Do Erotic Romances Need Kink?

By Cynthia Sax on March 21, 2014

This post contains adult content. If you are under the age of eighteen years old or are sensitive to adult words/situations, please do not read this post.

“Do my characters have to have kinky sex for my story to be considered an erotic romance?”

Thanks to the popularity of Fifty Shades Of Grey, newer writers ask this question ALL the time. Is BDSM necessary for sex scenes? (BDSM, according to Wikipedia, is “a variety of erotic practices involving dominance and submission, role-playing, restraint, and other interpersonal dynamics”) What happens if my heroine doesn’t like to be tied up or spanked or blindfolded? (because we all know characters have minds of their own – I can’t convince my characters to do anything they don’t want to do)

Okay, first thing… BDSM is only one sexual kink. I write about exhibitionism (wanting to be watched) and voyeurism (being watched), two very common and couple-friendly sexual kinks. Many of my buddies write about ménages (three people), tentacle sex (exactly what it sounds like – yes, people who like octopuses a little too much), furries (people dressing up like team mascots), and the list goes on. If something can be combined with sex, there’s someone doing it.

Second thing, kink is NOT necessary for an erotic romance. What IS necessary are sex scenes that take into account the personalities of the characters involved. No two people have sex quite the same way. I have a chatty heroine who talks all the way through sex. I have another heroine who doesn’t make a sound. One heroine (Camille from Breaking All The Rules) likes to take the lead. Another heroine (Kat from Flashes Of Me) prefers to follow in the bedroom.

Can you make sex scenes steamy without using toys or exotic situations? Of course. A great erotic romance writer can make a hand holding scene steamy. And sometimes kink can get in the way of the scene, drawing readers out of the story, because for a kink to work, to be hot, it has to be right for the characters.

Do you prefer kink in your erotic romances?


Nathan Lawford, Blaine Technologies’ chief financial officer, is known as the Iceman. He conducts his personal and business affairs without emotion, never allowing himself to become involved with anyone. When Nate sees something or someone he wants, he negotiates, paying a simple, set monetary price.

Now he wants Camille, the company’s green-haired intern.

Camille Joplin Trent never expected to be paid to pleasure the man of her dreams. She can’t quite figure out why this is a bad thing. Nate is intelligent, handsome, sophisticated, everything she’s ever wanted in a lover and never thought she could have. Their contract is for a month, thirty lust-filled days of making every sexual fantasy they’ve ever had come true. At the end of this month, the rules state their relationship will end.

Of course, Camille has never been good at following rules.

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Read Green This St. Patrick’s Day

By Cynthia Sax on March 17, 2014

Don’t forget that we have our St. Patrick’s Day party happening on Facebook today

I’m half Irish so St. Patrick’s Day has always been a big deal in my family. My dear feisty Grandma (yes, the same Grandma who would throw empty buckets at us if we didn’t pick blueberries fast enough) would always insist that we wear green on St. Patrick’s Day. She claimed it brought us luck for the upcoming year.

I figure if wearing green brings luck, then reading green must also bring luck. I plan to read some sexy erotic romances featuring green covers or green heroes (‘cause I do love SciFi erotic romance).

‘Course my Grandma would also blame lost items on ‘the wee folk’ so I’m not making any guarantees. (grins)


Nathan Lawford, Blaine Technologies’ chief financial officer, is known as the Iceman. He conducts his personal and business affairs without emotion, never allowing himself to become involved with anyone. When Nate sees something or someone he wants, he negotiates, paying a simple, set monetary price.

Now he wants Camille, the company’s green-haired intern.

Camille Joplin Trent never expected to be paid to pleasure the man of her dreams. She can’t quite figure out why this is a bad thing. Nate is intelligent, handsome, sophisticated, everything she’s ever wanted in a lover and never thought she could have. Their contract is for a month, thirty lust-filled days of making every sexual fantasy they’ve ever had come true. At the end of this month, the rules state their relationship will end.

