My Recap Of The Consumer Electronics Show (CES)

By Cynthia Sax on January 14, 2015

Last week, I had the good fortune of attending the Consumer Electronics Show, the giant technology and innovation celebration in Las Vegas, one of my favorite cities. I’m writing a series of posts for Dear Author, covering the emerging technologies that will change a reader’s world. I thought, today, I’d share my overall impressions and a few of the fun and unusual things I saw.

This was my first year at the show representing myself as a blogger from the romance community (I usually attend as a business blogger) and I was pleasantly surprised by the reaction. Sales and marketing representatives (reps) were interested and respectful, many of them commenting on how big a market romance is.

I was also impressed by the number of female reps and attendees. In the past, the CES has been a bit of a sausage fest, a boy’s paradise. There were the infamous booth bunnies and everything (from the line ups to be tasered to the first person shooter video games) was targeted to men.

This year, there were fewer scantily clad women manning the booths (and it seemed as though these women were chosen for their intelligence as well as their good looks – many of them knew the products) and the displays were more female friendly. I was taken seriously and not simply viewed as ‘the wife’ (ironically, I’ve always covered the show for blogs and other media sources while my dear wonderful hubby attends simply to stay abreast of new technology).

Smart Rings - You can view texts on these finger-sized devices

I believe one of the reasons for this is because technology is now an integrated part of our lives. There were automatic-ordering refrigerators (they send messages to online grocery stores when we run low of milk) and cars that drive themselves, smart rings (we can answer calls and receive text message on devices that fit on our fingers) and robotic window cleaners.

One of the concepts I loved was the virtual clothing and grooming centers. Toshiba’s virtual fitting station (shown below – this isn’t me. She’s another CES attendee) allows shoppers to try on clothes and have them fitted virtually. Some of the guys were making me laugh because they were pushing their buddies to try on dresses.

Toshiba Virtual Fitting Solution

This wonderful woman isn't me!

Panasonic’s grooming station (shown) allows guests to try different hairstyles and grooming options before committing to the style. Want to know how you’d look with bangs? This technology will show you. Again, this sparked some humorous exchanges with men sporting mullets and Flock of Seagull hairstyles.

Panasonic Manscaping Grooming Station


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Bee Carter has been offered everything she has ever dreamed of—a caring, lasting relationship with a handsome, often charming billionaire; the permanent home she’s never had but has always craved; and wealth to buy the designer fashions she loves, support her hard-working mother, and ensure her acceptance by Chicago’s elite.

To obtain what she’s desired for so long, she has to do only two things: Walk away from her best friend, a woman who is destined to betray her … and end her passionate nightly encounters with a certain tattooed biker, a former Marine who can never give her what she needs.

Her answer should be clear, but the heart has a way of complicating even the most straightforward decisions.

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Sinful Rewards 7 – Bikes

By Cynthia Sax on January 12, 2015

While I was trekking around the world over the holidays, causing chaos, I spotted a few beautiful bikes.

This bike was snapped at Curacao.

(click to enlarge)

Harley-Davidson Motorcycle Curacao

This bike was snapped outside the Harley store in the O’Hare Airport in Chicago. I thought it was apt considering Sinful Rewards is set in Chicago.

Harley-Davidson Motorcycle O'Hare Airport (Chicago)

Hawke's View

Here’s a snippet of a ride in Sinful Rewards 7.


“Get on the bike, Belinda.” He pats the seat behind him, the smack of skin against leather loud and arousing. “You need this ride.”

“Okay.” I obey him, swinging my leg over the huge machine. The only alternative is to return to the condo, and I don’t want to face Cyndi. Not yet.

“Trust me,” Hawke repeats. He pulls on my legs, sliding me closer to him, his body wedged between my thighs. I slip my hands under his leather jacket and wrap my arms around him, linking my fingers over his flat stomach.

As Hawke dons his sunglasses, his muscles ripple under his black cotton T-shirt. He’s bluntness and brute strength, a primitive beast, savage and unrepentant.

