Why Every Romance Writer Should Be Watching Showtime’s The Affair

By Cynthia Sax on November 3, 2014

The dear wonderful hubby and I are watching Showtime’s The Affair, a TV show following an affair between a New York City schoolteacher/novelist and a young waitress. What makes this show unique (and writer gold) is that the story is told from both Noah’s point of view (the hero’s) and Alison’s point of view (the heroine’s). The same period of time is shown twice.

This is a terrific exercise for romance writers as many romances are told from both the heroine’s and the hero’s points of view. We often have a good handle on how the character we most closely relate to sees the world (I’m female so I’m more likely to know how a female character/the heroine might think). Seeing the world from the other character’s point of view can be more challenging.

I Wore WHAT?

I love spotting the differences in clothing on The Affair. The story is told in the past with the hero and the heroine remembering the details. The hero almost always remembers the heroine as being dressed in a seductive way. In last week’s episode, he remembered her wearing a very short, flirty skirt. The heroine, when she tells the same story, remembers that she wore jeans and a conservative top. The colors are different. The hero might remember a blue shirt. The heroine remembers a particular shade of blue.

Talk This Way

The differences in dialogue are enlightening. The hero remembers grittier, to-the-point, cruder dialogue. He’s a man. Rrrr… He’s also super slick. Boyfriend says all of the right words, wooing the heroine. The heroine remembers more emotional dialogue. The hero isn’t perfect. He bungles a bit. They talk about feelings. Some of the poetry flowing out of the hero’s mouth a man is unlikely to say (and haven’t we all read romance novels in which the heroes didn’t sound like men?).

Shit Gets Done

The hero’s memories are often clustered around actions. He’s getting shit done. He’s not lying in bed having long chats with his (oblivious) wife. He’s researching his book, going to a town hall meeting, attending a party.

The heroine’s memories involve talking, so MUCH talking. She’s sitting beside the hero in the library (while he remembered them meeting in the stacks, both of them standing). She’s sitting beside her neighbors at the town hall meeting (while he remembers not sitting).

Have you been watching The Affair? What differences have you spotted?


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Four years ago, Bee Carter left her tiny hometown, escaping her tormenters. She concealed her tarnished reputation under a good-girl persona, hiding her history from Nicolas, her strong and silent billionaire; Hawke, her tattooed bad-boy biker; and Cyndi, her man-crazy best friend.

Today, she’s returning home … and she’s not alone. Some of her deepest, darkest secrets will be revealed. Trust will be tested. Clothing and inhibitions will be discarded. Bee and her hometown will never be the same.

When her past and her present collide, will any of Bee’s relationships survive?

Buy Links:

Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Sinful-Rewards-Billionaires-Bikers-Novella-ebook/dp/B00I7V89N4

ARe: https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-sinfulrewards4-1645053-149.html

Barnes And Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/sinful-rewards-4-cynthia-sax/1119919839

Google: https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Cynthia_Sax_Sinful_Rewards_4?id=PvxzAwAAQBAJ

iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/sinful-rewards-4/id814148698

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Sinful Rewards – Haunted Chicago

By Cynthia Sax on October 31, 2014

Sinful Rewards is set in Chicago which makes this Halloween even more exciting for me. Chicago, with its deadly history (The Great Fire, Al Capone), is one of the most haunted cities in America.

The Congress Plaza Hotel is a must-visit for ghost hunters. It was built to host visitors during Chicago’s World Fair and was a hangout for Al Capone and other gangsters.

Some of the ghosts include a little boy in the north tower. His mother threw him off the roof before she took her own life. There’s a female ghost in the banquet room. She whispers in the ear of any visitor who enters the space alone. The most haunted room in the hotel is 441. A shadowy outline of a woman frequently appears there.

