Talking Friends, Flashes Of Me, And Romanceland

By Cynthia Sax on February 18, 2014

I’m talking about fictional friends at N.j. Walters ‘s online home today (which is super appropriate because I’m lucky to consider N.j. a real friend)

Here’s a tidbit…

“I love NJ (gives her a big hug). I love her writing and I love her as a person. I feel fortunate to have her as a friend.

Because friends are important, especially in Romanceland. Romance is all about lasting love. It is difficult to create a lasting relationship if the two (or more) people aren’t also good friends. My dear wonderful hubby is my best friend. He’s the first person I tell anything to, the person I know will support me no matter what craziness I come up with, the friend I trust my deepest darkest secrets to.”

Flashes Of Me Cynthia Sax

Henley, the head of cyber security at Blaine Technologies, is a man no one crosses. He watches employees constantly using his network of cameras and enforces his rules by any means possible. Rumors of his violent past, his scarred hands and huge size have resulted in him being feared by everyone… almost everyone.

Katalina, the new intern, worries about the revelation of her most painful secret much more than she fears her sexy boss’s wrath. She sees the loneliness in his dark eyes, feels the gentleness in his marred fingers, tastes the need in his kisses, and she knows he watches her. His silly rules about not stripping for the cameras and no sex at the office are destined to be broken.

Kat likes to be watched. Henley can’t look away. Will this beauty be able to tame her beastly boss?




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An Interview With Kat From Flashes Of Me

By Cynthia Sax on February 18, 2014

Kat, the heroine from Flashes Of Me, has graciously agreed to another interview. The always fabulous Ellie Macdonald hosted us.

Here’s a snippet…

Kat: (smiles) My father always tells me that business deals are built on trust and trust is built on truth. I try to be as truthful as I can.

Cynthia Sax: Yet you’re using your mother’s maiden name here in LA.

Kat: (smile dims) Yes. My uncle thought that deception was necessary. And I didn’t fight him. I like the idea of starting a new life here, where no one knows my family, my…secrets.

Flashes Of Me Cynthia Sax

Henley, the head of cyber security at Blaine Technologies, is a man no one crosses. He watches employees constantly using his network of cameras and enforces his rules by any means possible. Rumors of his violent past, his scarred hands and huge size have resulted in him being feared by everyone… almost everyone.

Katalina, the new intern, worries about the revelation of her most painful secret much more than she fears her sexy boss’s wrath. She sees the loneliness in his dark eyes, feels the gentleness in his marred fingers, tastes the need in his kisses, and she knows he watches her. His silly rules about not stripping for the cameras and no sex at the office are destined to be broken.

Kat likes to be watched. Henley can’t look away. Will this beauty be able to tame her beastly boss?




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Does Size Matter?

By Cynthia Sax on February 18, 2014

I’m at Ramblings From This Chick

talking about Flashes Of Me and whether or not size matters. (grins)

Here’s a tidbit

“Henley, the hero of Flashes Of Me, is a BIG man. He’s tall and broad with not an inch of fat on his muscular body. He’s conscious of his size, wearing all black to emphasize his unusual physique even more.

Being a large man has its benefits. People are naturally scared of him and this helps him in his role as head of security at Blaine Technologies. He likes to loom over wrongdoers, intimidating them with his mere presence. This decreases the odds he’ll have to use his massive fists.

His height and width has its disadvantages also. As Kat, the heroine, states “Some people think big men are dumb.” Kat realizes immediately that Henley is very intelligent, maybe too intelligent. He sees the secrets she would prefer remain hidden.”

Flashes Of Me Cynthia Sax

Henley, the head of cyber security at Blaine Technologies, is a man no one crosses. He watches employees constantly using his network of cameras and enforces his rules by any means possible. Rumors of his violent past, his scarred hands and huge size have resulted in him being feared by everyone… almost everyone.