And today, this wild man is mine. I grip him tighter, thrilled by this thought.

Hawke revs the throttle, and the bike vibrates under my ass, all of me rubbing against all of him. I shudder with joy, resting my helmeted head against his back.

The damn man laughs as the machine shoots forward, its tires eating pavement. Hawke weaves in and out of Chicago traffic, avoiding bike couriers and tourists rubbernecking in rental cars, upgrade options dangling from their rearview mirrors. The wind plucks at my pants, whipping the fabric around my legs, and I cuddle closer to my big biker.

Hawke leans backward, silently communicating that he’s here, he has me. Heads turn as we ride, pedestrians gawking at us with open curiosity. My military man doesn’t need bright colors or designer fashions to garner attention. His mere presence attracts gazes. I splay my fingers over his stomach, and our speed accelerates.

Hawke turns the bike off Michigan Avenue, navigating the side streets. The neighborhoods deteriorate and the pavement becomes rougher. He navigates around deep potholes, man and machine moving as one.

The sun warms my shoulders and cool air brushes over my bare arms, the contrast thrilling me. I feel alive, free, happy. Laughter bubbles in my throat.

Hawke was right. This ride is exactly what I need, our speed blowing the worries from my mind. I hug my tattooed biker, trying to convey my joy, and he squeezes my right knee, the warmth of his palm permeating the fabric of my pants.


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Bee Carter has been offered everything she has ever dreamed of—a caring, lasting relationship with a handsome, often charming billionaire; the permanent home she’s never had but has always craved; and wealth to buy the designer fashions she loves, support her hard-working mother, and ensure her acceptance by Chicago’s elite.

To obtain what she’s desired for so long, she has to do only two things: Walk away from her best friend, a woman who is destined to betray her … and end her passionate nightly encounters with a certain tattooed biker, a former Marine who can never give her what she needs.

Her answer should be clear, but the heart has a way of complicating even the most straightforward decisions.

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Free Scenes With Cyndi And Cole

By Cynthia Sax on January 9, 2015

This post has adult content. If you are under the age of eighteen years old and/or sensitive to adult language/situations, please do not read this post.

I’ve been writing Cyndi’s story on the Goodreads group ( ). These scenes are raw and uncensored, completely unedited.


“I thought you’d never ask, darling.” Cole’s slow southern accent adds syllables to each word. No man should look and sound as good as he does.

He cups my ass, lifting me off the ground. I like my family’s candy a little too much and I’m not a small woman. This feat alone impresses the hell out of me. I wrap my legs around him, supplementing his efforts.

Bracing me against the brick wall, my movie star nudges against my pussy lips with his cock head, searching for the right entrance. I hold onto his shoulders and shift my hips, assisting him.

Finally, we align and he lowers me, agonizingly slowly. “That’s it, baby,” I murmur encouragement. “You’ve got it.”

He’s got me. Completely. God, Cole has a nice cock, thick with a bit of kink to it. My eyes roll back in my head. His cock head is hitting all the right places, filling me up.

Finally my pussy lips press against his neatly trimmed private curls and my sextastic movie star ride temporarily comes to a halt. I meet his electric blue gaze, stunned that I have my Hollywood crush inside me. “You alright?” I ask, my voice husky. “Or do you need a stand in?”

He blinks once, twice, his eyelashes obscenely long, and then he throws back his head and laughs. “Stand in?” He withdraws half an inch and rocks back into me. “Fuck you,” he says this with a toe curling affection, giving me another shallow thrust.

I gasp, the sensation delectable. “That’s what I keep asking you to do.” I help him, pulling myself higher, because, unless the man is huge and the woman is tiny, fucking against a wall is a two person job. “Don’t hold back on my account,” I push him, breathless with passion. “I can take anything you give me.”