Another must-see is the Inez Clark Statue in Graceland Cemetery. Inez was a 6 year old girl who was struck by lightning and killed in 1880. Inez’s parents commissioned a statue in the likeness of their beloved daughter. This was placed on her grave, in a glass box to protect it from the elements (apt, considering how she died). Cemetery employees and visitors have often found the box empty or the statue moved, especially during thunderstorms. Yes. I felt chills also.

The Lady In Red haunting the Drake Hotel is one of the most famous Chicago ghosts. When the Drake Hotel opened on New Year’s Eve in 1920, a wealthy venture capitalist and his fiancé attended the gala held in the Gold Coast Room. The venture capitalist excused himself, leaving his fiancé in the ballroom, and didn’t return for hours. The green-eyed, black-haired beauty dressed in crimson went looking for him. She found the love of her life in the arms of another woman. Devastated, she climbed to the roof and jumped. She has been seen searching the ballroom, standing in the room where she found him cheating and on the roof.

Have you ever seen a ghost or been in a haunted house?


Subscribe To My Release Day Newsletter: http://tasteofcyn.com/2014/05/28/newsletter/

Four years ago, Bee Carter left her tiny hometown, escaping her tormenters. She concealed her tarnished reputation under a good-girl persona, hiding her history from Nicolas, her strong and silent billionaire; Hawke, her tattooed bad-boy biker; and Cyndi, her man-crazy best friend.

Today, she’s returning home … and she’s not alone. Some of her deepest, darkest secrets will be revealed. Trust will be tested. Clothing and inhibitions will be discarded. Bee and her hometown will never be the same.

When her past and her present collide, will any of Bee’s relationships survive?

Buy Links:

Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Sinful-Rewards-Billionaires-Bikers-Novella-ebook/dp/B00I7V89N4

ARe: https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-sinfulrewards4-1645053-149.html

Barnes And Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/sinful-rewards-4-cynthia-sax/1119919839

Google: https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Cynthia_Sax_Sinful_Rewards_4?id=PvxzAwAAQBAJ

iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/sinful-rewards-4/id814148698

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Sexy Treats – Humorous And Erotic Paranormal Romance Shorts

By Cynthia Sax on October 29, 2014

Big girls deserve Halloween treats also. Here are some paranormal erotic romance shorts (less than 20,000 words or 80 pages) that are sexy, funny AND no-calorie.

If I were to recommend one of my paranormal shorts for this Halloween, it would be Fangs In Fur. It’s about 40 pages, features a vampire heroine and a hunky wolf shifter hero, star-crossed love, and it cracks me up every time I read it.


I’m Helena and I’m no delicate flower, my rough touch making former paranormal lovers cry. I’m looking for someone big and strong and preferably not a wolf, especially not that alpha wolf I have stalking me.

I’m not attracted to him — no matter how wide his shoulders or how high his pain tolerance. I’m not that foolish. Lasting relationships between wolves and vampires are forbidden, and this male has the gleam of forever in his wild eyes. He is determined to make me his mate and that, I know, will break the fragile peace between our species.

There’s a thin, blood-red line between enemies and lovers. I’m about to cross it.

Buy Links:

Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Fangs-Fur-Cynthia-Sax-ebook/dp/B00C4YHR6U

ARe: https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-fangsinfurfangsin-1150394-139.html

B&N: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/fangs-in-fur-cynthia-sax/1114975068

Here are two more paranormal erotic romance shorts I love

Claiming Her Geeks

Eve Langlais


How does an alpha she-wolf who can snap a man in half, learn to love and accept a pair of males who can only beat her in a game of chess?

Deena’s searched a long time for a man she can claim, but nobody’s ever stirred her interest, until Simon and Frank. The moment she meets the nerdy friends, she wants to mark them as her own, but as alpha of her pack, she can’t settle for a pair of geeks as her mates even if in the bedroom they make her submit.

At first Deena terrifies them, but as Simon and Frank get to know her, they realize that beneath the tough exterior is a woman who wants a man—or two—to take control. When it comes to fistfights, they might not have the strength to prevail, but in a battle of the mind and heart, they’ve got the smarts it takes to emerge victorious, to her screaming pleasure.

