new normal for a bit, I open an ebook and read. I can visit Regency England, present day Manhattan, different planets, different worlds. I travel for the length of the story.

That is SUCH a gift!


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Testing Truth

A fun-loving cyborg gets serious about love.


Truth lives each moment as though it were his last. The cyborg warrior rushes into danger, teases beings he shouldn’t provoke, accepts every call of adventure he encounters.

When a prissy little human princess floats into the Rebel structure Truth is occupying, seeking a mercenary to assist her and her unusual entourage, he volunteers to be her warrior. She claims their assignment is dangerous, warns him he might not survive the task.

That is exactly the type of fun he has been seeking.

Princess Nanette of the planet Royaume must rescue her estranged brother from an enemy prison ship. That is her duty, and she has been trained to always place the needs of her planet and her subjects before her own. Nancy doesn’t have the freedom to indulge her passions for a certain dark-haired, gray-skinned cyborg. Not permanently and not publicly.

But she is unable to resist the warrior. Truth, with his laughing eyes, smiling lips, and rough hands, tempts her as no one else ever has. He could be her one fleeting act of rebellion before she’s matched with the powerful ruler her planet requires.

If they survive their current mission.

Their love is doomed. Their lifespans are at risk. This cyborg and his princess will need the help of every ally they have if they wish to see another sunrise.

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The Choices Characters Make

By Cynthia Sax on August 3, 2020

I had a dream about a short story last night. This story has many variations and is attributed to many different writers and I’ve been hearing it since I was a little girl. (If you know of writers/TV shows who are associated with telling it, please let me know and I’ll list them on this post.)


Bill, standing at a bus stop, watches as a man in a bright yellow Lamborghini speeds by him. The man is laughing and seems to be having the time of his life.

“Man.” Bill blows out his breath. “I would do anything to have a car like that.”

“You’d do anything?” An elderly man turns to him.

“I’d do anything.” Bill nods.

“What if I told you I could grant you your wish?” The elderly man leans closer to him. “You would receive a car exactly like that one. But.” He holds up one of his index fingers. “In payment for that wish, one hundred people you have never met would die before their time.”

“You’re not serious.” Bill scoffs at the outlandish offer.

The elderly man meets his gaze. An unnatural light gleams in his eyes. “I’m deadly serious.” An awe-inspiring power radiates from him.

F*ck. The man was serious. Bill stares at him. “I’d receive a Lamborghini?”

“You’d receive a Lamborghini.” The elderly man’s head dips.

“And I wouldn’t know the hundred people who’d die?” He wanted that confirmation.

“They’d be complete strangers.” The elderly man’s head dips again. “Consider this offer carefully. Once you agree to it, it can’t be undone.”

Bill hesitates for a moment. “What is there to consider? I don’t know the people and I’d have a Lamborghini. I agree to the deal.”

“I suspected you’d agree to it.” The elderly man grins as a bright yellow Lamborghini rolls to a stop before them. “Thousands of complete strangers have already accepted my offer.”


When I first heard the story, I thought the message was to not make deal with folks with magical powers. (grins) Like I mentioned, I was a kid.

Now, I realize the true message. And I find it bizarre that so many of us have to make a similar decision almost every day now. Maybe we have ALWAYS had to make these choices. But now, they are emphasized with all the discussions around mask-wearing, social distancing, limiting contact with others.

We are all Bill and we are all facing the same choice he did—our personal happiness vs the lives of complete strangers.

Note: If the universe is taking suggestions about which stories to next bring into this timeline, I have a list of cyborg romances I wouldn’t mind seeing unfold. (grins)


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Testing Truth

A fun-loving cyborg gets serious about love.


Truth lives each moment as though it were his last. The cyborg warrior rushes into danger, teases beings he shouldn’t provoke, accepts every call of adventure he encounters.

When a prissy little human princess floats into the Rebel structure Truth is occupying, seeking a mercenary to assist her and her unusual entourage, he volunteers to be her warrior. She claims their assignment is dangerous, warns him he might not survive the task.

