Join The Cynsations!

By Cynthia Sax on November 25, 2013

Did you know that I have a street team?

I started the Cynsations because I wanted to thank and reward reading buddies who help spread the word about my stories.

Every week, we have a mission. This mission could be to retweet an announcement, share a Facebook post or tell your worst Halloween joke. This takes mere minutes and are likely things you’d do anyway.

Every month, one of these missions will have a reward attached to it. Cynsations also hear about stories, read blurbs, see covers first. You’re truly part of my team.

If you’re interested, please click on the button below.


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Lest We Forget

By Cynthia Sax on November 11, 2013

Field Of Poppies Pompeii Italy

Field Of Poppies, Pompeii, Italy

If you have loved ones serving right now or you’re very sensitive, please do not read this post. This makes me cry so…

My first experience with the horrors of war was as a young girl. My Great Uncle Frank served in the war. He never talked about that time. Ever. Whenever someone mentioned the battles, this peaceful, hard working farmer would always change the subject. We knew it was a traumatic time for him but we didn’t know how life-changing it was until he got older.

My Great Uncle Frank was diagnosed with Dementia. He relived a certain time of his life over and over. Unfortunately, this time was during the war. He was in the trenches, fighting the enemy.

I will never forget visiting him as a young girl. He was in the front yard, rolling and ducking and using everything he could get his hands on as a weapon (my Great Aunt had locked up the guns and knives).

This was my big, strong Great Uncle, a man as dependable and sturdy as the maple tree in his yard yet I have never seen someone look so terrified, so emotionally intense, so frantic. I saw in his face when buddies died, when he killed another being, when he thought he wouldn’t make it home alive. The experience shook me to the core.

He was that scared yet he went overseas and fought to protect us, to protect our beliefs, our culture, our future. That’s my definition of a hero and these are the heroes we honor today.

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Wallflower Week

By Cynthia Sax on November 6, 2013

This is Wallflower week at . When I think of a wallflower, I think of those wonderful witty Regency romances with the shy, bluestocking heroine and the rakish dark Duke hero.

But according to Wikipedia

“In social situations, a wallflower is a shy or unpopular individual who doesn’t socialize or participate in activities at social events.”

Which means that wallflowers definitely exist today. I often write about them. Anna, the heroine of The Seen Trilogy, chooses to be a wallflower. She intentionally lives on the outskirts of society, not participating in activities or making friends. She isn’t shy but she does consider herself unpopular.

I love writing about wallflowers because I often feel socially awkward. I think we all feel this way sometimes, like we don’t belong, don’t fit into groups. I’m a writer. Writers are not known for being normal people. (grins). I’m also an introvert. Being with other people zaps my energy.

Why do you love Wallflowers?


He Watches Me From Cynthia Sax

He Watches Me From Cynthia Sax

She desires to be seen. He wants to watch.

Anna Sampson has a naughty secret. Every night, she slips into her neighbor’s yard and swims naked in his pool. She fantasizes that the dynamic young billionaire watches her nightly nude aquatics, his brilliant green eyes gleaming with lust.

She discovers this isn’t pure fantasy. Gabriel Blaine has been watching her via his security cameras, and now that he has returned to L.A., he doesn’t plan to stop. That’s all he wants—to watch. Anna knows she shouldn’t allow him and she certainly shouldn’t want more, but she craves Blaine’s attention, needing his gaze fixed on her body.

Part One of The Seen Trilogy

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He Touches Me From Cynthia Sax

He Touches Me From Cynthia Sax

His touch enflames her desires.

Anna Sampson has allowed billionaire businessman Gabriel Blaine to watch her, all of her. And looking is all he’s done—until now. After giving him permission to touch her, Anna realizes she won’t be satisfied until she has all of this handsome and secretive man.

Soon she tempts him, shreds his control, and pushes him too far. Blaine’s reluctance to take her virginity frustrates Anna. He fulfills her fantasy, but what is their reality together?

Part Two of The Seen Trilogy

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He Claims Me From Cynthia Sax

He Claims Me From Cynthia Sax

A billionaire’s desires and a virgin’s wish to be claimed come together.