Trust fate and two men, to show this she-wolf that with a little bit of bondage, teasing and pleasure, she can claim the geeks who draw her, because after all, even a bitch can’t fight fate and her need for love.

Buy Links:

Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Claiming-Her-Geeks-Eve-Langlais-ebook/dp/B00CQW3X7W

ARe: https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-claiminghergeeks-676880-146.html

B&N: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/claiming-her-geeks-eve-langlais/1115287272

Protect And Service

Mina Carter


Eloise is a woman on a mission. She needs to find a date for the annual hospital ball, and fast.

The trouble is she’s not only man-free but, after her bastard of an ex has a nasty little curse hurled her way, no human guy will touch her with a barge-pole—not after one of her dates ends up with green acne, another with a nose like Pinocchio…the list goes on.

Out of options, Eloise ends up at the offices of the Paranormal Protection Agency. She’s not sure what to expect, but she certainly doesn’t expect Jared Stone. No one expects Stone…

Buy Links:

Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Protect-Service-Paranormal-BBW-romance-ebook/dp/B00KCXUATQ

ARe: https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-protectandservice-1514473-143.html

B&N: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/protect-and-service-mina-carter/1113748332

What are some of your favorite humorous and erotic paranormal romance short stories?

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Sinful Rewards – Goodreads Extras

By Cynthia Sax on October 27, 2014

This post has adult content. If you are under the age of eighteen years old and/or sensitive to adult language/situations, please do not read this post.

One of the fun things about writing a serial is I can tell other characters’ stories at the same time. On the Goodreads group (https://www.goodreads.com/topic/list_group/139616-a-year-of-sizzling-hot-sax-read-along ), I’m telling Cyndi’s story (the best friend’s story).

Here is a steaming hot snippet from her point of view.


I don’t want to get a room. Hell no to delayed gratification and all that other shit. I want to fuck Cole now.

He pulls me out a side door into a shockingly clean, well-lit alley. Even the garbage can beside the metal door is spotless, not a dent on the exterior.

My movie star goes all sexy He-man on me, pushing my body against the brick wall and capturing my mouth. I surrender to him, grasping his shoulders, drawing him closer, and he holds me, his hands bracketing my face, as though he’s afraid I’ll escape him.

That ain’t happening. Although I’m disappointed that I’ll be just another back alley fuck for my hero, I’m not going anywhere. I’m a slut, this is all I deserve, and I’ve wanted Cole far too much for far too long.

Our tongues tangle, twine. The man knows how to kiss, his lips firm, his mouth hot. He runs his palms over my cheeks, neck, shoulders, going for the grand prize. I arch my back, sticking out my tits. He cups my curves, the pressure just right. Oh mamma. I wiggle, brushing my hips against his, teasing that huge ridge in his black jeans.

He squeezes and releases, squeezes and releases, playing with my breasts. My nipples tighten against the green silk of my corset. I rake my fingernails over his T-shirt covered chest and he shudders.

“Cyndi,” he murmurs against my lips.

He knows my name. I smile. “Touch my tits, Cole.” I yank down my corset, the underwire pushing my breasts upward, the cool night air puckering my skin. “Suck on them.”

“Yes.” He dips his head and covers my right nipple with his lips. God. I writhe. That feels good. He draws my sensitive flesh into his mouth, tugging, laving me with his tongue.

I clasp the back of his neck, hold him to my breast, rocking against him, trying to prolong this, my one encounter with the man of my dreams.

“Beautiful.” He switches breasts, the pull of his mouth felt down to my pussy. Cole is more than a pretty face. He has skills, adoring my ta-tas with his lips, tongue, hands.

Skills like his can only be honed by numerous past fuckfests. Warmth spreads across my chest. We’re fellow sluts, Cole and I. I thread my fingers through his ink black hair, savoring the softness, the connection. We both know our way around the human body.