That is exactly the type of fun he has been seeking.

Princess Nanette of the planet Royaume must rescue her estranged brother from an enemy prison ship. That is her duty, and she has been trained to always place the needs of her planet and her subjects before her own. Nancy doesn’t have the freedom to indulge her passions for a certain dark-haired, gray-skinned cyborg. Not permanently and not publicly.

But she is unable to resist the warrior. Truth, with his laughing eyes, smiling lips, and rough hands, tempts her as no one else ever has. He could be her one fleeting act of rebellion before she’s matched with the powerful ruler her planet requires.

If they survive their current mission.

Their love is doomed. Their lifespans are at risk. This cyborg and his princess will need the help of every ally they have if they wish to see another sunrise.

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Bonus Weeks And Doing Nothing

By Cynthia Sax on July 31, 2020

I did almost nothing this week writing-wise. I had great intentions but I also had no expectations. This week was a bonus week. I completed the submission draft of Warlord’s Return (releasing in November) a week early. I could take the week off and still remain on schedule.

So I did exactly that—nothing. (grins)

During second drafts, I tend to lock myself in the writing cave and focus only on that. Housework is ignored. The Dear Wonderful Hubby tries his best not to disturb me. Even my Awesome Mom skips her once-a-week call.

When I emerge from the writing cave, I water the plants. I ‘catch up’ with the Dear Wonderful Hubby. I call my Awesome Mom for 3 hours. I return emails and think about book promotion and the next story.

And I sleep. I read. I watch movies and TV shows (during second drafts, I like to only have that story and nothing else in my brain).

It was great. I enjoyed the week.

But I’m also looking forward to the fresh writing planned for Monday (Holding Hoarse, the free short story releasing in December).


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Testing Truth

A fun-loving cyborg gets serious about love.


Truth lives each moment as though it were his last. The cyborg warrior rushes into danger, teases beings he shouldn’t provoke, accepts every call of adventure he encounters.

When a prissy little human princess floats into the Rebel structure Truth is occupying, seeking a mercenary to assist her and her unusual entourage, he volunteers to be her warrior. She claims their assignment is dangerous, warns him he might not survive the task.

That is exactly the type of fun he has been seeking.

Princess Nanette of the planet Royaume must rescue her estranged brother from an enemy prison ship. That is her duty, and she has been trained to always place the needs of her planet and her subjects before her own. Nancy doesn’t have the freedom to indulge her passions for a certain dark-haired, gray-skinned cyborg. Not permanently and not publicly.

But she is unable to resist the warrior. Truth, with his laughing eyes, smiling lips, and rough hands, tempts her as no one else ever has. He could be her one fleeting act of rebellion before she’s matched with the powerful ruler her planet requires.

If they survive their current mission.

Their love is doomed. Their lifespans are at risk. This cyborg and his princess will need the help of every ally they have if they wish to see another sunrise.

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Where To Find Cynthia Sax

By Cynthia Sax on July 11, 2020

I’ve had a few inquiries about how reading and writing buddies can stay in contact with me now that my Facebook account has been shut down (My Facebook account was accessed by baddies and I asked Facebook to deactivate it. I, unfortunately, am having issues convincing Facebook to reactivate it. They seem to have forgotten that I was the one who asked them to deactivate it in the first place. – shakes head and grins).

I’m always merely an email away (my email in on the side panel) and yes, I read and answer my own emails. The cyborgs refuse to do that and the Dear Wonderful Hubby is busy negotiating with Mafia Squirrels and feeding Son Of Bun Buns, our backyard bunny.

My monthly newsletter is THE place to get key information ( you can sign up here – https://cynthiasax.us8.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=64b6189b7fff32ec76ff320b2&id=ecb94709ae ). This is where you’ll receive updates on characters. Newsletter subscribers, for example, heard about Rage and Joan’s second child, Heart, first. There are also some very bad jokes in my newsletters. They are real groaners (grins).