Two men want Anna Sampson. Gabriel Blaine is powerful, intelligent, the CEO of a successful company, and a billionaire. He’s watched her, touched her, encouraged her to become a strong, independent woman, a woman unafraid of her desires.

Now secrets from the past are exposed, threatening Anna’s freedom and safety. Will the man she loves stand by her side, or will he desert her, leaving Anna once again to face the future alone?

The searing climax of The Seen Trilogy.

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Happy Halloween!

By Cynthia Sax on October 31, 2013

I LOVE Halloween. The Sax household always gives out good candy and we stay open as long as the trick-or-treaters continue knocking on our door. We don’t care how old the little ghosts or goblins are. Everyone is welcome.

I grew up as one of six kids. We were dirt poor. We didn’t eat every day and we didn’t have running water. Yes, in rural Canada and U.S.A., there are still homes with outhouses. We lived in one of these homes.

Halloween was a magical time for us. We’d spend months making our costumes. Once we made Native American costumes out of burlap sacks, sewing each hoarded bead on by hand, plucking feathers from our chickens for our headdresses.

Pumpkins for our Jack O’lanterns would be chosen from our own patch. Each of us would design a part of the face. I might have the honor of designing the left eye of the Jack O’lantern or two of his teeth. The seeds would be dried, salted and roasted for a delicious treat.

On Halloween, we’d rush home from school, grab our pillowcases, and trek to the neighbor’s house. We lived in the country so there were miles between houses. The poor farmers would give us apples. The rich farmers would give us full sized chocolate bars or cans of soda. We’d stay out as long as we could because this was our candy for the year.

My parents charged a ‘tax’ on Halloween candy (because they didn’t have money for candy either). Ten percent of all candy collected went to my mom and dad.

In our northern community, Halloween is a social day. Trick-or-treating is a way for neighbors to visit neighbors. One parent would stay at home and give out treats. One parent would walk with the kids and visit with neighbors. When the little kids grew tired, the seniors would dress up and take their place. There was always a pot of coffee brewing for the adult trick-or-treaters. There was no worrying about the safety of candy because we knew everyone we received candy from.

Now that I live in the big city, I give out packaged candy and buy my pumpkin. However, I continue the tradition of greeting and meeting my neighbors, being part of this wonderful community event.

Almond Joy is one of my favorite chocolate bars.

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Blaine – Billionaire, CEO And Pirate – Adult Content

By Cynthia Sax on October 30, 2013

Warning: This snippet has some adult content. Please do not read this if you are under the age of 18 or are sensitive to naughty words.

Anna gives us a sneak peak at their Halloween plans.


Will Blaine like his Halloween costume? I clasp my hands tightly, waiting in our shared bedroom, while my sexy CEO changes in the bathroom. Will he agree to wear it for me?

When I saw the pirate outfit, I thought it was perfect for my law-bending billionaire. Blaine has his own code of honor, makes his own rules. He’s my modern day pirate.

Then I told my friend Camille aka Goth girl about my choice and she’d laughed her pierced head off, telling me only I could convince the founder of a technology company to dress up as a pirate.

Software pirates are a problem for Blaine Technologies and other companies in his industry. I frown, not wanting my Halloween fun to harm the man I love. Camille promised there would be no media at her party, many of her guests being fellow hackers and other spotlight-shy characters. Blaine should be safe.

He chuckles, the sound low and deep. I relax. My billionaire isn’t angry.

The door opens and Blaine swaggers into the bedroom, the heels of his knee-high boots ringing on the floor. I suck in my breath, my nipples tightening and my pussy moistening. Black pants hug his slim hips. His white shirt billows, revealing a v of tanned skin. A bandanna covers his black hair, accentuating the angles of his face. Lights reflect off the gold hoop in his left earlobe.

He’s striking, dominant, all male and mine.

“A pirate, nymph?” Blaine slices his sword through the air, his brilliant green eyes sparkling. “Is this how you see me?”

“I AM a nymph.” I lick my bottom lip, wanting him, needing him.