Of course, Camille has never been good at following rules.

Pre-order Now At Amazon:

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Interviewed By Barbara Donlon Bradley

By Cynthia Sax on March 15, 2014


I’m being interviewed by Barbara Donlon Bradley today! I love interviews. They’re like Cosmo quizzes!

Here’s a snippet…

Do you have any special talents?

Cynthia Sax: I like to think I can write a little. (grins) I have a terrible memory which doesn’t seem like a talent yet it is. I don’t hold grudges. I’m never sad for long. I can’t remember what I’m supposed to be sad about.


Yes, I don’t do serious interviews.

Flashes Of Me Cynthia Sax

Henley, the head of cyber security at Blaine Technologies, is a man no one crosses. He watches employees constantly using his network of cameras and enforces his rules by any means possible. Rumors of his violent past, his scarred hands and huge size have resulted in him being feared by everyone… almost everyone.

Katalina, the new intern, worries about the revelation of her most painful secret much more than she fears her sexy boss’s wrath. She sees the loneliness in his dark eyes, feels the gentleness in his marred fingers, tastes the need in his kisses, and she knows he watches her. His silly rules about not stripping for the cameras and no sex at the office are destined to be broken.

Kat likes to be watched. Henley can’t look away. Will this beauty be able to tame her beastly boss?




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Interviewed At Turning The Pages

By Cynthia Sax on March 9, 2014

I’ve been interviewed at Turning The Pages

Here’s a snippet…

What would you say is one of your more interesting writing quirks?

Cynthia Sax: I’m a pantser, a writer who writes without a plot, so I’m always excited about what happens in my own stories. The dear wonderful hubby will return home and I’ll be bouncing around the kitchen, saying “You’ll never guess what my heroine did today!” It is a constant surprise to me.

Flashes Of Me Cynthia Sax

Henley, the head of cyber security at Blaine Technologies, is a man no one crosses. He watches employees constantly using his network of cameras and enforces his rules by any means possible. Rumors of his violent past, his scarred hands and huge size have resulted in him being feared by everyone… almost everyone.

Katalina, the new intern, worries about the revelation of her most painful secret much more than she fears her sexy boss’s wrath. She sees the loneliness in his dark eyes, feels the gentleness in his marred fingers, tastes the need in his kisses, and she knows he watches her. His silly rules about not stripping for the cameras and no sex at the office are destined to be broken.

Kat likes to be watched. Henley can’t look away. Will this beauty be able to tame her beastly boss?




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The Magic Number Of Sex Scenes In An Erotic Romance

By Cynthia Sax on March 7, 2014

Note: This post uses adult language. If you are under the age of eighteen years old or are sensitive to erotic language, please do not read this post.

How many sex scenes should an erotic romance have?

Newer writers ask me this question all the time. “My story is 25,000 words (100 pages) and has 3 sex scenes. Is it an erotic romance?”

Ummm… maybe?

Determining whether or not a story is an erotic romance isn’t as easy as counting the sex scenes. I’ve read some over-the-top sexy erotic romances with NO sex scenes in them. The hero doesn’t even undo his pants. I’ve read some stories with 20 sex scenes that weren’t erotic at all. They were as steamy as the sex entry in Wikipedia.

IMHO (and other writers/readers/reviewers have different opinions), writing erotic is all about tone, word choice, and character arc.


A great erotic writer can take a simple glance across the room and make it the steamiest, hottest encounter a reader could wish for. Many newer writers think the action makes the scene erotic. Nope. It isn’t the reaction of the other character either. Though both of these components are necessary. It is the emotional reaction that turns a scene from okay to erotic (the always fabulous Christine d’Abo taught me this early in my career – hugs Christine). The character has to feel for readers to feel.

A random example would be

“Nate glances upward, our gazes lock and hold, and I forget to breathe, to think, to move.”

