Sinful Rewards – Our Changing Relationship With Our Moms

By Cynthia Sax on December 19, 2014

When I was a kid, I viewed my mom as a superhuman being who could fix anything and never require fixing herself. She’d absorb all of my temper tantrums and never strike back. She knew everything, could do anything, could shield me from the darkness in the world.

Then, when I was a teenager, I said something horrible to her and she cried. This totally changed our relationship. I realized I had the ability to hurt my mom. In that moment, I viewed her as…well… human, not supermom but a regular person with her own doubts and fears and concerns.

In Sinful Rewards 6, Bee realizes that she can hurt her mom and yes, this changes their relationship also.


“What’s wrong, honeybee?” she answers, expecting the worse. There have been too many nasty surprises in my mom’s past for her to anticipate anything else.

“There’s nothing wrong,” I lie, not wishing to add to my mom’s problems. “But you might hear some crazy rumors about me. Don’t believe any of them. They’re not true.”

“I stopped listening to gossip when I was three months pregnant with you.” My mom sighs. Her shift hasn’t begun and she already sounds exhausted. “I’m sorry. I know you wanted to leave all of the gossip behind you and start fresh, pretending you had normal parents, parents who loved each other, who married and planned to have you.”

Oh God. She realized what I was trying to do. I wiggle, uncomfortable, unable to remain still. I never intended to hurt her. She’s my mom, the only person who has ever loved me.

“This is new gossip,” I assure her.

“There’s always new gossip, putting a different slant on the same ol’ history.” She misinterprets my reply. “You’re my daughter. Someone will uncover our connection, tell others, and the talk will follow you. It will never end, you’ll never have a normal life, and it’s all my fault.” Her voice wobbles, and I feel like shit. I caused my hardworking mom pain, made her feel less than unworthy.

“I’m so sorry, honeybee,” she apologizes yet again.

“I’m not sorry to be your daughter.” As I say these words, I realize they’re the truth. A month ago, I might have wished I’d been born into a traditional family, but that wouldn’t have given me the skills, the backbone of steel, I need to manage my latest disaster.

“I’m proud that you’re my mom,” I continue, wishing to tell her this, something I should have shared with her years ago. “You raised me on your own, sacrificing everything for me, teaching me that I can survive any situation. I need that now.”


Did you have that moment with your mom?


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Bee Carter has spent a lifetime creating her good-girl persona. Three harsh words uttered in anger shred this carefully crafted façade, testing her relationships.

Nicolas, her handsome billionaire, is hiding a decades-old secret. Bee’s scandal will draw unwanted attention to his dark past, placing the real estate empire he’s built and the employees he manages in peril. Hawke, her tattooed bad-boy biker, protects the rich and famous. His high-profile clients won’t want their bodyguard to be linked to Chicago’s wild woman.

Both men desire her, craving her touch with a white-hot passion, but who will risk everything to stand by her side—her biker or her billionaire?

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Sinful Rewards – Interview At Fresh Fiction

By Cynthia Sax on December 17, 2014

I’ve been interviewed at Fresh Fiction!

Here’s a snippet (and a question)…

In SINFUL REWARDS 7, Bee is offered everything she’s ever wanted. But this comes at a price. How much will she give up to obtain her dream?

How much would YOU give up? If someone approached you today and offered you everything you’ve ever wanted IF you walked away from your best friend, would you take this deal? A true friend would encourage you to say “Yes.” Would you?


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Bee Carter has spent a lifetime creating her good-girl persona. Three harsh words uttered in anger shred this carefully crafted façade, testing her relationships.

Nicolas, her handsome billionaire, is hiding a decades-old secret. Bee’s scandal will draw unwanted attention to his dark past, placing the real estate empire he’s built and the employees he manages in peril. Hawke, her tattooed bad-boy biker, protects the rich and famous. His high-profile clients won’t want their bodyguard to be linked to Chicago’s wild woman.

Both men desire her, craving her touch with a white-hot passion, but who will risk everything to stand by her side—her biker or her billionaire?