Blaine’s gaze tracks the movement, his eyes darkening. “You’re my nymph.” He slides his sword into the sash around his waist. “I’m claiming you as part of my booty.” He stalks toward me, his expression stern and his body hard. I stepped backward, trembling with excitement, with desire. “And what I claim, I keep.”


He Watches Me From Cynthia Sax

He Watches Me From Cynthia Sax

She desires to be seen. He wants to watch.

Anna Sampson has a naughty secret. Every night, she slips into her neighbor’s yard and swims naked in his pool. She fantasizes that the dynamic young billionaire watches her nightly nude aquatics, his brilliant green eyes gleaming with lust.

She discovers this isn’t pure fantasy. Gabriel Blaine has been watching her via his security cameras, and now that he has returned to L.A., he doesn’t plan to stop. That’s all he wants—to watch. Anna knows she shouldn’t allow him and she certainly shouldn’t want more, but she craves Blaine’s attention, needing his gaze fixed on her body.

Part One of The Seen Trilogy

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He Touches Me From Cynthia Sax

He Touches Me From Cynthia Sax

His touch enflames her desires.

Anna Sampson has allowed billionaire businessman Gabriel Blaine to watch her, all of her. And looking is all he’s done—until now. After giving him permission to touch her, Anna realizes she won’t be satisfied until she has all of this handsome and secretive man.

Soon she tempts him, shreds his control, and pushes him too far. Blaine’s reluctance to take her virginity frustrates Anna. He fulfills her fantasy, but what is their reality together?

Part Two of The Seen Trilogy

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He Claims Me From Cynthia Sax

He Claims Me From Cynthia Sax

A billionaire’s desires and a virgin’s wish to be claimed come together.

Two men want Anna Sampson. Gabriel Blaine is powerful, intelligent, the CEO of a successful company, and a billionaire. He’s watched her, touched her, encouraged her to become a strong, independent woman, a woman unafraid of her desires.

Now secrets from the past are exposed, threatening Anna’s freedom and safety. Will the man she loves stand by her side, or will he desert her, leaving Anna once again to face the future alone?

The searing climax of The Seen Trilogy.

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Warlord’s Bounty – FREE For A Limited Time

By Cynthia Sax on October 28, 2013

Warlord’s Bounty is now FREE for a limited time.
For reading buddies who prefer to read a series once it is completed, all of the stories in this series are now available ( Warlord’s Bounty, Warlord Unarmed, Warlord Reunited, and Warlord’s Mercy).
By Cynthia Sax
Now Available From Ellora’s Cave

Warlords Bounty

The bigger the bounty, the more dangerous the fugitive.

Khan, a Chamele warlord, has a huge bounty on his head. His enemy is willing to pay an outrageous amount to secure him. Khan wants to be apprehended, especially if the bounty hunter capturing him is a brown-eyed female with razor-sharp daggers and an even sharper tongue. He’ll allow her to subdue him sexually, his passion and prowess not inhibited by restraints, and when she collects her bounty, he’ll collect his revenge, killing his enemy and claiming his little bounty hunter forever.

Zeta doesn’t do forever. She captures the worst scum in the galaxy and trades them for credits. Khan is fierce and sexy and the most dominant male she has ever encountered, but he is also a fugitive, and once she sates herself with his body, she’ll betray him. It is her job.

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Chapter One

“Your condition is unacceptable, fugitive.” Zeta glared at the dried torso pinned under a twisted piece of black panel, the male’s flight suit shredded and faded, his head and limbs missing. “I need you alive.”

Currents of scorching hot air wafted up from the reddish-brown sand, Chamele 4 barely inhabitable, its extreme temperatures legendary. An anonymous tip had led Zeta to the arid planet. The highly visible scattered remains of the single-manned ship had narrowed her search.

“I must be mistaken. You can’t be him. Fate isn’t that cruel,” Zeta muttered, knowing first-hand that it was. She jabbed the tester deep into the male’s chest and the brittle skin cracked on impact, all moisture long evaporated from the corpse.

She squinted at the tiny screen. A trickle of perspiration ran down her spine, her shirt sticking to her torso, the heat absorbed from the leather straps holding her daggers and guns burning through the coarse fabric.