There’s action – Nate glances upward

There’s reaction – Our gazes lock and hold

And there’s emotional reaction – I forget to breathe, to think, to move

Without the last part, the scene is flat, non-erotic.

Erotic romances have this highly sensual tone throughout most of the story. The writing is very touchy feely with the emphasis on feely.

Word Choice

Highly sensual tone in romance has existed for years. What divided erotic romance from other romances is word choice. We call body parts by their street names. There are no purple helmeted warriors. Our heroes have cocks. There are no blossoming flowers. Our heroines have pussies. Our characters don’t have sex. They fuck. The bedroom door is wide open and the words used there are uncensored.

Character Arc

You have a scene using everyday words with a highly sensual tone. What else do you need?

Need is the key word. The scene should be needed.

Characters in erotic romances must grow and change through their sexual experiences. If a writer can remove a sex scene and the characters don’t change, the sex scene shouldn’t be there. Adding sex scenes to increase word count or for titillation irritates readers and gives erotic romance a bad name. Erotic romance isn’t about the sex. It is about great storytelling.

What makes a story erotic to you?

Flashes Of Me Cynthia Sax

Henley, the head of cyber security at Blaine Technologies, is a man no one crosses. He watches employees constantly using his network of cameras and enforces his rules by any means possible. Rumors of his violent past, his scarred hands and huge size have resulted in him being feared by everyone… almost everyone.

Katalina, the new intern, worries about the revelation of her most painful secret much more than she fears her sexy boss’s wrath. She sees the loneliness in his dark eyes, feels the gentleness in his marred fingers, tastes the need in his kisses, and she knows he watches her. His silly rules about not stripping for the cameras and no sex at the office are destined to be broken.

Kat likes to be watched. Henley can’t look away. Will this beauty be able to tame her beastly boss?




Topics: Guest Post, Writing Tips | 1 Comment »

Interviewed At Ink Motions

By Cynthia Sax on March 3, 2014

I’ve been interviewed at Ink Motions!

Here’s a snippet…

Is there any advice you can offer to anyone who would like to write?

Be fearless. The great romances break the established rules. Of course, we should know the rules before we break them, but we shouldn’t hesitate to write something different, something groundbreaking. Write balls to the wall, all out.

Flashes Of Me may look like a regular Beauty and the Beast story but there’s a twist. I attempt something in this story that I’ve never seen done before. It was scary. I didn’t know if my editor would like it (she did – she loved it) and I don’t know if readers will like it. But I know they won’t be bored while reading it. (grins)

Flashes Of Me Cynthia Sax

Henley, the head of cyber security at Blaine Technologies, is a man no one crosses. He watches employees constantly using his network of cameras and enforces his rules by any means possible. Rumors of his violent past, his scarred hands and huge size have resulted in him being feared by everyone… almost everyone.

Katalina, the new intern, worries about the revelation of her most painful secret much more than she fears her sexy boss’s wrath. She sees the loneliness in his dark eyes, feels the gentleness in his marred fingers, tastes the need in his kisses, and she knows he watches her. His silly rules about not stripping for the cameras and no sex at the office are destined to be broken.

Kat likes to be watched. Henley can’t look away. Will this beauty be able to tame her beastly boss?




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Beautiful Writers And The Best Seller Lists

By Cynthia Sax on February 28, 2014

Beauty matters. It sucks that it matters but it does. That’s the unfortunate reality.

A “recent study out of the University of Wisconsin reports that hiring a beautiful person, say, as a S&P 500 company’s CEO, may boost its bottom line.

The results of the study, which used an algorithm on facial beauty analysis site to rate the attractiveness of 677 CEOs, confirmed that better-looking CEOs make more money (sometimes called a “beauty premium”). It also found that stock market returns were higher on M&A announcement dates for companies whose CEO ranked high on the Facial Attractiveness Index.”

One would think that beauty wouldn’t matter in Romanceland. Sales should be all about the stories, about the yummy heroes and the intriguing heroines, right?