“Cyndi?” He gazes up at me, his eyes brilliant blue, his cheeks flushed.

He’s horny as hell, yet still a gentleman, wanting to know if I’m game for a quickie against the wall. I smile. He’s so sweet. “Fuck me, Cole.” I pull my black mini-skirt up and my green G-string down, revealing my cleanly-shaven mons, the calling card of hoes everywhere. “Fill me with your cock.”

“God, yes.” He fumbles in the front pocket of his jeans, removes a condom package, clutching it between his teeth as he unbuckles his belt, unzips his jeans, pushing the denim to his knees.

Holy fuck. I gaze at his long hard shaft with open admiration. That ridge hadn’t lied. “Need help?” I stroke my pussy lips up and down, up and down, ensuring I’m nice and slick for him.

“Any help from you and we won’t need the condom.” He laughs shakily, sheathing himself quickly. “I’ll come before I touch you. I want you so badly.”

His confession charms me. “My breasts tend to do that to men.” I grin.

“It wasn’t only your breasts.” Cole presses his body against mine, his latex-covered cock hard along my stomach. “It’s you, your beauty, your confidence.” He kisses my chin. “The way you challenge me.” He sprinkles kisses over my cheeks. “Push me. That’s so hot.”

Oh God. I blink back tears, emotion welling inside me. If he says this mush to his back alley fucks, what would he relay to a woman he cared about? “Fuck me, Cole.” I spread my legs wider. “I need you inside me now.”

Read the rest on the Goodreads Group


Subscribe To My Release Day Newsletter: http://tasteofcyn.com/2014/05/28/newsletter/

Four years ago, Bee Carter left her tiny hometown, escaping her tormenters. She concealed her tarnished reputation under a good-girl persona, hiding her history from Nicolas, her strong and silent billionaire; Hawke, her tattooed bad-boy biker; and Cyndi, her man-crazy best friend.

Today, she’s returning home … and she’s not alone. Some of her deepest, darkest secrets will be revealed. Trust will be tested. Clothing and inhibitions will be discarded. Bee and her hometown will never be the same.

When her past and her present collide, will any of Bee’s relationships survive?

Buy Links:

Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Sinful-Rewards-Billionaires-Bikers-Novella-ebook/dp/B00I7V89N4

ARe: https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-sinfulrewards4-1645053-149.html

Barnes And Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/sinful-rewards-4-cynthia-sax/1119919839

Google: https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Cynthia_Sax_Sinful_Rewards_4?id=PvxzAwAAQBAJ

iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/sinful-rewards-4/id814148698

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Cynthia Sax Interview – Hunkalicious Bosses

By Cynthia Sax on October 26, 2014

Nina Gerard, a fellow Shades Of Pink contributor, interviewed me!


Here’s a snippet

NDG: Office romances can be so sexy! Do you have a corporate background? And have you ever fallen in love with a former boss?

CS: I DO have a corporate background. I played in new product development (new product lines, M&A, system rollouts, etc) for years. I spent a bit of time in the boardroom and have met a few billionaires. I’ve had some extremely hunkalicious bosses but I’ve only loved one man in my life – my dear wonderful hubby.


Subscribe To My Release Day Newsletter: http://tasteofcyn.com/2014/05/28/newsletter/

Cynthia Sax

For four long years, Lisa Sadler has lusted after Roch Voclain, her sexy sophisticated boss. Today, she’ll finally end her erotic obsession with this frustratingly attractive man. She’s handing him her letter of resignation.

His reaction will surprise and thrill her.

Donation Link: http://blog.kallysten.net/p/charity-anthology.html

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Sinful Rewards And Being Small Town Infamous

By Cynthia Sax on October 22, 2014

I spent my teenage years in a small town (population: 4,500). When my family moved into the town, my big brother tried out for the hockey team, THE sports team in this town. He was their star defenseman.

I became known as his little sister.