“Target confirmed,” the machine chirped happily.

“Son of a Palavian whore.” Anxiety twisted Zeta’s stomach into tight little knots. The client required the intergalactic jewel thief retrieved alive.

“I traveled across two galaxies for nothing, no thief, no bounty.” She tilted her head back and stared at the giant blood-red sun, finding no solution to their precarious financial situation there, the rent for their bounty-hunter school due in fifteen universal days. “I can’t go back empty handed. I can’t disappoint the girls.”

Rough fingers drifted across her forearm, sending waves of sweet sensation rippling over her body, the caress tightening her nipples and lighting flames of desire deep within her.

“Touch me again and I’ll shoot your invisible ass,” Zeta warned, her inappropriate arousal irking her. Since her arrival on the planet, the male had tracked and tormented her. At every opportunity, he’d stroked her skin and fondled her curves, building a need she couldn’t tend to, her personal time limited.

Her yet-to-be identified stalker chuckled, the sound low and pussy-moistening deep.

She turned slowly, surveying the landscape, searching for signs of him. No shadows fell upon the viewscreen lodged in the sand to her right, the clear surface cracked, feathered with fine fractures. Behind her, only a single set of footprints marred the otherwise untouched sand dunes. The fossilized remains of what might have once been a tree loomed to her left, as dead and lifeless as the planet it inhabited.

“Spirits,” Zeta grumbled as she trudged toward her ship, the wind biting at her back. She hunched her shoulders in defeat, leaving the headless corpse of her target to disintegrate to dust, baked by the relentless sun.

“Behind you, Zeta,” her mysterious male urged, his gruff words spoken in the universal language.

She extracted a dagger from her waist sheath and pivoted. A giant featherless creature swooped silently downward, the weather-worn hide on its wings stretched tight. Its talons reached out for her, its prey. Its huge beak opened, revealing multiple rows of sharp teeth, the beast designed for killing.

Zeta snapped her wrist, releasing her favorite dagger, the action as natural to her as breathing. The weapon whistled through the air and lodged with a juicy smack in the creature’s right eye socket, bursting the eyeball. The beast screeched and reared upward, flapping its great wings.

Zeta grabbed another dagger and carefully aimed. The creature rolled in the cloudless sky, spinning away from her, its velocity too fast for her to lock upon.

“Your hide is mine.” She ran after the predator, determined to down her attacker and retrieve her mother’s dagger, that last gift from her now-dead parent having once served as her only protection.

You have to look after yourself now, Zeta. Her mother’s final words echoed in her ears as she sprinted, her gaze fixed on the creature’s fading silhouette, its monstrous form etched against the bright sun.

With three more beats of its great wings, the animal surged out of range, and Zeta skidded to a stop, sand spraying her ugly black boots, her clothes soaked with perspiration.

“No thief, no bounty and now, one less dagger.” She kicked a large red boulder, its varying shades of color delineating centuries of soil settlement. “This day couldn’t get any worse.” Zeta sheathed her remaining dagger, disgusted by her failure.

“It could have been worse. You could have been eaten by the rock vulture.”

Him again. “Is that what happened to you?” She cocked her head, her hair sliding over her shoulders, hanging loose, her fastener also lost during the assault. “Are you a spirit, destined to walk the sands of Chamele 4, warning others of your mistake?”

“I’m no spirit, little hunter. And I don’t make mistakes.” A muscled form materialized from the nearby wall of rock, his skin turning from red to tan, his long hair darkening to black. He was dauntingly large, his biceps huge and defined, his broad shoulders tapering down to a narrow waist and then disappearing into nothing.

“You have no legs.” Zeta frowned, meeting his midnight gaze, his face as hard as the stone he faded into. “What are you?”

His lips quirked upward. “I have legs.” A long silver scar slashed down his cheek from his left eye to the corner of his mouth. “My invisibility, as you call it, is for your benefit. I’m in hunting mode and Chameles hunt naked.” He spread his fingers and long, deadly claws extended from his knuckles.