This blog is a great place to see what I’m doing. Since the Great Facebook Incident of 2020, as the Dear Wonderful Hubby calls it, I’ve been posting here every day. My blog flows to Goodreads (
https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/3292466.Cynthia_Sax ) so you can easily follow it there.

My website ( http://cynthiasax.com/ ) has upcoming release information (which reminds me – I should update it for news about Warlord’s Return).

I’m also on Instagram ( https://www.instagram.com/cynthiasax/?hl=en ) if you like pretty photos. I’ve discovered Book Brush so I’ve been playing around with that.

I’m on Twitter ( https://twitter.com/CynthiaSax ). That is where I post my truly random thoughts.

If you merely want release information, you can follow me on Amazon (
https://www.amazon.com/Cynthia-Sax/e/B006HIJICK ), BookBub (
https://www.bookbub.com/profile/cynthia-sax ), Smashwords (
https://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/CynthiaSax ) or other booksellers if they have that option.

I’m all over the place. (grins) You don’t have to look very hard to find me.


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Other Chameles view him as the enemy.

She sees the warrior hero he never believed he could be.

* * *

Tolui is a Warlord in search of a planet to rule. He has been leading his fellow clones in a stealth battle, fighting for both control of the Chamele sector and the right to exist. The brave warriors he commands warrant respect, and they deserve the best.

That best isn’t the barren, dangerous terrain on Chamele 4. When Tolui crashes on that planet’s surface, he’s determined to leave it as soon as possible. The tiny human female rescuing him might be as beautiful and as wild as the land she inhabits, but her flowing words, trusting gaze, and enthralling submission won’t stop him from rejoining the war.

After many solar cycles of living alone, Lea is overjoyed when a tall, scarred, muscular warrior falls from the sky. Her savage stranger is strong and severe, and he makes her feel safe, an emotion she hasn’t experienced in a long, long time.

He also insists they must part. Before they do, she’ll show him the splendor of her home, and she’ll enjoy his big form, collecting passionate moments she can revisit when she’s solitary once more.

Every additional moment Lea and Tolui spend together increases the chance they’ll both die. Lea is being chased by female-hating fiends. Tolui is being hunted by the best bounty hunters in the universe. War will soon arrive on their threshold, and the blood spilled might be their own.

* * *

Warlord’s Mercy is based on a much shorter story sharing the same title.

It is a STANDALONE Alien Barbarian SciFi Romance featuring a villain turned hero and a brave, chatty heroine set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.

Warlord’s Mercy is the fifth of six core stories in the Chamele Barbarian Warlord series.

Book 1:  Warlord Sky

Book 2:  Warlord’s Bounty

Book 3:  Warlord Unarmed

Book 4:  Warlord Reunited

Book 5:  Warlord’s Mercy

Book 6: Warlord’s Return

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Canadian Alien Encounters

By Cynthia Sax on July 1, 2020

Happy Canada Day to my Canadian reading and writing buddies! (tackle hugs) Celebrate safely, my friends.

One of the Canadian traditions on Canada Day is to head to the cottage (or camp for fans of tents) and spend some time usually close to a lake.

9% of Canada is covered by freshwater. We have approximately 31,752 lakes larger than 3 square kilometres. We’re often always close to a lake or river or some other body of water (the Prairies are an exception to this).

At the cottage or camp, we’re far away from artificial light sources, which means there is little light pollution and the night sky is extremely dark. This is perfect for looking at the stars or the Northern Lights (aurora borealis) … or alien spaceships.

Canada has a long history of being visited by aliens. It seems to be a favorite destination for beings off planet.

In 2017, there were 1,101 official UFO sightings, an average of 3 a day. And those are official sightings. I know many people who have seen ‘things’ and they didn’t tell anyone other than friends or family.

When I was in high school, I lived close to Moonbeam, a small town in Northern Ontario/Canada. There is a large flying saucer displayed in that tiny town for a reason—the town is often a stop for UFOs.