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Sinful Rewards – Sexual Limits

By Cynthia Sax on December 17, 2014

One of the fun things about Sinful Rewards is having the room (1,200 plus pages) to thoroughly explore Bee’s character. This means I have the rare opportunity to talk about what she WON’T do sexually. That’s common in real life. I don’t know any woman who is willing to do ANYTHING. (There are some extremely freaky kinks out there.) But it is rare in an erotic romance. Often the hero can talk the heroine into doing anything and everything.

What are Bee’s sexual limits? This scene talks about her two biggies.


“You know what the best part is?” Cyndi doesn’t listen to me, giggles punctuating her words. “The rumors not only say you took it up the ass, multiple times, with a variety of men . . .”

I curl my top lip, disgusted, Cyndi’s unhygienic stories about anal sex having turned me off that position for life.

“But you supposedly had this orgy in a restaurant, where people eat. You had sex in a restaurant.” My best friend howls with laughter, slapping her thighs and stamping her feet on the floor, acting like a complete idiot. “Remember the freakout you had when you caught me and what’s his name going at it on the kitchen counter? You shrieked, scaring the guy so much, he departed without his prized black leather pants. I thought you were going to throw me out of my own condo.”

“That wasn’t sanitary.” My face heats. Her man of the moment, a greasy-haired, skinny-assed bass player of a now-defunct indie band, had left a used condom on the counter. I haven’t set food directly on the surface since that encounter.


Regular erotic romance readers know that Bee’s dislike of anal sex means a ménage between her, Hawke and Nicolas is unlikely to ever happen (another reason it won’t ever happen is Hawke and Nicolas are both super possessive and would kill each other).

One of my favorite parts of Sinful Rewards 6 is when she has the “I’ll never have anal sex” conversation with Hawke. His reaction made me smile.

Have you recently read an erotic romance with a heroine sticking to her sexual limits?


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Bee Carter has spent a lifetime creating her good-girl persona. Three harsh words uttered in anger shred this carefully crafted façade, testing her relationships.

Nicolas, her handsome billionaire, is hiding a decades-old secret. Bee’s scandal will draw unwanted attention to his dark past, placing the real estate empire he’s built and the employees he manages in peril. Hawke, her tattooed bad-boy biker, protects the rich and famous. His high-profile clients won’t want their bodyguard to be linked to Chicago’s wild woman.

Both men desire her, craving her touch with a white-hot passion, but who will risk everything to stand by her side—her biker or her billionaire?

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A Year Of Sizzling Hot Sax – Sinful Rewards 6 Read Along

By Cynthia Sax on December 16, 2014

Woot! Sinful Rewards 6, the sixth novella in Sinful Rewards, a 12 novella contemporary erotic romance serial, releases today! Cyndi returns in this installment. Things heat up between Bee and Hawke. Nicolas shares secrets!!!

(We’ll be discussing these in more details on our Goodreads group – ).

Nicolas And His Tree

Nicolas isn’t taking the loss of his tree well. It may seem strange, a billionaire grieving a tree, but this shows us how deeply Nicolas feels, how he hides these feelings, how when he creates a bond, even with a plant, it lasts.

Bee is given the opportunity to care for him during Sinful Rewards 6. This means a lot, both to Bee (who needs to be needed) and to Nicolas (who isn’t accustomed to be cared for and equates this with love).

How Far Do We Go For Loved Ones?

In Sinful Rewards 1, Nicolas tells Bee “When I see something, someone I want, I’ll do anything, even destroy long-lasting friendships, to stake my claim.”

In Sinful Rewards 6, Hawke tells Bee “I killed for my country. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you.”

These seem like very similar declarations. Both men will stop at nothing to claim Bee. But the phrasing is key, indicative of their thinking.
Bee And Her Mom

Bee loves her mom dearly. There’s no question about that. But she has always focused on how her mom’s actions (both past and present) have messed up her life.

As Bee’s own life comes crashing down around her ears, she better understands her mom’s situation, how easily a reputation can be ruined, how much sh*t her mom had to deal with. She also realizes, in Sinful Rewards 6, that her actions have the ability to hurt her mom. Although this is a tiny scene, it completely changes Bee’s view of the world.