It didn’t matter what I did or said or became. I was a figure skater, starring in a couple of town productions. I was a newspaper reporter, covering school activities for the local weekly paper and town activities for the regional daily paper. I won awards and earned a full four year scholarship to the university of my choice.

To this day, I’m known as my brother’s little sister. I question sometimes that local residents know my name because this is how they always refer to me.

I was lucky. I could live with my label. Some of my friends weren’t as fortunate. One of my buddies had a crazy wild weekend, earning her the town slut label. She’s now happily married with three kids, hasn’t lived in town for over two decades. When she returns to town, folks still whisper behind her back, referring to her as the town slut.

In Sinful Rewards, this is the label Bee’s mom is given. She had ONE wild night, unfortunately conceiving Bee during that encounter, and she became known as the wild woman of Happydale (population: 2,900). She’s been a model resident since that night but nothing she does changes how she’s perceived. I doubt anything will.

This drives Bee crazy. She wants to protect her mom, wants her to have the respect she deserves, yet she’s also terrified she’ll take her mom’s place, becoming the new wild woman of Happydale.

Have you ever been small town famous (or infamous)?


Subscribe To My Release Day Newsletter: http://tasteofcyn.com/2014/05/28/newsletter/

Four years ago, Bee Carter left her tiny hometown, escaping her tormenters. She concealed her tarnished reputation under a good-girl persona, hiding her history from Nicolas, her strong and silent billionaire; Hawke, her tattooed bad-boy biker; and Cyndi, her man-crazy best friend.

Today, she’s returning home … and she’s not alone. Some of her deepest, darkest secrets will be revealed. Trust will be tested. Clothing and inhibitions will be discarded. Bee and her hometown will never be the same.

When her past and her present collide, will any of Bee’s relationships survive?

Buy Links:

Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Sinful-Rewards-Billionaires-Bikers-Novella-ebook/dp/B00I7V89N4

ARe: https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-sinfulrewards4-1645053-149.html

Barnes And Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/sinful-rewards-4-cynthia-sax/1119919839

Google: https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Cynthia_Sax_Sinful_Rewards_4?id=PvxzAwAAQBAJ

iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/sinful-rewards-4/id814148698

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A Year Of Sizzling Hot Sax – Sinful Rewards 4 Read Along

By Cynthia Sax on October 14, 2014

Sinful Rewards 4, the fourth novella in Sinful Rewards, a 12 novella contemporary erotic romance serial, releases today! What I love about #4 is we start to figure out secrets!

(We’ll be discussing these in more details on our Goodreads group – https://www.goodreads.com/group/show/139616-a-year-of-sizzling-hot-sax-read-along ).

What Is In Hawke’s Pockets?

In every novella, we’ve received more hints about the object Hawke carries with him everywhere.

Sinful Rewards 1 – The bike creaks as he shifts his weight, bringing my attention to his powerful thighs. Denim stretches across two oval-shaped objects hidden in his front right pocket.

Sinful Rewards 3 – I close my eyes, savoring his petting, conscious of his body under mine, solid and hard and unyielding. A small oval-shaped object is hidden in his front right pocket. I trace the shape with my fingertips round and round, the action calming me.

Sinful Rewards 3 – Hawke strides toward the back of the building, his hands stuffed in the front pocket of his jeans, his gait loose, his tread soundless. He turns into an alley and disappears, his big body sucked into the shadows.

We know this object is important to him. In Sinful Rewards 4, we find out what the object is and why he values it.

Bee’s Hometown Of Happydale

In Sinful Rewards 4, Bee returns home to Happydale. Happydale is a fictional town. However, it is based on the very real town of Monee. I changed the name because the people living in Monee are wonderful and the people living in Happydale… well… not-so-much. I didn’t want anyone to mistake one of Bee’s arch enemies for a kind, gentle Monee soul.

Bee’s Issue With Being Vertically Challenged

Bee is short. She claims to be average-sized and is offended if anyone calls her tiny.