Katalina, the new intern, worries about the revelation of her most painful secret much more than she fears her sexy boss’s wrath. She sees the loneliness in his dark eyes, feels the gentleness in his marred fingers, tastes the need in his kisses, and she knows he watches her. His silly rules about not stripping for the cameras and no sex at the office are destined to be broken.

Kat likes to be watched. Henley can’t look away. Will this beauty be able to tame her beastly boss?




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Why I LOVE Henley

By Cynthia Sax on February 18, 2014

I’m at Louisa Bacio ‘s online home today, talking about the beastly hero and why I LOVE, absolutely LOVE Henley, the hero of Flashes Of Me

Here’s a tidbit

“Henley uses his appearance and the rumors to do his job. Very few people dare to break the rules at Blaine Technologies because no one wants Henley confronting them. Employees are so scared, they avoid him in the hallways, exit elevators when he enters, duck behind walls when he passes.

This avoidance hurts Henley but he tolerates it because it allows him to protect the people he secretly cares for. He willingly trades his happiness to safeguard others. And the kicker is…no one notices.”

Flashes Of Me Cynthia Sax

Henley, the head of cyber security at Blaine Technologies, is a man no one crosses. He watches employees constantly using his network of cameras and enforces his rules by any means possible. Rumors of his violent past, his scarred hands and huge size have resulted in him being feared by everyone… almost everyone.

Katalina, the new intern, worries about the revelation of her most painful secret much more than she fears her sexy boss’s wrath. She sees the loneliness in his dark eyes, feels the gentleness in his marred fingers, tastes the need in his kisses, and she knows he watches her. His silly rules about not stripping for the cameras and no sex at the office are destined to be broken.

Kat likes to be watched. Henley can’t look away. Will this beauty be able to tame her beastly boss?




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Caught On Camera

By Cynthia Sax on February 18, 2014

Have you ever been caught on camera doing something CRAZY? I certainly have. I talk about my misadventures today on Lucy Felthouse’s online home

Here’s a tidbit (and yeah, you KNOW it doesn’t end well)

“I was working for a huge corporation. It was the weekend and I had a project to complete, a huge presentation to prepare for. The fourth floor of the office building was desolate. Chairs were empty. Desks were clean. The only sound was the hum of a faraway printer. It resembled a scene from a disaster movie. I could have been the last person on the planet.”

Flashes Of Me Cynthia Sax

Henley, the head of cyber security at Blaine Technologies, is a man no one crosses. He watches employees constantly using his network of cameras and enforces his rules by any means possible. Rumors of his violent past, his scarred hands and huge size have resulted in him being feared by everyone… almost everyone.

Katalina, the new intern, worries about the revelation of her most painful secret much more than she fears her sexy boss’s wrath. She sees the loneliness in his dark eyes, feels the gentleness in his marred fingers, tastes the need in his kisses, and she knows he watches her. His silly rules about not stripping for the cameras and no sex at the office are destined to be broken.

Kat likes to be watched. Henley can’t look away. Will this beauty be able to tame her beastly boss?




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Inspiration Behind Flashes Of Me

By Cynthia Sax on February 18, 2014

Yay! It is release day for Flashes Of Me!

I’m at Lusty Penguin’s online home today, talking about the inspiration behind Flashes Of Me AND The Seen Trilogy.

Here’ s a tidbit

“Flashes of Me started with Henley. Henley appears in The Seen Trilogy (He Watches Me, He Touches Me, He Claims Me). He’s big and scarred and he watches the people around him closely, safeguarding them from harm.

I knew I wanted to give him a heroine to protect, but not merely physically. Henley is a huge guy, a strong, massive man. Protecting someone physically would be too easy for him. I had to go deeper, finding him someone he could protect emotionally. Kat is this heroine.”

Flashes Of Me Cynthia Sax

Henley, the head of cyber security at Blaine Technologies, is a man no one crosses. He watches employees constantly using his network of cameras and enforces his rules by any means possible. Rumors of his violent past, his scarred hands and huge size have resulted in him being feared by everyone… almost everyone.