For more discussions about Sinful Rewards 6, please join us on our Goodreads group!


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Bee Carter has spent a lifetime creating her good-girl persona. Three harsh words uttered in anger shred this carefully crafted façade, testing her relationships.

Nicolas, her handsome billionaire, is hiding a decades-old secret. Bee’s scandal will draw unwanted attention to his dark past, placing the real estate empire he’s built and the employees he manages in peril. Hawke, her tattooed bad-boy biker, protects the rich and famous. His high-profile clients won’t want their bodyguard to be linked to Chicago’s wild woman.

Both men desire her, craving her touch with a white-hot passion, but who will risk everything to stand by her side—her biker or her billionaire?

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Sinful Rewards – Best Friends Forever?

By Cynthia Sax on December 15, 2014

Sinful Rewards is an erotic romance so, of course, the story is focused on Bee’s relationships with her potential heroes—Nicolas, our jellybean loving billionaire, and Hawke, our bad boy biker.

But Bee’s relationships with other characters are important also, especially her friendship with the bubbly, tackle hugging Cyndi. Bee and Cyndi have been friends for years, since first year college.

At first glance, they appear as different as two people can possibly be. Cyndi is the treasured daughter of a wealthy businessman and his wife. She’s reckless, acting before she thinks. She’s also sluttastic and proud of this. Bee is the hardworking daughter of a waitress. She’s very careful and always has a plan. She is choosy about the men she sleeps with and would never ever have sex without a condom.

Yet they have some things in common. They both love fashion. They both have reputations touched by sexual activity (in Bee’s case, her mom’s). They are only children and haven’t always had their parents’ full attention.

And they’re stronger when they’re together. When Bee is with Cyndi, she takes more risks. When Cyndi is with Bee, she’s more cautious. They genuinely care for each other and this shows in all of their interactions.

Unfortunately, this doesn’t mean their friendship will last. In Sinful Rewards 6, their caring for each other will be tested as it has never been before. In the past, friends have abandoned Bee after the first hint of scandal. Will Cyndi do the same?


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Bee Carter has spent a lifetime creating her good-girl persona. Three harsh words uttered in anger shred this carefully crafted façade, testing her relationships.

Nicolas, her handsome billionaire, is hiding a decades-old secret. Bee’s scandal will draw unwanted attention to his dark past, placing the real estate empire he’s built and the employees he manages in peril. Hawke, her tattooed bad-boy biker, protects the rich and famous. His high-profile clients won’t want their bodyguard to be linked to Chicago’s wild woman.

Both men desire her, craving her touch with a white-hot passion, but who will risk everything to stand by her side—her biker or her billionaire?

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Hunky Holiday Blog Hop – Sinful Rewards

By Cynthia Sax on December 12, 2014

Nice Girls Writing Naughty is hosting a sizzling hot blog hop. We’re sharing how our heroes are spending the holidays, giving away prizes at each stop, and there’s a grand prize on !

Comment on my post for a chance to win your choice of any one eBook from my backlist! Yep, it is THAT easy.

So what are the men from Sinful Rewards doing during the holidays?


Christmas isn’t one day in the Masters household. The weekend before Christmas, Hawke returns home to the apple orchard, usually dragging along some of his military buddies, the men without families. They march into the forest behind the orchard, argue over trees. Hawke’s mom usually decides, choosing a lonely little tree that deserves to be fussed over. They cut down the tree, heft it back to the house and spend the day decorating it, listening to carols and drinking warm apple cider.

On Christmas day, Hawke brings more of his buddies home. It’s always a full house, the more, the merrier. There will be turkey, stuffing and his mom’s special apple, celery and onion stuffing (Rachel Ray has a variation on the recipe here – ). They eat too much, open presents, and enjoy one day of peace.


Nicolas, our hard working billionaire, will be working over Christmas. Some of the people living in his beautiful buildings don’t have anyone to spend the holidays with. Nicolas knows exactly how that feels. He oversees his management team as they throw an all day party in one of the common rooms.

