Chamele Warlords

By Cynthia Sax on May 6, 2013

I’m at A.S. Fenichel’s blog today, talking about hunky Chamele Warlords and why I find them SO sexy!

By Cynthia Sax
Now Available From Ellora’s Cave

Warlord Unarmed

When Murad, a powerful and deadly Warlord, arrives to repair Gale’s beloved ship, she doesn’t like it one bit. She sees the danger lurking behind his wide, sexy smile and the temptation in his coarse touch. He stands too close. He smells too good. He muddles her mind with erotic thoughts no bounty hunter should ever entertain.

Murad is known for being lighthearted…until he meets Gale. He’s deadly serious about seducing his curvaceous bounty hunter. With one blast of her stun gun, she captures his attention, and starts his lust burning. To claim Gale for his mate, Murad will brave his cautious female’s itchy trigger finger, his overbearing older brother and Gale’s sense of duty.

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Collectors In Space

By Cynthia Sax on May 6, 2013

I’m at Musings by Wink today talking about Warlord Unarmed and collectors in space. (grins)

Warlord Unarmed

When Murad, a powerful and deadly Warlord, arrives to repair Gale’s beloved ship, she doesn’t like it one bit. She sees the danger lurking behind his wide, sexy smile and the temptation in his coarse touch. He stands too close. He smells too good. He muddles her mind with erotic thoughts no bounty hunter should ever entertain.

Murad is known for being lighthearted…until he meets Gale. He’s deadly serious about seducing his curvaceous bounty hunter. With one blast of her stun gun, she captures his attention, and starts his lust burning. To claim Gale for his mate, Murad will brave his cautious female’s itchy trigger finger, his overbearing older brother and Gale’s sense of duty.

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Warlord Unarmed Featured On USA Today Blog!

By Cynthia Sax on May 3, 2013

Warlord Unarmed was featured on the USA Today blog!

You can read the post here

By Cynthia Sax
Now Available From Ellora’s Cave
Warlord Unarmed

When Murad, a powerful and deadly Warlord, arrives to repair Gale’s beloved ship, she doesn’t like it one bit. She sees the danger lurking behind his wide, sexy smile and the temptation in his coarse touch. He stands too close. He smells too good. He muddles her mind with erotic thoughts no bounty hunter should ever entertain.

Murad is known for being lighthearted…until he meets Gale. He’s deadly serious about seducing his curvaceous bounty hunter. With one blast of her stun gun, she captures his attention, and starts his lust burning. To claim Gale for his mate, Murad will brave his cautious female’s itchy trigger finger, his overbearing older brother and Gale’s sense of duty.

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ARe Blog: Starting A Story

By Cynthia Sax on April 12, 2013

The Changelings are at the ARe Blog today talking about why we start our stories where we do!

Drop by and say hi! We’re happy to answer questions too!

By Cynthia Sax
Now Available From Changeling Press

Dancing For Her Demon

Although Larissa is a virgin, she knows exactly whom she wants. She
wants Julian. Her father’s right-hand demon, however, still views her as
a child. Determined to provoke the rage demon’s darker passions,
Larissa struts on stage at a local strip club and shows him how grown up
she really is.

Julian has spent years proving he is the right mate for Larissa. He
has one task left. He must go to a strip club and subdue a rival demon.
Then Larissa takes the stage, the audience goes wild, and all of
Julian’s careful planning is blasted to bits by the heat of desire.


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Talking SciFi Erotic Romance at ARe

By Cynthia Sax on April 6, 2013

My fellow Ellora’s Cave SciFi and Futuristic romance writers and I are talking about our stories at the ARe blog today!

Drop by and say hi!

By Cynthia Sax
Now Available From Ellora’s Cave

Menage Lost

Trapped on a plant-dominated planet, Mirian hasn’t seen another humanoid in five years. She has never seen humanoids resembling Furu and Xan, a beautiful aristocrat and his beastly warrior lover. Watching their shared passion makes her burn with desire and ache for companionship. 

Mirian wants to experience the ecstasy of their touch. She eagerly trades the only thing she owns—her body—for what she believes to be a breathtakingly ardent casual affair. 

Furu and Xan don’t engage in casual affairs. They want Mirian permanently as their breeder and they’ll break every rule, battling their unnatural female, a male-eating plant and the entire Balazoid army to claim her.

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TRS Party – Enter To Win

By Cynthia Sax on April 2, 2013

The Changelings are at TRS Parties today, talking about our new releases.

I’m talking about Dragon Lord’s Captive, Speed Demon, and Tiger Byte.

Remember to enter here
For a VERY good chance at winning FOUR Changeling stories of your choice!!!