Early settlers called the strange ‘lights’ in the sky ‘moonbeams’, which is how the town got its name. These intergalactic visitors often leave o-rings in the forest. These are similar to crop circles except amidst the huge fir trees. I’ve seen these and, being a niece of loggers, I know how much force it must have taken to flatten those trees.

I suspect Canadians won’t be alone this Canada Day and, as an alien romance writer, I find that inspiring.


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Other Chameles view him as the enemy.

She sees the warrior hero he never believed he could be.

* * *

Tolui is a Warlord in search of a planet to rule. He has been leading his fellow clones in a stealth battle, fighting for both control of the Chamele sector and the right to exist. The brave warriors he commands warrant respect, and they deserve the best.

That best isn’t the barren, dangerous terrain on Chamele 4. When Tolui crashes on that planet’s surface, he’s determined to leave it as soon as possible. The tiny human female rescuing him might be as beautiful and as wild as the land she inhabits, but her flowing words, trusting gaze, and enthralling submission won’t stop him from rejoining the war.

After many solar cycles of living alone, Lea is overjoyed when a tall, scarred, muscular warrior falls from the sky. Her savage stranger is strong and severe, and he makes her feel safe, an emotion she hasn’t experienced in a long, long time.

He also insists they must part. Before they do, she’ll show him the splendor of her home, and she’ll enjoy his big form, collecting passionate moments she can revisit when she’s solitary once more.

Every additional moment Lea and Tolui spend together increases the chance they’ll both die. Lea is being chased by female-hating fiends. Tolui is being hunted by the best bounty hunters in the universe. War will soon arrive on their threshold, and the blood spilled might be their own.

* * *

Warlord’s Mercy is based on a much shorter story sharing the same title.

It is a STANDALONE Alien Barbarian SciFi Romance featuring a villain turned hero and a brave, chatty heroine set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.

Warlord’s Mercy is the fifth of six core stories in the Chamele Barbarian Warlord series.

Book 1:  Warlord Sky

Book 2:  Warlord’s Bounty

Book 3:  Warlord Unarmed

Book 4:  Warlord Reunited

Book 5:  Warlord’s Mercy

Book 6: Warlord’s Return

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Warlord’s Mercy – How I Knew There Would Be A Villain Turned Hero Story

By Cynthia Sax on June 27, 2020

I’m a pantser, which means I write by the seat of my pants, not knowing the plot of any story or series. I often know the characters and the first/next scene in a story and that’s it.

But I suspected, from the first story, the villain in the Chamele Barbarian Warlords series (Tolui) might be the hero of his own story.

Why did I suspect this?

At the beginning of the series, the Warlord brothers have been battling the Succession Wars for many solar cycles. They had faced many rivals, defeated them.

The series wasn’t set during those battles, however. It began when only one rival was left.

Why was it being set then? What was different or special about this rival?

All I truly knew about the previous rivals was…they were unworthy of leadership. They didn’t care about all Chameles. They had private agendas. Some of those agendas weren’t very nice. It was an easy decision for Berke, Khan and Murad to battle them, to quash their rivals’ quests for the role of Warlord. Defeating them benefited all beings in the sector.

If Tolui was different, that meant…he WAS worthy of being a Warlord. He DID care about others. He was skilled and honorable and would make a great leader for Chameles.

That’s a hero.


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Other Chameles view him as the enemy.

She sees the warrior hero he never believed he could be.

* * *

Tolui is a Warlord in search of a planet to rule. He has been leading his fellow clones in a stealth battle, fighting for both control of the Chamele sector and the right to exist. The brave warriors he commands warrant respect, and they deserve the best.

That best isn’t the barren, dangerous terrain on Chamele 4. When Tolui crashes on that planet’s surface, he’s determined to leave it as soon as possible. The tiny human female rescuing him might be as beautiful and as wild as the land she inhabits, but her flowing words, trusting gaze, and enthralling submission won’t stop him from rejoining the war.

After many solar cycles of living alone, Lea is overjoyed when a tall, scarred, muscular warrior falls from the sky. Her savage stranger is strong and severe, and he makes her feel safe, an emotion she hasn’t experienced in a long, long time.