Yeah, no. If appearances didn’t matter, writers wouldn’t be asked for their photos… ALL the time. Our photos wouldn’t appear next to our online bios, in the back of print books, in the media kits.

And how we look in these photos makes a difference to our careers. The average reader is more likely to buy from an attractive writer. The media is more likely to feature or interview attractive writers.

There are a number of reasons why you won’t find my photo anywhere online. The main reason is that my dear wonderful supportive mom-in-law is very religious and would be embarrassed if one of her church-going friends knew what I was writing. I don’t ever want to hurt this terrific woman. I love her to bits.

But another reason is… I’m beauty impaired. The plain Jane heroine whom only the hero finds attractive? That’s me. Ironically my super awesome hubby IS handsome and he DOES think I’m beautiful, even twenty years and twice my original weight later. (Oh, and we fell in love at first sight – yes, I base my romance stories on real life).

I had to work ten times as hard in business to overcome this lack of beauty issue (because in business, beauty also matters). When I followed my dream into writing, I thought this wouldn’t be an issue. I was naïve. It IS an issue.

I use cover art for my bio photo. I prefer to look at Henley’s handsome face than mine. Some media won’t accept that, won’t cover the story unless I supply my real photo. I miss out on these promotional avenues. Some of my beauty impaired buddies (big hugs) use avatars, logos, and other clever images. They also miss out on opportunities.

I’m as guilty as the next person about judging writers based on their appearances. I’d rather not see who is writing the erotic romances I enjoy reading. I love my fellow writers but I don’t want to picture their faces while the hero is boinking the living daylights out of the heroine. SO not sexy. (grins)

And I don’t begrudge my beautiful writing buddies their successes. (big hugs) I merely wish their successes were due 100% to their wonderful stories. I wish we all stopped judging each other on our appearances. (And since we’re talking about fantasies, I also wish eating Nutella qualified as a form of exercise)

Have you been judged on your appearance? Does a writer’s appearance make a difference to you?

Flashes Of Me Cynthia Sax

Henley, the head of cyber security at Blaine Technologies, is a man no one crosses. He watches employees constantly using his network of cameras and enforces his rules by any means possible. Rumors of his violent past, his scarred hands and huge size have resulted in him being feared by everyone… almost everyone.

Katalina, the new intern, worries about the revelation of her most painful secret much more than she fears her sexy boss’s wrath. She sees the loneliness in his dark eyes, feels the gentleness in his marred fingers, tastes the need in his kisses, and she knows he watches her. His silly rules about not stripping for the cameras and no sex at the office are destined to be broken.

Kat likes to be watched. Henley can’t look away. Will this beauty be able to tame her beastly boss?




Topics: Guest Post, Writing Tips | 2 Comments »

Fave Quotes From Flashes Of Me

By Cynthia Sax on February 26, 2014

Quite a few readers have shared their favorite lines from Flashes Of Me with me and I LOVE this.

So I thought I’d share some of MY favorite lines.


Employees raise their heads, spot Henley, and duck back down.

This happens again and again, the sight hilariously funny. “Have you ever played that amusement-park game where the rodents pop out of holes and you have to whack them with a mallet?” I ask. Henley doesn’t answer, his broad shoulders shaking. “You’re strong and fast. I think you’d be great at that game. You could win me a stuffed bear or a giant plush unicorn.”

Okay, this is more than a line but I love this because Kat takes something that has really been hurting Henley and she twists it into something humorous, changing his view on the world, his emotional reaction.


I swallow my fears, turn, and enter the car, leaving my behemoth standing on the sidewalk, a solid wall of black separating joy and sorrow.


I think this sums up what Henley means to Kat. He is her wall. For others, say Camille aka Goth girl, a wall wouldn’t be a good thing, but Kat feels safe behind a wall.


I need to be happy.