“Oh.” Zeta’s face heated, the urge to see him, all of him, tremendous. Is he as big all over? A pulse throbbed deep in her womb, her starved sex drive demanding her attention, too much of her life spent alone, untouched, emotionally safe.

I don’t need him. She bit the inside of her cheek, smothering her arousal with pain. I don’t need anyone.

He breathed deeply, his nostrils flaring, his chest rising and falling, the sun’s rays casting shadows over his muscles. “This isn’t the time nor place for rutting, gerel.” His dark eyes glittered. “The rock vulture is a vengeful creature. She’ll return.”

Zeta instinctively stepped closer, drawn to him. “She’ll return with my dagger.” She touched her empty sheath, feeling its loss.

His gaze remained locked on her face, his focus thrilling. “She’ll return with her flock. They’ll peck your stubborn skull open and feast on your brains.” He retracted his claws, reached out and circled her wrist with his fingers. “Come.” He dragged her forward, his grip unbreakable.

“I’m not going anywhere with you, Chamele.” Zeta leaned back, digging her heels into the sand, slowing his progress.

“My name is Khan.” He tugged on her arm and she winced, her muscles straining. “Walk or be carried. That is your choice.”

“Suck on a loaded gun, Khan.” Zeta clasped a rock outcropping with her free hand. “I need my dagger back.” She yanked on the wrist he’d restrained, struggling to liberate herself from his barbarian clutches.

Khan held her easily, standing before her as though he was one of the giant unmovable stone spires surrounding them, not a bead of sweat forming on his slightly-sloping forehead. “I’ll supply you with everything you need.”

“I doubt that,” she grumbled, tiring, her energy dissipating under the hot sun. “Unless you have a bounty on that arrogant head of yours.”

“I have several bounties on my arrogant head.” Khan raised his chin proudly, his countenance harsh and unforgiving. “The lowest bounty would pay for your ship three times over.”

“Sure.” Zeta snorted, a bounty that large reserved for the deadliest of criminals. “And I’m the empress of Chamele 4, queen of all you survey.”

“Chamele 4 is a hunter planet only, unfit for permanent settlement.” Khan informed her, his voice flat, devoid of any humor. “And Chameles have no Empresses. We are fierce warriors. We have Warlords and their ladies.” He pressed his fingertips into her wrist, his touch appealingly possessive, as though he had claimed her. “I offer you the Warlord’s lady position on Chamele 2, a lush, rich planet.”

“I’m no one’s lady.” He sounds serious and he looks as tough as the planet he inhabits. Zeta studied him through lowered eyelashes. Could he have a bounty on him? She twisted her arm, unable to loosen his grip yet too stubborn to give up. “You shouldn’t joke to a bounty hunter about being wanted.”

“I don’t joke and I lose patience with you, foolish female.” Khan stalked closer to her and a frisson of excitement zipped up Zeta’s spine. “You’ve made your choice.” He released her wrist, leaving a ring of pink on her pale skin.

“I’m free.” She held up her hand, her triumph tempered with disappointment, expecting, needing, wanting more resistance from her brutish savage.

“Not free. Never free,” Khan rumbled. “Carried, it is.” He spanned her waist with his huge hands and slung her over his shoulder. Her stomach collided with unyielding muscle and she gasped, the air whooshing from her lungs.

“Let me go.” Zeta twisted her torso, pushing against his shoulders and yanking on his long hair, the strands surprisingly soft, the musky scent of him filling her nostrils.

He strode quickly toward her ship, leaving no footprints in the sand, no trace they’d ever been there. I could disappear forever and no one would ever find me. Zeta renewed her efforts to escape.

“Stop squirming.” Khan smacked her fabric-covered ass hard, an arousing warmth radiating from the point of contact.

“Stop carrying me.” Zeta leveled a blow where his invisible ass should be, the flat of her palm connecting with firm skin, the sound shockingly loud. He grunted, jerking forward, and his speed increased, the barren landscape blurring around them.

“Put me down.” She kicked her feet into his stomach and pummeled his back with her fists, his body impressively solid.

“I said stop.” He cuffed her ass, the impact sharp, the delectable pain drawing more moisture from her already drenched pussy.