In Sinful Rewards 4, we finally get a hint WHY she wants to be average-sized.


Hawke chuckles. “You’re tiny, sweetheart.” He fastens the straps under my chin. “There’s nothing average about you.”

“You say that like it’s a good thing,” I mumble, having no wish to be less, wanting to be more, to become all the woman a man could ever desire.

“It’s a very good thing.” Hawke cups my chin, raising my gaze to meet his. My breath hitches, the emotion in his broad blunt face enthralling me, pulling me under.


For more discussions about Sinful Rewards 4, please join us on our Goodreads group!



Subscribe To My Release Day Newsletter: http://tasteofcyn.com/2014/05/28/newsletter/

Four years ago, Bee Carter left her tiny hometown, escaping her tormenters. She concealed her tarnished reputation under a good-girl persona, hiding her history from Nicolas, her strong and silent billionaire; Hawke, her tattooed bad-boy biker; and Cyndi, her man-crazy best friend.

Today, she’s returning home … and she’s not alone. Some of her deepest, darkest secrets will be revealed. Trust will be tested. Clothing and inhibitions will be discarded. Bee and her hometown will never be the same.

When her past and her present collide, will any of Bee’s relationships survive?

Buy Links:

Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Sinful-Rewards-Billionaires-Bikers-Novella-ebook/dp/B00I7V89N4

ARe: https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-sinfulrewards4-1645053-149.html

Barnes And Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/sinful-rewards-4-cynthia-sax/1119919839

Google: https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Cynthia_Sax_Sinful_Rewards_4?id=PvxzAwAAQBAJ

iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/sinful-rewards-4/id814148698

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Sinful Rewards 4 And Expectations

By Cynthia Sax on October 13, 2014

This post has adult content. If you are under the age of eighteen years old and/or sensitive to adult language/situations, please do not read this post.

Our expectations of people, of the world, shape us. Bee, our heroine from Sinful Rewards, expects people to leave her.

This revealing excerpt from Sinful Rewards 4 (releasing tomorrow!) shows this.


I push through the front doors and stop, my breath catching. It can’t be. I stare, unable to believe my eyes. It is.

Hawke waits outside the building. Sunglasses are clipped to the collar of his black T-shirt. He’s wearing his usual blue jeans and military-style boots and straddles his huge bike. A blue helmet is perched on the sliver of a seat behind him. His head is bare, his brown hair styled short and straight, an adorable lopsided smile on his rugged face.

All thoughts of Happydale, of the bus, of anything other than Hawke disappear. My body hums to life, his mere presence resuscitating my desire, tightening my nipples, moistening my pussy. I want to run to him, to throw myself into his arms, to kiss the tiny scar on his square chin, brush my fingertips against his stubble.

Instead, I stand, frozen in place, my mind spinning. “You’re here.” My voice lilts with wonder. “You didn’t leave me.”

Hawke’s smile fades. “I’m not leaving you, love.”

This lie returns me to the cold, harsh reality. Nothing has changed. He remains a tattooed biker, a drifter unable to commit, and I’m a woman seeking forever.

“You told me you wouldn’t leave me last night.” I twist my lips, calling him on his bullshit. “Then I woke up and you were gone.”

Hawke’s thick eyebrows lower. “I had to run some errands this morning, but I’ll always return to you. You’re my girl.”

“You’ll always return to me?” I scoff, unable to believe in him, the cost of being wrong too painfully high.

“Always,” he repeats, his tone grave, as though he means what he says.

He’s not sincere. I release a ragged breath. This is another one of his flippant comments, such as calling me love or his girl. My military man doesn’t even know what forever means.

Hawke sighs, his big chest rising and falling. “You don’t believe me.”

“Of course I don’t believe you.” I roll my eyes. “People need a reason to return.”

His forehead furrows with thought lines. “You’re my reason.”