He also insists they must part. Before they do, she’ll show him the splendor of her home, and she’ll enjoy his big form, collecting passionate moments she can revisit when she’s solitary once more.

Every additional moment Lea and Tolui spend together increases the chance they’ll both die. Lea is being chased by female-hating fiends. Tolui is being hunted by the best bounty hunters in the universe. War will soon arrive on their threshold, and the blood spilled might be their own.

* * *

Warlord’s Mercy is based on a much shorter story sharing the same title.

It is a STANDALONE Alien Barbarian SciFi Romance featuring a villain turned hero and a brave, chatty heroine set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.

Warlord’s Mercy is the fifth of six core stories in the Chamele Barbarian Warlord series.

Book 1:  Warlord Sky

Book 2:  Warlord’s Bounty

Book 3:  Warlord Unarmed

Book 4:  Warlord Reunited

Book 5:  Warlord’s Mercy

Book 6: Warlord’s Return

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Seeing Heroes From The Villain’s Point Of View

By Cynthia Sax on June 20, 2020

I LOVE villain-turned-hero stories and Warlord’s Mercy is my tribute to that trope. Tolui was the big baddie in the first four stories. The Chamele Warlords don’t like him, don’t respect him, don’t agree with what he has done and what he has said to them.

Tolui doesn’t like them either. That’s one of the many things I love about the villain-turned-hero trope—we see the heroes from the villain’s perspective and often that view isn’t flattering. Tolui’s interpretation of the Chamele Warlords’ actions is very different from their interpretations. I find that vastly entertaining.

A writing buddy once told me that all villains are the heroes of their own stories. The opposite is often true also. Heroes are the villains of other characters’ stories. Actions they believe are honorable are misinterpreted. The other characters don’t know the logic, the reasoning behind their decisions.

WE know them. We can view them as heroes. AND as villains. We have the benefit of both perspectives.


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Other Chameles view him as the enemy.

She sees the warrior hero he never believed he could be.

* * *

Tolui is a Warlord in search of a planet to rule. He has been leading his fellow clones in a stealth battle, fighting for both control of the Chamele sector and the right to exist. The brave warriors he commands warrant respect, and they deserve the best.

That best isn’t the barren, dangerous terrain on Chamele 4. When Tolui crashes on that planet’s surface, he’s determined to leave it as soon as possible. The tiny human female rescuing him might be as beautiful and as wild as the land she inhabits, but her flowing words, trusting gaze, and enthralling submission won’t stop him from rejoining the war.

After many solar cycles of living alone, Lea is overjoyed when a tall, scarred, muscular warrior falls from the sky. Her savage stranger is strong and severe, and he makes her feel safe, an emotion she hasn’t experienced in a long, long time.

He also insists they must part. Before they do, she’ll show him the splendor of her home, and she’ll enjoy his big form, collecting passionate moments she can revisit when she’s solitary once more.

Every additional moment Lea and Tolui spend together increases the chance they’ll both die. Lea is being chased by female-hating fiends. Tolui is being hunted by the best bounty hunters in the universe. War will soon arrive on their threshold, and the blood spilled might be their own.

* * *

Warlord’s Mercy is based on a much shorter story sharing the same title.

It is a STANDALONE Alien Barbarian SciFi Romance featuring a villain turned hero and a brave, chatty heroine set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.

Warlord’s Mercy is the fifth of six core stories in the Chamele Barbarian Warlord series.

Book 1:  Warlord Sky

Book 2:  Warlord’s Bounty

Book 3:  Warlord Unarmed

Book 4:  Warlord Reunited

Book 5:  Warlord’s Mercy

Book 6: Warlord’s Return

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Warlord’s Mercy Featured On Veronica Scott’s New Releases

By Cynthia Sax on June 17, 2020

Woot! Warlord’s Mercy has been featured on Veronica Scott’s awesome new release post!

See the full post here:


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Other Chameles view him as the enemy.