“I doubt that,” he huffs, driving into me harder, deeper, smacking my bare ass against the rough brick. I’ll feel this for days, weeks, his sexual autograph imprinted on my skin. “I’m a bad ass in the sack.”

Oh lordie. He is. I pant. “How…are…you…against…the…wall?” I force the words and my grin, my pussy already tightening around his shaft.

“God.” Cole burrows his face in the curve where my neck meets my shoulder. “Not as good as you.” He ruts into me with everything he has, shaking my body, making my pussy lips hum.

I meet him halfway, giving as good as I get, digging my heels into his clenched ass cheeks, riding him like the stud he is. Our sex noises are concealed by the roar of unseen bikes.

We work together for our release. I angle my hips so he hits the right spots. He smacks his cotton-covered chest against my breasts, stimulating my super sensitive nipples.

I’ve been with a lot of men but none of them felt like this, right, perfect, destined. His musk and heat engulfs me, giving the illusion of safety, of caring.

He pistons in and out of me and I moan. Neither of us will last long, not with this first, perhaps only fuck. We both have healthy sex drives and we’ve been teasing each other all night, eyefucking the hell out of each other.

“Come for me, darling,” Cole coaxes, ramming into me like the humping machine he is. He’s forgotten my name but that’s okay. He feels so good. I have to forgive him. “Come.”

“After you.” I grit my teeth, my arms and legs trembling.

“Come,” he growls, thrusting harder, the gentleman in him insisting ladies come first.

I’m no lady. “After you,” I repeat, squeezing his shaft with inner muscles, a move that never fails to make men shoot their wad.

“Fuck,” Cole roars, no exception. Except my movie star doesn’t forget about me, not even when consumed by a mind-splitting orgasm. He drives forward and swivels his hips, grinding against my clit, breaking my hold on reality.

I scream, bucking against him, twisting and writhing, trapped between hard man and a brick wall. Cole pins my ass in place, securing me as my world spins, streams of light flowing around me, waves of bliss rising and falling.

Gradually my surroundings become still, my breathing levels and rational thought returns. “Holy shit.” I dip my head and rest my chin on his shoulder. “You’re good.”

“You’re better.” Cole lowers me until my heels touch the pavement and we gaze at each other, two great lays acknowledging the skills of the other.

“There’s only so much I can do against the wall.” I pull my corset higher, concealing my breasts. “Blow jobs are where I truly shine.”

I fix my panties and skirt, trying to act as casual as possible, while my heart is cracking in two. He’ll leave me now, move on to the next fangirl, and it shouldn’t make me sad because that’s what we do. We fuck with no commitments, never getting involved, never looking back.

“I’m great at oral also.” Cole takes care of the condom, pulls up his jeans. Regret chills me. I didn’t even get to see him without his shirt. “I bet you taste good.” His gaze slides to my face.

“I do taste good.” I tilt my chin upward.

“Ever been eaten out on a bike?” He holds out his hand.

I slide my palm against his, hope filling my chest. “Nope.” Does he want more? “But you don’t have a bike.”

Cole gives me one of his million dollar smiles. “I don’t have a bike in Chicago. I have one in LA.”

“I know a great place for breakfast in LA.” I beam at him.


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Bee Carter has been offered everything she has ever dreamed of—a caring, lasting relationship with a handsome, often charming billionaire; the permanent home she’s never had but has always craved; and wealth to buy the designer fashions she loves, support her hard-working mother, and ensure her acceptance by Chicago’s elite.

To obtain what she’s desired for so long, she has to do only two things: Walk away from her best friend, a woman who is destined to betray her … and end her passionate nightly encounters with a certain tattooed biker, a former Marine who can never give her what she needs.

Her answer should be clear, but the heart has a way of complicating even the most straightforward decisions.

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Sinful Rewards 7 – Where You Belong

By Cynthia Sax on January 7, 2015

Have you ever walked into a place or situation and known in your gut that you were meant to be there? You might not have been able to explain why. Perhaps all signs indicated the opposite. But you knew you were exactly where you were supposed to be.