“Never,” Zeta spat, wiggling, grinding against him, striving to find release. Khan’s big hand rained down on her curves, heating her skin through her clothes, rewarding her with the punishment she craved.

This was what all of my previous casual encounters were missing. This dominance. This pain. Zeta writhed, stroking his back wildly with her fingers, passion coiling around her tighter and tighter. Close. So close. She panted, tilting her ass into his descending hand.

“No.” Khan stopped abruptly and Zeta gritted her teeth, swallowing her scream of frustration, one blow away from fulfillment. “Not yet, gerel.” He propped her against the side of her ship, trapping her between the metal panels and his body, his thighs wedged between hers, solid yet unseen. “You won’t come until I allow you to.”

“I’ll come when I want to come and I want to come right now.” She flicked her leg coverings open and defiantly slipped her fingers inside, reaching for her clit, determined to finish the job her own damn self. I don’t need him.

“No.” Khan pulled her hands out of her leg coverings, his dark eyes turbulent. He appeared as aroused as she was, his chest heaving and his invisible cock pushing against her, long and hard and thick. “You’ll listen to me first.”

“No.” She glared at him, arching into his body, silently asking for more.

“Yes.” He spread her arms to the sides, looming over her, in complete control. With his claws, his size, his brawn, he could strip her naked and fuck her senseless, taking whatever he wanted from her restrained body, and she couldn’t stop him. Zeta breathed heavily, more stimulated than she’d ever been in her long, solitary life.

“When I release you, you’ll return to your ship.” Khan leaned his forehead against hers, the tips of their noses touching, his breath wafting on her lips, his tenderness unexpected, confusing. “You’ll lock the door behind you and you’ll open it only for me.”

“Why would I open it for you?” she asked, clinging to her rebellion, showing him no weakness.

“Because I’ll give you this.” Khan cupped her mons and she inhaled sharply, his strength, his grasp, thrilling. “I’ll give you what you need.” He smiled smugly, kneading her with his fingers, building her desire, her thighs shaking uncontrollably under him.

“I’ll lay you upon that rock so all of Chamele 4 can see your passion, your beauty.” He glanced at the flat boulder near the path they’d taken and Zeta swallowed hard, her throat dry, her nipples taut, aching for him.

His gaze returned to hers. “Then I’ll climb on top of your small body and mount you with one hard thrust, filling your wet pussy with my big cock.” He thrust his hips forward, driving that big cock against her, and she moaned, trembling with need. “I’ll rut into you with such force, such vigor, that you’ll scream my name, and I won’t stop until you beg for my seed.”

Stars. Zeta curled her fingers into fists, digging her fingernails into the palms of her hands. “I never beg,” she whispered, blatantly lying, a plea for more of his rough touch dangling on the tip of her tongue.

His lips lifted in a smile, an emotion resembling respect reflecting in his eyes. “You will for me.” He pushed down with his thumb, pressing the seam of her leg coverings against her clit, and she froze, unable to move, to think, to breathe.

“Come for me, Zeta.” He rubbed, grinding the coarse cloth into her sensitive flesh, giving her the roughness she craved, pushing her over the edge.

Zeta screamed, bucking forward, smacking her face against his chest, her world exploding with color and light. Khan caught her, holding her as she thrashed, pinned between her ship and his body, captured by her big barbarian, needing to move yet not wanting to be freed.

“Such passion, such beauty,” he murmured into her hair, cradling her head against his chest, petting her with a gentleness no warrior should ever exhibit. Zeta allowed herself to be held, savoring the experience, none of the other males she’d fucked having ever offered comfort, only him, only Khan. I need him.

For sex. She stiffened, panic straightening her spine, the connection between them scaring her. I don’t need him for anything else.

“Enough.” Zeta pushed him away, needing to escape, to get away from him, from her emotions and her need.

“Never enough.” Khan stepped back and she slid to the ground, her boots sinking into the sand, her knees weakening, threatening to buckle underneath her.