She sees the warrior hero he never believed he could be.

* * *

Tolui is a Warlord in search of a planet to rule. He has been leading his fellow clones in a stealth battle, fighting for both control of the Chamele sector and the right to exist. The brave warriors he commands warrant respect, and they deserve the best.

That best isn’t the barren, dangerous terrain on Chamele 4. When Tolui crashes on that planet’s surface, he’s determined to leave it as soon as possible. The tiny human female rescuing him might be as beautiful and as wild as the land she inhabits, but her flowing words, trusting gaze, and enthralling submission won’t stop him from rejoining the war.

After many solar cycles of living alone, Lea is overjoyed when a tall, scarred, muscular warrior falls from the sky. Her savage stranger is strong and severe, and he makes her feel safe, an emotion she hasn’t experienced in a long, long time.

He also insists they must part. Before they do, she’ll show him the splendor of her home, and she’ll enjoy his big form, collecting passionate moments she can revisit when she’s solitary once more.

Every additional moment Lea and Tolui spend together increases the chance they’ll both die. Lea is being chased by female-hating fiends. Tolui is being hunted by the best bounty hunters in the universe. War will soon arrive on their threshold, and the blood spilled might be their own.

* * *

Warlord’s Mercy is based on a much shorter story sharing the same title.

It is a STANDALONE Alien Barbarian SciFi Romance featuring a villain turned hero and a brave, chatty heroine set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.

Warlord’s Mercy is the fifth of six core stories in the Chamele Barbarian Warlord series.

Book 1:  Warlord Sky

Book 2:  Warlord’s Bounty

Book 3:  Warlord Unarmed

Book 4:  Warlord Reunited

Book 5:  Warlord’s Mercy

Book 6: Warlord’s Return

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Cynthia Sax MIA From Facebook

By Cynthia Sax on June 16, 2020

I can’t access my Facebook account right now. It has been disabled and I’m working (with the cyborgs’ help) to have it re-activated. (grins)

If anyone is looking for me, my email is fully functional.

This might be a hint from the universe that I should be focusing on writing the next story. Testing Truth (releasing in September) is with my awesome editor and I’m working on Warlord’s Return (releasing in November) now.


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Other Chameles view him as the enemy.

She sees the warrior hero he never believed he could be.

* * *

Tolui is a Warlord in search of a planet to rule. He has been leading his fellow clones in a stealth battle, fighting for both control of the Chamele sector and the right to exist. The brave warriors he commands warrant respect, and they deserve the best.

That best isn’t the barren, dangerous terrain on Chamele 4. When Tolui crashes on that planet’s surface, he’s determined to leave it as soon as possible. The tiny human female rescuing him might be as beautiful and as wild as the land she inhabits, but her flowing words, trusting gaze, and enthralling submission won’t stop him from rejoining the war.

After many solar cycles of living alone, Lea is overjoyed when a tall, scarred, muscular warrior falls from the sky. Her savage stranger is strong and severe, and he makes her feel safe, an emotion she hasn’t experienced in a long, long time.

He also insists they must part. Before they do, she’ll show him the splendor of her home, and she’ll enjoy his big form, collecting passionate moments she can revisit when she’s solitary once more.

Every additional moment Lea and Tolui spend together increases the chance they’ll both die. Lea is being chased by female-hating fiends. Tolui is being hunted by the best bounty hunters in the universe. War will soon arrive on their threshold, and the blood spilled might be their own.

* * *

Warlord’s Mercy is based on a much shorter story sharing the same title.

It is a STANDALONE Alien Barbarian SciFi Romance featuring a villain turned hero and a brave, chatty heroine set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.

Warlord’s Mercy is the fifth of six core stories in the Chamele Barbarian Warlord series.

Book 1:  Warlord Sky

Book 2:  Warlord’s Bounty

Book 3:  Warlord Unarmed

Book 4:  Warlord Reunited

Book 5:  Warlord’s Mercy

Book 6: Warlord’s Return

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