This line more than anything defines Kat. She doesn’t WANT to be happy. She NEEDS to be happy. Much of what she does is driven by this need.

What were your favorite lines from Flashes Of Me?

Flashes Of Me Cynthia Sax

Henley, the head of cyber security at Blaine Technologies, is a man no one crosses. He watches employees constantly using his network of cameras and enforces his rules by any means possible. Rumors of his violent past, his scarred hands and huge size have resulted in him being feared by everyone… almost everyone.

Katalina, the new intern, worries about the revelation of her most painful secret much more than she fears her sexy boss’s wrath. She sees the loneliness in his dark eyes, feels the gentleness in his marred fingers, tastes the need in his kisses, and she knows he watches her. His silly rules about not stripping for the cameras and no sex at the office are destined to be broken.

Kat likes to be watched. Henley can’t look away. Will this beauty be able to tame her beastly boss?




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Henley, Nutella, and Flashes Of Me

By Cynthia Sax on February 18, 2014

Talking Henley, Flashes Of Me, and, of course, Nutella at Wendi Zwaduk ‘s online home today.

Here’s a snippet

“Kat is a big breasted blonde, accustomed to being appreciated merely for her looks. She realizes she’s pretty and she also realizes being pretty isn’t always an asset. Because she’s often judged by her appearance, she rarely judges others by their appearances.

This is a good thing because Henley’s appearance scares the Nutella out of people.”

Flashes Of Me Cynthia Sax

Henley, the head of cyber security at Blaine Technologies, is a man no one crosses. He watches employees constantly using his network of cameras and enforces his rules by any means possible. Rumors of his violent past, his scarred hands and huge size have resulted in him being feared by everyone… almost everyone.

Katalina, the new intern, worries about the revelation of her most painful secret much more than she fears her sexy boss’s wrath. She sees the loneliness in his dark eyes, feels the gentleness in his marred fingers, tastes the need in his kisses, and she knows he watches her. His silly rules about not stripping for the cameras and no sex at the office are destined to be broken.

Kat likes to be watched. Henley can’t look away. Will this beauty be able to tame her beastly boss?




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The Power Of Flashing

By Cynthia Sax on February 18, 2014

I’m sharing WAY too much information at Ann Jacobs’ online home today

Here’s a snippet…

“My dear wonderful hubby was stressed. He’d lost a huge deal he’d be working on. He was in danger of not making his sales quota for the quarter. He had an important call with his boss and the rest of the team.

Five minutes into the call, I knew it wasn’t going well. His answers to questions were curt, almost grumpy. Tensions were escalating. The hubby was so wound up, he was making a bad situation even worse.

I stepped into his line of sight and flipped my shirt up. We’ve been together for twenty terrific years. My breasts were never Playboy quality, not even on day one, and he’s seen them hundreds, thousands of times.

The impact was instant. My hubby stopped talking mid sentence. He blinked slowly. Then he smiled, his shoulders lowering, the lines around his mouth easing, all of the stress whooshing out of him. That brief glimpse of the forbidden, of something naughty, something unexpected, sucked the tension from his body.

THIS is the power of flashing and flashing IS power. The viewer doesn’t touch, doesn’t control the action. The flasher is in complete control. She decides when and where.”

Flashes Of Me Cynthia Sax

Henley, the head of cyber security at Blaine Technologies, is a man no one crosses. He watches employees constantly using his network of cameras and enforces his rules by any means possible. Rumors of his violent past, his scarred hands and huge size have resulted in him being feared by everyone… almost everyone.

Katalina, the new intern, worries about the revelation of her most painful secret much more than she fears her sexy boss’s wrath. She sees the loneliness in his dark eyes, feels the gentleness in his marred fingers, tastes the need in his kisses, and she knows he watches her. His silly rules about not stripping for the cameras and no sex at the office are destined to be broken.

Kat likes to be watched. Henley can’t look away. Will this beauty be able to tame her beastly boss?




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