Katalina, the new intern, worries about the revelation of her most painful secret much more than she fears her sexy boss’s wrath. She sees the loneliness in his dark eyes, feels the gentleness in his marred fingers, tastes the need in his kisses, and she knows he watches her. His silly rules about not stripping for the cameras and no sex at the office are destined to be broken.

Kat likes to be watched. Henley can’t look away. Will this beauty be able to tame her beastly boss?




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What Does Your Coffee Say About You?

By Cynthia Sax on December 18, 2013

Henley and Kat, the hero and heroine in Flashes Of Me, first meet in a coffee shop. Kat notices Henley’s order (He ordered plain black coffee, no cream, no sugar, no whipped cream, and hell no to the chocolate sprinkles.) and she makes some assumptions about his personality. Kat, in contrast, orders a “small coffee, two creams, three sugars, extra whipped cream, and hell yes to the chocolate sprinkles.”

So what does YOUR coffee say about you?

Plain black coffee: You’re a purist valuing efficiency. You don’t like any fuss, any complications. Give you the facts and only the facts and you’re happy.

Coffee with cream and sugar: You’re a comfort seeker and you like to make people happy. When you’re offered something, you take it. It might not be good for you but you’d rather harm yourself than make others unhappy.

Mocha: You like a little bit of everything. You flavor your life with a dash of this and a dash of that. You’d prefer to eat dessert first and live for today.

Latte: You’re classy. Simply saying the word latte makes you feel sophisticated. You’re carrying the latest purse, shopping at the hottest stores.

Iced Coffee: You’re playful and fun. Everyone wants you at their parties. You tell the craziest jokes and are the first person on the dance floor.

A grande cafe mocha, no sugar, no whipped cream, extra dry, with half skim, half full milk: You’re very sensitive and very particular. You tend to be a perfectionist. You’d rather drink nothing than drink the wrong thing.

Flashes Of Me Cynthia Sax

Henley, the head of cyber security at Blaine Technologies, is a man no one crosses. He watches employees constantly using his network of cameras and enforces his rules by any means possible. Rumors of his violent past, his scarred hands and huge size have resulted in him being feared by everyone… almost everyone.

Katalina, the new intern, worries about the revelation of her most painful secret much more than she fears her sexy boss’s wrath. She sees the loneliness in his dark eyes, feels the gentleness in his marred fingers, tastes the need in his kisses, and she knows he watches her. His silly rules about not stripping for the cameras and no sex at the office are destined to be broken.

Kat likes to be watched. Henley can’t look away. Will this beauty be able to tame her beastly boss?

Pre-order Now For 99 Cents:

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Avon Facebook Holiday Party

By Cynthia Sax on December 11, 2013

The Avon Holiday Party is on Friday!

There will be prizes, many, many, MANY prizes.

(Reading buddies know the issues I have with contests and only having one winner – grins)

There will also be laughter, VERY bad jokes, and some of the sexy-sexy.

I’m hosting from 4:30 to 5:00 pm EST.

Henley from Flashes Of Me has promised to show up. He’ll be working security, frisking rowdy guests with his big scarred hands (yum!).

Flashes Of Me Cynthia Sax

Henley, the head of cyber security at Blaine Technologies, is a man no one crosses. He watches employees constantly using his network of cameras and enforces his rules by any means possible. Rumors of his violent past, his scarred hands and huge size have resulted in him being feared by everyone… almost everyone.

Katalina, the new intern, worries about the revelation of her most painful secret much more than she fears her sexy boss’s wrath. She sees the loneliness in his dark eyes, feels the gentleness in his marred fingers, tastes the need in his kisses, and she knows he watches her. His silly rules about not stripping for the cameras and no sex at the office are destined to be broken.

Kat likes to be watched. Henley can’t look away. Will this beauty be able to tame her beastly boss?

Pre-order Now For 99 Cents:

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Upcoming Releases

By Cynthia Sax on December 8, 2013

Yes, I haven’t had an update in a while but that’s because I’ve been writing like a fiend (hopped up on Nutella)!