When I was sixteen, I fundraised my way into a class trip to France (that, in itself, was a miracle – I think I sold a handmade crepe to everyone in our small town). A couple of days into the trip, I was feeling homesick. My French was rough. I’d never been out of Canada. We were in Paris. Our hotel had more people than my home town. It was scary and confusing and I missed my big, noisy family.

Then I walked into Sacre Coeur and I instantly knew this was where I was meant to be. I didn’t know why. The church situated in the artsy section of Paris didn’t reflect my religious background. I couldn’t understand half of the things spoken or written on the walls. I didn’t appreciate the architecture. It was dark and a bit gloomy.

I walked to a wall of lit candles, not understanding the reason for the display or for the feeling of rightness inside me. An elderly woman hobbled to the spot beside me, paid her francs for a candle and lit it. She explained in small words, slowly spoken, that she lights a candle every year on this day, the day of her husband’s death. She’d been doing this for over two decades. He was and will always be the love of her life.

After that day, a part of me always judged the guys I dated by that standard—would I light a candle for him decades after he died? When I met my dear wonderful hubby, the answer was ‘yes.’ Is that the reason I was meant to be at Sacre Coeur at that time? I don’t know.

Bee, the heroine in Sinful Rewards, my sizzling hot contemporary erotic romance serial, walks into The Road Gator and knows she belongs. She shouldn’t fit in. She’s a fashionista, with no military or biker experience. The men and women at The Road Gator all served their country and they ride. They wear leather and sport tattoos. She prefers designer dresses and would never consider anything as permanent as ink. They’re hard drinkers. She’s under the table after two shots.

But their core values—loyalty, protecting others—are the same. They understand and don’t judge each other. Bee feels safe there. She fits in, is accepted as one of them. Will she continue to be accepted? We don’t yet know.

Have you ever walked into a place and knew you belonged? Please share your experience!


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Bee Carter has been offered everything she has ever dreamed of—a caring, lasting relationship with a handsome, often charming billionaire; the permanent home she’s never had but has always craved; and wealth to buy the designer fashions she loves, support her hard-working mother, and ensure her acceptance by Chicago’s elite.

To obtain what she’s desired for so long, she has to do only two things: Walk away from her best friend, a woman who is destined to betray her … and end her passionate nightly encounters with a certain tattooed biker, a former Marine who can never give her what she needs.

Her answer should be clear, but the heart has a way of complicating even the most straightforward decisions.

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Interviewed At Dawn’s Reading Nook

By Cynthia Sax on January 4, 2015

I’ve been interviewed at Dawn’s Reading Nook!

Here’s a snippet…

How much of your own personality bleeds into your characters?

Cynthia Sax: Part of the fun of writing is NOT being ourselves, exploring views of the world we wouldn’t necessarily hold. For example: I’m not overly concerned about my appearance yet Bee, the heroine in Sinful Rewards, is a fashionista. I’m not a great cook. She is.

BUT the emotion is real. I know what it is like not to fit in. I know what it is like to be responsible for other people, to not have the luxury of thinking only about myself when making life decisions.


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Bee Carter has spent a lifetime creating her good-girl persona. Three harsh words uttered in anger shred this carefully crafted façade, testing her relationships.

Nicolas, her handsome billionaire, is hiding a decades-old secret. Bee’s scandal will draw unwanted attention to his dark past, placing the real estate empire he’s built and the employees he manages in peril. Hawke, her tattooed bad-boy biker, protects the rich and famous. His high-profile clients won’t want their bodyguard to be linked to Chicago’s wild woman.

Both men desire her, craving her touch with a white-hot passion, but who will risk everything to stand by her side—her biker or her billionaire?

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2014 Recap

By Cynthia Sax on December 31, 2014

2014 was a very busy year! I beam as I look back at the stories I shared with readers this year.