She gritted her teeth and grasped onto her ship’s panels, securing her footing. Khan watched her closely yet he didn’t reach out to her, his faith in her strength steadying her legs and reviving her confidence. I can take care of myself.

Khan nodded curtly as though agreeing with her unspoken statement and he pivoted, his movements smooth and graceful, his ass and legs remaining invisible. “I’ll return for you at daybreak, gerel.” He strode away from her and faded into the landscape, becoming one with the harsh planet.

“I won’t be here,” Zeta called after him, having no reason to remain on Chamele 4, her target dead, her rations and fuel scarily low, every spare credit spent on the school. “I shouldn’t be here,” she amended.

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One Last Bus Ride

By Cynthia Sax on October 28, 2013

As Avon writers are sharing Halloween stories this week, I thought I’d share one of my true life ghost stories. Having spent years volunteering in senior citizen residences, I’ve seen more than my fair share of unusual circumstances and coincidences. Elba’s story is my favorite. I often dream of her sitting on that bus, her face radiant with happiness.

When I was young and single, I traveled wherever the work was. Sometimes I was stationed in small northern towns where I’d know no one. I spent my evenings helping residents play bingo at senior citizens’ homes.

One of my favorite bingo partners was Elba. Elba wouldn’t tell me her age but, as she teased her ninety-year-old friend about being “just a youngster”, she must have been close to one hundred years old.

My buddy, Elba, was fascinated with my weekend bus ride to and from my hometown. She wanted to know everything – when the bus left, what the fare was, what the bus driver said, who stopped at which towns. I spent hours with her every Monday, recapping my trip from start to finish, relating every little detail.

At the end of my Monday visits, she’d sigh and tell me how she always wanted to take a bus ride across the country. She would stay in the tiny little towns along the way, meet different people, eat different food. “It would be the grandest thing”, Elba would say. “Once.” She slapped the armrest of her wheelchair. “I get out of here, I’ll go.”

She said this every time, sounding quite determined, but I knew it wouldn’t ever happen. Elba was very sick. She had some complicated illness I had never heard of and I was told she hadn’t long to live.

One Friday, the boss kept me at work later than usual and I had to run to catch the six o’clock bus. As I hustled to the back of the vehicle, I looked up. My Lord. I stopped in the aisle. There, sitting in a seat, was a woman who could have been Elba’s twin. This woman was wearing an old fashioned white wool coat. Her gray hair was perfectly curled in that 1960’s Jackie Kennedy style. A tiny white pillbox hat was balanced on top of her head. The light above her made her skin glow.

As I stood there, gawking at Elba’s twin, another passenger bumped into my back. “Excuse me,” she snapped. When I didn’t respond, she pushed her carryon luggage against me.

I ignored her, my gaze fixed on Elba’s twin. Should I ask her who she was? No. If she wasn’t related to my friend, I’d die of embarrassment. I’d ask Elba next week. This would give us something to talk about.

The bag dug into my spine and the lady behind me huffed impatiently. I moved to an unoccupied seat and sat down. When I exited the bus at my stop, Elba’s twin was gone, her seat empty.

On Monday, I rushed into the senior citizens’ residence, eager to talk to Elba. I poked my head into her room. There was a new lady sitting primly in Elba’s bed. I double checked the door number. Yes, it was the correct room but where were all of Elba’s things?

“Where’s Elba?” I asked a nurse.

That was when I found out.

She had died.

On Friday at exactly six o’clock.

Just in time to make the bus.

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Warlord’s Mercy Featured On USA Today Blog

By Cynthia Sax on August 18, 2013

Warlord’s Mercy has been featured on the USA Today Blog.
Thank you, Louann Carroll, for choosing my story!
By Cynthia Sax
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Warlords Mercy

Tolui, a clone of a powerful Warlord, is a male without a homeland or a future. Doomed to never mate, he ruthlessly wages war, seeking to give his clone brothers a planet system to call their own, a place where they can live without persecution.

When Tolui crashes on a deserted planet and meets a small human female, he discovers everything he knows about clones is a lie. Lea, his destined mate, frees the passion he’s suppressed over his lifetime. He wants her. He needs her. He’ll do anything to bond with her.