Shhh… don’t tell anyone but he also plays Secret Santa, sending little gifts like chocolates or red and green jellybeans to these lonely men and women.

How do you spend the holidays?

Please visit these fellow NGWN blogs for more chances to win.

Every blog has a different prize!

Tina Christopher

Dani Wade

Nona Raines

Harlowe Wild

Angel Payne

Taige Crenshaw

Jianne Carlo

A. Catherine Noon

Lara Archer

Leela Lou Dahlin

Ella Sheridan


Subscribe To My Release Day Newsletter:

Bee Carter has spent a lifetime creating her good-girl persona. Three harsh words uttered in anger shred this carefully crafted façade, testing her relationships.

Nicolas, her handsome billionaire, is hiding a decades-old secret. Bee’s scandal will draw unwanted attention to his dark past, placing the real estate empire he’s built and the employees he manages in peril. Hawke, her tattooed bad-boy biker, protects the rich and famous. His high-profile clients won’t want their bodyguard to be linked to Chicago’s wild woman.

Both men desire her, craving her touch with a white-hot passion, but who will risk everything to stand by her side—her biker or her billionaire?

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What Is Love?

By Cynthia Sax on December 8, 2014

I’m visiting Manga Maniac Cafe, discussing what love truly is.
Here is a snippet…

Before I fell in love at first sight with the dear wonderful (now) hubby, I didn’t know what romantic love was. I didn’t truly believe in it and I certainly didn’t believe in love at first sight.

People would ask me if I’d ever been in love and I couldn’t answer because I didn’t know what love was. Was it friendship with a sprinkle of lust? Was it excitement? Was it comfort? Had I already fallen in love and didn’t know it?

Then I experienced the phenomena and I knew I’d never been in love.

Read the full post here…


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Bee Carter has spent a lifetime creating her good-girl persona. Three harsh words uttered in anger shred this carefully crafted façade, testing her relationships.

Nicolas, her handsome billionaire, is hiding a decades-old secret. Bee’s scandal will draw unwanted attention to his dark past, placing the real estate empire he’s built and the employees he manages in peril. Hawke, her tattooed bad-boy biker, protects the rich and famous. His high-profile clients won’t want their bodyguard to be linked to Chicago’s wild woman.

Both men desire her, craving her touch with a white-hot passion, but who will risk everything to stand by her side—her biker or her billionaire?

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Which Toys Did Your Characters Play With?

By Cynthia Sax on December 5, 2014

One of my joys during the holiday season is buying toys for our local toy drive. The dear wonderful hubby and I weren’t blessed with children but we were both children once. Shopping for toys brings back memories of our own childhoods.

My characters also had childhoods and favorite toys. Some of them you might expect. Some of them might surprise you.

Belinda from Sinful Rewards

Belinda’s favorite childhood toy won’t be a surprise to any Sinful Rewards reader. This fashionista was (and still is) a Barbie lover. Her hard working single mom scoured yard sales for second hand Barbies and clothing, especially keeping an eye out for designer fashions (one of her finest finds was this Badgley Mischka Bride Barbie Doll – the dress was a little smudged but Bee was able to clean it).

Nicolas from Sinful Rewards

Nicolas’s favorite childhood toy is also not a surprise. This real estate billionaire played Monopoly every chance he could, learning skills he’d eventually use to build his empire. He preferred to be the banker and he considered the rules to be guidelines. He spent a bit of time in jail and he didn’t like it. He also didn’t understand why a low rent property had to stay low rent, especially if he owned all of the properties around it.

Hawke from Sinful Rewards

I expected Hawke, our former Marine, to be a G.I. Joe type of kid. Bee actually calls him G.I. Joe during one of their arguments.

But nope, Hawke spent his childhood outside, trekking around the orchard with his best friend Rock. He was an active boy and a bit of a terror. His favorite gift was a slingshot. He would use rotten apples as targets, challenging Rock to best him.

Writing buddies, which toys did your characters play with? Reading buddies, which toys did you play with when you were a child?


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Nicolas Rainer, Chicago’s most sought-after billionaire bachelor, has finally decided what he wants, and that’s Bee Carter in his arms, forever. He shows up unannounced on her doorstep and kisses her until her toes curl and her body burns.