The year started out with Flashes Of Me. I love this story. It has a special place in my heart as it allowed me to work through some challenges in my personal life.




Henley, the head of cyber security at Blaine Technologies, is a man no one crosses. He watches employees constantly using his network of cameras and enforces his rules by any means possible. Rumors of his violent past, his scarred hands and huge size have resulted in him being feared by everyone… almost everyone.

Katalina, the new intern, worries about the revelation of her most painful secret much more than she fears her sexy boss’s wrath. She sees the loneliness in his dark eyes, feels the gentleness in his marred fingers, tastes the need in his kisses, and she knows he watches her. His silly rules about not stripping for the cameras and no sex at the office are destined to be broken.

Kat likes to be watched. Henley can’t look away. Will this beauty be able to tame her beastly boss?


My next release was Breaking All The Rules with the colorful Camille and her ice man hero, Nate. Breaking All The Rules was named one of the best erotic romance novellas EVER. Yeah, I was stunned by that honor also!

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Nathan Lawford, Blaine Technologies’ chief financial officer, is known as the Iceman. He conducts his personal and business affairs without emotion, never allowing himself to become involved with anyone. When Nate sees something or someone he wants, he negotiates, paying a simple, set monetary price.

Now he wants Camille, the company’s green-haired intern.

Camille Joplin Trent never expected to be paid to pleasure the man of her dreams. She can’t quite figure out why this is a bad thing. Nate is intelligent, handsome, sophisticated, everything she’s ever wanted in a lover and never thought she could have. Their contract is for a month, thirty lust-filled days of making every sexual fantasy they’ve ever had come true. At the end of this month, the rules state their relationship will end.

Of course, Camille has never been good at following rules.


My next release was a spicy SciFi Erotic Romance. I was thrilled to continue the Tryst series with Alien Tryst.

While investigating some mysterious disappearances, Kane uncovers two secrets that change his world. He’s not entirely human. He’s also dangerously close to death. His alien grandfather has broken a sacred rule, putting his entire bloodline, including Kane, at risk of termination.

Eshe, a sexy blonde scientist with lush lips and a hot body, is Kane’s only hope to save his family. He’ll do anything to keep her safe, including fighting alien warriors, crossing vast galaxies and giving his woman the pleasure she craves again and again, using every inch of his fit physique.

In this world, passion is power and love is necessary for survival.

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Tryst Denied, the third and final story in the Tryst series, was released next.

Tawania sees aliens. She knows they’re not real. To avoid being locked up in an institution, she does what any functioning insane person would do—she ignores her imaginary intergalactic visitors. Only one tall sexy alien won’t be ignored. Raff’s heated touch scorches Tawania’s grip on reality. His kisses drive her to madness. He declares that she’s his destined mate. He also insists he’s real.

Raff, an Orogone warrior, is very much real. This handsome warrior has been sent to Earth to round up misbehaving off-worlders and he’s not accustomed to being ignored, especially not by a brown-eyed human female with the most kissable lips in fifteen galaxies. He has mere days to convince her to bond with him. Failure results in death.

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The first six stories in Sinful Rewards released from June to December!

Belinda “Bee” Carter is a good girl; at least, that’s what she tells herself. And a good girl deserves a nice guy—just like the gorgeous and moody billionaire Nicolas Rainer. He is everything she wants in a man.

Or so she thinks, until she takes a look through her telescope and sees a naked, tattooed man on the balcony across the courtyard. Hawke is mysterious, the bad boy she knows will bring only heartbreak. He has been watching her, and that makes him all the more enticing.

But when a mysterious and anonymous text message dares her to do something bad, she must decide if she is really the good girl she has always claimed to be, or if she’s willing to risk everything for her secret fantasy of being watched.

Is her mystery man the reclusive billionaire with a wild side or the darkly dangerous bad boy?

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Which erotic romances did you LOVE in 2014?


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Bee Carter has spent a lifetime creating her good-girl persona. Three harsh words uttered in anger shred this carefully crafted façade, testing her relationships.