But he won’t share her. Tolui’s greatest battle will be the fight for Lea’s heart. To win her love, he’ll face hundreds of his clone brothers, men who look exactly like him.

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Blog Tour

By Cynthia Sax on July 26, 2013

Today, I’m at

Toots Book Reviews


He Watches Me From Cynthia Sax

He Watches Me From Cynthia Sax

She desires to be seen. He wants to watch.

Anna Sampson has a naughty secret. Every night, she slips into her neighbor’s yard and swims naked in his pool. She fantasizes that the dynamic young billionaire watches her nightly nude aquatics, his brilliant green eyes gleaming with lust.

She discovers this isn’t pure fantasy. Gabriel Blaine has been watching her via his security cameras, and now that he has returned to L.A., he doesn’t plan to stop. That’s all he wants—to watch. Anna knows she shouldn’t allow him and she certainly shouldn’t want more, but she craves Blaine’s attention, needing his gaze fixed on her body.

Part One of The Seen Trilogy

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He Touches Me From Cynthia Sax

He Touches Me From Cynthia Sax

His touch enflames her desires.

Anna Sampson has allowed billionaire businessman Gabriel Blaine to watch her, all of her. And looking is all he’s done—until now. After giving him permission to touch her, Anna realizes she won’t be satisfied until she has all of this handsome and secretive man.

Soon she tempts him, shreds his control, and pushes him too far. Blaine’s reluctance to take her virginity frustrates Anna. He fulfills her fantasy, but what is their reality together?

Part Two of The Seen Trilogy

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He Claims Me From Cynthia Sax

He Claims Me From Cynthia Sax

A billionaire’s desires and a virgin’s wish to be claimed come together.

Two men want Anna Sampson. Gabriel Blaine is powerful, intelligent, the CEO of a successful company, and a billionaire. He’s watched her, touched her, encouraged her to become a strong, independent woman, a woman unafraid of her desires.

Now secrets from the past are exposed, threatening Anna’s freedom and safety. Will the man she loves stand by her side, or will he desert her, leaving Anna once again to face the future alone?

The searing climax of The Seen Trilogy.

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Blog Tour

By Cynthia Sax on July 25, 2013

Today, I’m at

Paws and Print


Sugar and Spice Book Reviews


He Watches Me From Cynthia Sax

He Watches Me From Cynthia Sax

She desires to be seen. He wants to watch.

Anna Sampson has a naughty secret. Every night, she slips into her neighbor’s yard and swims naked in his pool. She fantasizes that the dynamic young billionaire watches her nightly nude aquatics, his brilliant green eyes gleaming with lust.

She discovers this isn’t pure fantasy. Gabriel Blaine has been watching her via his security cameras, and now that he has returned to L.A., he doesn’t plan to stop. That’s all he wants—to watch. Anna knows she shouldn’t allow him and she certainly shouldn’t want more, but she craves Blaine’s attention, needing his gaze fixed on her body.

Part One of The Seen Trilogy

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He Touches Me From Cynthia Sax

He Touches Me From Cynthia Sax

His touch enflames her desires.

Anna Sampson has allowed billionaire businessman Gabriel Blaine to watch her, all of her. And looking is all he’s done—until now. After giving him permission to touch her, Anna realizes she won’t be satisfied until she has all of this handsome and secretive man.

Soon she tempts him, shreds his control, and pushes him too far. Blaine’s reluctance to take her virginity frustrates Anna. He fulfills her fantasy, but what is their reality together?

Part Two of The Seen Trilogy

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He Claims Me From Cynthia Sax

He Claims Me From Cynthia Sax

A billionaire’s desires and a virgin’s wish to be claimed come together.

Two men want Anna Sampson. Gabriel Blaine is powerful, intelligent, the CEO of a successful company, and a billionaire. He’s watched her, touched her, encouraged her to become a strong, independent woman, a woman unafraid of her desires.

Now secrets from the past are exposed, threatening Anna’s freedom and safety. Will the man she loves stand by her side, or will he desert her, leaving Anna once again to face the future alone?

The searing climax of The Seen Trilogy.

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