Here are the stories you’ll be seeing in the near future

Avon Impulse

Flashes of Me, the approximately 200 page contemporary erotic romance with Henley (from The Seen Trilogy) and Kat, is now available for pre-orders! The price is a crazy low 99 cents. Flashes of Me is releasing February 11th.

Breaking All The Rules, the approximately 200 page contemporary erotic romance with crazy Camille aka Goth girl (from The Seen Trilogy) and Nate, is also available for pre-orders! The price is the same 99 cents and this story is releasing February 18th.

Ellora’s Cave

Passionate by Moonbeam, the fourth and final story in the Moonbeam series (the other three stories being Lust by Moonbeam, Ravished by Moonbeam, and Exposed by Moonbeam), released on Friday. Yes, this is Fixer Vern’s story. I know many reading buddies wanted his story and I’m glad I told it. This is my favorite of all four stories.

Alien Tryst, the second story in the Tattooed Tryst series, has been written and submitted to my wonderful editor. This tells the story of Kane and Essie. I suspect it will release either in January or February.

Tryst Denied, the third and final story in the Tattooed Tryst series, has also been written and submitted to my editor. This is Raff’s story. I know many reading buddies have been waiting for his story. This will likely release in February or March. (I have no control over release dates).

All of my SciFi erotic romance series have been wrapped up which means that I’m working on a NEW SERIES! Woot! I’m super excited about this series and wrote the first chapter in the first story last week.

Other Projects

I was invited to contribute a sexy contemporary erotic romance novella (100 pages approximately) to a print anthology. I don’t yet know when this will be releasing.

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Cyber Monday Sales

By Cynthia Sax on December 2, 2013

All of my titles are 50% off after Rebate at ARe for TODAY (Cyber Monday) only. The Buy 10, get 1 free promotion still applies. (Pro tip: I buy one book at a time, using the rebate to pay for the next book – this is how I purchased over 100 books last year – yeah, I have a bit of a reading habit)

And yes, this means you can buy the entire Seen Trilogy for $1.50!





He Watches Me From Cynthia Sax

He Watches Me From Cynthia Sax

She desires to be seen. He wants to watch.

Anna Sampson has a naughty secret. Every night, she slips into her neighbor’s yard and swims naked in his pool. She fantasizes that the dynamic young billionaire watches her nightly nude aquatics, his brilliant green eyes gleaming with lust.

She discovers this isn’t pure fantasy. Gabriel Blaine has been watching her via his security cameras, and now that he has returned to L.A., he doesn’t plan to stop. That’s all he wants—to watch. Anna knows she shouldn’t allow him and she certainly shouldn’t want more, but she craves Blaine’s attention, needing his gaze fixed on her body.

Part One of The Seen Trilogy

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He Touches Me From Cynthia Sax

He Touches Me From Cynthia Sax

His touch enflames her desires.

Anna Sampson has allowed billionaire businessman Gabriel Blaine to watch her, all of her. And looking is all he’s done—until now. After giving him permission to touch her, Anna realizes she won’t be satisfied until she has all of this handsome and secretive man.

Soon she tempts him, shreds his control, and pushes him too far. Blaine’s reluctance to take her virginity frustrates Anna. He fulfills her fantasy, but what is their reality together?

Part Two of The Seen Trilogy

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He Claims Me From Cynthia Sax

He Claims Me From Cynthia Sax

A billionaire’s desires and a virgin’s wish to be claimed come together.

Two men want Anna Sampson. Gabriel Blaine is powerful, intelligent, the CEO of a successful company, and a billionaire. He’s watched her, touched her, encouraged her to become a strong, independent woman, a woman unafraid of her desires.

Now secrets from the past are exposed, threatening Anna’s freedom and safety. Will the man she loves stand by her side, or will he desert her, leaving Anna once again to face the future alone?

The searing climax of The Seen Trilogy.

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