Nicolas, her handsome billionaire, is hiding a decades-old secret. Bee’s scandal will draw unwanted attention to his dark past, placing the real estate empire he’s built and the employees he manages in peril. Hawke, her tattooed bad-boy biker, protects the rich and famous. His high-profile clients won’t want their bodyguard to be linked to Chicago’s wild woman.

Both men desire her, craving her touch with a white-hot passion, but who will risk everything to stand by her side—her biker or her billionaire?

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Sinful Rewards 6 – Fashions

By Cynthia Sax on December 29, 2014

One of the fun things about writing Sinful Rewards was looking at all of the different fashions. Sinful Rewards 6 has a couple great fashion moments.

This Jonathan Saunders Benni crepe and satin-crepe dress is very similar to the dress Angel wears to the club, except her dress was all black.

This is THE Hermès Le Mors à la Conetable’ Silk Twill Scarf that is featured in Sinful Rewards 6. I’ve had the good fortune to touch a similar scarf (not own it – laughs) and they are very delicate works of art. A Hermès scarf is definitely a classic accessory that can be worn forever and handed down from mother to daughter, a possibility that really appeals to Bee.


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Bee Carter has spent a lifetime creating her good-girl persona. Three harsh words uttered in anger shred this carefully crafted façade, testing her relationships.

Nicolas, her handsome billionaire, is hiding a decades-old secret. Bee’s scandal will draw unwanted attention to his dark past, placing the real estate empire he’s built and the employees he manages in peril. Hawke, her tattooed bad-boy biker, protects the rich and famous. His high-profile clients won’t want their bodyguard to be linked to Chicago’s wild woman.

Both men desire her, craving her touch with a white-hot passion, but who will risk everything to stand by her side—her biker or her billionaire?

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Merry Christmas / Happy Holidays

By Cynthia Sax on December 25, 2014

Christmas Tree In Barbados

Christmas Tree In Barbados

Merry Christmas to reading and writing buddies who celebrate! Happy Holidays if you don’t celebrate. No matter what, today is usually a family day. I will be spending it with my dear wonderful hubby!

Monkey Christmas Tree In Barbados

Monkey Christmas Tree In Barbados

I’m taking the opportunity between Christmas and New Year’s to work on a new story. This story is a contemporary erotic romance with characters and a setting you haven’t seen before. Yes, the hero is a billionaire. He makes me smile and I think you’ll love him also.

Purple Christmas Tree In St Thomas

Purple Christmas Tree In St. Thomas

I can’t share much more about this new project because it might change significantly before it is published. I don’t know who will be publishing it yet. My awesome agent handles those details.

Christmas Tree And yacht In St Thomas

Christmas Tree And Yacht In St Thomas

As for the unsuccessful hero in Sinful Rewards, I hope to also write his story in 2015 (and no, I won’t tell you who that hero is – grins). He is definitely hero material, especially after all of the activities in this story.

Christmas Decoration In St Kitts

Christmas Decoration In St Kitts

I hope to write some more SciFi erotic romances in 2015 also. I have a novella that is half completed with a hard as rock (literally) alien hero.

Christmas Tree In St Kitts

Christmas Tree In St Kitts

But for now, I’m concentrating on the contemporary erotic romance and am looking forward to reading great erotic romances from writing buddies. If I’ve been a good girl (unlikely – grins), there will be some under the tree today!

Poinsettia Christmas Tree In Charlotte Airport North Carolina

Poinsettia Christmas Tree In Charlotte Airport North Carolina


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Nicolas Rainer, Chicago’s most sought-after billionaire bachelor, has finally decided what he wants, and that’s Bee Carter in his arms, forever. He shows up unannounced on her doorstep and kisses her until her toes curl and her body burns.

Nicolas wasn’t the sexy man Bee expected to see this morning. Hawke Masters, her tattooed former marine, is riding his customized chopper toward the condo building, anticipating an equally mind-meltingly erotic encounter.