Nicolas wasn’t the sexy man Bee expected to see this morning. Hawke Masters, her tattooed former marine, is riding his customized chopper toward the condo building, anticipating an equally mind-meltingly erotic encounter.

Both men want her with a thrilling intensity. Neither her billionaire nor her biker wishes to share her affections. Is today the day Bee is forced to choose?

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My Top 10 Free or Low Cost Gifts For Aspiring Writers

By Cynthia Sax on December 3, 2014

The holidays are fast approaching and you’re looking for a gift for that aspiring writer in your family or social circle. There are plenty of sites pimping the latest electronics or espresso machines or fancy gadgets for writers. I’m a bit more frugal and I believe that it is truly the thought that counts. I thought we could talk about free or low cost gifts today. These are in no particular order.

1. Inspirational Writing Quote Of The Day/Week/Month – Cost: Free

This is exactly what it sounds like. Once a day or week or month, you send the aspiring writer a writing quote (simply Google writing quotes and you’ll find a zillion). If you have an email provider or social media that allows you to schedule emails or direct/private messages, you can set this up once and forget about it. One of my writing buddies sends eCards with encouraging messages from a free online provider.

One of the biggest issues aspiring writers have is feeling alone. This easy and free gift shows them you support them.

2. Notebook With Encouraging Messages Or Inspirational Writing Quotes – Cost: $1

One of my sisters did this for me. She bought an inexpensive notebook from the Dollar Store and wrote encouraging messages like ‘You can do it!’ , ‘I believe in you!’, ‘You can write one more page!’ and ‘I’m proud of you!’ at the top of some of the pages. You could decorate it with inspirational writing quotes instead. Hey, if your writer likes erotic romance, you could glue photos of hot naked men and call it her inspiration notebook! Have some fun with it!

3. Flower Pens – Cost: $4 for 12

Speaking of sisters, one of my sisters always makes me flower pens. She buys a pack of inexpensive Bic pens, some green florist tape and some fabric flowers from The Dollar Store. She then extracts one of the flowers, and tapes its stem to the pen, covering the entire barrel. I have a vase on my writing desk with this bouquet of flowers. I never have to look for a pen and whenever I use one, I think of my sister.

Pens are great gifts for writers. Many of us hoard them.

4. Fine Tip Markers – $3

I love my fine tip markers. They help me with writer’s block. Studies show that colors stimulate different parts of the brain. I’ll switch colors until the words start to flow. Different colored fine tip markers are also great for editing, for making notes, for organizing types of writing issues (maybe plot issues are red, emotion issues are green). Some of my writing buddies use them at book signings.

5. Email From Her Favorite Writer – Free If Unframed

Many writers (myself included) would happily write a few words of encouragement to an inspiring writer. Consider emailing your loved one’s favorite writer (preferably a writer who is still alive – grins). Writers normally have contact forms or email addresses on their websites. Share with this writer what you wish to do, asking her for a tip or a word of inspiration. If the writer agrees (and many writers have crazy deadlines so this might not be doable for them), forward this email to your loved one. Better yet, print the email on card stock and frame it.

6. Dive Underwater Writing Slate – Cost: $10

Inspiration strikes in the craziest of places. One of the most common places is in the shower. Underwater writing slates or whiteboards ( ), originally designed for divers, are perfect for a writer’s shower stall (they’re also great for exchanging sexy, funny messages with the hubby – grins).

7. Colored Paperclips or Binder Clips – Cost: $1

I LOVE colored paperclips or binder clips! They make me happy. I deal with a lot of paper. I always print out a copy of my manuscripts to do a final read-through (because seeing the words on paper fools my brain into thinking it is a brand new manuscript). I have research notes and clippings. I receive contracts, have to track expenses. One of my sisters (yes, I have quite a few sisters) buys these for me from The Dollar Store as a holiday present every year.