I can’t be the reason. I’m not enough for him, for anyone. Especially since he’s seen only the perverted, imperfect version of me. He’s heard me cuss, seen me stained with black ink, my nose and cheeks reddened from crying, watched me dance half-naked in the window. That’s not a woman worthy of returning for.


Bee’s dad left her mom as soon as he found out she was pregnant. He never returned. Bee’s default assumption is people will leave her. Ironically, her knee jerk response to difficult situations is to leave.

My default expectation of people is people are busy. They have their own sh*t to do and I should help myself. When folks help me out, I’m surprised and extremely grateful. I view this as a gift. They’re setting aside their own tasks to give me a hand.

What is your default expectation of people?


Subscribe To My Release Day Newsletter: http://tasteofcyn.com/2014/05/28/newsletter/

Four years ago, Bee Carter left her tiny hometown, escaping her tormenters. She concealed her tarnished reputation under a good-girl persona, hiding her history from Nicolas, her strong and silent billionaire; Hawke, her tattooed bad-boy biker; and Cyndi, her man-crazy best friend.

Today, she’s returning home … and she’s not alone. Some of her deepest, darkest secrets will be revealed. Trust will be tested. Clothing and inhibitions will be discarded. Bee and her hometown will never be the same.

When her past and her present collide, will any of Bee’s relationships survive?

Buy Links:

Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Sinful-Rewards-Billionaires-Bikers-Novella-ebook/dp/B00I7V89N4

ARe: https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-sinfulrewards4-1645053-149.html

Barnes And Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/sinful-rewards-4-cynthia-sax/1119919839

Google: https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Cynthia_Sax_Sinful_Rewards_4?id=PvxzAwAAQBAJ

iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/sinful-rewards-4/id814148698

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Spicy Excerpt From Shades Of Pink

By Cynthia Sax on October 9, 2014

This post has adult content. If you are under the age of eighteen years old or sensitive to adult language/situations, please do not read this post.

I’ve donated a 16 page contemporary erotic romance short story to Shades Of Pink, an anthology with proceeds benefiting cancer research. For a small donation (the recommended amount is $5 U.S.), you’ll receive over 400 pages of yummy romance stories written by 22 authors with varying heat levels (my story doesn’t even warrant the highest heat level).

Here is an excerpt


“Monsieur Voclain was your boss.” He brushes a tendril of hair away from my face, his fingertips graze my cheeks and a spark of awareness flows from his form to mine. “I’m Roch.”

“And who is Roch?” My voice is husky, my body enthralled by his touch. “Is he my friend?”

“He’s your everything.” He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me to him. His chest flattens my breasts. His hips smack against mine and I suck in my breath. He’s hard, the ridge in his dress pants pressing against my stomach.

I arouse him. My mouth dries and my rational thoughts evaporate. “You want me.”

“I want you more than life.” Roch dips his head and captures my lips with his, the pressure firm, the contact unexpected. I yield to him and he surges inside me. Our tongues tumble, twine, dance, every nerve ending snapping and sizzling, bombarding me with sensation.

I’m not alone in this bliss. Roch’s groans travel down my throat and coil around my heart as he kisses me with his renowned focus, making me the center of his universe.

My resignation letter drifts to the gray carpet, forgotten. I’ve never been embraced like this, as though I truly was more important than life. My lips hum and my head spins. I rest my trembling fingers on his suit jacket, the fabric decadent against my skin, and I open wider to him, submitting to his dominance.

He presses farther into me, tasting of mint, black coffee, and hot, horny male, his grip on me secure, his ownership of my body, mind, soul complete. I can’t escape him, not that I want to. Roch Voclain, the man I’ve lusted after seemingly forever, is kissing me, setting my body ablaze with want and need.

My fingers curl around his lapels as I cling to him, swiveling my hips against the bulge in his dress pants. I don’t know how long this madness will last, if he will come to his senses and realize whom he’s seducing, remember that his assistant, his employees are sitting outside his office, stop this sweet torment.