Both men want her with a thrilling intensity. Neither her billionaire nor her biker wishes to share her affections. Is today the day Bee is forced to choose?

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Sinful Rewards And Anticipation

By Cynthia Sax on December 24, 2014

Christmas At Selfridges

Christmas, for me, is all about the anticipation. I love thinking about how loved ones will react when they receive my gifts. I put a lot of thought into each one, trying to find the perfect presents.

When we were kids, we were very poor (we didn’t eat every day) and we couldn’t afford much. We could, however, dream and man, oh, man, did we! We’d grab a toy catalogue and study the pages for hours, envisioning all of the toys, who would receive what, who we’d invite to play with us. We had so much fun. Even now, I look back at that time and smile.

Bee feels this way about the rewards she earns from Friendly, her mysterious texter. Cyndi, her best friend, wants to open every box immediately. Bee likes to dream about what might be inside. Before she opens the box, anything is possible. The reward could be a gown she’s always wanted, tickets to Paris, a night out for Cyndi and herself.

I also feel this way about the remaining stories in Sinful Rewards. There are some wonderful scenes, some heart wrenching magical moments and I love thinking about how you’ll react when you read them.


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Bee Carter has spent a lifetime creating her good-girl persona. Three harsh words uttered in anger shred this carefully crafted façade, testing her relationships.

Nicolas, her handsome billionaire, is hiding a decades-old secret. Bee’s scandal will draw unwanted attention to his dark past, placing the real estate empire he’s built and the employees he manages in peril. Hawke, her tattooed bad-boy biker, protects the rich and famous. His high-profile clients won’t want their bodyguard to be linked to Chicago’s wild woman.

Both men desire her, craving her touch with a white-hot passion, but who will risk everything to stand by her side—her biker or her billionaire?

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Sinful Rewards And Dating Naked

By Cynthia Sax on December 22, 2014

One of my guilty pleasures is watching episodes of Dating Naked. Dating Naked is exactly what it sounds like—the participants go on blind dates while completely naked. The premise is that when people bare their bodies, they bare themselves.

This is similar to one of the premises of Sinful Rewards. When Bee first looks at Hawke, he’s standing on his balcony, completely naked. He has tattoos and scars. She reads his past on his skin. He’s open about who he is and what he wants.

In contrast, both Bee and Nicolas are very careful about who sees their bare bodies and who sees their true selves. They keep secrets, hiding under layers of clothing.

Thanks to Friendly, the mysterious texter, Bee engages in more and more daring displays of exhibitionism, revealing her body and her true self. Nicolas doesn’t reveal his body until Sinful Rewards 6, when he showers at Bee’s place. This undressing coincides with emotional sharing, an openness, and signals trust.

Yep, I appreciate the premise behind Dating Naked. The biggest issue I have with the show is the man’s physical reaction. The man is expected to control himself, to look at his beautiful date and not get an erection. It is shameful if he gets a boner.

I don’t know about you but when a man looks at my naked body, I WANT him to get an erection. I want him to lose control, to want me, to not think about anything other than touching me, being with me. I’ve been with my hubby for over twenty years and he still can’t carry on a conversation while I’m naked.

Would you date naked? If a man sees you naked, do you expect him to react or to control himself?


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Bee Carter has spent a lifetime creating her good-girl persona. Three harsh words uttered in anger shred this carefully crafted façade, testing her relationships.

Nicolas, her handsome billionaire, is hiding a decades-old secret. Bee’s scandal will draw unwanted attention to his dark past, placing the real estate empire he’s built and the employees he manages in peril. Hawke, her tattooed bad-boy biker, protects the rich and famous. His high-profile clients won’t want their bodyguard to be linked to Chicago’s wild woman.

Both men desire her, craving her touch with a white-hot passion, but who will risk everything to stand by her side—her biker or her billionaire?

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