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Why We Write Bunny Shifters

By Cynthia Sax on March 28, 2013

Eve Langlais (OMG – her books are so freakn’ hilarious! I LOVE them), Stephanie Beck (hot, hot, HOT) and I are talking bunny shifters/wererabbits at the ARe blog today.

Please join this not-so-serious conversation!

The Godrabbit
By Cynthia Sax
Available Now From Changeling Press

The Godrabbit

I am known by many names. My beloved mother called me Flopsy Lapin. Lady Grace Satin jokes that I am the wickedest rabbit in all of the world. Her father, Lord Satan, dares to label me a mobster street rabbit. You, my friend, may call me the Godrabbit.

Lady Grace is the only female I lust after. My bloodstained hands are unworthy of holding her, so when a high-class hooker with Lady Grace’s face, voice, scent, and everything else, wanders into my casino, I make her an offer she can’t refuse. This leads to a night I will never forget.

Note: The Godrabbit is a prequel to Protect And Serve: Badge Bunny .

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What Makes Characters Interesting

By Cynthia Sax on February 26, 2013

Writers tend to write about characters we find interesting (because we write for ourselves first).

Today on ARe, the Changelings are talking about what we find interesting about our characters.

I’m talking about Sarge in Speed Demon and why I absolutely HAD to write his story!

By Cynthia Sax
Now Available From Changeling Press

Dancing For Her Demon

My name is Officer Sargent, Sarge to friends and fellow police
officers. You might have heard some rumors about me, but they’re all
lies. I’m not gay. I’m not. The reason I watch my partner’s back is
because that’s what cops do; we watch out for each other. It has nothing
to do with his broad shoulders or trim hips or shapely butt.

My partner Nero is a demon, and he has a sick sense of humor,
tricking me into thinking things no straight man should ever think. I’m a
genetically enhanced supercop, and I can handle his devilish magic.

That is until the unthinkable happens.
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Visiting Cassandra Carr

By Cynthia Sax on January 22, 2013

A.M. Griffin and I are visiting the always wonderful Cassandra Carr today. We’ll be talking about our latest SciFi erotic romance releases!

By Cynthia Sax
Now Available From Ellora’s Cave

Warlords Bounty

The bigger the bounty, the more dangerous the fugitive.

Khan, a Chamele warlord, has a huge bounty on his head. His enemy is willing to pay an outrageous amount to secure him. Khan wants to be apprehended, especially if the bounty hunter capturing him is a brown-eyed female with razor-sharp daggers and an even sharper tongue. He’ll allow her to subdue him sexually, his passion and prowess not inhibited by restraints, and when she collects her bounty, he’ll collect his revenge, killing his enemy and claiming his little bounty hunter forever.

Zeta doesn’t do forever. She captures the worst scum in the galaxy and trades them for credits. Khan is fierce and sexy and the most dominant male she has ever encountered, but he is also a fugitive, and once she sates herself with his body, she’ll betray him. It is her job.

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Why I Love Nutella

By Cynthia Sax on January 22, 2013

I love Nutella. That’s probably the worst kept secret in the world. I talk about this hazelnut chocolate goodness all of the time. I prefer to eat it straight out of the jar with a spoon OR the best way possible – in the middle of a hot crepe with a sprinkle of icing sugar over top.


I associate Nutella with happiness and with writing because the first time I ever had Nutella was on a crepe from one of the notorious street crepe makers in Paris, France (yes, the same crepe makers who got run out of gay Paris for sleeping on their carts and performing other non-hygienic stunts).


I went to Paris with a group of students during my senior year in high school. I was 17 years old. I had never been out of the country before. I painted. I wrote. I loved French history (with their decapitations and their women warriors). I fell in love with Paris instantly.


Our chaperones had dozens of students to supervise so I would wander the streets by myself. Dangerous, yes, but it added to the fun. I was young and free and much more interested in the art and architecture than getting into trouble.


I also was on a budget and whenever I’d get hungry, I’d buy a crepe. The crepe makers would tell me stories. They’d been everywhere, seen everything. They, mostly male, would flirt with me, making me feel like a sophisticated femme fatale.

crepe maker paris france

One Of The Crepe Makers In Paris, France


Looking back, I could also see they were protecting me, telling me to check in with so-and-so along my route. When I was late, that so-and-so would ‘accidentally’ bump into me. They made the dangerous streets a little less dangerous while still giving me my freedom.


Now, whenever I suck on a spoon of Nutella, I think of that first trip to Paris and I smile.



This Crepe, Filled With Nutella and Sprinkled With Icing Sugar, Was Made at Le Buffet, Paris Casino, Las Vegas

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