8. The Gift Of Time – Cost: Your Time

There is one thing ALL writers need—whether we’re just starting out or we’ve had our 100th story published—and that is time. Does your aspiring writer have kids? Why not offer to babysit them for an evening a month, allowing her time to write? If she doesn’t have kids, offer to clean her place or complete some other task. If you enjoy doing this task, that’s even better!

9. Fingerless Or Knitters Gloves – Cost: $5

If your aspiring writer lives in a cold climate, consider buying her fingerless or knitters gloves. My dear hubby gave me a pair of fingerless gloves years ago and I LOVE them (since then, I’ve seen them for $1 in The Dollar Store). They keep my hands warm while I’m typing. They’re now one of my essentials.

10. Writing Craft Books From The Library – Cost: Free

My dear wonderful hubby does this for me all the time. He’ll borrow a stack of writing craft books from the library. I’ll skim through these books during the holidays, gleaming some tips. One or two might become reference books. My hubby will buy these books for me during the next special occasion.

If you don’t live close to your aspiring writer, you could email or print some tips from online sources. Maybe your aspiring writer is struggling with evaluating ideas. Comb the internet for advice from different writers on how to do this and compile the information for her.

The big book I’m writing for 2015 is based in an exotic country. My dear hubby borrowed travel books for this country from the library. He sends me photos of the setting, tips on little things I might not know that will add flavor to my story, AND, best of all, he has arranged interviews with his friends who have lived in this setting.

Writers, what are some low or no cost gifts you’d love to receive? Gift givers, what are your suggestions?


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Nicolas Rainer, Chicago’s most sought-after billionaire bachelor, has finally decided what he wants, and that’s Bee Carter in his arms, forever. He shows up unannounced on her doorstep and kisses her until her toes curl and her body burns.

Nicolas wasn’t the sexy man Bee expected to see this morning. Hawke Masters, her tattooed former marine, is riding his customized chopper toward the condo building, anticipating an equally mind-meltingly erotic encounter.

Both men want her with a thrilling intensity. Neither her billionaire nor her biker wishes to share her affections. Is today the day Bee is forced to choose?

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Sinful Rewards 5-Ordering Dinner In Another Language

By Cynthia Sax on November 26, 2014

The dear wonderful hubby and I travel quite a bit. We often don’t know more than a couple of courtesy words in the local language, which makes ordering food an adventure. We’ll point at something another patron is having. Once my hubby mooed to tell the waiter he wanted beef. (grins) I’ve clucked to indicate chicken. Sometimes we simply choose things at random. Many times we have no idea what we’re eating.

Bee, the heroine of Sinful Rewards, had a similar adventure when she had a lunch at a French restaurant.

Here’s a bit of the scene


The waiter returns, the hoity-toity bastard addressing me in French, knowing I don’t understand a word he says. I read his face. He gazes at me as my mom gazes at the customers she serves, waiting for their orders.

I glance down at the menu, having no idea what it says. He looks at me expectantly and I’m too damn proud to admit I don’t know a word of French. “I’d like this.” I point to a menu line.

The waiter sniffs. “Mademoiselle, that states that vegetarian options are available upon request.” He says nothing more, not helping me at all.

I point at another line. This seems to make him happy as he rattles off more French words. Then he waits. Again.

Oh, God. What does he want? I gaze at Lona. She’s cuddling with Jacques, in her own happy-little-couple world. I glance at Francois.

He sighs, shaking his head. “You don’t know a word of French, do you?”

“This is America.” I lift my chin. “I shouldn’t need to know French.”

“I’m American and I know French.” Francois changes languages as easily as I change outfits, talking with the waiter.


Have you ever had adventures in ordering food in another country or language?


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Nicolas Rainer, Chicago’s most sought-after billionaire bachelor, has finally decided what he wants, and that’s Bee Carter in his arms, forever. He shows up unannounced on her doorstep and kisses her until her toes curl and her body burns.

Nicolas wasn’t the sexy man Bee expected to see this morning. Hawke Masters, her tattooed former marine, is riding his customized chopper toward the condo building, anticipating an equally mind-meltingly erotic encounter.

Both men want her with a thrilling intensity. Neither her billionaire nor her biker wishes to share her affections. Is today the day Bee is forced to choose?

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