I don’t want this to ever end. Roch fucks my mouth with a thrilling ferocity, each stroke of his tongue escalating my passion. I arch as he slides his hands up my back, holding me tightly to him.

His fingers tangle in my curls. Hairpins fall and the tendrils tumble over my shoulders. He murmurs words I can’t decipher, the sound muffled by my lips, and he burrows his hands in the softness.

I’m lost in him, captivated by his touch, taste, smell. Roch is in control, turning us slowly, walking me backward until my thighs hit the edge of the desk. He lifts me onto the hard surface, spreads my legs, and fills the space with his hips.

My hemline raises to my mons. My panties rub against his pants-covered cock, the silk damp with my desire, my musk scenting the air.

There’s no disguising my eagerness and I make no attempt to try, pushing his jacket off his shoulders.

I inhale sharply, sucking on his tongue. He’s all man, his shoulders broad, his muscles rippling under the fine fabric of his shirt, and this afternoon, he’s mine.


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Cynthia Sax

For four long years, Lisa Sadler has lusted after Roch Voclain, her sexy sophisticated boss. Today, she’ll finally end her erotic obsession with this frustratingly attractive man. She’s handing him her letter of resignation.

His reaction will surprise and thrill her.

Donation Link: http://blog.kallysten.net/p/charity-anthology.html

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Writer’s Retreats – Myths Vs Reality

By Cynthia Sax on October 8, 2014

Baby Brings Sideburns Back

When I was first asked to attend a writer’s retreat, I thought it would be a girls weekend. We’d drink wine, eat Nutella straight out of the jar, talk about book boyfriends, maybe watch the BBC version of Pride and Prejudice, drooling over Colin Firth as Mr. Darcy. It would be relaxing, a… well… a retreat, damn it.

I joked with my hubby about working too hard, packed up my laptop, printed a copy of my crazy mess of a manuscript, and headed off to the retreat, prepared to kick back and relax.

THEN I found out what a writing retreat truly was. There were timers. There were charts with word counts. There were five women sitting in front of laptops, writing until fingers were bloody stumps.

And that is the way it should be. We were all taking time away from our wonderful families to concentrate on our writing. We worked hard. We wrote until the wee hours of the morning. We finished manuscripts and plotted new stories. We got shit done.

Yes, we also drank wine and ate Nutella. We shared what we’ve learned thus far on our publishing journeys. We passed along opportunities we weren’t interested in, that our writing buddies might like.

I returned home energized, excited, validated. These terrific women made their writing a priority. I could also put my writing first (for a weekend at least).

One of the reasons I’m talking about writer’s retreats today is because we’re creeping close to November 1st, the start of NaNoWriMo – National Novel Writing Month. The grand NaNoWriMo challenge is to write 50,000 words (approximately 200 pages) in a month.

There will be retreats offered such as the ones I’ve attended and you’ll be expected to work at these retreats. It might seem silly to you to leave your warm, comfy house simply to sit in front of your laptop screen somewhere else.

Try it. At least once. If it doesn’t work for you, fine. Now, you know. But if it does work, it could be the exact environment you need to finish that story, to put your writing first.


Subscribe To My Release Day Newsletter: http://tasteofcyn.com/2014/05/28/newsletter/

Four years ago, Bee Carter left her tiny hometown, escaping her tormenters. She concealed her tarnished reputation under a good-girl persona, hiding her history from Nicolas, her strong and silent billionaire; Hawke, her tattooed bad-boy biker; and Cyndi, her man-crazy best friend.

Today, she’s returning home … and she’s not alone. Some of her deepest, darkest secrets will be revealed. Trust will be tested. Clothing and inhibitions will be discarded. Bee and her hometown will never be the same.

When her past and her present collide, will any of Bee’s relationships survive?

Buy Links:

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Barnes And Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/sinful-rewards-4-cynthia-sax/1119919839

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